Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 50_Themes ❯ Theme #38: Sensations ( Chapter 38 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Shimatta! My blasted Microsoft Word crashed twice! And then it erased my fic! *Sobs* *CURSES LOUDLY AND REPEATEDLY*
Title: Purr
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #38, Sensations

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: AU, het
It is purely by accident that Lance discovers Red is a creature of sensation. Red is fast asleep on the couch in the Elite's shared living room, so she plucks a Noctowl feather from a passing bird and begins to tickle him.
What harm could it do?
Red wakes up shrieking with giggles, and then tackles her to the ground in an amazing display of acrobatics. She drops the feather, and he kisses her.
That startles the Dragon Master, so she's quite unable to move as Red runs his fingers up and down her body, before kissing her again, and before she really knows what's going on all their clothing has gone flying and he is purring.
Lance decides that this may not be the best idea.
But she enjoys her ride all the same, and then Red licks her face, and that's when she realizes that she may have just unleashed something she can't control. So she drags the not-so-innocent Champion down the hall to her bedroom, and he busies himself playing with yarn of all things, and then they shower together and she takes him out for dinner.
Red really likes seafood, and the way he eats reminds Lance of a kitten. So she makes him warm milk when they go home, and he melts. That's when she decides to just marry the man.
He's too sleepy to protest, much, when she takes him to the all-night chapel, and they don't even need rings. Besides, she doesn't do one-night stands, so now he is hers forever, whether he wishes it or no.
She's mean like that.
Luckily, the Trainer didn't have any other prospects.
Once the euphoria dies down, they have a quiet talk about their future, and pancakes. Red likes pancakes.
After that, things are amazingly simple.
End Fic
Completed 8/20/06
Edited 8/1/09
Fluff! And Red got to be on top for a bit! WOOT!
I passed Organic Chemistry! YATTA!
Thank you so much, God, that this was one of the ones backed up on my storage CD *sighs in relief* Now I don't have to rewrite the theme! YATTA!