Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ A Brand New Day ❯ HomeSick ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Piplup!Don't be shy.This is Buizel,I know you two will become friends.”Kat smiled,patting Piplup on its head.
Piplup ran over to Buizel and squeeked.It wanted to play.
“Kat,why don't you stay for a while,I mean before you leave on your journey.I think Buizel really like Piplup.'Kat's mother said.
“Sure,I can stay for a little while.”
Kat and her mother sat on the pourch and watched Piplup and Buizel play.Piplup chased Buizel around in circles as it laughed.
“Well,do you think Piplup and I will be best friends?”
“Better believe it!”Kat's mother smiled.
Kat smiled as she saw the two pokemon playing.
An hour passed and Kat was ready to leave.
“By mom,I'll be sure to visit when ever I can!!”
Kat's mother waved back at Kat,a big smile on her face.
Piplup walked alongside Kat.
As Kat and Piplup traveled further away from home,Kat started to feel home sick.She would not go back,not now.She looked up at the sky,grey clouds were coming in fast.It would rain soon.
“Piplup,we should find shelter.It going to rain soon.”
Piplup looked up at the sky and jumped up with a chirp.Kat smiled.
“That's right.You're a water type.You like the water!”
A cold drop of rain fell on Kat's face.The wind blew past and the leaves made a whispering sound,and the tree's moaned.Pretty soon it started raining.Kat was running and Piplup was next to her.
“It does'nt look like its going to get anybetter out.”kat said.
Kat could feel the rain coming down harder.She sneezed a bit and knew that if she did not find somewere to stay,she would catch a cold.
Minutes passed and still there was no shelter.Kat had never been out in the cold rain for this long.She began to feel sick and tired.
“Its been almost 30 minutes,Piplup!Do you see any were to stay?”Kat shivered.
Piplup shook its head.Kat sneezed again,then she coughed.Kat began shivering.
“Piplup….”Piplup chirped,looking at Kat.
“I'm fine.I just have a co----“Kat was cut off by a sneeze.
Kat saw a bundle of bushes next to a tree.She thought maybe she could use the tree and bushes as shelter.She went over and sat down.
“I'm so tired of walking.We should wait here until the raining stops.”
Piplup chirped and hopped onto Kat's lap.In minutes Kat was asleep.Piplup was worried though.
When Kat awoke the sun was shining.Her clothes were soaked and her hair was wet,it had just stopped raining.Kat coughed and sneezed.She was still shivering.
“Pip!Piplup!”Piplup chirped.
Kat had gotten sick,she had a bad headache and was exhausted.
Piplup jumped out of the bushes.It had heard someone coming.
Piplup ran over to a Pokemon Ranger,panicking and flapping its flippers.
“A Piplup?Those are usually only given out to trainers.What are you doing here little one?”
Piplup ran to the bushes and started to jump around.The Pokemon Ranger walked over and gasped.She saw a girl laying in the bushes.
“You poor Girl!!”
Kat coughed a bit.The Ranger lifted her up and put a blanket around her.
“There's a Pokemon Center near by hear.I'll help you get their okay.”
Kat nodded.The ranger helped Kat walk,as she was sick and a bit light-headed.