Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Spirits ❯ Camulus, God of War ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: Hybrid Raiju
Warning: Mild Cussing, Suggestive Content, and Blood
Satoshi Tajiri is the true owner of Pokemon and any characters that I did not create. Thank you.

Broken Spirits
Chapter 2
~Camulus, God of War~


My ears twitched as I heard soft breathing to my right. Then my eyes struggled to open. I couldn’t see! In a panic, I let out a soft cry. Then an intruding voice entered my mind and spoke. Please, be quiet.. Everyone else is trying to sleep.

Hesitantly I replied back, What do you mean? Trying to sleep? And why can’t I open my eyes?! My voice rose at the end.

Not so loud! I can hear you just fine. And…you can’t open your eyes? Oh, boy. I heard a soft sigh and decided this voice was defiantly female. Then a sharp pain coursed through my left ear and my eyes popped open. “Hey! What’cha do that for?!” My voice had an accusing note in it.

A chuckle came from behind me. No, it was above me. I flipped my head up and- stared into lavender eyes. I blinked and noticed they were surrounded in pink fur. A small mouth was around the tip of my ear, pointed teeth holding it gently. The Pokemon, which I now recognized to be an Espeon, detached herself from me and smiled down at me. “Hullo.” she said softly, cat-like eyes blinking in welcome, “I hope your leg is feeling alright.”

Her face suddenly became sheepish and she gave a nervous giggle. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you so badly. It was just I hadn’t battled in a while. “


My brown eyes drifted over to my side and… What the!? I was laying on a hospital bed. On my hind leg was a sort of cast. I wriggled it slightly and cussed in pain. At this, the Espeon pursed her lips disapprovingly.

“My name,” she said, her forked tail pointing at herself, ”is Sigel. Your new trainer’s name is Celia. They‘ll be taking that cast off in a bit. Your leg was broken, compound fracture.”

I couldn’t help but scoff at this. “Doesn’t it normally take at least a few weeks to heal?” The Espeon suddenly looked uncomfortable. Her pink ears laid back and her tail stopped twitching merrily.

“Well…um… You’ve been asleep for two weeks. We had Aurora stay by in case you woke up ,so she could use hypnosis.” My jaw dropped. Then I swallowed. Then, I growled.

My legs lifted me up and I sprang at the Espeon, pinning her down. “What the!? Are you saying I’m now somebody’s pet? Wait…I remember. You hurt me, knocked me out, then let your damn trainer use a Poke Ball to catch me. You call yourself a-”

A voice from the door that led outside into the lobby interrupted us. I glanced up, forgetting that my face was inches from the Espeon’s and my body was on top of her. I saw an Umbreon, standing there and glaring at us, at me. “Hell no!” he snarled, leaping at me. I was rolled off the Espeon and found myself now pinned down, a black paw pressing on my wind pipe.

The pressure began to increase and I found that I couldn’t breath. I let out a choking sound and the Espeon was suddenly pushing him off of me. “No Fenrir. He was just upset. He wasn’t going to…” Her voice trailed off and I realized what she was talking about.

I sprang to my paws, a blush appearing beneath my yellow and white fur as I shook my head violently. I sneaked a look at the Espeon. What was her name? Oh, yes. Sigel. But, I shook my head, I highly doubted I would ever do that with this Espeon. Sigel, her name is Sigel.

Sigel was watching the Umbreon with a disappointed look on her face. She went over and nuzzled him, causing understanding to dawn on me. “Oh,” I said slowly.” Sigel’s your mate.”

Red eyes were glaring at me as I once again found myself pinned down. “The Umbreon spoke through gritted teeth, the golden rings upon his black body disappearing and reappearing quickly. “Sigel is my sister! We’re not…she’s not.” The Umbreon known as Fenrir shook his head, jumped off of me, and quickly left the room.

“Oh ,Fenrir.” Sigel padded over to me, her head drooping, tail listless. She rubbed her head against his and gave a soft sigh. “Say hello to one of your teammates. I’m another, as I said before.”

I shook my head, an unsatisfied smirk on my face. “I’d hate to see the others.” I joked. Then the smirk dropped from my face as her own face became like stone.

“Well, time to meet the others. And to get you a name. Celia will see to that.” She flicked her forked tail and started to pad out of the room, but then stopped and looked back at me.

My mouth was open in a tiny o and my voice rose as I snapped, “I already have a name! And if there are any others like that bastard, please, count me out!”

Sigel gave a sigh. “I thought you might feel that way. Confusion.” I found myself surrounded in a violet aura. Then, I felt a tug on my body and found myself floating behind the Espeon. Once we passed through the door, it closed with her using Psychic and I gave a low growl.

Then, I was suddenly lowered to the ground and dropped in front of a group of pokemon and people. Before me I saw a Persian, a Charmeleon, the same Umbreon from earlier, a Ninetails, and a Raichu. There were also three humans. A Nurse Joy, my new “trainer” and a girl that seemed to be her younger sister.

My “trainer” turned to face the younger girl as she pulled out two poke balls. “Thanks for letting me borrow Aurora. I doubt I’ll need her any longer though.” She nodded to what my “trainer” said, but didn’t do anything else except call the Persian and Raichu back into their Poke Balls. Then the girl, who had red hair, made a clicking sound with her fingers and the Ninetails got up and padded to her side.

That’s Rain, Celia’s little sister. The Ninetails is Aurora, she’s the one who knocked you out. The other two are new additions. I don’t’ know their names. Again Sigel spoke in my head. I felt used to it and did nothing but raise one of my eyebrows. And who is the Charmeleon? Also, why are there only three of you? I can see that girl has 16 badges, obviously from other regions. Why not other Pokemon?

The Charmeleon is Vayu, he’s quite a few levels lower than you and I. But he’s still powerful. He’s close to evolving; just another few levels. And Celia wanted to bring only her first two pokemon and the one her cousin gave her. She wants to catch new pokemon in this area.
I contemplated this then tensed as Celia, my new human, came up to me.

“Hiya, boy.” she said in a soft, yet firm voice. “We’re going to be good teammates. I need to get you a name though. Well, I did. But, Sigel explained to me about you, about the fire inside you.” She laughed lightly and rubbed me under the chin. At this, I could not help but close my eyes and nuzzle her hand for more when she stopped.

Celia laughed again, then reached into a tote bag she was carrying and withdrew a book. “Let’s see here; where did I put it?” She flipped through the book until she came to a certain page. It was there that a folded piece of paper fell out.

Celia picked it up, unfolding it and smoothing out the creases. Her azure eyes brightened and she read out quietly, “Camulus, God of War. Full of fire and anger, he often sent out his minions to rain thunder upon his foes.” Then she smiled at me and folded the paper again. “It sounds liked you; doesn’t it?”

I rolled my eyes but gave a grudging nod. Then I looked away, embarrassed, as she gave me a hug. A chill ran down my spine though. Fenrir was glaring at me, his blood red eyes seeming to hypnotize me. Then suddenly, Vayu and Sigel had crowded around Celia and I to congratulate me on my new name. And the dark pokemon was hid from view.