Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Fairy Tale ❯ Ambush ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Fairy Tale
Chapter 25 ♦ Ambush

The following day started at dawn with a brief audience with Flint.

"Have you considered the matter we discussed?" Flint's gaze was fixed on Timmy.

"Yes... uh... well—"

"We've discussed the matter, O King," said Misty, "and we're giving it serious consideration."

Timmy turned to her and she smiled warmly at him. He smiled back. Flint appeared to be appeased.

"Go now. I'll send word when it's safe to return."

With that, they were dismissed. They received provisions and were given a tauros-drawn cart. Timmy took the reins and off they went.

Their tauros trotted down the well-worn path towards Viridian. The weather was on their side, pleasantly warm with clouds blocking the heat of the sun. At their present pace, they expected to make it through the Forest to Viridian City by nightfall.

Half an hour out of town, they passed a solitary figure walking south. It turned out to be Kosaburo returning home, so they stopped to offer him a ride.

"Thank you, your highness," Kosaburo said to Gary. "You have new companions?"

"This is Prince Timmy," said Gary, pointing to the driver, "and this is a friend of mine."

Kosaburo looked at Misty. "A maiden fair and nameless. My humble greetings."

"Take a seat," said Gary.

Ash lifted Pikachu onto his lap to make room. Kosaburo sat down and they took off again.

By noon, they had reached the edge of the Forest. They stopped to rest their tauros and to have lunch. It was warming up, but they would soon be under the canopy of the trees.

After lunch, each of them took a toilet break in turn. While Kosaburo was away, Gary spoke to the others.

"Is it more than a coincidence that that guy's been following us?"

"What do you mean?" asked Misty.

"Ash and I met him on the way to Pewter."

"I heard his voice when we were sneaked into Cerulean," said Ash.

"And I'm pretty sure he had an audience with Flint yesterday just after us," said Gary.

"Maybe he went to Cerulean the same time we did," said Timmy, "and now he's going back home."

"Maybe," said Gary. "Then again..."

"Then again let's talk about something else," said Misty, who noticed Kosaburo come out from behind the trees.

The journey through Viridian Forest was uneventful. The tauros moved slowly over the uneven path. Pikachu bobbed up and down on Ash's lap. When it got sick of it, it climbed up onto Ash's shoulder and gripped with all fours.

Ash noticed Pikachu look around. It must be remembering its old home, he thought. It suddenly occurred to him, what if Pikachu got homesick and suddenly decided to leave him. They continued their journey for hours, all the while Ash half-expecting Pikachu to spot something familiar and leap away.

Eventually they cleared the forest and Pikachu was still clinging to Ash. To his great relief, Ash's fears were unfounded. He and Pikachu were best friends, together forever.

It was late afternoon. The clouds had cleared and out of the forest the sunshine made it hot and sticky. They paused to stretch their legs. There was a stream where Timmy led the tauros to have a drink. Mindful of approaching nightfall, they kept their break short.

By dusk, their tauros was too tired to keep up its brisk pace, so they continued slowly, following the dirt road towards the town. Some buildings in the distance had lamps shining through the windows, but as time passed, darkness took over more and more. When they reached the outskirts of town, there was only starlight to guide them.

"Can you drop me off here please?" asked Kosaburo.

"It's dark," said Timmy. "We'll take you to your destination."

"It's not far," he replied. "Here's fine."

"As you wish."

Timmy pulled the reins and the tauros stopped. Kosaburo alighted, walked away and vanished in the darkness.

"Let's go," said Timmy, his head started to droop. It was a long day and everyone was tired and hungry.

Before he could flick the reins, a figure appeared from nowhere. He pulled out a sword and brought it down, slashing the reins. Timmy stood up, dropped the rope from his hands and pulled out his sword. Gary did the same.

Within moments, the shadows around them morphed into an army of swordsmen, all dressed in black. Ash was scared. He had faced dangers in recent days, but this felt different. There was an evil that sent a chill through his soul.

"Drop your weapons if you value your lives," said one of the figures. It was a female voice.

"Leave us alone, or some of you will die," replied Gary.

"Take them!" was the woman's answer. The swordsmen closed in.

Gary and Timmy held out their swords defensively. Gary waited until one figure was within striking distance.

His sword slashed with lightning speed. The figure defended, but by the time their swords clashed, Gary's was halfway through his neck. The dark figure keeled over, blood spurting. His body hit the cart and bounced to the ground.

"Leave us alone, or you could be next," said Gary, pointing to a random figure. "Or you."

"Tip the cart," said the leader.

Two men unhitched the tauros while several more grabbed the cart from one side and tipped it over. Gary and Timmy lost their balance and couldn't attack. They all fell onto the ground, but righted themselves immediately.

"Circle!" Ash called, remembering his training.

Misty fortuitously landed next to the dead swordsman's sword and picked it up. They formed a semicircle with the upturned cart forming a defensive wall behind them. Ash tried to join, but Gary pushed him behind. Pikachu, uncertain as to what was going on, stuck next to Ash.

The fighting began in earnest. Three men took on Gary, Timmy and Misty. They clashed and blocked. After a minute, the swordsmen retreated and another set of three replaced them. After another minute, they swapped again.

Ash noticed that the enemy were fighting defensively. They didn't even try to injure them. He thought of using Pikachu's thunderbolt, but from inside the semicircle he feared it might hit someone on his side. And if Pikachu moved out, he'd be sure to be killed by a sword.

The swordsmen swapped again. The battle was less vigorous, but Gary and Misty still managed to keep their swords up. Timmy, however, was faltering. Ash couldn't figure it out. They would have had a chance to kill him by now.

A sudden loud clash, and Timmy's sword dropped from his hand. His opponent thrust his sword forward. Timmy jumped back and hit the cart. His opponent held his sword under Timmy's chin, pinning him.

"Stop the fight!" yelled Timmy's opponent.

The other two swordfighters pulled back out of reach. The leader stepped forward. She addressed Gary and Misty.

"Drop your swords."

Gary and Misty looked at each other. There was nothing they could do. Misty dropped her sword. Gary sheathed his.

"Drop it or he dies," she said coldly.

Gary took out his sword again. Ash could sense where he really wanted to stick it, but he dropped it nevertheless.

"Torch!" ordered the leader with a snap of her fingers.

A torch was lit and handed to her. She approached Misty.

"Ah yes, I recognize the pretty face. A wanted princess. I wonder who'll pay more for your return, Walter or Flint?"

She stepped along to Gary.

"And I recognize you too—Prince Pallet, I believe. Pallet has become prosperous over the years. I think you'll fetch a good price too."

Ash, who was still standing behind Gary, saw the leader's face in the light of the torch. Her hair was tied back and her face was hidden by a scarf. Could this be?

She moved onto Timmy.

"I don't recognize you, but I can tell the family resemblance. Won't your father be glad you're still alive." She nodded to the swordsman, who put down his sword. Timmy began to breathe again.

She stepped back to Gary.

"This is for killing him," she said angrily, nodding to the body at their feet. He knee thrust up and forward into Gary's guts. He bent over in pain.

"Hey!" yelled Ash, stepping forward.

The woman didn't change her composure. She held the torch up to see Ash's face.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?" Ash responded, his face indignant but keeping his cool.

The woman's eyes opened wider.

"I ask the questions here!" She raised her hand to slap Ash's face.

Ash blocked with his forearm but he didn't retaliate. She stepped back to her men.

"You're from Pallet aren't you. Only Pallettowners have the gall to stand up to us unarmed. The others hide behind their monsters."

She stepped away from him, disdain on her face. "Take the others," she ordered his men. "You!" she pointed at the largest man. "Kill him," she said, nodding sideways at Ash. "But put away your sword. Make him suffer for his insolence to Cassidy!"

They bound Misty, Gary and Timmy and took them away. Ash was left with a thug twice his size. Pikachu looked up, wondering what was going on.

Ash couldn't read the man's face in the dark, but he sized him up. He'd be difficult, but not impossible. The man bore down on Ash and raised his fists.

Ash tried to surprise him. He shot a front kick towards him. The man swept Ash's leg aside as if he were swishing a fly. Without waiting, he shot his other fist towards Ash's face but Ash blocked the punch.

"A fighter," said the thug. "Let's see how tough you Pallettowners really are."

The man tried to punch Ash again with a left hook. Ash blocked it easily. It was followed by a punch to the gut that caught him by surprise. It winded him. The next thing he saw was the left hook again. Ash tried to block but he failed. The punch connected, sending Ash to the ground.

"Pikapi!" cried Pikachu while the man laughed. It ran over to Ash, sniffed him, then turned to face the attacker. Its cheeks sparked. The man hesitated.

Ash got to his feet. He circled around his opponent, waiting for a break. He was tired, hungry, thirsty and now in pain, but survival was his only thought.

The man moved forward. Ash jumped to one side, but the man had only feigned. The man feigned a move forward again. This time Ash didn't try to dodge. Instead, he shot a kick forward. It missed the man's vital spots and got him in the thigh. He showed no response.

Suddenly the thug bounded at Ash and socked him in the face. Ash blacked out, although for a moment before he lost consciousness, he thought he saw a blinding flash of light.

The next thing Ash sensed was pain and cold. He jerked awake. All around him was darkness. Was this death—dark, cold and painful? He touched his face. The bruise told him he was very much alive. In the sky above, a star could be seen here or there peeking at him through the clouds.

There were torches in the cart, but he would have to find them first. He decided to grope until he got lucky.

He got up and took a step. He tripped over something and fell flat on top of it. It was a body, a large one. It could have been the guy that was beating him up. That he was dead explained why Ash was still alive, but how did the guy die?

Then he remembered the flash of light.

"Pikachu!" he called.

No answer.

He turned the other way and called again. If someone's hurt Pikachu...

He fumbled his way around until he found the bag with the torches. He got one out, searched for the flints, and lit it.

He cringed when he saw that he was standing in a pool of blood that drained from the guy Gary had killed. He wiped his shoes.

He realized how hungry and thirsty he was. After another search, he found the rest of their provisions and replenished himself, careful not to look at the bodies.

He noticed Gary's sword so he picked it up. He didn't know how to use it, but he might bluff his way. Anyway, Gary would surely need it if he managed to find him.

He followed the footprints on the dirt road for several yards until they stopped at a cobbled road. Now what? He continued in the same direction until he arrived at an intersection. Which way? Flummoxed, he sat down on the stone surface and put his hand to his forehead.


Ash held up the torch and looked.

He couldn't believe it! Pikachu was not far away. Ash ran to his monster. It jumped onto his shoulder.

"Pikachu! Pikachu!" it said, pointing.

Knowing what Pikachu meant, Ash followed its directions.

After about half an hour, they came to a dilapidated building. Pikachu pointed to one of the windows. There was dim light coming through a tattered curtain. Ash peered inside between the holes. He saw two men sleeping near a door. To one side of the room, he could make out at least two other sleeping figures. One looked like Gary. The other had short, spiky hair like Timmy's.

Ash tried to think of what to do. He had no idea of how to get inside or how many people he would have to fight. But if he could sneak in through the window...

He dropped the torch and put it out. Using Gary's sword, he began to prize the window open. It wouldn't budge. It might not have been opened for years. He tried harder. The timber frame splintered. Glass panels fell out and smashed.

The guards woke up. They looked at the window and saw him. One guard said something to the other. The latter rushed through the door while the first drew his sword and ran to the window.

Ash drew back and put Pikachu down. He could see no other way.

"Pikachu, thunderbolt!" he cried, pointing at the window.

Pikachu obeyed. An arc of lightning flew from its cheeks and through the broken window. The guard screamed and fell down.

Ash cleared the rest of the wood and glass from the window with the sword and hauled himself and Pikachu in. Inside, Gary and the others were waking. They were all there, but their hands were bound. The man on the floor was still alive but horribly burnt and writhing in agony.

Ash couldn't handle what he saw. In a moment of horror and confusion, he used Gary's sword to put him out of his misery.

He ran over to Gary. He cut his ropes just as more men were entering the room. Gary took his sword and engaged one of the men.

"Untie the others," he told Ash.

The other men, sword at the ready, closed in.

"Thunderbolt!" cried Ash.

A yellow bolt connected Pikachu with the nearest man. He contorted for a second, then fell, still and smouldering. The man engaging Gary lost focus and was rewarded by a blade through his heart. The remaining men panicked and fled out the door.

Meanwhile, Ash had managed to untie Timmy. Gary then slashed Misty's ropes.

"Out the window," Ash told everyone.

"There's people out there," said Timmy.

"Use Pikachu again," said Misty.

"Pikachu," said Ash, pointing out the window, "thunderbolt!"

Pikachu jumped onto the sill and followed orders. No-one was hit, but they scattered.

"Alright, let's go," said Gary.

One by one, they jumped out. Ash was last and was about to leave when the men that had fled earlier came back inside.

"Get to safety, all of you!" Ash called out as the men approached.

Ash sent his leg backwards into the nearest man's stomach. He wasn't expecting it and got winded. Ash spun around and side kicked him in the groin. It connected solidly. The man stopped, his mouth and eyes open. He fainted.

But it was no use. By the time Ash righted himself, there was a sword against his right side and another not far to his left.

Cassidy walked into the room. She surveyed the carnage and shook her head.

"You again?"

Ash remained silent. Cassidy stooped and examined the bodies of the electrocuted men. She came up to Ash.

"Is that how you got away before? The monster?"

Ash didn't reply. One of the men jabbed him in the ribs with the blunt side of his sword.

"Never mind," she said. "Leave him. Lord Giovanni will be very interested in him." She asked Ash, "Will you at least tell me your name?" Her eyes glared. "Answer or I'll change my mind about sparing your life."

"I'm Ash, from Pallet."

"Very well, Ash. Sit over there until Lord Giovanni arrives. You two, stand guard. I'll send in some men to take care of these bodies."

Ash had no choice but to obey. Cassidy said she planned to keep him alive, so he took the opportunity to sleep.

Ash woke up to the sound of Cassidy's voice. Besides her and the two men guarding him, there were two others. One man looked only a few years older than Ash with a scarf around his face. Butch, undoubtedly. The other man was older, perhaps fifty, with dark hair, slightly balding. He wore formal clothing—expensive by the look of it.

"You were told to get up," said the younger man.

Ash couldn't mistake that voice. He got up and stared at him. The fellow stared back momentarily and then turned to Cassidy.

"So what happened?" he asked her.

"This guy shows up with a monster and turns it on my men," she replied.

The older man took a step forward.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked Ash. His voice carried authority and determination. He didn't seem like someone to mess with.

"No," Ash answered curtly, although he could hazard a guess.

"I am Giovanni, Lord of Viridian."

"What do you want with me?"

"Straight to the point. I like a man like that." Ash stared back without response.

"I too shall be straight to the point," Giovanni continued. "You are a monster tamer. I want you to impart that skill to my men."

"I'd sooner die!"

"That can be arranged."

Giovanni snapped his fingers. The two soldiers guarding him pulled out their swords. Ash knew this could be the end. But that's what he had been prepared for all his life.

"But I would prefer a more mutually agreeable solution," said Giovanni. "Help me, and you will live. Join me, and you can have whatever you want. Money, women, land... Tell me, what do you desire most?"

"What I want most is to see you dead. There's no way I'll be a traitor to Pallet."

"I'll give you time to think about it. While I let you live, my offer stands."

Giovanni took one of the guard's swords. He put it up to Ash's neck and swiped it down. It slashed his shirt. Giovanni tore it off him, leaving his top bare. Ash was chilled by the cold air coming through the window he had broken earlier. Giovanni returned the sword to the guard's scabbard.

"Soften him up," he told the guard. "The rest of you, leave him. I'll return later to see if he's changed his mind."

They left, shutting the door behind them. Ash was left alone with a soldier, stronger than him, who looked like he was about to enjoy himself. This time, Pikachu was not here to help.