Power Rangers Fan Fiction ❯ Power Rangers Legends Ark One ❯ Episode 1 Go Go Power Rangers Part 1 (New Hope) ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Power Rangers Legends
Episode 1
Go Go Power Rangers Part 1
(New Hope)
Go Go Go
Go Power Rangers
Go Power Rangers
Power Rangers Legends
Here we come on mission
Fighting to save the world
Power Rangers Legends
Saving the city from evil oh oh oh oh
Go Go Go
Go Power Rangers
Go Power Rangers
Power Rangers Legends
Power Rangers Legends
Setting: Command Center Zordon is Talking to Alpha
Zordon: Alpha is he here yet?
Alpha: I'm monitoring the viewing globe he is on his way.
Zordon: I wonder what information he has for us?
Alpha: Well we will see when he gets here.
Zordon: Right.
Setting: On the Road Dr. O is driving to Angle Grove
Dr. O: Almost there.
Voice: Legends.
Dr. O: Made it.
Jason: Tommy is that you?
Dr. O: Jason what are you doing here?
Jason: Well I was practicing my karate.
Dr. O: Same as it all ways was.
Jason: So what brings you here?
Dr. O: I just got this felling I belong here.
Jason: Same here, hey what's that? (Looks up at the sky)
Dr. O: It's landing in the field let's go check it out.
Jason: Right.
Setting: Middle of filed in Angle Grove
Jason: It's a ship.
Dr. O: Wonder where it came from?
Voice: Is that who I think it is?
Jason: Who said that?
Billy: Hey guys.
Jason: Billy?
Dr. O: What are you doing here?
Jason: Ya last time we saw you, you were on Aquatiar how on earth did you get here?
Billy: Somehow the processes have been reversed and now I'm back to normal.
Dr. O: That's great but why have you come back here?
Billy: We have all been called to become Power Rangers.
Jason: What we were already Power Rangers.
Billy : We have been called on again.
Dr. O: That must have been the wired felling I got.
Billy: Come follow me we must go to the Command Center.
Dr. O: But Justin told me it was destroyed by Divatox.
Billy: I saw that from where I was but now it is back.
Dr. O: Great time for the long walk since we can't teleport to it.
Jason: Right we better get going.
Setting: Back at the bench with the two girls talking
Cassie: Hey Ashely do you think Andros is okay?
Ashley: I hope so we let in a rush.
Cassie: Well we should have stayed there.
Ashley: He made the decision to go back home but he told us to go back here he left us at home.
Cassie: And your okay with that?
Ashley: Yes I am.
Justin: Hey you two your back.
Cassie: Justin hey.
Justin: Hey Cassie.
Ashley: Justin what are you doing here?
Justin: I thought come by and say hi.
Cassie: So how have you been?
Justin: Fine you?
Ashley: Okay hey there's Carlos.
Carlos: Hey guys.
Justin: Hey Carlos.
Carlos: Hey my man what's up?
Justin: Nothing much.
Carlos: Hey have you guys seen T.J. Anywhere?
Ashley: Nope.
Cassie: Nope.
Justin: So Carlos how have you been?
Carlos: Fine, Hey guys did you see that thing that landed in the field?
Cassie: Nope.
Carlos: Let's go Check it out.
Justin: Sound like a plan.
Carlos: Okay let's go.
Setting: Near the Command Center
Billy: We made it.
Jason: Wow this place looks great let's go inside.
Billy: Don't worry they know we are coming.
Jason: Right.
Dr. O: Hey guys hurry up.
Setting: Inside the Command Center
Zordon: Welcome Billy.
Billy: Zordon I come bringing news you need to know.
Zordon: What news do you have for me?
Billy: Zorthos forces have surrounded the moon preparing to invade the earth.
Zordon: Well what can we do to stop them?
Billy: By calling on the Legend Crystal.
Zordon: The Legend Crystal?
Billy: Yes it was activated when Zorthos forces came towards the moon.
Zordon: But who has been chosen?
Billy: Well the three of us our here so we must be chosen.
Zordon: You three well let's try it and find out?
Billy: Yes us let's call on it.
Jason: Ready.
Dr. O: Ready.
All: Power of Legend!
Billy: Yes it worked.
Jason: Yes.
Dr. O: Nothing...
Jason: Maybe it's not your time.
Billy: But if it's not you then who?
Jason: I don't know but whoever it is we have to find them soon.
Billy: Yes I'll try and analyze the Crystal to see what I can find.
Jason: Right Billy take your time.
Dr. O: Jason you go and see what you can find out back in town I'll stay here and help Billy.
Billy: Good idea Tommy.
Dr. O: Thanks but I'm a professor now.
Billy: A professor awesome.
Jason: Contact me if anything comes up.
Billy: Will do Jason.
Dr. O: Good luck.
Jason: Right Jason out.
Billy: Let's get to work.
Dr. O: Right.
Setting: Moon
Zorthos: Stupid earthlings have no idea what is going to happened to them.
Zraks: My lord shall we begin invading the planet.
Zorthos: Our the troops ready?
Zraks: Yes the first wave is ready to attack.
Zorthos: Well then let's go ahead with Plan A attack the earthlings!
Zraks: Right I will prep the ships for battle.
Zorthos: The time has come!
Setting: Command Center
Alpha: Oh no Billy look at the viewing globe
Billy: That can't be.
Dr. O: What is?
Billy: If I am seeing this right a whole wave of troops is ready to attack the earth.
Dr. O: Jason better hurry contact on him and tell him the news.
Billy: I'm on it. Jason come in do you read me?
Jason: What is it Billy?
Billy: A wave of troops our ready to attack the earth.
Jason: Crap we are not ready yet.
Billy: Well I got the readings on the Legend Crystal hurry to the park.
Jason: I'm on it. Jason out.
Setting: Park
Cassie: Hey here comes T.J. Now.
Jason: You guys must be the ones.
Ashley: Um, do we know you?
Jason: No but you must come with me Zordon needs your help.
Ashley: Did you say Zordon?
Jason: Yes I did you guys must come with me.
Ashley: Alright let's go.
Jason: Ready for beam up.
Billy: Do you have them?
Jason: Yes.
Billy: Hold on I'm locking on to your position now.
Jason: All right hold on tight guys.
Setting: Command Center
Billy: All of you touch the Crystal now.
All: Okay.
Cassie: Cool.
Ashley: Alright.
The Rest: Nothing.
Cassie: So what's up?
Billy: An army of bad guys are coming to take over the planet.
Ashley: And so we have to stop them.
Billy: Yes the 4 of us must stop them.
Jason: Let's do it guys!
Zordon: Wait everyone who was in Angle Grove is here, so who is the last Ranger?
Jason: Good Question.
Zordon: You 4 go the rest of us will look for the last Ranger.
Billy: Right contact us when you found him.
Zordon: Okay guys get out of here now the earth depends on you.
Jason: Alright guys let's do it.
All: Power of Legend!
Jason: Legend Ranger 1 Red!
Billy: Legend Ranger 2 Blue!
Ashley: Legend Ranger 4 Yellow!
Cassie: Legend Ranger 5 Pink!
All: Power Rangers Legends!
Billy: Let's do it guys!
All: Right!
Setting: Moon
Zorthos: Troops ready attack!
Troop 1: Let's go!
Setting: Earth
Billy: Here they come guys.
Jason: Here we come!
Cassie: Let's do it.
Setting: Command Center
Dr. O: Any luck finding the last Ranger.
Alpha: The Crystal says the last Ranger is here but it dose not say where.
Carlos: Well I look around for anyone I may know.
Dr. O: Right Carlos you do that.
Carlos: Thanks Tommy.
Zordon: We need to find him as fast as we can.
Dr. O: Right.
Justin: Carlos can I help?
Carlos: Sure don't get in my way.
Justin: Alright!
Dr. O: You two be careful your not Rangers you might get attacked.
Carlos: We will.
Justin: See you later.
Dr. O: Let's keep looking.
Alpha: Right Tommy.
Setting: Battle zone
Jason: Ayia!
Billy: Hiya!
Cassie: Hiya!
Ashley: Ah!
Jason: Ah I can't hold on much longer there too strong we need help.
Ashley: Ah!
Jason: We need help now!
Billy: Tommy any luck finding him yet.
Dr. O: Not yet but Carlos and Justin are looking for him.
Billy: Hurry we need him now!
Dr. O: Were are doing all we can.
Billy: Alright we will try and hold them off.
Dr. O: Right good luck.
Billy: Thanks we are going to need it.
Who is the new Ranger find out next time on Power Rangers Legend?
Go Go Power Rangers Part 2
Adam Returns