Pretear Fan Fiction ❯ The Second Pretear ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]
A beautiful girl around the age of sixteen stepped off a private jet plane. If it hadn't been for her expensive, custom made, pitch black sunglasses, her deep purple eyes would have made any man fall head over heels for her. Her wavy, deep violet colored hair reached her waist, with an elegant pin holding a part of it back on both sides. On her shoulder perched an exclusive, one of a kind, white bag that cost 200,000 us dollars. She was wearing a white, lacy blouse, which probably cost a fortune along with the beige colored miniskirt. She had on white laced boots, with a white, light coat to cap it off. She had high cheek bones, fair skin, a long neck, and rosy, light pink lips, that were her signature characteristics. All in all, a very elegant young lady. "Yuri sama, your limo is prepared. Your luggage has been safely delivered to your house, excluding the 3 travelcases that you have requested to keep with you." a man dressed in a black suit said. The girl looked around as if she was inspecting the airport, then nodded curtly. "Thank you, Sebastion. I ssume my family is aware of my return?" she returned in a lovely, bell like voice.
"Certainly," was his stoic replie.
She stepped lightly towards the door and stepped outside. She breathed in a bit and walked towards the limo. Silently, Sebastion opened the door and Yuri stepped inside. The car drove off.


Everyone was rushing around, with eager looks on their faces. Excluding Himeno, Takako, and the Leafe Knights.
"What's going on?" Himeno anxiously asked, with the others behind her. "Yuri is coming back today!!!" Mawata almost shouted. She, too, was excited for once.
"Yuri? You can't possibly mean the singer, right?" You see, Yuri only released her first name into the public.
"Of course we do, dimwit. She happens to be our sister." Mayune haughtily replied. While the people who didn't know had their mouths gaped open in surprise, Hayate was ourside in the garden when a tyipi flew towards hime with a parchment in its beak. It dropped off the parchments into Hayate's hands, and flew off. Hayate got over his sudden shock and opened up the parchment. It was from the Queen of Lefenia:

Dear Hayate,
I'm displeased to inform you that there has been... a new enemy. He... seems to have to have the same powers as Takako did. I'm sorry to say, but more demon larvae are appearing. But there is another piece of good new. Along with a new enemy, appeared antother pretear. I believe that this is a first time for all of us having 2 pretears at once, hm? But please, you must find the second pretear at once! Good luck.

Hayate sighed. The queen had forgotten to sign the letter-again. He gathered Himeno, Takako, and the Knights.

"What?! That's impossible!" Goh shouted as he read the letter.
"Um, shouldn't we be searching for the new pretear now?" Hajime timidly asked. At that point, the front gates opened, revealing ten butlers carrying two travel cases each, and in front of them was a beautiful girl.
"Yuri!" Natsue shouted and ran to hug her daughter. So did the rest of the family except for Kaoru. Yuri, always having the sharp eyes, noticed the gang. "Who are these people?" she asked, pointing an accusing finger at them. "Um, dear, that is your new stepfather and his daughter. At that, Yuri's smile vanished in an instant and was replaced by thinly pursed lips. "" Closing her eyes for a minute, she walked up to him. "Nice to meet you, my name is Yuri." Himeno and the Knights were a bit surprised at how well she was taking this. But her family was not. They knew Yuri too well. She was angry. Very angry. "I assume I use my old room?" she asked turning to her mother, completely ignoring Himeno, Takako, and the Knights. Natsue nodded sheepishly. Natsue left the area, leeving an eerie feeling behind. "What's wrong? She took it well, actually." Himeno exclaimed. Mawata shook her head sadly,"She wasn't. She was extremely angry. You guys, it would be best if you steered clear of her for a while." With that, the family trudged back into the house. Sighing, Hayate spoke up,"Now that that fiasco's over, we can get down to business. Today, its already 2 pm. Let's start tomorrow, before the day is hot like this. The rest of the day went on by. Right before supper, HImeno and the gang came out into the garden, in the exact spot where they first met. "Its so peaceful...Are you sure there is another enemy?" Himeno asked. A few heads nodded. Stretching, Mannen went into his Knight form. "I don't care. We'll kill them all again!" he nearly shouted and descended into the air. Something rustled behind them. Yuri saw Mannen floating in mid air. Raising an eyebrow, she went back into the house muttering about seeing things in the heat. With worried expressions, the gang hurried back into the house.
The entire family excluding Yuri was gathered in the dining table along with the Leafe gang. They were talking about Yuri seeing Mannen in the air.
"You idiot! Why did you transform and fly up for no reason?" Goh exploded. "Its not my fault! Everyone was so depressed!" Mannen shot back.
"In any case, she saw you in midair." Hayate said.
At that minute, Yuri came in. "Are you eating dinner? I'm starved." she said.
"Um....sweetie? Can we ask you something? Did you see this sweet little boy here" Natsue asked.
"Oh, come on, mother, do you actually think I believe that he was actually flying?" At this, everyone's eyes shifted from the table to Yuri.
"He probably was using a machine, right? Well, call me for dinner." she left the room. Suddenly, a large crash was heard and part of the roof came crashing down. It was about to hit Yuri!