Pretear Fan Fiction ❯ The Second Pretear ❯ Chapter 2

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Luckily, seconds before the ceiling came crashing down on her, Hayate moved her out of harm's way. Yuri had a distorted look on her face. She wasn't looking at the ceiling, she was staring at the floor where she had just stood. Everyone hadn't noticed before, thanks to Yuri, but their gazes slowly landed on where Yuri was looking. There, was a gigantic tip of a tenticle. As they followed it, it leaded outside and latched onto the right side of the most hideous creature Yuri had ever seen. It had three eyes, one on its forehead, one on the right side of the middle eye a little lower, and the third on the left side of the middle eye. A dark, slime covered, protective shell was on its back.It had a black beak for a mouth, and it nose was made of two, vertical, narrow slits. For arms the creature had those of a grasshopper', but with sharper edges. It would have made anyone who wasn't used to seeing these monsters double up and puke, but Yuri wasn't an anybody. She was a somebody. And if this thing was going to mess with her, let's just pray for the poor little guy. But, unfortunately, as Yuri was also a star brainiac, she didn't believe in fiction. She didn't even believe in science-fiction. So, the only thing that kept her from screaming her head off like her pink haired sister was her brainiac sanity.
Shin was already working on creating a seperate dimension using Beyondios. Unfortunately, Yuri and her family was too close to exclude them from it as well. Yuri, however, still thought they were using technology to do this. "How about turning the machine off now, hm? I'm getting kind of tired about this," Yuri started to complain. "Yuri, you don't understand. This is real. This is reality." Mawata started.
Oh, come on, I'm gone for one year, ONE YEAR, and everyone loses their sanity." Yuri had a look of complete and utter despair.
"You're the one who doesn't have their sanity! Look, there's a huge, living, breathing, hideous monster in front of us and you're not even scared!" Mannen screamed. Yuri just raised an eyebrow. Meanwhile, Himento had pretted with Hayate. She was now clutching the wind sword. "Um, Himeno dear, even though its a prop, that sword looks sharp. You should put it down before it hurts somebody," Yuri called out. Sighing, Himeno searched for the 'spot'. She couldn't see it at her angle. Just then, Yuri was trying to find her way out, and tripped. Just as she was about to crash into the ground, Goh had noticed and grabbed at her hand. When he did, light shone between their hands. Goh let go instinctively. "Ow, I'm not really prone to static shock. Hm, maybe its my new clothes." Yuri had managed to stand up, and was looking at her hand with curiosity. Everyone knew what that light meant except for Yuri. Everyone was staring at her, open mouthed. "What?! God, just because I got a static shock, it doesn't make me an unearthly creature does it?" Yuri snapped. The monster took the opportunity to catch Himeno off guard. It tentacle came crashing down onto Himeno's back. Well, in this case, Hayate's back. Everyone's eyes snapped back to Himeno. Himeno was screaming at herself in her mind for losing her guard and letting Hayate get hurt. "Oh my god, oh my god. Alright, this has gone far enough. Stop this at once!" Yuri was enraged. This joke was beyond her comprehension. She started to walk towards Himeno. Another tentacle came crashing down for Himeno. Yuri may be a brat, but not a cold hearted person. She ran and pushed Himeno out of the way. Unfortunately, not fast enough. The tentacle got a hold of Yuri's ankle. It snatched her waist and lifted her up. Yuri squirmed a little. "Let me go, you filthy beast. I'll file a law suit! Let me go! Somebody, call the police. I'm filing a law suit now! LET ME GO!!!!!" Yuri screamed. Hayate half laughed. Law suit? What good will that do? Law won't kill a monster, he half mused inside his head. Kei went to try to help Yuri. He shot out a bolt of lighting. It didn't do too much damage, but it gave enough pain to make it let go of Yuri. "Ooh, thanks, but, orange isn't this year's color. Neither is yellow. Oh, and tell me how you did that special effects. Its a good company. Tell me later, kay?" she said as Kei carried her down to the ground below. Himeno slashed at the monster, but its protective shell wouldn't budge. "God, where is the stupid spot?!" Himeno was getting frustrated.
"Um, honey, if "you're looking for a shiny spot, its on the other side, where I am. I think its right beneath the edge of the shell." Yuri called from the other side of the monster, where she landed. Gratefully, Himeno went over. When her eyes caught the spot, she stabbed it, the sword almost entirely inside the monster. When she did, the monster dissolved and the dimension faded away, and they were back at the house, Himeno seperated from Hayate. Yuri was brushing herself off. "Himeno, I understand you like to roughhouse a bit, but how about EXCLUDING me from the next time you play? Hm?!" Yuri was tired, hungry, and extremely angry. Slime covered her from her waist down. She groaned and started to walk towards her room. Sasame stopped her. "Wouldn't you like to know what that was?"
"Not right now..." with that, she went straight to her room. She came out an hour later, slime free and in nice, clean, crisp clothes."Ahhh, I'm so much better now." she said with satisfaction. The Knights and Himeno, were laying around the living room were waiting for her. They now stood up. Yuri sat down on the feather couch. "Well? I don't have all night! Tell me straight out what that thing was and I'll leave."
The Knights told her the entire story, including the fact that HImeno was the pretear. After they finished, Yuri cracked up. She laughed uncontrollably. It was unbearable. A tear rolled down her cheek. "You guys are so funny. And the part where you said I was the second 'pretear' was so funny. Thanks for a good laugh. Good night!" She giggled as she walked away. This time, Hajime stopped her. "You saw the monster yourself...How could you not believe us?" he asked.
"Well...because there is no such thing as magic. Besides, if there was, what would you do about it? Nothing. Magic brings nothing but pain. Little boy, you should stop
believing in those things. Its for your own good." she replied. She walked towards the door. "Are you afraid?"Hayate spoke up.
Yuri stopped in her tracks. "That is for me to know, and for you to keep on wondering." she left the room.