Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Serve and Conquer ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
amplified thoughts/meanings
She stretched, feeling tired muscles pop at the sudden strain of having her arms reached well overtop her head, but it was surprisingly a satisifying sensation as she had been cramped into the confines of the small chair that the nurses had offered her since the better half of the early morning and if she was to go by the hour displayed on the clock resting overtop of the hospital bed... white and black against walls the color of buttermilk cream... that was at least three maybe even four hours ago. It felt like eternity though for in most of that time, outside of leaving to use the washroom, she had not moved from the bed where the prone figure of a lanky, slender enough to be almost mistaken for a female at first glance his features were that delicate, teenaged boy on the hosptial bed itself. At least something within the depths of her mind commented that she didn't have the same height problems as Gen did... remembering easily and with a touch of amused guilt how the vice-caption, the 'Emperor', had been crunched up in one of these chairs until he was in everyone's way and it was requested, no demanded by the overbossy nurses, that the sullen teenager leave.
If not for a number of reasons... the most predominate been that she missed the unconcious teenager's sweet mannerism, when he was off the courts that is for when on he was painfully, brutually, honest... she supposed that she would have followed suit after the overly tall tennis player herself.
A part of her couldn't help but call her a coward for such a claim, a belief, even if another half reasoned that she had every right to dislike... maybe even hate... hosptials to the extent that she did. Maybe it was because of the what had happened but a few painful months ago when she had had the misfortune of watching as doctors and nurses had swarmed around the form of her grandfather trying to figure out what was possibly wrong with the other but not quite capable of making sense of the mysterious diease which had robbed the other of his strength... enough that by the end the concept of eating on his own, and then breathing, had been too much for the elder Higurashi. What had hurt worst though wasn't quite the doctors' ignorance, though they were supposed to be trained experts there had been times when it seemed that any of them know no more than overgrown children playing the role of 'doctor', was that a year ago she had possessed the ability to undo that crippling diease and let her grandfather live out his years in peace.
And now she was been painfully reminded of her abilities which were lost, sacrificed to render the Shikon no Tama as useless as a colorful marble-sized gemstone. She knew that for though the jewel was nothing more than that now, a jewel which rested on the end of the golden and black chain that wrapped around her neck, she still couldn't help but feel a little upset... angered maybe even by the fickleness of the gods... in taking back her powers which she had literally made the better of two choices. Wishing, as the Shikon had wanted, had been just as bad as leaving it untouched for there was no such thing as a pure wish. Sealing the jewel, even at the considerable cost to her, had been for the better for had she not sealed, permenantly, the Shikon no Tama there was bound to be someone, be it demon or corrupted human, that would have come along in perfect resemblance of Naraku and use the jewel to bestow chaos upon the world.
What was more funny, she supposed, in a twisted way was though she certainly felt to have survived for years in the feudal era returning the Shikon no Tama to its former state and defeating the dark hanyou, Naraku, but a few months... not years... had passed in real life. Still it was because of her poor turn out in high-school because of her 'trips' that family had it best she transfer to her cousin's school instead. But before she went there, to Seigaku, she had decided to stop by old friends and say hello... only to find this.
Stifling the yawn Kagome leaned back in the chair, intent on going back to sleep and forgetting everything involving the Shikon and her lost miko abilities, however all thoughts of sleep seemed to vanish from the depths of her mind as a soft voice touched her ears. "That can't be very comfortable."
"Seiichi," underneath bangs that looked as if they had never known anything but fingers for a brush to try and get some control over the slight wavy tangle that such hair possessed a pair of tired lavender tinged eyes met Kagome's own azure hued gaze.
In the midst of her wandering thoughts, she mentally berated herself for been so thoughtless as to get caught up in her own woes, he'd succeeded in pushing himself into a partial sitting position and now leaned heavily against the pillows underneath his back as if even that simple task had been comparable to climbing a monsterous mountain. A painful reminder of the neurological disease... this sudden weakness he possessed for having been one of the legendary 'Three Demons' and the upmost of their members even then... which was threatening to paralyize his limbs. The doctors, better than those that had tended to her grandfather, had isolated the diease as been something very similar... if it wasn't actually... Guillain-Barré syndrome which in doing research into had sent such a chill through Kagome for the tingling which had weakened his serving arm and which irriated the other hand was just the beginning... the diease wouldn't only paralyize his limbs but it could also spread to his body even, muscles of lung and heart eventually failing.
And to keep such from progressing so far he was willing to take the risk in a surgery which had only a fifty percent survival rate... and that was if the person happened to be in good health. But he's lost so much weight.
That was, Kagome knew, the only reason why the doctors had forestalled in going ahead in the surgery just yet.
"Gome." Seiichi's softly toned voice tore at her thoughts as effectively as if the other had been scolding her for blotching a serve... by the gods the times he did that she was so willing to forgo 'protocol' and sorely tempted to hit him with her racket, he was right handed while she on the other hand was left-handed of course he thought she 'blotched'. Bossy brute, the term certainly didn't fit with Yukimura's fragile... almost feminine... appearance now but it was suiting for his attitude on a tennis court. "I want you to do something for me."

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