Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Not what I wanted ❯ It's all too much...! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
That night the party they held was a little get together, for both the Sanada and Konohana family to get even more acquainted. I just leaned against the rail on the deck right outside my room; I watched my family and soon to be family interact. It wouldn’t be bad if Sanada weren’t my enemy, I thought. I lifted my head and turned it when someone put their hand on my shoulder. “onii-chan...”

“you should go out and have fun, Mitsuki-kun,” him saying my full name made me cringe. He’d always used the nickname unless he was worried.

I shook my head. “nahcI’m tired from school. So I’m just going to go to sleep.” I wheeled around, opened the sliding door and walked into my room. I took a lantern and set it on low, just enough to light the room up. I walked over to the closet to get my futon. Now, as rich as we were, I preferred a traditional futon than a bed, like the rest of my family. Once, I finished setting up the futon, I began walking to my dresser whilst I undressed.

My kimono was halfway down my back, as my (outside) door slammed opened. The noise spooked me enough to make me turn around. My pale eyes connected that to the darker one of my soon to be husband. Both our cheeks turned beet red.

I pulled the black silk to my body and turned around. I heard my door slide and then close gently. I looked over my shoulder. Sanada was leaning against my door, head low and arms crossed.

A growl escaped my mouth, “you could at least apologize.” I barked.

“I didn’t ask for this, either, Konohana-san.” He addressed me by my family’s name.

I turned around (too pissed off to really care what I was showing him), “Call me Mitsuki, PLEASE!” I blurted out without really thinking. It had caused my cheeks to turn pink.

He looked at me. His eyes were wide and he seemed taken aback. He covered his mouth with his hand. A small sigh escaped his mouth. “KonocMitsuki-sanc”

Before he could finish, I turned back around. “just Mitsuki. We are about to be married.” Out of frustration I just threw my kimono off and got dressed into black tank top and black shorts. I walked over to my futon and threw the heavy blanket over my body.

I heard Sanada walk around, and I guessed he sat down, since I heard neither of my doors open and close. I poked my head through the top of the blanket. “what do you want?” I looked at him.

He looked at me and then shut his eyes and sighed. “c.let me ask this. Why do you hate me?”

I arched an eyebrow. “why wouldn’t I? To be honestcI do not hate you. Youcyou are more of a rival. It’s just things you do piss me off.”

I swear I saw him smirk. “why don’t you come to one our tournaments during the summer? You might actually see something worthwhile.” He said, not looking at me.

“cwell by summer comesccI’ll be your dreaded wifecI guess I’ll come just because of that reason.” I sat up and leaned over on my knees. “both of our parents know we don’t want this. Have you realizedc.neither of use have tried to stop it?” I laughed slightly.

Sanada looked up at me a little surprised. “I wish the terms had been set different. Arranged marriage wasn’t what I had in mind.”

I looked at him with a puzzled look. “what did you have in mind?”

Sanada looked away he seemed a bit; Oh, what’s the word, timid, shy, embarrassed? Anxious! And nervous. Why would he do that around me? We’re rivalscif he hated me just as much as I did him, shouldn’t he say it.

Sanada opened his mouth to say something when my hallway door crashed open. I saw a flash of pale blue eyes then was pinned to the ground, sideways not to mentions halfway on sanada’s lap. One could not help but turn red. “Mit-rin!!” he rubbed his cheek against mine. “You should party with us!! Come on. No need to sleep in here bycyourc.” He slowly realized that Sanada had been in the room the whole time. “OOOOOOHHH.. Mit-rin!! You naughtyc.”

I managed to knee him in the groin. I saw Sanada wince and he looked like he wanted to take a step back. I heaved myself of his lap and sat down cross-legged; my hands on my knees and I was slightly hunched over.

My brother looked at me. I could tell he was scared. I would be too. “we simply discussing issues here. And you come bounding in here like you own the place. Damnc I can’t wait til I get married to him now. I won’t have to deal with you.” Horror struck my brother’s face as I said this. I noticed Sanada jump slightly at my words also. “cor this fucked up family.” I sighed and stood up and walked back out onto the deck. My infuriated look scared off some of my maids. I jumped over the rail and onto the lush grass in the garden.

Stupid onii-chan. Scaring me half to death. Tch. I scoffed as I kicked a small pebble into the pond. The koi instantly swirled around thinking it was feeding time. I knelt down and stared at the expensive fish. I looked up at the moon, or at least I was hoping to. Instead my eyes met Sanada’s. I looked away, “tch. You don’t have to follow me you bastard. I can take care of myself.”

“you shouldn’t get so angry with your family.” Sanada knelt down next to me.

“c.enhhh. They piss me off. Ever since I was born.. it’s always been, Mitsuki-kun do thisc Mitsuki-kun do that. I’ve never had time to do anything I wanted. Nor did I ever have a say. Nothing is ever what I wanted.” I sighed heavily and looked at the moon. It was big tonight. It captivated me.

“you’re not the only one. Mitsuki.”

“then. at least show it. youcyou are too serious and,” I looked at him. “ at least try to have fun once we get married. /and/ I don’t just mean training for tennis or training in general. We both get enough of training as it is. I bet I could kick your ass just about now!” I laughed slightly as a cloud drifted over the moon, making it darker. who am I kidding? Sanada will never joke around with me. I laughed a little more before, stopping, once a raindrop hit my cheek. I looked up. There was only one cloud. I was about to touch my face, when a pair of warm hands cupped my face.

“Mitsuki. You don’t have to stay strong for the sake of your family.” I swear there was a slight smile on his face.

I turned pink. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I slapped his hands away. “why would I do something for them?”