Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Phobia ❯ Chapter 1

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Phobia - a Prince of Tennis fanfiction
Disclaimer: You just like to make me say it again, don't you?! You meanies! I don't own Prince of Tennis! *hides in a corner to cry miserably*
Tennis practice at Seishun Gakuen went by as peacefully as ever...
Peacefull for Seigaku standards, mind you. Taka-san nearly broke a poor non-regular's wrist after his usual yelling of random english sentences.
Inui had come up with yet another variation of Inui-juice; deluxe aromatic penal tea, which did smell rather... akward.
Fuji had purposely lost his match against Eiji to taste it, causing Eiji to sigh in relieve.
Momo and Kaidoh had started bickering in the middle of their match, to which Tezuka assigned them 50 laps.
When they finished Inui had a pitcher of his latest version on Aozu, since they both abbonded their match and thus lost.
Oishi also suffered from the devil called Inui, after losing a match against Echizen.
Luckily for him, he only got the deluxe aromatic penal tea so he only had to run to the nearest toilet instead of passing out cold, like Momo and Kaidoh.
Echizen uttered his favourite line thirty times that day and Tezuka and Ryuuzaki-sensei were discussing the line up for an upcoming tournament.
After practice finally ended everyone went to the changing room to shower and get changed, while the first-years cleaned up (Momo and Kaidoh were dragged to a corner and left there).
Tezuka had asked the regulars to stay for a while after practice, so they waited untill the others were gone, packing up the last things.
Then all of a sudden a girly scream tore trough the room effectively waking up both Momo and Kaidoh.
When they recovered from their startled state, they all stared at Fuji.
“Fujiko? Daijobu, nya?” Eiji asked his best friend, who was as pale as a ghost, had his legs pressed against him as he stared at something on the ground. They followed his terryfied stare to find...
“S-s-spider!” Fuji said shakingly.
Momo put his hand to his mouth to surpress a snort.
“Mada mada da ne, Fuji-senpai” Echizen said, also grinning (sigh, count: thirty one).
“It's just a small spider, Fuji-senpai” Kaidoh said as he walked to the animal, to save it from being stepped on.
“Small?” Fuji said in an unusually high voice. “That thing's as big as my hand!”
“Nya, Fujiko. I didn't know you were afraid of spiders, nya!” Eiji said gniffling.
Oishi too, was smiling. Though he felt sorry for Fuji, it was just too funny.
“Ii data” Inui said, smiling evilly. Fuji shivered at the thought of Inui-juice with spider-essence (it does have a lot of protein XD).
“It's not funny!” Fuji growled, slightly emberrassed.
How he had hoped no one would EVER find out about his arachnaphobia.
“There's nothing to be afraid of, Fuji-senpai. Here look, it's just a small little spider” Kaidoh said, coming closer with the spider his his left hand, preventing it's escaping with the other (poor guy has zero-ill intent XD).
“PUT IT AWAYYYY!” Fuji screamed, fleeing to a corner at high speed.
Kaidoh blinked.
“Fuji...” Tezuka spoke, brow slightly twitching.
He should have known Fuji wasn't just sadistic, but a nutcase too.
Everyone in Seigaku just loved getting on his nerves, didn't they?!
“Grow up!” he spoke harshly.
Fuji's shaking body froze.
“Ne, Tezuka. That's a bit harsh, don't you think?” Oishi said.
“I mean, he can't helpthat he's afraid for spiders!”
“You really are feminine, Fuji-senpai” Echizen said.
Momo couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing after that comment.
“...just...get that thing away from me” Fuji almost whispered.
Kaidoh appearantly had pity on him, since he opened the door and set the spider free outside.
“Nya, it's save now Fujiko-chan!” Eiji said grinning cheerfully, patting his friend on the head.
Fuji slowly relaxed, but still had his blazing blue eyes open in search of anything that had more than two legs.
“Ne Fuji... how come you're arachnaphobic?” Inui asked, seemingly out of curiosity.
“You just want to know so you actually some reliable data on Fuji-senpai, don't you Inui-snepai?” Momo accused.
“Of course. I always take the chance to collect more data!” Inui said.
Everyone sweatdropped (lol, he didn't even deny he that didn't have any reliable data on Fuji XD).
“I'm curios too, Fujiko nya!” Eiji said.
“You never told me, nya!” he added, a little bit offended.
"You weren't supposed to know..." Fuji said grudgingly.
He sighed, figuring there wasn't a way out of this without telling them now.
“When we still lived in Chiba, me and Yuuta loved to play at a certain playground… the sun shone brightly that day…”
“What is it, Yuuta?” 8-year old Fuji said, innocent smile in place. Though, it was slightly wider than usual.
“You know what! My ball is pink!” Yuuta said pointing an accusing finger at his older brother angrily.
Said pink ball lay a few meters away next to the swings.
Fuji lifted a finger to his lips, seemingly in thought.
“Saa, that doesn't sound very healthy, Yuuta. You should go to a doctor.”
“NOT THAT!!” Yuuta exclaimed blushing furiously.
He ran to his toy and held it up to his brother.
“I mean this one!”
Fuji's smile grew even wider, scaring poor Yuuta a little, though he'd rather die than admit that.
“I didn't know you liked pink stuff, Yuuta. But don't worry, I'l keep your secret.”
Now Yuuta was confused, he didn't follow his brother's logic.
“What secret?”
“That you like to play as a girl.”
Fuji chuckled. Once again succes!
Maybe he should spare Yuuta the next time, he might become insane in no time if he continued his daily torture.
“I would have never thought, Yuuta would come up with a planned revenge.” Fuji said.
“Yuuta-chan paid you back, nya?”
“With compound interest.” Fuji said gritting his teeth at the memory.
Now even Tezuka was curious as to what the youngest of the Fuji brothers came up with.
“Please continue, Fuji” Inui said, not stopping with randomly scribbling in his note-book.
Fuji blinked at what he saw a week later.
He smiled at his little brother's innocence.
A bucket of water on top of a door was far from successful against him.
He decided to take a detour and leave the bucket as it was.
Maybe he could teach Yuuta a lesson in pranks. *insert maniacal laugh here*
Whistling he turned around.
“Aniki!” Yuuta called.
“What is it, my dear little brother.”
Yuuta twitched at the sickenly sweet greeting, but quickly forced a smile.
“There's something you just HAVE to see! Come on!”
He pulled on his brother's arm. Fuji mentally rolled his eyes.
Did he seriously think he would follow him to the stupid door with bucket of water?
Yuuta needed guidance...badly!
“Fine, I'll come along. Where are we going?”
“To the playground! Come on! Hurry!”
O...kay... He had never seen Yuuta so excited before, was this really an act to make him fall for that stupid little prank?
“C'mon Aniki!”
Fuji shook himself out of his daze.
Yuuta pulled his brother along as they headed for the front door.
Now Fuji was even more confused.
Why didn't they take the back door? That one had the bucket on it.
Did Yuuta forget all about it?
Suddenly he smiled to himself.
`Nice Yuuta, trying to get your prey to relax so it let's his guard down.
I guess you've learned by watching me. It won't work though!'
“Demo, Yuuta's plan didn't work, right?” Taka-san asked.
“O yes it did” Fuji said grimly. “Turns out he successfully distracted me. Saeki was involved too, which I would never have suspected.”
“Saeki? But why, nya? He's your friend, ne?” Eiji said confused.
Fuji smiled again.
“Yes, and you know how much I love to tease my friends, saa Eiji?”
Eiji stuttered, blushed and mumbled something about his stupid big mouth.
Fuji chuckled and Tezuka cleared his throat.
“I won't ask what you did to Saeki, now please continue.”
“Why Tezuka, I never knew you liked stories about me that much! Would like me to come by your house at night to tell you bedtime stories?”
“Mada Mada Dane, just go on with the story, Fuji-senpai!”
“Aniki! Hayaku!”
They kept running towards their favourite playground, then suddenly Fuji noticed a familiar bunch of white hair.
Something was wrong, his friend was backing away from something.
“Saeki-nisan!” Yuuta called.
Saeki turned around to face them, but then…
“Look out!” Fuji yelled.
Something monstrous appeared from the bushes. A huge black and hairy spiderleg swung at his friend.
Saeki fell backward, when he scrambled back up and away from the huge spiderleg he kept holding on to his arm. The fabric of his shirt was turning a dark red.
Fuji's eyes widened in terror as the Spiderleg raised again.
“Aniki, Hayaku! Go back and get the medical kit, I'll distract it!” Yuuta said.
“That's too dangerous, Yuuta!”
“I don't know where it is and we don't have time to search, hayaku!”
Fuji nodded, he could only run as fast as he could so he would be back quickly to help them. At that moment he didn't think anymore.
He ran all the way home at top speed, pulled open the door, the bucket fell and…
Spiders, spiders, spiders and more spiders. They kept crawling everywhere and the image of Saeki clutching his arm flashed before his eyes.
It wasn't long before he was crying, and his sister alarmed by his scream and crying came rushing to him.
“Syuusuke?! Are you al-…” Yumiko giggled as she sat down besides her little brother and helped him wipe away the spiders. More laughing could be heard from around the corner of the house.
Yuuta and Saeki had followed him and were now, enjoying the scene (sadistic bastards, but they learned it from the best XD).
As soon as Fuji spotted them, he forgot his tears and rushed to Saeki to see if he was okay.
“Aniki *hic*, it was just *hic* a prank, hahahaa!” Yuuta said, not able to breath properly anymore because of his laughter.
Saeki was smiling too, more like grinning actually.
Right then there was only one thought on little Fuji's mind. Revenge!
“And? Did they keep their sanity after your payback?” Momoshiro asked, grinning like crazy.
All the regulars where laughing, giggling, chuckling or whatever variation seems appropriate. Even Tezuka was smiling (he enjoys to hear about Fuji's suffering too XD All of them have a bit of Fuji in them )
“Barely, I made sure they survived or else I would have lost a valuable prey.” Fuji said, smiling as usual.
Everyone was smart enough to stop laughing and take a step back then.
AN: pleaaaaase review I live on reviews, please! Let me live :P
O yeah, if one of you guys don't understand some of the japanese words in there, just message me I'll tell ya anything ya don't know (about this fic at least ^^)