Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Translate This ❯ Escape ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Translate This
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Tenaya followed after Echizen as he walked towards the lockers. He then showed her her locker and combination and waited until she finished putting away her stuff. Then, they headed to lunch.
“So where do you live?” Tenaya asked.
“Well, you know the house you've rented? I live a couple of houses down.”
Tenaya smiled. “Cool, so I can walk home with you,” she said as she pushed open the school's front doors. “Do you always eat outside?”
“Only when the weather's nice.” They reached a tree, and sat down in its comfortable shade. Tenaya lay down on her back. “It feels so nice being somewhere that isn't paved for once.” She thought of her old school, and its concrete-everything's. Felt like a jail cell. Meanwhile, Echizen was eating out of his bento box quietly. It gave him some time to think. Why did this girl make him feel this way? He had always been quiet and moody, but for some reason, she made him feel at ease, and (hard to believe it) talkative. Those cool gray eyes of hers were what caught his attention, and hey easygoing attitude made him feel comfortable in her presence. But while this feeling was a nice change in some ways, it was also a little troubling. Surely, it was strange to have this girl
affect him this much. He wasn't sure if she could be trusted or not, and he
was definitely not falling for anything. "Guess I just have to wait and see," he thought.
Tenaya sat up, looked over at Echizen for a second, and then stood up, brushing her pants off. "I think I'll go now." She said. Because his mouth was currently stuffed with food, he just gave her a look. She smiled and pushed her hair out of her eyes. "I just wanted to say thanks for showing me around so far, but right now, I feel like I should go. You kinda strike me as a quiet guy, and I just have a feeling that I'm disrupting something. So I'll go explore this place a little myself and leave you in peace." She turned and ran towards the main building. "Later!" She called.
*Tenaya's POV*
"Bet he's glad to be rid of me..." I mutter as I walk down the corridor towards my locker. I was so used to people making up excuses to get away from me, that pretty soon, I just saved them the trouble and left myself. Even though Echizen didn't seem to despise me that much, I wasn't taking any chances. "Plus, there's something I really want to do." I thought with a smile. I reach my locker and pull out my skateboard, and head towards the skate ramps. People stare at me as I make a failing attempt to keep my skateboard hidden but eventually give up. As I reach the ramps, I sigh. It was obvious that nobody used these ramps, judging by how thick the layer of dust was. "Oh well, dust never hurt anyone." I say as I head to the top of one of their bigger ramps. Adrenaline courses through me as I fly down the arch, meet the other side, and fall back down again. At least I had skateboarding no matter where I went. I performed a couple of simple ollies and marveled at how the feeling of wind in my hair could calm me down no matter what. I skate everywhere, flying down the ramps and performing tricks on flat land. I don't know how long I was skating for but the bell soon rang, signaling the end at the luch period.
I hop off my board, pick it up and head back to class. Those fifteen minutes of bliss were great while they lasted, but now, it was time for reality.
*Narrator's POV*
Echizen headed for the main building a couple minutes before lunch ended. Good thing he had already shown Tenaya where her next class was, because she was no where to be found right now. His thoughts are interrupted though, as he hears banging and scraping by the tennis courts. He decided to ignore it, had to go find that girl...
* * *
Echizen sat down in math, a minute or so before class was scheduled to start. Where the hell did she go? His mom made it clear to him this morning to keep an eye on her at all times, and make sure she didn't get lost. But without even giving him time to respond, she ran off at lunch and he hadn't seen her since. Maybe she was playing hooky? But his doubts vanish as he sees Tenaya literally half fly and half fall into the classroom just as the bell signaling the beginning of class rang. He watched her curiously as she made her way to the desk next to him. She seemed out of breath as she slumped into her chair, yet had a discreet smile on her face. But that smile faded immediately as she looked up at the board. "Aww, I hate math!" She groaned. Echizen turned to face her.
"So where did you run off to?"
She smiled again. "Oh, somewhere," she said with a hint of amusement in her voice. Echizen decided not to pry as the teacher began his lecture.
Math went by pretty fast, but not fast enough for Tenaya. She was given a test by the teacher to see where she was, and if she was behind or ahead. Echizen watched amusedly at her muttering every 10 seconds about “damn polynomials” and “cursed linear equations”. His mom told him that the only reason she was accepted into Seigaku in the middle of the year was because of her excellent grades, but at this moment, watching her pull her hair out over #3, he wondered if this was the wrong person. But it turns out, Echizen shouldn't have doubted her, because when the teacher handed her test back, she had gotten a 96% on it. He stared at her in shock as she flashed a satisfactory grin, slipped the test into her backpack, and stood up as the dismissal bell rang. Echizen also gathered his stuff and walked out.
“Looked like you really needed help back there, it's pretty surprising that you got a 96%.” He said.
Tenaya grinned. “Hey, you may not think it, but cursing and tugging my hair out helps me concentrate. P.E next right?”
Echizen nodded. Quickly, he explained the P.E uniform: gray shirt, black shorts, and for cold weather, gray sweater and sweats. After Echizen explained this to Tenaya, he asked the P.E teacher for the clothes, handed them to Tenaya, and directed her to the girl's locker room. “Thanks.” She said, and flashed a grateful smile before disappearing to change.
20 minutes later, the P.E. class had finished stretching, and was now getting ready to play a game of basketball. The class was split into 4 teams. 2 girl teams playing each other, and 2 boy teams playing each other. As the games started, Echizen couldn't help but glance over to where the girls were playing. Tenaya was really good at basketball. Even though she wasn't the tallest player, she was still obviously one of the best. Her graceful speed allowed her to steal the ball from any opponent and score another 2 points, before anyone could notice. Echizen, on the other had, was hopeless, he was so short, that the other team members rarely noticed him. He had once been pretty good at it, but the many years of not playing were taking their toll.
At the end of the period, Tenaya's team won 49 to 28, Tenaya making 31 of the points, and Echizen's team won too, but only by 2 points, 47-45, and Echizen only making 2 points, both foul shots too. The class trudged to the showers, most of them too exhausted to move. As Echizen started to change, he couldn't help but overhear the conversation between a couple of his classmates.
“Dude, did you see that new girl? She was totally hot, man!”
“You mean the chick with the long hair who was, like, kicking ass in basketball?”
“Yeah! Man, hot and athletic, heard she was really smart too. Dang! I hope she doesn't have a boyfriend yet, cuz I totally have a chance with her!”
“Yeah right! Keep dreamin. She is so totally not gonna go for you.”
“Wanna bet? She'll be head over heels in love with me if I started talking to her.”
“Oh yeah? Well let's see then. Go up to her after class.”
“Alright I will. Just don't get jealous when she comes begging to be my girlfriend!”
*Tenaya's POV*
“Where is this Echizen dude?” I thought. I had scrambled out of the girls' locker room as soon as I could. Jeez, did all those girls bathe in perfume?
Basketball had been fun. I had felt a lot better as soon as I started playing, and I got plenty of good exercise too. My thoughts were cut short as a group of boys burst out from their locker room. I looked for Echizen among them, but he wasn't there. I sighed, and leaned against the wall of the gym, closing my eyes. That headache was coming back.
*Narrator's POV*
Echizen frowned as he tied his shoes. Those two guys talking were Daisuki and Genma, the two most popular guys in the eight grade. Girls all over the place were constantly drooling over them. This was gonna suck, he thought. Tenaya would probably talk nonstop about them after this.
Outside, Daisuki and Genma were approaching Tenaya. They stopped in from of her and saw that her eyes were closed. They were going to say something to get her attention when her grey eyes shot open. She just stared at the two guys, who were trying to find something to say, but for some reason, those eyes just seemed to paralyze them, and it was a minute before Daisuki broke the silence.
“So, are you new?” He smiled.
Tenaya tried not to sound too rude when she said “Duh.”
Daisuki's smile wavered. “Um, so what's your name?”
Tenaya closed her eyes again, obviously labeling them as too dull to waste eyesight on. “Tenaya Rialles.” She tried hard to keep from wrinkling her nose. Obviously, the guys here bathed in perfume too, or rather, cologne. Maybe if she ignored them, they'd go away.
Daisuki gained a little more courage, now that her eyes were closed. “That's a pretty name. Kinda uncommon though, where are you from?”
Nope, she sighed, still there. “I just came from America.”
“My name is Daisuki and this is Genma.”
“Pleasure.” She mumbled. God where was Ryoma? She opened her eyes, and searched for him again. He had just come out of the lockers. Finally. She started towards him. “Oh. Gotta go. See ya.” She called to the two guys behind her. She smiled when she reached Ryoma. “Thank god. Those two guys back there were boring the hell out of me. If I hadn't met you already, I'd think all of the guys here were that stupid.” He looked at her with a mildly surprised look on his face. So far, she was the first girl he had ever met who didn't fall for Daisuki and Genma's good looks. It was nice to see that somebody had some sense after all.
“So, ready to go?” Echizen shrugged his backpack on.
She nodded. “Mm-hmm. Just let me go get my skateboard.” Together, they walked towards the lockers.
Meanwhile, back in the gym, Daisuki narrowed his eyes at Tenaya's retreating figure, and tried hard to ignore Genma, who was rolling on the floor laughing at him. Daisuki could feel his blood boil. No one had ever made a fool out of him like that. Who did she think she was? But on the other hand, he couldn't help but think that Tenaya's “screw-it” attitude made her hotter than ever. Plus, he was always up to a challenge. “So, going for shorty there are we?” What was so good about Ryoma? So what if he played tennis? He was still a little snot. He had always despised Ryoma. Daisuki was more poplular than him but only barely. And that little punk didn't even have to try to maintain his social status, unlike himself who was constantly flirting his butt off just to keep the girls swooning. But he was not getting Tenaya. He would make her realize that she was wasting her time on wimps like Ryoma.
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a/n: Whew, second chapter done with! And I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes I may make, I proofread very quickly and often skip stuff. I really wish I could get some more comments on my story though, nobody seems to be reviewing. *sigh* But I'll keep writing this story, even if nobody out there like it!!! So once again, comments, constructive criticism, and flames…all welcome.