Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Singing Mountain ❯ Chapter 5: The Dragons Are Coming ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All things DBZ and Princess Mononoke are © their respected creators

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A loud voice boomed over the oceans, across the islands, and could be heard for miles away.


She felt so scared and helpless. 17's last cries for help rang through her head. The monster…the monster named Cell had killed 17, and that fact drove her insane. 17 and 18 had never been separated, and now that he was dead…she couldn't take the pain. She had thoughts of killing herself just to be rid of the pain. To be rid of the monster that hunted her, and would kill her just like how he had killed 17.

This couldn't be happening…


… … …

The memory flooded back on her mind as Android 18 stared down at the island below her. What she remembered as a lush, green slip of land was now brown and barren. Lifeless, ruined, laid to waste in the middle of the ocean. She wished she knew what had happened to that island, she couldn't remember anything after Cell had…had killed her.

Then, she saw the sea serpents surface from the ocean, and walk onto the land. Seeing them out of the water, 18 identified the creatures as adult Higher Dragons, like the baby one Son Gohan had living near his house. Also, there were people sitting on saddles on the dragon's backs. The people slid off the backs of the dragons and walked to the center of the island. 18 watched from above, squinting to see who exactly the people were.

They were humans wearing skintight waterproof suits. They had dark green hair and pale skin, and their bodies were lanky with almost no muscles in them at all. On their heads they wore strange masks that sat on their heads like caps but covered their faces. Their masks resembled dragon skulls. They also wore necklaces of fangs and teeth of various deep sea creatures. 18 was fascinated, she had never seen anything like these people.

The humans gathered together and began talking to each other. 18 was too far away to hear anything. She observed them speaking about something of grave importance while the dragons on the beach observed them. What is this all about? She wondered. Who are these people? Maybe Kuririn or Master Roshi know…

Suddenly, an enormous Higher Dragon emerged from the ocean. Several smaller dragons dove back into the ocean to make room for the giant. The humans faced it, then suddenly dropped to their hands and knees in very deep bows, as though the dragon was an emperor.

"OSA GAMI!" the humans cried. Osa Gami? What in the…is that the creature's name?

"My children," the giant dragon spoke to them with a voice so booming loud, 18 was forced to cover her ears, "the terrible power has returned. The terrible power that destroyed our home and killed our people is far to the north in the Wolf Jaw mountains. It is our fate to go there and destroy this power at once. You are my messengers. I ask for my strongest warriors to come with me and rid our land of the evil before it destroys other lands and kills other people." The humans raised their fists in the air in agreement. The dragon's screeched into the air in praise. 18 couldn't believe it.

"Terrible power?" Do they mean Cell? Then they're wrong, Cell is dead.

Isn't he?

Singing Mountain: Chapter 5

Cell awoke the next morning to the sound of birds outside. He opened his eyes to see Masquerade still in her bed with the end of the covers tucked under her chin, sleeping peacefully. The crystal dagger was sitting by her pillow, wrapped in the leather strips. She seemed so attached to it…well, her father gave it to her, of course she was attached to it.

Suddenly, the mysterious girl that haunted him came back to mind, and reminded him of what he wanted to investigate last night. Cell sat up on his bed, and looked at Masquerade's face carefully. Soft skin, very white from lack of sun, long, dirty blond hair, full lips, large eyes…

It is her…it's the girl I attacked during my search for the androids…

He closed his eyes. Yes, he attacked a lot of girls during his search, but this girl was different. He remembered the encounter well…

… … …

In the forest, outside of Sansho City, he found a young teenage girl walking towards town. He watched her from the cover of the tree canopies, crouched like a jungle cat ready to pounce on his prey.

"These woods are dangerous, little girl." He crooned at her from his perch. He smiled as the girl looked around her for the one who spoke to her.

"Who are you calling 'little girl,' buster?!" she snarled loud enough for the whole forest glen to hear her. "Get out here where I can see you."

"As you wish." Cell chuckled, jumping out of the branches, and directly behind the girl. She turned to him, and he could see the fear well in her eyes, and her lips part in a gasp. She screamed and tried to run away. His hand closed against her throat, and he hoisted her in the air, then tossed her to the ground like a rag doll. Her voice was so frightened, so shrilled…

"No! Stop! Please, don't hurt me!"

"It is too late for that." He purred to her deep in his throat. He licked his lips as he walked to her. "Time to die, young one." His tail arched, ready to stab into her vulnerable flesh and suck away her soul.

"No! Please!" she cried. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

He laughed at her quietly, taking pleasure in her screams of fear. Soon, they would be screams of pain. He enjoyed hearing women scream…

"No! Please!" the girl pleaded, starting to cry. "I know where the androids are!"

"Huh?!" Cell gasped, stopping in his tracks. The girl looked into his eyes with her watery blue ones.

"I know who you are, and I know what you want. If you let me live, I can take you to the androids!"

"How do you know about the androids?"

"I can take you to them, just don't kill me."


… … …

"I still don't know how she knew what she knew." Cell sighed to himself. "And now I know who the girl is." He looked at Masq again, as she lay quietly in the bed, resting in a deep sleep. She couldn't hear him. "How very ironic, how the girl I attacked but let live is helping me live. It's almost like…"

It's almost like she's repaying me for my mercy…

He stood from the bed, carefully stood up straight, and took a few cautious steps to the next room. To take his mind off the strange coincidence, he practiced walking, hoping to get strength back into his legs. He was doing rather well…

…until a random ping of pain stung in his shin, and he faltered onto a chair by the table. He sat on the chair, and sighed.

Four days left…can't lose hope just yet…


18 landed on the island beach near the pink Kame House. She rushed up the porch, and palm slapped the door open. Kuririn was by the refrigerator, reaching inside for the lemonade pitcher. 18 quickly rushed to him.


His bald head turned to her.

"Hey honey, you're up early." He greeted with a smile. It faded when he saw the urgency on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Come out here and look!" she called, rushing back outside. Kuririn forgot about the lemonade, and ran outside by her side. 18 pointed to the distant waves of the ocean. "Over there, coming this way." Kuririn squinted, and could just barely see something move through the water. Something moving very fast through the water.

"Whoa!" he cried in surprise. "What the heck is that?" A head rose from the mass of serpents, and roared into the air.


"Oh my God…" Kuririn gasped, taking a couple steps back.

"Dragons…" 18 tried to explain. "Their leader…is almost the size of the Kame house, I think. His name is Osa Sama, or that's what the people called him…"

"You're kidding!"

"You know him?"

"Only his name. He's like the Dragon King, or something. He's suppost to be one of Shen Long's children, but I dunno that for sure."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I'm a monk, 18. I know all the stories about gods and deities. Osa Sama is just one of many. There Okkoto Gami, Shishi Gami, Moro Gami, Suraio Gami…"

"What religion are they from?" 18 demanded. Kuririn looked up at her.

"Moramachi period, ancient Mononoke."

" 'Mononoke…' " 18 had only heard about the 'Monster Worshipers' in stories Dr. Gero's computer had once told. She had hoped to see one in her life time, just to see what they looked like.

Suddenly, the dragons swam past the mountain, just barely stroking past the beach by Kuririn and 18. They saw people on the backs of the creatures, holding spears and shielding their faces with dragon skull masks. Then, the giant Osa Gami's head broke the surface of the ocean, and roared into the air. It shook the whole island, and caused Kuririn and 18 to lose their footing and fall on their backs. Osa's head then slid back into the water, and the procession of dragons and their human riders stroked down the ocean, heading north. 18 slowly got up.

"They said," she moaned to Kuririn as her ears rang, "they were headed to the Wolf Jaw mountains to destroy a 'terrible power.' I'm not sure what they're talking about." Kuririn raised himself to a sit, and tried to shake the loud ringing in his ears away.

"Those mountains are a long way from here." He shrugged. "It could take them a long time to get there if they travel at that pace."

"I'm gonna go follow them." 18 announced, flying after the precession.

"Hey!" Kuririn called after her. "18! Darling! Come back!" When she was too far away to even hear him, he moaned and flew after her. "Androids…" he groaned. "I can't believe I married one."


"You big baby." Masq scorned as she found herself dragging Cell by the arm through a forest trail. "Just don't think about them. Come on already!" Cell was nervously walking behind her, looking around at the numerous spirits that sat in the tree branches above and rattled incomprehensible chatter to the two hikers. He clenched his teeth and balled his fists, trying to think of any way possible to escape. His ki was too low to even sense other life forces, and he could barely walk without stumbling. There were kodama everywhere! They were starting to gather around the edges of the path and walk along side him and Masq.

"Can't you at least make them go away?!" Cell pleaded through his flat teeth.

"Sorry." Masq shrugged. "You'll just have to get used to them. They're anywhere where a tree is."

God damn it! Go away, you little wretches! Cell squeezed his eyes shut to keep himself from looking at the kodama, but the rattling sounds they made didn't help to quench his fears. He was getting so nervous and scared that he was sweating.

Suddenly, a brown wolf about the size of an average human walked up to them from the direction they were headed. Masq happily waved to it.

"Hey!" Masq greeted. "Aman! I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?"

"Doing well, thank you, San." The wolf nodded his head once. Trotting behind him was a black wolf cub with white paws that came up to Masq's waist. The cub stood behind Aman and panted happily.

"Hi Kago." Masq chimed at the cub. Kago barked twice at Masq to be friendly, and leaned on his front paws playfully. Cell ignored the newcomers, and stared back the way he and Masq came. He wanted to go back to the house where there were no reminders of giant wolves or kodamas. The huge mutts he could stand to a point, but the little tree ghosts…ugh…

"There is news from the den." Aman said quietly to Masquerade. "A stranger has arrived with Amaroq-san to see Moro-sama. You may want to come to the den immediately, and bring Cell with you."

"When?" Masq wondered.

"As soon as possible." Aman turned around, and headed back the way he came. "Can you come now?"

"Sure." Masq agreed as Cell was about to say "no." Masq pulled on Cell's arm, forcing him to walk with her. "C'mon, Seru."

"What if I don't want to go?!" the android protested as Masq followed the brown wolf and black cub.

"You don't want to do anything." Masq scorned. "If I can't get you to at least come outside once in a while, you'll end up wasting away in that bed." Cell fought back the urge to sink his fangs into her arm…or better, her neck! He was strong enough to at least walk slowly without his legs faltering, but he couldn't run yet. So he figured that he was still too weak to resist or pick a fight with Masquerade.

Cell hated feeling helpless.


Piccolo politely grabbed a corner of his cape, and put it against his nose. Moro and her wolf cubs seemed to take no offence at the gesture, so he relaxed a bit. The cave Moro and her family called home reeked strongly of a fresh kill and at least nine different wolf bodies. He wasn't used to that stench, and it bothered him. But, to be polite, he didn't say anything.

He looked at the giant Moro, who was lying at the very back of the cave as her eight cubs either lay beside her or wrestled playfully a few feet away. She had told him all she knew, and that wasn't much. Two days ago, a strong surge of spiritual power erupted in the forest, and caused the priestesses of Singing Mountain to feel ill. But, the burst of power didn't last long, and faded, but it was replaced by a fainter ki power. Two priestesses investigated and found nothing unusual. There have been no other cases involving the power surge since. Piccolo didn't like the sound of that story, it was too suspicious. He couldn't imagine a god lying to him, but something happened here, and someone was hiding something.

Piccolo looked to the cave entrance, and saw the large, brown Amaroq sitting outside, looking at the surrounding forest. Sitting next to the giant was a human sized son of Moro named Ghen. Ghen had sent another wolf to go fetch the priestesses who investigated the surge. Piccolo waited patiently as Ghen's head turned around in search as he looked impatiently for his messenger.

I can't think of a case where a god would lie to anyone. Piccolo thought to himself. It may be possible that the two priestesses lied to the gods about what they found. If they are, I will know. No one has ever lied to me and gotten away with it.

And, the second power that surfaced bothered him. It seemed so familiar, and the déjà vu of it was really bugging him.

It couldn't be…Cell…it just couldn't be…


"Just a small climb up to Moro's den." Masq assured her big, green guest as they walked through an open field outside the forest. Numerous, fur shrouded priestesses were locking in battle styled sparring with spears, knives, swords, or empty hands. Cell watched large groups of priestesses' exercise or follow the leads of a teacher or spar with weapons or hard punches and kicks. He was almost fascinated by the techniques of one individual with a full-face mask, and how she seemed cautious before attacking her opponent. Cell stopped Masq's precession by tugging on the back of her fur shroud.

"Who is that?" he asked, pointing to the priestess with the full-face mask.

"That's our high priestess," Masq answered, "San Rhapsody. I don't think you two met yet, have you?" Cell didn't answer that. He just watched her move as she fought her opponent empty handed. Her sparring partner was at least ten years older than the girl, with plenty of experience on her side was, but the older priestess was slower and not very strong. Rhapsody displayed amazing speed and agility in her attacks, being sure to hit the most vulnerable spot she could find on her partner's body. Suddenly, Rhapsody struck a defensive position that was all too familiar to Cell.

Wait a minute! She's using ancient Namekian fighting arts! How does she know this fighting style? She's a human!

"She's really good, huh?" Masq beamed. "I've heard she's the best warrior in the entire mountain range. No kidding."

"Is that why she's high priestess?"

"No. I'm not sure how she became a high priestess. I'll ask later on. C'mon, Moro-sama wants to talk to us."

I must speak with this San Rhapsody. Cell mentally reminded himself. I must know who she is really.


Piccolo heard a wolf howling next to the cave entrance. Ghen barked at it in reprimand for making him wait. The messenger wolf was the same brown color as Amaroq, and accompanying him was another wolf cub and a priestess. Piccolo stood into the light that flooded into the den from the cave mouth. The priestess noticed him immediately, and bowed deeply to him.

"Are you the stranger who came to see Moro-sama?" the priestess asked politely.

"I am." Piccolo nodded in affirmative. "There are some questions I have for you about two days ago."

"Two days ago?" Masq asked as she raised herself from the bow. Someone behind her darted away from the entrance and behind a boulder upon hearing Piccolo's voice.

Piccolo is here? Damn it! Why does all this crap happen to me?! This isn't fair!

"Who was that?" the Namek wondered, looking to the boulder. He could sense a large amount of panic coming from a familiar ki aura.

"I'm sorry?" Masq drew Piccolo's attention from the boulder. "I never got your name, sir."

"My name is Piccolo." He introduced. "There was a large surge of power two days ago, and you were one of the two priestesses who investigated the source of that power."

Hey, I recognize him now! Masq thought. He was a contestant in the Cell Game. Uh oh, he's not going to be happy to know he's here…

"I heard that." Piccolo growled.

"Huh?" Masq wondered blankly.

"I heard what you thought." The Namek rephrased. "And I can hear the thoughts of someone hiding over there. Who is it? And why is he hiding?"

Uh oh… Masq thought.

Oh crap! Cell panicked. I'm not strong enough to fight him! I'm still too weak! Oh God, this isn't happening to me!

Ghen walked to the boulder, grabbed Cell by the headcrest in his jaws, and dragged the monster out of hiding.

"Ow!" Cell yelled as he was forced to walk out of hiding. "Let go, you overgrown furball! That hurts!"

"I don't believe it…" Piccolo groaned as Ghen released his jaws. Cell looked up at the Namek, and went stiff in fear. His eyes locked with his most hated rival and enemy next to Gohan, and his breath ran short. Masq walked to Cell's side for the defense.

"Piccolo-san," Masq began, "you're probably not very happy to see him here, but please understand! He's injured, and can barely walk on his own. He hasn't hurt anybody during his stay here, and…" She stopped when she realized Piccolo wasn't listening to her. He just stared at Cell in the eyes, allowing his mind to be flooded with many unwanted memories. Cell's mind decided to do the same thing, remember all the encounters with Piccolo, and remember how bad and horrifying for him they were…

"Hello Cell." Piccolo finally said. "I'm a little surprised to find you here."

"…" Cell had no idea what to say or think. He was too scared.

Masq decided to stand in front of Cell, and put her arms out defensively.

"What do you plan to do now, Piccolo-san?!" Masquerade dared. "I forbid you to even touch him while on this mountain!"

"…" Piccolo glared at the priestess.

"Masquerade, what are you doing?!" Cell hissed quietly at her.

"San!" Amaroq barked from where he was. "Do not interfere with this! It is none of your business!" Masq angrily turned over her shoulder to the wolf.

"This has been my business ever since I saw him!" she snapped at him. "I was the one who found him and nursed him back to health. He could have died if I hadn't done something!" Piccolo and Cell couldn't believe their ears. Especially Piccolo.

"You…" he tried to make clear. "…took him in…knowing who he was?"

"Yes." Masq answered, turning back to the Namek. "And you were in the Cell Game, so I know what your intentions are. I refuse to let him suffer under you, Piccolo-san."

"Listen to yourself!" The Namek argued. "You would stand up for this heartless, cold blooded, murdering creature?!"

"Yes, I would!" Masq argued back. "He's done nothing to us! He has no intentions of harm against the wolf clan, and we welcome him here!"

"You don't get it!" Piccolo desperately tried to warn the priestess. "He's a monster! He'll repay your hospitality by killing you and everyone you've ever loved!"

"ENOUGH!" Moro-sama roared angrily. Piccolo and Masq shut up and turned to the giant wolf. "Your shouting is scaring my children. This debate must continue later. San Masquerade, you and Cell are dismissed."

"Thank you, Moro-sama." Masq sighed, walking out of the den. Cell followed her out.

"Don't let her be alone with him!" Piccolo tried to argue again. "Moro, you must understand…"

"I know who Cell is and what he has done." Moro reasoned. "We felt the earth tremble as he transformed into his perfect form. We sensed the land about to rip itself in half as he prepared to destroy the entire planet. Many of my priestesses wanted to participate in the Game, but I forced them not to go. All of this is in the past. Punishing a man for crimes he committed years ago has no point. If he is to be punished, it is to be for something he has done now, in present time. So far, Piccolo-kun, all he has done is lived. There is no punishment for that."

The Namek sighed, and leaned against the wall of the cave as the smallest of Moro's cubs followed Masq and Cell out.

Now what?