Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Princess Mononoke Rebirth ❯ Living Nightmare ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Living Nightmare
Ashitaka stands in the tomb underground of Irontown, with the bluehead lying on the ground as he groans. There's blood spits on the floor. Ashitaka looks at him darkly.
“Hurts now, don't it?” Ashitaka coldly says to him. But he immediately jumps back as Sasuke rises himself back up.
“If you…think you can take me down… you're wrong!” He strains.
“Well…we'll see.” Ashitaka is ready to prepare another punch at him. But suddenly a girl aged 10, wearing a pink kimono with wooden sandals starts to run towards him.
“Please stop it!”
“Get back!” his concentration falters as the little girl comes running in, and next he run towards her to protect her from this monster. The striped man smirks at himself. “Now I can show him who he's messing with!” He thinks to himself. Then smiles as he looks into Ashitaka's eyes.
Then, out of the blue, Ashitaka's left leg flies off him, as if it snapped of him. Ashitaka reached out his right hand, but all the fingers that were attached to him, breaks loose from his hand. Bubbles of blood sprinkles out from him, as his eye pupils get small. The little girl looks at the horror; Ashitaka falls to the ground, with the detached leg landing in front of him. The girl screams frantically. Sasuke scolds at her as he doesn't want to mind this business; so with his invisible, telekinetic powers, he raised the youngster and threw her out of the way.
Ashitaka winces in pain. “My leg! It's gone, so much blood!”
Sasuke looks down to him with evil in is eyes. Ashitaka looks at him angrily.
“What have you done with my leg?!” he shouts, but then his right arm has been pulled off from him. Ashitaka screams in pain as he clutches his remains of his arm.
“…Hurts now, don't it?” Sasuke coldly says. Ashitaka moves away from him.
“Don't…don't….please…” he whimpers, and then looks back at Sasuke.
“…please…don't do it!” Ashitaka implores, but Sasuke's too ignorant to listen; he tears off the last arms and legs of Ashitaka, leaving him limbless. Ashitaka rasps in the throbbing of his wounds, he fall on his back, staring at the ceiling.
“…help. Me…” He gasps silently with his vision getting blurred. The light leaves his eyes as he slowly dies…
“Help….me….” The vision goes black and turns into complete silence…
Ashitaka suddenly woke up, there was sweat dripping all over his face, he breathed very heavily, but he then started to wince from the sore in his side. He went down there to touch it, but then felt a hand brushing his stomach; it was San's she looked so peaceful and calm when she slept. Ashitaka just stared at her. He just wanted to look at her forever; just seeing how gorgeous she looked. He wanted to brush the hair away from her face, touch her lips and kiss them. He wanted to caress her within his embrace. But he knew he can't open her so easily; because even though San is human in physical form, she's not in spirit. For so many years she has despised humans, and went on bloody rampages to cease the quench of her revenge, but the demons within them still taunts her. So, she can't give her his true love…not yet.
Suddenly, Ashitaka felt a swift, cold breeze brush pass his cheeks; he sensed something. He rose onto his feet carefully, without waking San up, and put on his red-spilt kimono with a hole through it. He then cautiously walked out of the room as he went through the slide. Out in the open he could see the midnight sky, with the merging colors of black and blue. The stars shimmered into little lamps to shine their light down on earth; they glimmered into Ashitaka's eyes. The whole landscape was silent, except for the calm wind floating pass. He breathed in the clean air into his lungs and exhaled back out.
“I hope Kaya is alright.” Ashitaka thought to himself as he remembered the memories of being in his hometown with his sister. “She must the new leader now, and found a husband to love. I hope…no…she must have forgotten me by now.” He thought again sadly.
“Are you alright?” a small voice came out from behind him. He took a quick gasp and looked behind him; it was only San.
“I'm fine, thank you.” Ashitaka replied to her. San gave a faint smile to him. “Are you alright?” He then asked her.
“I'm ok.” She trailed off. Ashitaka then took his attention onto her.
“You're not, are you?”
“I said I'm ok!” San snapped at him, and then brought a sigh onto her face. “I don't know…” she sighed, looking down to the ground. “I could have lost you tonight.”
“I know San.” Ashitaka reassured her. “But how did you manage to get into Irontown within enough time to save me?” San gripped onto her dress as her eyes began to water.
“Because…because…” she whimpered. But then Ashitaka got distracted by a sense he picked up. “What is it?” San questioned him.
“Someone is here; not far away, someone…it's him!”
* * * *
Sasuke was found in another bungalow near next door to Ashitaka and the others. The room was kept dark and gloomy; there were also blood drops on the floor. He then pulled out a fragment of steel out from forehead; where Motoko threw her dagger at him to knock him out.
“Dammit! That girl sure knows how to knock a person out.” He cringed in ache, and then dampened the wound with a wet towel to remove any bacteria infest in it. Sasuke then felt dizzy and tired, he started to hyperventilate a little, then a lot. He then rolled back his eyes and collapsed to the ground. It was if he was having a seizure, quite a violent one. His vision started to get blurry, and went shadowy.
“What's happening to me?” he whispered to himself, and then drifted into space. Very…silently…
“Are you really gonna go through it?” a male voice speaks to him. Sasuke looks down on him. There's something different about him; his hair is dark chocolate brown, his eyes are gleaming hazel, and there were no stripes on his cheeks.
“Yeah. It's the only way I can get rid of this thing once and for all.”
“But I thought the curse has disappeared.” The man stands up from a bench and l looks at him.
“Only a few had survived this type of disease. I'm one of the lucky ones, but then their bodies change into monstrous mutations that turn them into demons themselves.”
“And you don't want that to be your fate.”
“No, I don't. I've got my whole life ahead of me, and I still got to find the perfect girl for me.”
“You're gonna need luck for that.”
“I don't need luck!” Sasuke chuckles at the man and nudges him in the shoulder.
“Well, I best be off.” The man then turns into the opposite direction of Sasuke's.
“Hey, Kurama.” Sasuke shouts at him.
“What's up?” The man wonders.
“Can you be with me? For the Operation?”
“Sure friend.” Kurama replies, and carries on walking, as so does Sasuke.
It's the day of the operation. Sasuke is lying on an operating table looking at the light shining down on him; he turns his head to Kurama.
“It's finally happening; I will be free from my fate.”
“Yeah you will be, and we can hang around together more often.” Sasuke chuckles at him again. Then a nurse who is dressed in light blue walks up to him.
“I'm afraid you're gonna have to strip.”
“Everything?” Sasuke asked worryingly.
“Everything.” Then nurse replies, and then walks out of the room.
“Good luck with that then!” Kurama sniggers at him and runs out of the room.
“Bitch!” Sasuke jokes at him as he rises to his feet and enrobes himself, all the way. He then wraps a blanket around his…his…YOU KNOW WHERE! I'M NOT GONNA SAY IT! Let's just call it; his wiener. And falls flat back down onto the table.
“Are you finished yet?” Kurama shouts out.
“Yeah, you can come in now!” Sasuke replies, then Kurama come back in, but behind Kurama is a bunch of doctors in black comes in as well.
“We can't have visitors watching the operation, I'm sorry.” Kurama sighs as he looks at Sasuke.
“I'll be right outside ok?” Sasuke nods his head at him as he walks out of the room. The doctors then walk to him, with a bag of needles in it.
“We're going to give you an injection with a chemical that will make you go subconscious, and then while you sleep, we will begin the operation.” Sasuke then nods at them as they jab with the needle in his arm, they then wait for the action the take hold, Sasuke looks at the ceiling above him, as he then drifts into a black hole in his mind.
Hours have pass, and the operation is still going on. Sasuke is still in deep space, with his eyes calmly closed. But then a voice comes into his head.
“You must be Sasuke then.” The voice seems to be male; Sasuke opens his eyes, but is still in his dream.
“Who are you?” Sasuke questions him. There's a man figure kneeling down in front of him, with his hair covering his face.
“You should know; I'm the new owner of your human body.”
“I don't understand.” The strange man sighs at him.
“Do you know what's going to happen to you after your `miraculous' operation?”
“Yes; I will be rid of this curse.”
“That's only what you think.” Sasuke then looks curiously at him.
“These doctors, these liars; their performing this surgical procedure to revive the curse.”
“You're lying!” Sasuke shouts at him.
“Why do you think…” The man unveiled his face to him, he looks just like him, except from his midnight blue hair, his insipid sapphire eyes, and his blue tiger stripes on his cheeks. “…I look so much like you then?” Sasuke gasps at him in shock.
“It's too bad though…you won't survive after this operation.”
“What do you mean?” Sasuke's other half then presses his fore fingers to his fore head and make him cry out in pain.
Out of his dream, he's already crying out in pain.
“I think we should stop.” One doctor says with his hands covered in red.
“No! We carry on with the operation!” Another snaps at him.
“I can't believe it.” Sasuke trails off.
“You should. But if you join me, let me come into you; you won't ever have to suffer death.” Sasuke then looks up at him.
“You're strong, and I have powers beyond imagination. Together, we can be one god, and the ability to become immortal.” Sasuke thinks to himself for a moment, and then looks at him with a sinister look on his face.
“Let's show these bastards who they're dealing with.”
“Right…” But then the pain grows deeper and more aching than before.
He then bursts out from his dream, and jumps out from the table, grabbing his head with his hands and kneels down. The doctors are quite startled at this point.
“Did we do it?” one of them asks, so then another walks slowly close to him, and reaches out his hand.
“Sir, are you ok?”
“Oh…I'm fine. In fact, I'm…” He pauses for a moment.
“I'm a God.” Suddenly the doctor feels a numb pain in his stomach; it then bursts out from its skin shell, decorating the floor and the table. The others are horrified, and then Sasuke rises up and looks at them; with his midnight blue hair, his insipid sapphire eyes, and his distinctive stripes.
“Get security in here now!” one doctor gasps. But his head then suddenly departs from his neck with fountains of blood spewing out. Sasuke has been turned into a demon like god. But as he looks down, he sees the reflection of his image in the blood.
“No…no…NO!!” He screams and runs out, crashing through the wooden walls and into the main entrance. He sees the cuts all over his body and the blood on his hands.
“AAAARRRRGGH!!!” He screams out and breaks open the slide into the white.
- killer -
Sasuke then woke up from his dream from the pain in his head. He stared at the ceiling for the moment, and raised his top half up from the ground.
“He's wrong; I'm not a God, I'm…something else.” He sighed to himself. And then he stood up and walked out of the room to get some fresh air.
“That man can't be in this house.” San looked at the building with Ashitaka.
“It is. I can sense him here.”
“Well if he is here, we better show him some of our own manners!” San growled as she ran to the door.
“San wait!” Ashitaka cried out. But Sasuke already opened the slide with San stood right at the edge of it. Sasuke then raised his head up to see the two of them.
“I knew it! It's…it's you!” Ashitaka growled at him. The two of them stared into each others eyes, Sasuke and Ashitaka grew angry at each other, but they didn't know what will happen next. So they stood placidly, until their next move commenced.