Princess Tutu Fan Fiction ❯ Forgotten ❯ Forgotten ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: The genius of Princess Tutu does not belong to me. But, damn, am I looking forward to July 25th!


Princess Tutu's fate was a tragic one: if she were to confess her love to her prince, she would turn into a speck of light and vanish.

But, as she told Hermia-chan once, to never speak of her love would also be tragic, for love is a precious feeling that should not be hidden.

These thoughts were always on Ahiru's mind. While she danced, while she slept, while Neko-sensei berated her in front of the entire class--she could not forget her predicament.

Mytho's heart was almost completely restored, that heart currently battling against the Raven's blood that burned inside of him. Ahiru was certain, that if she could only tell Mytho of her love, that he could overcome the evil that had forced its way inside his veins.

She was also certain, however, that his heart would never be whole again if she were to confess her love and vanish.

And, besides that, she was afraid of vanishing...

She would miss ballet and her school and her friends: Pique, Lilie, Fakir...

Though, it had never occured to Ahiru before just how much she would miss Fakir.

The thought of his rare smile brought a grin to her lips. Fakir was very handsome when he smiled...

And as soon as the thought had occurred, so it had vanished.

What had she just been thinking? She had been thinking about her friends, and how she would miss them and how Pique, Lilie, and Fa-


Ahiru frowned.


Who- who did she love? Mytho? Or Fa- ?

Drosselmeyer grinned as he scratched at the paper with his quill.

"Now, now, little duck," he chided, "It's dangerous not knowing your place... or your true love."


Author’s Notes:

I kind of wanted to play around with the idea that Drosselmeyer had control not only of the town, but also of the characters and their emotions. What if Ahiru was no longer in love with the Prince? I don’t think that Drosselmeyer would take that chance.

This is not going to be continued. I’m in love with the idea of short, cute Fakir/Ahiru ficlettes at this time. So, hopefully, I’ll be writing more.

Hope everyone is having a good summer!