Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ cHaOs Energy Times Infinity ❯ Coming Together ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
########### CHAPTER 8 - COMING TOGETHER ################################

cHaOs Energy Times Infinity
Crossover Bid For Power/Ranma/Sailor Moon/Slayers/
Project A-Ko/DBZ/Tenchi
by Afroplex -

Disclaimer - Same as previous chapters.

################### JUUBAN #######################################

"Usagi! He's alive! Mamoru is alive!" Amy cheered, running into the commons
area, and nearly running over Rei in the process.

Looking up from her plate of half eaten food, Usagi looked up at her blue
haired friend. "That's not funny Amy. We just buried him two days ago, I was
there you know."

Getting down on her knees, Amy took Usagi's shoulders in her hands, and
shook. "I'm not joking. Washu and I just saw him in the lab. I don't know
how, but he's back." Tears streamed down both girls' faces. The rest of the
group, sat in shocked silence. Washu walked out of the closet containing
the lab, and came up behind Usagi.

Bursting up, she looked into Washu's eyes, holding her hands tightly against
her chest in anticipation, "Is it true? Can my Mamoru be back? He's alive?"
Before waiting for an answer, she hugged Washu and started crying, crushing
the scientist. After some time, the sobbing stopped, and Washu was able
to get her breath back, and some color back to her now pale face.

"Hold on there." Gently pushing the girl away, she raised a finger
in front of her face. "Is that any way to treat the greatest mind in the
universe? You almost choked me to death."

Amy put a hand to her forehead, mumbling "Not that speech again."

"I HEARD THAT! Anyhow, while Amy and I were just about finished with the
dimensional universe portal, he came out of nowhere." Punching a few
keystrokes on her transparent keyboard, "Here is a view that the
Washu-Time-o-Matic-Cam, advanced thanks to an annoyance known as Mihoshi."

On the screen, a white door shaped portal opened on the other side of the lab,
out of view of the Washu and Amy working on their project. He jumped among
the varying devices, while the camera view jumped around, struggling to keep
up with his movements. Unfortunately, the camera couldn't make out any
identifying features except for a cape with the dark lighting. At the top
of a large computer overlooking the construction area the two unaware were at,
he stopped. Looking up, the two jumped back when a ki blast was shot forward
from the perpetrator's outstretched palm. Pausing the playback, Washu
zoomed in on the face and enhanced the view. Against the green hue of the
ki beam's energy, Mamoru's face was made apparent. His outfit was black, but
wasn't the characteristic tuxedo, but closer to his appearance of Prince
Edmonton. Also, circling his forehead was some kind of golden tiara.

"I now present you, your recreated boyfriend." Washu directed her arms
toward the video screen in the style of a game show assistants. "As you can
see, he is not in his traditional tuxedo mask outfit. He appears to be
under the control of some new powers too."

Rei asked the next question, "What was that attack he did? It looked like
a magic attack, but Amy's Mercury computer, and all of us would have detected

Ranma broke in, "Perhaps I can help. It looks like a ki based attack."

The only others in the group that were familiar with ki, Makoto and Rei,
said "What?"

Ranma continued, "It's something that only very experienced martial artists
can use, especially attacks such as that. I've done them a few times.
It's like your life force. The best way to bring it out is to base if off
your emotions, which gives it a certain coloration, and can often tell what
the person using the attack is feeling. Green is mainly associated with
depression and sadness, the color of Mamoru's attack. Blue auras-"

"Auras?" asked Amy.

"An aura is the manifestation of a persons ki around them. You all have them,
just to varying degrees. It takes a lot to see it though. Here, let me show

Standing with his hands to his side, Ranma took at standing meditation stance.
Latching on to the strongest feeling he could find, the loss of Akane, the
shock of losing more of your manhood to a past you never had before, he
summoned the depression that was stored within him to come out. Externally,
the girls saw his muscles tighten in his arms, and an outline began to appear
around him. Amy and Washu both had their computers out, taking as many
readings as they could. Finally, the aura grew to about an inch around
his body, a transparent field. Ranma opened his eyes and slowly tucked all
the feelings inside of him away, feeling slightly down from the experience.

The girls got over their initial shock, Washu said, "Interesting. I'll have
to run some more tests on you later."

Ranma groaned at that proclaimation, remembering the other girls mentioning
that Washu and Artimis didn't get along too well because of it.

Usagi took control, surprising the rest of the group, "Who is controlling him?
The negaverse?"

Anger levels climbed at this mention, and eyes turned back to the two
brains of the group. Amy shook her head, "We don't think so, it seems
from the initial examinations of the energy readings, the negaverse isn't
involved. Whatever brought him back is using a more common type of energy,
similar to what nuclear reactions. Just plain pure energy. The negaverse
hasn't used this type of energy source at all, relying on other sources -
maybe even the ki energy Ranma demonstrated."

Usagi, still in a serious tone, and clinching her fist, "Who?"

"We don't know. I suggest we rest of the night. Washu and I are going
to try to figure out a plan to catch him and bring him back to the good
side. Is it all right with you Ranma and C-Ko? It would be helpful to have
Mamoru with us when we try to rescue your friends."

Ranma agreed, and C-Ko, having grown bored of all the talk, had her head
on the table with drool making a small puddle. Amy tear dropped. "Ok then...
we'll call it a majority. Get your rest everyone, we're going to need
you in top shape tomorrow."

Having crashed at Rei's place for the past few days, watching over Ranma
and C-ko, and Usagi's emotional health, they all headed back to their
respective homes. The three dimensional travelers stayed.

The next day, Ranma got up before everyone. Dreams the past few nights
hadn't been the most pleasant, and he needed to work some of the feelings
out of his system. Jogging around for an hour, he came to a park. Going
to the top of a barren hill, he sat in meditation. Focusing on the movements
of a perfect kata, he tried to force the thoughts of the past week out of
his head. When his imagined movements in his head struck his opponent,
he couldn't help but see himself as Sailor Sun. The raw power. This only
served to pull him out of the mediation, more upset than before.

Standing, he yelled, "I am not a girl!" Leaping straight into the air, he
let loose with a barrage of the Anything Goes aerial attacks. When he reached
the ground again, leapt forward and continued using a ferocious combo,
twisting his body and only moved faster when his thoughts remembered the

Makoto, was hidden in the bushes, observing the attacking Ranma. She had
seen him pass her window that morning, so she followed him to see if
he was ok. After he finished a chestnut fist attack that lasted more than
a minute, she was beyond impressed. Before that point, she knew he as an
excellent martial artist, and marveled in all his previous assaults.
Now, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Whoa." More intense
attacks followed, and a red aura appeared around his body. Some of the trees,
which were more than twenty feet from Ranma, where being stripped of their
leaves, and splinters were flying out from the force of the attacks.

A half hour of this ensued, never letting up. Sweating profusely, Ranma
collapsed to his knees finally. Makoto felt the urge to jump up, but
fought it. 'He needs to be left alone, besides, it's probably safer.'

Ranma held his palms up to his face. "What am I? I have failed Akane, become
more of a girl than a man, and a monster." Images of his fight with Ryoga,
the energy rip that pulled Akane away, memories of his so called previous
life in the Moon Kingdom, and the final battle with Queen Beryl at the
end of that age. All the power he had, and he still couldn't keep Akane
from being taken away.

Standing, he yelled out, letting his aura flare, "I WILL FIND YOU!" Dust
and rocks flew out from the epicenter.

Makoto shielded her face, awed at the raw power being produced. Ranma
placed his arms together on his right side, and took a crouching stance.
She knew he was going to let it go, and braced for the outburst. Forcing
his arms skyward, he let out a blast of energy, with blue lightening spiraling
around the pure white core, climbing into the sky. Feeling all his emotions
draining, hatred, love, sadness, depression - he let all the bent up
feelings go in one. Collapsing, he fell unconscious on the grass, silence
covering the area.

Jumping up, Makoto rushed to his side, "Ranma, you ok?" See him unconscious,
she put him on her back, and made her way back to the shrine. "No doubt
everyone is waiting for us."

Stumbling up the steps, she made it up and put Ranma gently down.

Rei asked, "What happened?" Rushing over to Ranma, she put a blanket over

"Not much, he just got a little too much exercise to let out some frustration."
Thinking to herself, 'Not to far from the truth, but Ranma needs some

The group congregated around the table. Ranma was still asleep. C-ko
was doing some cooking, much to everyone's dismay except Washu, who
was running various tests on the concoctions that were produced.

"Any ideas?" Usagi asked. Minako still couldn't believe the meatball head
had grown up so much in the week. Now, she was taking it very seriously,
and was in control.

Washu brought a display of Mamoru's face, and pointed out the tiara. "This
appears to be the device controlling him. It is similar to something
I encountered from a rather annoying pest named Kefka. If we destroy this,
he should be freed. Amy, would you fill them in on the plan?"

"Our goal is to continue the portal, he seems bent on keeping us from
rescuing the rest of the kidnapped individuals. If we set a trap in the
lab, with everyone there we should be able to keep him from escaping.
During the trap, it is everyone's goal to keep him there and destroy the
brain crown. In the lab are some force fields to hold him, but they
won't last long. You will have to be there when they do fail."

Usagi nodded and stood up, "Lets do it." Holding her hand forward in the
center of the group, "Together, in the name of love and friendship, we will

Minako put her hand on top of Usagi's, "Together."
Makoto, "Together."
Washu, "Together."
Rei, "Together."
Amy, "Together."
Ranma broke in, "Together. Now let's kick some ass."

C-ko also decided to come in. "Anyone want some cookies?" The group face
vaulted. "What did I say? Don't you like them..... hiccup... hiccup."


The group quickly recovered. "No wait.... C-ko!" "Please don't cry, we didn't
mean it!" "I'll try them..."

################## DEEP SPACE, ON THE BATTLE CRUISER WILDFYRE ##############

Kyah sat impatiently in the large command chair her small fleet's flagship,
and let out a frustrated sigh. Waiting for her teams to begin their
dangerous missions on her behalf, was waning on her. There were some new
silver ships that acted the group of ships, giving her some respite, but
against the full firepower of her capital ships, those brief moments
did not last long, especially with the crews as nervous as they were.
The crew worked at optimum efficiency, knowing she would seek retribution
without hesitation in her current state.

Just as she was about to doze off, a video screen dropped down from the
ceiling. "What is it commander?"

Saluting, "My queen, as you instructed, we have been awaiting the teams'
first contact communications. Teams two and three have arrived safely
at their destinations, and are proceeding with their missions. Team one..."
he hesitated and mumbled out, "has not responded."

"What was that again commander?!"

"Sorry my queen. We have not received confirmation that team one has

"I know that!" Kyah was now sitting in her chair, hands clenching
the armrests of her seat tightly. Thoughts of dread, which she didn't show
to the rest of the crew in her stone facial features, raced through her
head. 'Has Gothax discovered my plan? Has he captured them? A failure such
as this could spell disaster for everything.'

Growling at the video screen, "Great, first we have escapees from sort of
vigilante, which will pay, we have this. How long since they haven't
reported in?"

"Uhh..." The commander's head disappeared to the right, paper shuffling could
be heard. Returning, the commander's face was hidden behind several report
forms, "Three days ago."

"THREE DAYS! This is one of the most important aspects of our purpose, and
you wait three days to tell ME!" Kyah's aura was flaring. The commander's
face went pale. Gathering his wits, he had to say something to save his

"I apologize. My staff and I have been busy verifying this information, and
pursuing all possible leads. It appears our enemies are not involved,
but this can not be made certain."

This had the desired effect of calming the queen, and her aura disappated.
"Very well. Prepare to activate the backup plan - I'm going in. If this
group can't complete the mission - which is a shame such talent was lost -
I'll complete it personally. Set a course for the richest planet in the
empire, I'll deal justice under my hand."

The bridge crew was silenced at this news, and looked at their queen with
horrified expressions.

With an evil grin, she said the words that the commander feared the most. "If
planet Telleo feeds the pockets of Gothax's empire, I will destroy the people
there for serving his evil."

The ships lined into a prearranged battle formation, and jumped out of
the system, failing to detect the fleet of silver streaks arriving in the
area they just vacated.

############################# ROYAL GUARD FLEET #######################

"Five minutes till we leave warp sir."

"Good. As soon as the rest of the fleet arrives, order the ships to pull
back behind the largest moon of the planet to standby. I'll be departing
in my personal fighter to deal with the trouble. If, in the unlikely
event something goes wrong, you have command." Turning, Gothax proceeded
in the direction of the ship's hanger. "Dismissed, Admiral Ryuujin."

One million kilometers from the planet Telleo, above its north polar region,
the Katana and Royal Guard fleets came out of warp space. Anyone on the
ground witnessed amazing aurora anomalies from the energy given off
by such a large group of ships coming out of subspace. As the ships lumbered
toward the largest of the planet's three moons, a lone one person fighter
streaked toward the atmosphere. A tri-wing, dark blue, it was designed
specifically for use by the emperor. It's user was capable of extraordinary
physical stress, and so it's designers could take advantage of this.

Turning abruptly, the ship plummeted toward the city.

"Unidentified craft. You are in violation of Telleo airspace. Please
proceed to an altitude of two hundred kilometers and file a proper flight
plan. A no fly zone has been enacted over sector A-20. A dangerous
entity is currently being dealt with there."

Keying into the radio, Gothax answered, "I know. Instruct your men that
his majesty is here to deal with the problem. Emperor Gothax out."

Halting the ship, Gothax opened the canopy to the frigid air of the high
altitude. Stepping out, he powered up and felt for any high power
life signs. Sensing one, he sped down in the direction of the more
extravagent towers regions of the capitol.

########################## DOWNTOWN #####################################

Vegeta felt the power emerge far above him, and knew what it was here for.
He knew a good battle was going to occur, long before the ships attacking
him cleared the area.

"Finally. If Kakarot wants to become a common construction worker, fine
with me. I will ascend and redeem the saiyan race." As the power approached
the prince, Vegeta flared and concentrated on his rapidly approaching
foe. So intent on this new enemy, he didn't notice Ryoko coming from behind.

Ryoko slowly faded in out of the walls, gaining ground on Vegeta who
just kept staring into the clear sky, fists clenched at waist level.

'Good, he's still off in la la land, sound make my job easier.'

Transporting behind him, Ryoko prepared to put her energy bands around him.
When she lunged forward, she hit an invisible barrier and was blown backward
into a tower wall. Vegeta had transformed into a super saiyan, and was
rocketing skyward at a steep angle. Ryoko tried to follow after recovering
from the sudden introduction to space age tower construction, but couldn't
match his superior speed.

######################## SPACE PORT DOCK ###############################

Komosauro was busy installing the final restraining bolts on the shield
generator cover to the Shogo. As he wiped his brow with a rag, alarms
went off, startling the warrior. "Sheesh, would you quit it already Jake!?
That's the third time and it's getting annoying!"

He got a further jolt when Jake answered next to him, "Sorry, not me this

Jake looked at him wide eyed, mouth open. Motioning toward the flashing
lights, "You... didn't?"

Jake shrugged. Reality finally dawned on the two, and they scrambled into the
top hatch of the ship. Racing to the cockpit, Komo activated the sensor
display. "Fuck. This is... bad. Plain and simple." Turning, Komo was startled
again to see Jake's green eye staring at him inches away. "QUIT DOING THAT!
This is serious. It appears we have both sides of this war in the area,
and I can't have this planet sitting in ruins because of it."

Jake nodded, "Ok. So what are we going to do?" Komo was changing into
his fighting gi, consisting of a cape and loose fitting pants. "You can't
be serious! Those power readings are going through the roof. It's suicide!"

"And let all the people on the planet die because I wasn't there? No way.
Get the rest of the equipment in the hold, and prep the ship for launch.
When I get back, we are getting out of here. If the emperor and the queen
are in the area, there has got to be some serious firepower up there. Oh,
and try to get hold of the other four." Levitating out the hatch, he gave a
quick wave to the short mechanic, and fly in the direction of least
probable survival.