Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers) Fan Fiction ❯ Nabiki 1/2 (A Very Scary Thought) ❯ Dark Stalking... ( Chapter 108 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nabiki 1/2

(A Very Scary Thought)

Written by Jim Robert Bader

Proofread by Shiva Barnwell

Based Upon the Altered Destinies Storyline

Inspired by the works of such fans as

Wade Tritshler

Richard Lawson

James Jones

And Many Others

Standard Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and is not my original creation. All characters belong to her. This is only a fanfictional work, and is not intended to compromise the rights of the original owners, distributors and publishers of the Ranma series. I have no money to spare and would very much appreciate if no one tries to sue me.

"Here it is," Ranma-chan said as she fished the hand mirror out of the koi pond, "Looks like the old goat didn't get his hands on it after all. Now all we gotta do is figure out how to use this to send you back and get back our Nabiki."

"Are you sure that's such a good idea, Ranchan?" Ukyo asked with a wry smirk, "I kind of like this version better than the one we usually have to put up with."

"Maybe we find way of charging greedy mercenary girl for rescue," Shampoo mused, "Be good turn tables around for once and have her owe us."

Nabiki eyed the two who were so much like her best friend and wife rather dubiously before saying, "Surely I'm not that bad to be around, am I?"

"Well," Ranma-chan said, while drying off the mirror, "I'll put it to you like this…if this was the you we're used to dealing with you'd probably have figured out a way to scam us out of some money."

"The Nabiki we know isn't exactly the most altruistic person on the block," Ukyo added.

"You no kidding," Shampoo sniffed, "Shampoo think maybe there somebody pay her to keep breathing, which more than Shampoo could say she do after she sold pictures of Shampoo taking bath to high school."

I-what???" Nabiki reacted with a start.

"You think that's bad?" Ukyo sniffed, "Last week she conned me with a rumor that Ranchan here was joining a religious cult, only later I found out it was really a No Drama contest being waged against some really weird Martial Arts Acting dojo…"

"And then there's the time she almost sold me out to Kodachi…" Ranma-chan further noted before pausing to add, "Of course it turned out just to be another stupid trick by her to get Akane to admit she cared about me..."

"My counterpart did all that?" Nabiki paled.

"If you are quite through with reliving the sordid past of the Tendo Nabiki that we know," said Cologne sarcastically, "Then perhaps we can get down to basics. Now, we have the mirror, which is one half of the problem on our side…unfortunately we will need to somehow obtain the cooperation of someone from this Nabiki's world in order to effect the transfer."

"What?" Ranma-chan said, "I thought you said the mirror alone was the thing we needed to get things back to normal?"

"Calm down, Ranchan," Nabiki said calmly, "This really isn't unexpected. Elder Cologne's right, having the mirror by itself doesn't guarantee me a way back to my world. I need a focus to connect with the reality I know so I can sort it out of all the possible alternate Otherwheres that might exist between this world and mine."

"I guess," Ranma-chan said as he glanced down at the mirror in his hand with a look almost of regret, "Too bad I can't use this right now to take me to Jusenkyo so I can finally be cured…"

"Cured?" Nabiki raised an eyebrow, "Ah…I don't think that would work out too good, Ranchan. I've had a little experience with looking for a cure myself and…well…I don't think Jusenkyo curses work too reliable that way."

"They don't?" Ranma-chan looked stricken.

"I'm not saying you couldn't cure yourself with Nanniichuan water," Nabiki-kun replied, "But I knew a lady who told me that Curses bond to us on a Karmic level and getting rid of one takes a lot more than just dousing yourself in gender-restoring water. In fact, the Cologne of my world outright told me that there had never been a recorded case of anyone being cured of their Jusenkyo curse in the memory of the Amazons, who have lived near to the springs for the last three thousand years…"

"Did I now?" Cologne remarked, eyeing this girl who claimed to be her apprentice where she came from.

"Actually," Nabiki-kun continued, "I do know of one guy who had your curse and got cured of it, but he was a special case, and I don't think it would work with you, Ranchan."

"Why not?" Ranma-chan asked with a hint of desperation.

"Because he's not exactly human," Nabiki replied, "More like some kind of animated Flesh Golem kept alive by a weird alchemy that borders on both magic and science. He said it wore off after a couple of generations of living with his ability to switch genders, only the way it ended is what makes me think it might not apply with you. You see…he told me that Jusenkyo was normally a curse, but that for him it was more like a blessing, and once he achieved a point where he was totally at peace with his other self it no longer seemed that important, and that was when he finally and permanently reverted to normal."

Seeing Ranma's stupefied expression Nabiki just sighed and reached down to dip her hands in the koi pond, cupping them together so that she could splash herself and effect her own change in genders. This had an immediate effect on both Shampoo and Ukyo, who stared in frank amazement as the middle Tendo daughter gained several inches in height and became broad at the shoulders with the hard masculine frame that filled out her Chinese-styled clothes and made her appear more impressive even than the male form of Ranma. She/he was arguably as handsome and with an indefinable quality that caused both Amazon and Okonomiyaki chef to feel a desire to swoon as if gazing on a romantic idol.

"You see?" Nabiki's voice was deeper and more resonant, "This body used to freak me out until I learned how to get by with it, but now I'm used to being Kaneda and it doesn't bother me as much when I switch genders. You think you got it tough turning into a girl? It's a harder thing to lose your womanhood because of a curse, Ranma. Like you, I can't bear children…when I switch genders it causes any fetus in me to be spontaneously aborted. I've also got to get used to a different center of balance and an entirely different set of plumbing!"

"But…" Ranma gasped, "It's not the same thing!"

"Oh no?" Nabiki-kun sniffed, "According to what you've told me, when you first faced Shampoo you were a girl, so naturally the Jusenkyo guide warned you about the kiss of death in time to beat a hasty retreat out of there. With me it was different because everyone thought I was a guy. When I defeated Shampoo it was amazing because this girl I'd been fighting comes right up and kisses me! While I'm still dealing with that her villagers all start patting me on the back and saying what a great guy I must be, then they hand me this drink that has something besides alcohol in it, and the next thing I know I wake up in bed with Shampoo beside me. I've got a hangover, I need to potty and I want a good bath something awful, only Pops shows up and tell me that I've got to leave because if they find out I'm really a girl…" she shrugged her shoulders, "Well, what could I say? Even Shampoo told me to leave…I thought she'd never want to see me again…only a month later she shows up in Nerima and tells me that we're married!"

Shampoo gasped, turning to Cologne, "Great-grandmother…is this true?"

"I sense no prevarication on the part of our Ms. Tendo here," Cologne replied, "And what she says sounds plausible, though it is obvious that you were the one who chose to stay married rather than kill her."

Nabiki-kun gave a short laugh and said, "Yeah, you've got that right, Elder. Shampoo said she wanted to be my wife, and what was I gonna say about that? I'd really messed up her life, even if it was unintentional, so I promised I'd do the right thing with her, only a few weeks later…" Nabiki gave a softer laugh and said, "We found out she was pregnant."

There was a sharp intake of breath from Shampoo while Ukyo just stared at the masculine Nabiki-kun in amazement until Ranma-chan broke the silence by saying, "Pregnant? But…"

"We just got Shampoo home from the hospital a few weeks ago," Nabiki-kun said softly, "Three-point-seven-two kilos, a bouncing baby girl that we named Lylac, after her mother. She means everything to me…you don't know what it feels like to hold a baby in your arms, to know it's yours when I thought maybe I'd never myself be a mother…" she had to pause for breath before she could continue, "Of course, if I ever lose this curse I won't ever be a father again, so don't tell me you've go it bad, Ranchan. There are worse things to turn into other than a girl. Being a guy's been a lot of trouble for me, you know. I can't seem to go anywhere without attracting the attention of other women. I even get mobbed by my peers every time I appear as a guy at school! What have you got to worry about other than having a few girlfriends?"

"Hey," Ranma-chan said, "Wait a minute, I got guys chasing after me wanting a date, you know, and Akane hits me if I even look at another girl. Sure, Ucchan and Shampoo may be nice, but I've also got Kodachi…"

"Welcome to the club," Nabiki-kun said sardonically, "She was after me for a while there, too, you know…but now she spends more time with Akane, and she's got someone else who's special in her life. There's a lot more to the girl than you realize, Ranchan, and she's had personal problems that make yours seem almost social."

"Wow," Ukyo shook her head, "I can't get over how different you are from our Nabiki. Sometimes I'm not sure she gives a damn about anyone, but the way you talk about Shampoo…"

"Aiyaa," Shampoo agreed with clear reluctance, "Shampoo never think sneaky mercenary girl care about anything but money…not know what do if this Nabiki showed up in village instead of Ranma."

"I too find the contrast most intriguing," Cologne remarked, "But there is a vital need to get our Ms. Tendo back to her world safe and sound, if only because there is a Shampoo there who would genuinely miss her, but not least because it is essential that we restore balance between the dimensions…what is it?" she turned sharply to set her gaze focusing upon Akane, who had just wandered out onto the veranda.

"Are you still here, Ranma?" Akane asked, "Have you forgotten all about your challenge match?"

"Huh?" Ranma-chan reacted then slapped herself and said, "Kami-sama! I forgot all about it! I'm supposed to be at that Karaoke bar in twenty minutes!"

"Karaoke bar?" Nabiki-kun asked, "What's this got to do with a challenge match?"

"It's Martial Arts Karaoke," Ranma-chan replied, "And I'm gonna win it."

"Says the walking ego," Akane sniffed, then frowned when she looked towards Nabiki-kun, "You're still here? I thought you were going to find a way to get my sister back!"

"We are working on that very problem," Cologne replied as she extended a hand towards Ranma, who passed over the Nanban mirror.

"Yeah, but first I gotta go settle this challenge match," Ranma-chan looked nervously at Nabiki-kun, "You understand, right? I just can't forfeit by not showing up."

"No problem," Nabiki shrugged.

"Y'gotta understand that a guy can't just…" Ranma-chan blinked her eyes, "Huh? You do understand how it is?"

"Of course I understand," Nabiki smiled, "I've faced my own challenges back home, and I've never back down from one either…which just reminded me! I've got a challenge match of my own waiting for me back home, and the deadline's midnight!"

"Indeed?" Cologne remarked, "That is very interesting, but I'm afraid we can't rush things on our end without the cooperation of someone from your world. Perhaps we should attend Son-in-law's match to see that it goes smoothly, then we can devote ourselves to rectifying this matter of your time displacement."

"Sure," Nabiki-kun sniffed, "Whatever, but let's get started."

Ukyo and Shampoo shared another one of those uncomfortable moments where an exchange of looks spoke volumes. Each one was taking notice of the fact that this Nabiki sounded and acted a lot like their Ranma. She might be more thoughtful in her actions, but there was still the mandate for action, the same reckless bravery and impulse to do something rather than just stand on the sidelines offering snide and often sarcastic commentary. It was more than a little bit disturbing and it made them begin to seriously wonder if maybe their counterparts in the other frame did not have the more desirable arrangement…

"That arrogant, pig-headed…OOOhhh!" Ukyo growled as she paced back and forth in the dining room area, expressing her frustration, "Just who does she think she is telling me that I need to be watched like some kid in need of a baby-sitter!"

"She woman who love you very much," Shampoo replied, giving Nabiki a wry look as she added, "Shampoo think she hear echo somewhere. Could swear she hear very same words not long time ago, or maybe Shampoo not so good remember."

Nabiki could not stifle a laugh at the look Ukyo gave Shampoo. In spite of her worries about Kasumi, the antics of both Amazon and Okonomiyaki chef were like some comic soap opera in which a female drama troop had assumed all the roles normally assigned to both men and women. There was obviously a great deal of deep affection here, but mixed in with it was a healthy respect and grudging tolerance for the complex relationship that they had with their respective mates and each other.

The Ukyo and Shampoo she knew were often like a pair of snarling cats ready to break out in a hissing contest at any minute. Their jealous rivalry over Ranma and overall competitiveness as warriors from two different sets of traditions often put them at odds when they might in most other respects have a great deal in common. Nabiki was struck by the way this Ukyo seemed less shy about displaying her feminine side and was not the aloof Tomboy to which she was accustomed. Shampoo in no way acted like an airheaded bimbo and seemed palpably quite savvy in spite of her awkward use of the language. It made her curiosity greater than ever about the mysterious fifth element in their complex marriage arrangement which is what prompted her to ask, "Tell me a little something about this Perfume character…do you love her?"

Nabiki had intended the bluntness of her question to have shock value, but to her surprise she saw Ukyo only smile lopsidedly before saying, "Well…yeah…of course I love her. I mean, you think I'd let just any girl do this to me?" she patted her abdomen, which bulged only slightly but was not the washboard smooth stomach of the Ukyo that Nabiki remembered.

"How did this happen?" Nabiki asked, "I heard the Reader's digest version of how you two met, but…"

"How did I wind up married to that Tom-cat?" Ukyo sniffed, "Believe it or not, it happened while I was saving your butt…I mean our Nabiki. Perfume's the tribal Enforcer of the Amazons, and Cologne sent her after Nab-chan, and if you've ever seen Perfume in action…" she shook her head and sighed, "She's pretty amazing. You were on the ropes and running for cover one minute after you met her. She'd almost cornered you in the school locker rooms when I managed to get the drop on her and knocked her into the showers."

"And because she has a Jusenkyo curse that took the fight out of her, eh?" Nabiki remarked, "So it was really a technical victory, not an actual challenge match. So why did she decide to marry rather than kill you? Your boyish good looks had her fooled?"

Shampoo sniffed, "Hardly. Cousin best tracker in village, have nose so sharp she smell flower in thunderstorm. She know Ukyo is woman moment she stand downwind, but Cousin no mind that Ukyo is female. She like Spatula girl because she Ucchan."

Ukyo made a face at that but smiled anyway, "Perfume doesn't have much interest in men. She's not a true lesbian, mind you, but…she has this little problem that makes her wary of getting pregnant. I guess that's why she thinks she gets to wear the pants in our family, even if she does take this protective nonsense a little farther than she has to."

"She love you very much," Shampoo replied, "She no want you hurt, just as Airen no want Shampoo come with you when you face renegade cousin."

"You said she was the Tribal Enforcer," Nabiki frowned, "Does that mean she's Cologne's resident hit-woman?"

"More like their one-woman demolition squad, law enforcement division and executioner of the will of the Council of Elders," Ukyo replied, "She's a killing machine, Cologne's own hand-picked protégé, highly trained and methodical, but with me she's like this big cuddly pussy cat I can take on my lap and…" Ukyo grinned lasciviously, "The rest ain't nobody else's business, Sugar. Let's just say Per-chan and me...we make each other happy."

Nabiki was frankly amazed by such honesty in this world's version of Kuonji Ukyo. The woman she knew was uncertain about her own femininity and insecure about expressing her feelings on any other subject than her wholehearted devotion towards Ranma. In a lot of ways the Ukyo she knew behaved so much like a boy that she seemed almost guy-like in her behavior. Though this Ukyo had a definite masculine side it seemed well balanced with her femininity, and on the whole she did seem genuinely quite happy.

She was about to ask about that difference when a voice called out from the back porch, "Hello, is anyone here?"

"Over here," Ukyo called out, "Is that you, Beiko?"

"Beiko?" Nabiki repeated.

"You always call her Beatrice," Shampoo stage-whispered, "Is name she prefers over nick-name."

Nabiki turned to see a pair of total strangers coming around from behind the house to greet them warmly as though they were well-remembered houseguests. One of these was a statuesque girl with long silver-blue hair and a stunningly beautiful profile, and standing next to her was a tall redhead who moved with a powerful gait like a trained martial artist. The redhead made a teasing comment towards Ukyo about her figure but the blonde just smiled at Nabiki and said, "You wanted some technical advice about parallel dimensions?"

"Um…yeah," Nabiki replied, "Beatrice?"

"Who tell you have problem?" Shampoo asked in an entirely friendly manner.

"Your older sister, Kasumi," the blonde replied, "She called us at our apartment and said you needed some technical assistance. Is she around? I was expecting her to greet us."

"Ah," Nabiki hesitated, "Kasumi…is in some trouble and the others have gone to find her…"

"So?" the redhead asked, "Why are you waiting here? I'd think you'd be tearing across town looking for your older sister."

"There's a problem about that, Sugar," Ukyo replied, "Nab-chan here ain't exactly herself at the moment."

"Indeed?" the one named Beatrice inquired with a lifted eyebrow, "In what way?"

"She means I'm not who you think I am," Nabiki replied, "I'm Tendo Nabiki from another world where I never went on any training mission with Uncle Genma. I don't practice martial arts, I only know a little self-defense, and the only time I work out is so I can keep my girlish figure."

"You're putting us on," the redhead chuckled, then noticed no one was joining, to which she added a hopeful, "Right?"

"Afraid not, Sugar," Ukyo said, "Somehow our Nab-chan got exchanged with this one. She says her history is totally different from ours and that she's not the one who goes charging off into battle at the head of our little Posse…"

"Our what?" Nabiki asked.

"The Tendo Posse," Beatrice replied, "A quaint if descriptive term for your close-knit family unit, of which you are the nominative head. You say you have no memory of this and that your experiences differ radically from that of our good friend, Kaneda?"

"Wait a second," the redhead said, "Are you saying you are or you're not Tendo Nabiki?"

The blonde smiled, "Please excuse Alison, she has a difficult time grasping the concept of the multiple layering of reality, even though we've had some of our own experiences in regards to such phenomenon. I observe that you do seem to be a different sort of person than my good friend, you don't seem as brash, nor do you carry yourself with the same confidence in your bearing. I also fail to see your trademark warrior braid, which you have always worn down the back of your neck..."

"Huh?" Nabiki reflexively put her hand up to the nape of her neck and frowned, "There's supposed to be something there?"

"Hey, you're right," Ukyo said, "I didn't really notice."

"Shampoo see you no wear Dragon Whisker in pig tail," Shampoo replied, "But I no think about that. You also no wear Chinese clothing…"

Nabiki's mouth fell open as she looked at them and said, "My counterpart drank the same stuff that caused Ranma's hair to grow out of control? And what do you mean Chinese clothing?"

"Well, duh," said the one named Alison, "Like you want to be caught wearing a dress in your guy form?"

"I believe a more pertinent question should be regarding the means by which you and your counterpart effected this transference," Beatrice remarked, "If you could tell me something about that I might be able to help you."

"It was Nanban mirror," Shampoo said, "Evil pervert master have ancient Amazon treasure in his possession, and that was thing which change my Airen with this Nabiki."

"I see," Beatrice played with one of the silver bangs that framed her exquisite features, "A magical artifact that can effect the flow of time and space. Do you still have it with you?"

"Ah…" Nabiki exchanged looks with her companions, "Not really."

"Smooth," sniffed the one named Alison, "Leave a powerful device laying around where anyone can find it why don't you."

"Maybe it's still in the koi pond where Nab-chan dropped it," Ukyo suggested, heading for the back porch, "I think I know where that is."

Moments later they all gathered around outside while Ukyo stared at the place where a long-handled net was laying and said, "That's funny, this is normally kept by the side of the house. It looks like somebody just dropped it."

"Hmm," Beatrice moved closer and kneeled down, "No visible signs of a struggle, yet there is a slight scuffling in the rocks, and those footprints are definitely consistent with Tendo Kasumi's…but what of these other marks? Rather large footprints, yet not very heavily indented. And these other ones look as if they were made by an animal or very large canine…yet one that walks two legged…"

"That guy who grabbed Kasumi," Nabiki suddenly put it all together, "That's gotta be the spot where she was standing when that Vampire guy grabbed her."

"Vampire?" Alison said, "You're saying there's a Vampire involved in all this?"

"This is very bad," Beatrice murmured, "I would surmise that your sister-being the thoughtful sort that we know her to be-was in the process of retrieving the artifact when she was surprised and carried away. You will note an absence of matching footprints coming and going from this spot? Vampires are said to possess the power of levitation, and this one is obviously typical of that breed."

"Then Vampire have Kasumi-chan?" Shampoo reacted, "Aiyaa! That very bad indeed!"

"It does not necessarily imply that Kasumi found the mirror before she was kidnapped," Beatrice remarked, "But that is one possible explanation. Alison, put your hand into the pond and see if you can find anything."

"Why me?" Alison replied, then shrugged, "All right, I'll do it…"

The redhead rolled up one sleeve and knelt down to thrust her hand into the water, and a moment later she pulled it out again clutching one of the koi, which kicked and struggled.

"As I thought," Beatrice nodded, "Put it back, Alison. Either Kasumi or this Vampire has possession of the mirror."

"How can you be so sure of that?" Ukyo asked.

"Law of probabilities," Beatrice smiled as she straightened out, "Alison has divine blood in her veins, and that always skews the odds in her favor. The probability was seventeen thousand, four hundred thirty two to one that she would find the mirror on the first try, so naturally if it was there it would have happened."

"Oh," Nabiki replied to that, deciding not to ask any questions about that "divine blood" remark as there was something about the redhead that reminded her a lot of the cursed form of Ranma.

"There is no time to lose," Beatrice said, "We must find your sister and the artifact with all due haste. There is no telling what might happen the longer you and your counterpart are removed from your proper timelines. Such an exchange creates an inherent imbalance in the dimensional currents and there are bound to be side-effects of a random, almost unpredictable nature."

"Almost unpredictable?" Ukyo asked.

"This is Nerima," Beatrice replied, "Anywhere else it would be just bad, here it could be downright catastrophic."

"Well, there's just one problem," Nabiki said, "We don't know where the others went, but there was this Talbain guy who seemed to know…didn't catch any directions from him, though, but I guess it was someplace that might appeal to a vampire."

"Like a cemetery?" Beatrice smiled, "One does not have to specialize in the occult arts to make such a connection. That is the first place I would look when pursuing the undead, but just in case Alison will lead the way."

"Why me?" Alison frowned, then sniffed and rolled her eyes, "Yeah, divine blood…right."

"Look at the bright side, Sugar," Ukyo smiled, "At least you're more reliable than a certain guy named Hibiki."

"That reminds me," Nabiki said, "Where is Ryoga? We could sure use his help right about now."

"Him at Kuno mansion," Shampoo smiled in a particularly winsome manner, "Serving Sushi to Akane, Red and stupid Rose girl…"

"Now just hold still, Ryoga-kun," purred Kuno Kodachi, "This won't hurt a bit…at least not us."

Ryoga winced beneath his blindfold as the nominal Black Rose brought her chopsticks closer to his bare skin, carefully plucking the morsel of raw fish off his body as he lay upon the floor like a human food cart. Keiko and Akane were wearing matching grins of amusement as they watched Kodachi lift the morsel to her lips and made a full production out of chewing it in sensual arousal.

"Your turn, Keiko-darling," Kodachi smiled as she turned to the redheaded Kickboxer.

"I'd rather eat off you any day," Keiko informed her raven haired life-partner, bringing her own chopsticks near to Ryoga's loins and making a point to gently stroke along his thigh, which caused an immediate stiffening of a flag pole that had been tilting at half-mast. Keiko turned a lustful grin towards Akane, whose big eyed-stare showed how much she was appreciating Ryoga's state of arousal.

The phone rang before her turn arrived, however, so Akane just groaned in frustration and said, "It never fails…!"

"I'll get it, Akane-chan," Kodachi said as she smoothly rose to her bare feet and padded across the floor to where the phone was cradled. Posing her nude body for maximum sensualistic effect she turned a coy look over her shoulder towards her two friends and the blindfolded Ryoga as she unfolded the cell phone and said, "Kuno residence, may I help you?"

Normally it would have been Sasuke or another servant who answered the phone for her, but Kodachi had given the help the day off, and her brother was out on another date with Natsume, so they pretty much had the place all to themselves, which was why the idea for the game of "Sushi" had been proposed between the three friends and hapless Ryoga. They were like naughty teenagers when their parents were out of town, and they meant to take full advantage of the complete lack of adult supervision, which was why a phone call of distress was so unexpected by Kodachi, who listened to Ukyo's hasty explanation then said, "What…you are sure of this?"

"What is it?" Akane asked, sensing the mood-shift of her friend with combat reflexes that had been honed over many months of continuous crisis.

"We'll be there right away," Kodachi said as she hung up the phone then said, "There's been a problem…your sister, Kasumi, has been taken."

"Taken?" Keiko reacted, "Who would want to take Kasumi anywhere, other than Tofu-sensei?"

"Some manner of fiend who intends her no good will," Kodachi was already headed for the stairs, "I suggest we dress ourselves at once, my friends. They will need every warrior that they can marshal to save the fair Kasumi from whatever menace with which she is faced."

"Kasumi needs our help?" Ryoga sat upright, heedless of the food he spilled as he plucked off his blindfold, "Then I'm coming with you-"

"No, Ryoga-kun!" Keiko tried to warn him, only to have the lost boy's eyes go very wide as he caught sight of his three lovely (if naked) companions, which prompted him to faint away with his nose bleeding all over his bare chest.

Akane sighed, "Oh, Ryoga-kun…" she hastily got to her feet and went in search of something to wear as she prepared to go to the aid of her beloved older sister…

"I trust that you are comfortable?"

Kasumi opened her eyes, finding herself sitting in a chair inside a room that looked uncomfortably like a converted mausoleum. The only light in the room was provided by several scores of candles, and the only other figure in the room-the one who had spoken-was that strange, tall man with the burning eyes who had surprised her in her garden.

"Oh my," Kasumi said, then felt along the sides of her neck as if expecting to find hickeys.

"You need not worry…yet," the towering figure remarked, "I have not harmed you. I merely wish to gaze upon your beauty while we wait for your friends to join our little party. Such fine looks you have, my dear. A pity that mortal looks fade so soon…beauty such are yours should endure forever."

Kasumi was confused regarding the man's intentions. On the one hand he did present a very fearsome countenance, having sharp, angular features with a head that seemed pointed at the top, an impression added to by his swept-back hairstyle and his generally massive frame which made the perspective of looking up at him distort his proportions.

He was a well-dressed gentleman, even if the style of his dress was centuries behind current fashion, and the cape made him look even more distinctive in an aristocratic manner. He looked as if he had stepped out of the pages of history, a ghost of the European past, quite out of place in a Japanese setting, and his accent was heavily laced with a strongly Slavic flavor.

"Um, excuse me," Kasumi ventured politely, "I don't believe we've been introduced. My name is Tendo Kasumi, and you are?"

"Dimitri Maximoff," he bowed to her in a regal manner, "At your service."

Kasumi smiled and said, "You seem like a nice enough gentleman. Was there some reason I came with you? I don't quite remember leaving my house…"

Dimitri looked at the fair flower of Japanese youth before him and wondered at the calming aura she seemed to radiate with her presence. He had been prepared for almost any reaction, hysteria, a crying jag, even screams of piteous grief and horror, emotions he well understood in his victims and had come to expect as his rightful due. This girl was manifesting none of these traits and he began to wonder if she had any real grasp of the situation. She seemed cerebrally alert enough to dismiss the possibility that she was mentally defective.

"You do not remember because I wish it so," Dimitri replied, "As for your presence in this place, it is to keep me company while we await the inevitable arrival of your sister…"

"Oh," the girl said simply, "Will Nabiki be having dinner with us? This seems an odd place for it, not that I'm intending to be critical…"

Now Dimitri was beginning to suspect that this girl was having a jest at his expense. It made him frown crossly as he replied, "The 'dinner,' as you so put it, will be on the house, compliments of you ladies."

"Oh," Kasumi looked down at herself, finding heavy ropes that were binding her to the chair, to which she looked puzzled and said, "How can I make dinner for you when I can't get up? I do hope you're not expecting Nabiki to cook for you. She's not as bad as our little sister, but I'm afraid she's no gourmet…"

Dimitri was suddenly leaning over her with his face only inches from her own as he growled, "Are you trying to be funny?"

Kasumi blinked then replied, "Why, no…I'm afraid I'm not very good at making jokes…"

Dimitri looked hard into the girl's innocent brown eyes, seeing no hint of deception, no trace of ridicule or implied cynicism. She was sincere in every way, which puzzled him enormously. Dimitri had known many sinners, quite a number of people of virtue, but never anyone so lacking in guile as to challenge his deeply held belief that everyone everywhere had dark shadows to their nature.

"I see," he replied, straightening up, "Then I apologize for suspecting you of ill will. You need not fear for the present, I shall be a gracious host and allow you some moments to compose yourself before the fun truly beings."

"Oh my," Kasumi said, "Are we having a party?"

"In a sense," Dimitri smiled, "A party that will flow with lakes of crimson. I relish the coming battle as a kind of celebration. Your sister is said to be very skilled, and I always have enjoyed testing myself against the strongest foes, the better to absorb their strength and add it to my own considerable prowess."

"You mean you're the one who sent my sister the Challenge note?" Kasumi asked, "But why?"

"As I said, for the glory of battle!" Dimitri grinned, exposing his fangs as he waved a fist under the nose of the helpless girl, who just looked at it curiously, then at him without the sort of timid fear he would have expected of someone in her position.

"Oh," she said, "Then you're a Martial Artist. Are you a good one?"

"Eh?" Dimitri was puzzled by her attitude, "I am the best of all my kind."

"That's very nice," Kasumi replied, "Nabiki needs to test herself against strong opponents. It's how she improves herself as a Martial Artist. I'm sure you'll give her a very good fight…oh my! I'm so sorry…I forgot all about it."

"Forgot what?" Dimitri asked, now totally confused by the girl's matter-of-fact complacence.

"About Nabiki," Kasumi said, "It slipped my mind…I'm so silly! I should have remembered that Nabiki isn't quite herself at the moment. She's been transferred with a counterpart who doesn't know how to fight as good. I'm very sorry about that, I know how much Imoutochan looks forward to meeting people like you. This is all so very inconvenient…"

"What are you babbling about, Woman?" Dimitri asked, staring once again into those guiless eyes that seemed incapable of dissembly, "Talk sense!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, am I not making sense to you?" Kasumi replied, "I really don't blame you for being confused, it is such a confusing matter. One minute Nabiki is the little sister that I dearly… um…cherish, and the next she's quite a different person who doesn't have a curse and doesn't know how to fight…"

"Are you trying to protect her?" Dimitri asked, "Because if you are lying…"

"Lying?" Kasumi looked even more puzzled than before, "Why would I be lying to you? I know it may sound difficult to believe, but my little sister has exchanged places with another version of herself, less able to give you the sort of fight you were hoping for. I'm very sorry about that and we are trying to fix the problem, but…"

"Eh?" Dimitri straightened up and glanced over his shoulder, "One moment, my dear…it seems that company has arrived, though not the sort I was hoping for. Oh well…even princes cannot be choosers. Wait here and I will go attend to this trifling matter."

"Um…" Kasumi glanced down at herself, "I don't suppose I have any choice about that…"

"No, you do not," Dimitri smiled, "On the other hand there may be a way you could be of use to me after all," and he exposed his fangs, relishing the thought of exactly how he intended to so use her…

"Well, here we are," said Ranma-chan as she and the others entered the restaurant, "Not too late for a Karaoke match. So…where's the competition?"

"I have a better question," Nabiki-kun said as she glanced around to the interior, "Where are the patrons?"

"Hey, you're right," Ukyo remarked, "This place should be doing lots of business. It's not even that far after eight."

"Aiyaa," Shampoo shivered, "Shampoo have bad feeling about this. No think this ordinary restaurant."

"So somebody rented the place out," Akane shrugged, "It's not that unusual for a Challenge Match."

"Interesting," Cologne remarked, "I sense a presence nearby, one with a very powerful aura."

"So where is he?" Ranma-chan looked around, ignoring the previous questions, "If he's so tough then he ought to have the guts to show himself by now."

"Hmm," Nabiki-kun frowned, "I wonder…does this feel to you guys like a good place to stage an ambush?"

Ukyo and Shampoo exchanged glances then deliberately separated to take flanking positions safeguarding Ranma. Akane saw this and frowned, then angrily stalked to the center of the room, as much to keep and eye on the two of them as to look out for any possible danger. Nabiki-kun wandered out into an open area and tried to act casual while Ranma-chan walked up to the stage where he found one of a pair of microphones waiting. Cologne, on the other hand, held back and kept her eyes upon the shadows.

"Ambush," Ranma-chan sniffed, "So where is he?"

+You've Come,+ came an eerie voice from somewhere off stage, +Now I am here also. Shall we get started?+

From the very shadows where Cologne had been gazing appeared the strangely ethereal shape of a woman, a woman whose face was obscured and whose body was illuminated by no certain light source. She had long hair and was very pale yet two eyes that gleamed like marbles appeared from beneath that silky mane to regard Ranma-chan with a look of speculation.

"What the…?" Akane murmured softly, while Ukyo and Shampoo now had their trademark weapons in hand and seemed ready for action. Nabiki's eyes just narrowed a little.

"Who are you?" Ranma-chan asked.

+My name is not important,+ the girl said as she made a dramatic hand gesture, and suddenly it was filled by one of the mikes, +I have challenged Saotome Ranma of the Anything Goes Ryu to meet me in a battle of Karaoke. Are you him?+

"Yeah, I'm Saotome Ranma," Ranma-chan said as she hooked a thumb in her own direction, walking up to the podium to take the other microphone from its stand, "Don't let this body fool you, I'm really a guy. On behalf of the Saotome Ryu I accept your challenge."

+So be it,+ the figure replied, raising her microphone, +The challenge is accepted, now all that remains is my victory.+

"Mighty confident, ain'tcha?" Ranma-chan snorted, "We gonna do this or what?"

+As you wish,+ the figure replied, raising the microphone to her mouth as background music filtered in from seeming no where. The woman began to sing a popular ditty that was common with idol singers and fans alike, and her voice was unearthly and melodic, conveying emotional tones that held deep emotional vibrancy for those who listened:

*+Don't you know that I am a pioneer in search of a great adventure

I travel the Galaxy and far beyond…+*

All at once a rollicking soundtrack filled the air as lights came on from all around them, spotlighting the stage as the figure did a sweeping ballad that held much gaiety and hopeful promise. It was sung with a warbling trill that gave one a desire to sing along and clap in chorus, and yet there was a hint of sadness in the tune as if the singer was forlorn in her desire to actually share in the joy of her music.

When she was done she turned to Ranma and said, +Now you attempt to match that.+

"Huh," Ranma-chan scoffed, lifting her microphone, "No problem…

"Ooooh Angel-Come face the dawn, it's a brand new day!

Oooooh Angel-Come meet the challenge that fires your soul…"

A strange musical accompaniment flared up while Ranma-chan continued her song to its conclusion. An appreciative audience of her fans applauded when she finished her tune and Ranma-chan bowed to them, then turned a brash look at her opponent and said, "What do you think of that, lady?"

*+These are but the preliminaries,+ the figure said with an odd look of calculation, +I wanted to sound you out, and now that I have done so we begin the real competition.+*

Nabiki frowned and murmured softly to the others, "There's something I'm not getting here…is this supposed to be a Karaoke contest or a martial arts competition?"

The figure turned as if it had heard her speak and smiled, *+It is both,+* then immediately launched into a fresh new melody, only now the figure danced to the tune that followed:

*+You said you'd never love again-caught yourself believing!

Too many times in the past when you'd open up your heart

You'd have it broken in pieces by too many lies!

But you've to got watch where you're standing-when you look in her eyes!

Over and over the--sparks flash, lights seem to fade,

Over and over, like fools we are caught in the game!

Caught in the game, caught in the game again-!+*

"Hey," Ukyo remarked, "I recognize that, it's a song by that old American group, Survivor…"

"Feh," Ranma-chan said confidently, "I know one by those guys. This contest is as good as won already…

"Into the night, two of a kind

We rode the crest of the wave, are we destined to leave love behind?

I'll pay the price-just tell me the cost!

To save something here in our hearts that cannot be lost!

And I can't help but wonder out loud

If only we could go back to square one,

If finally we could pinpoint where we lost touch,

I stand alone reaching out my hands to you-

Oceans between us-strangers upon the shore,

Like islands we stand alone,

Oceans between us now…"

This time the applause was more enthusiastic from Ranma's cheering section as each girl fantasized herself as the one being sung to. Nabiki, however, was still frowning, realizing that there was something very strange about the way the other girl was singing her part, and where was the background music coming from? Did she have an accomplice who was keying in these melodies from a backstage sound machine? And what was it about her individual choices that struck Nabiki as being odd from the standpoint of a music competition?

His opponent, meanwhile, was preparing herself for her next song, and when it came the unearthly quality of her voice became more prominent than ever:

*+And I would do anything for love--I'd run right into Hell and back!

I would do anything for love-I'd never lie to you and that's a fact…

But I'll never forget the way I feel about you right now-

Oh no…no way!

I would do anything for love, I would do anything for love,

I would do anything for love, but I won't do that,

Oh no-I won't do…

I would do anything for love,

Anything that you've been dreaming of,

But I won't do that-!+*

This time her dance-like maneuvers were more energetic, but mid-way through her song she began to circle about Ranma-chan without coming near enough to actually mount an attack against her. Ranma-chan was puzzled by this behavior, but as it did not take an overtly hostile overtone she decided to ignore it…until the time came to mount her own counter-tune, at which point she discovered that she had difficulty using her voice, let alone to use it for singing.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ukyo grabbed her spatula and looked ready to use it, "What did she do to Ranchan?"

"It's like she stole her voice," Akane said as she clenched her fists and looked ready to attack the other singer.

"Hiyaa!" Shampoo brandished her bonbori, "She cheat Airen with foul magic! Shampoo make stupid ghost-girl release Airen!"

Ukyo and Akane turned to look at Shampoo with matching surprised expressions as they chorused, "Ghost-girl?"

"Shampoo is right," Cologne said sharply, "This girl is not a human being. The power I sensed before comes from her ethereal nature!"

*+This knowledge comes too late,+* the phantom singer remarked with an inhuman smile as she made strange weaving motions with her fingers and seemed to be calling a power about herself as Ukyo and the others chose that moment to attack her. From the tips of her fingers streamers of energy radiated out, taking the form of musical bars as one might see them written out on sheet music. These bars struck like a physical ribbon and entangled them between the notes and hyphens.

Ukyo, Akane and Shampoo were all caught fast in the web of ethereal construction, but one managed to avoid entanglement by not being where expected. The ghostly girl did not notice this, however, and turned to Ranma-chan to say, *+Now, since your friends cannot help you, and as you are unable to save yourself by singing the counter-ballad…+*

"Uh uh!" Nabiki-kun called from one end of the room, holding up the microphone that had previously been in Ranma-chan's hand, "Ranchan may be tongue-tied, but the same doesn't hold for me:

"You can't run away forever-

but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start,

You want to shut down the night.

You want to shut down the sun,

You want to shut away the pieces of a broken heart.

"Think of what we had together,

We'd be listening to the radio so loud and so strong.

Every golden nugget falling like a gift of the gods

Someone must have blessed us when they gave us those songs…

"I treasure your love-I never want to lose it!

For you've been through the fires of Hell,

And I know you've got the ashes to prove it!

I treasure your love-I want to show you how to use it!

For you've been through the pain and despair,

And I know you've got the scars to prove it!

"Remember every word that I tell you,

Because I'll telling you again that it's true

You're alone and afraid and you're completely amazed

To find there's nothing anybody can do-

But keep on believing and you'll discover baby-

"There's always something magic, there's always something new.

And when you really need it the most that's when rock and roll dreams

Come true…

The beat is yours forever-the beat is always true,

And when you really need it the most that's when rock and roll dreams

Come true…for you!"

While he sang this he darted and wove about the room to avoid the attempts by the ethereal girl to ensnare him like the others, being careful to mark a precise pattern that proved to be the opposite to what the girl had used when encircling Ranma, and-sure enough-when he had completed his song Ranma-chan found her vocal chords unfrozen. Nabiki-kun was quick to pass the microphone to her and Ranma smiled, turning to her foewoman and said, "Now it's my turn:

"You can touch me in dreams but they won't stay-

Tonight you don't have much to say!

How can I face the light of day-What have you done now?

Things are freely unspoken, thinking it's for the best,

Then I look into your heart, it gets tight in my chest!

"Hear the whisper of dreams as they go by-

I'm late and things don't wait for me!

Sayonara whispers in the breeze-you'll get in trouble!

Let me look into your heart, that's a good place to start,

All I need is a small sign then I give my heart to you-

"You and me we still got so much we mean to say-

But it's not enough-why don't we seize the day?

Doncha know I got no idea from this point on-

So how far we go until we both are free-you and me!"

The ethereal girl made a ghastly sound and snarled at Ranma, making a sweeping gesture with both hands that suddenly caused the microphone to coil like a snake around Ranma's arms. Another chord reached out to ensnare Nabiki-kun, paralyzing and cutting off his windpipe.

Of course the creature-for such she now little resembled a human girl-had not taken Cologne into account, which proved a mistake as the Matriarch of the Joketsuzoku now chose her moment to enter into the frey, her staff flashing about to disrupt the strands of pseudo-music score, thus freeing Ranma's fiancée brigade, then did the same thing to the binding chords to liberate Ranma-chan and Nabiki-kun. They sprang to encircle the creature with the other three girls taking positions at key cardinal defense points.

"Give it up, lady!" Ranma-chan said, "You made your play and you lost!"

+Have I now?+ the creature asked in its weird, trilling voice, then it opened its mouth wide, exposing rows of shark-like teeth and emitted a sound that caused everyone to cover their ears as waves of psychic force radiated out in all directions.

But something cut across the air, blanketing the area in a cone of silence that spared them all from severe neural damage. A microphone picked itself off the floor in the ensuing silence and floated across the chamber until a slender hand caught it as a girlish figure stepped out into the open.

"You've overplayed your hand," this new figure began, "Now it's my turn to balance the scales."

And with that this girl, who looked no older than Ranma-chan herself, spoke into the mike and began singing with unearthly sweetness:

"Ohhhh-Angel! Come face the dawn, it's a brand new day-

Ohhhh-Angel! Let free the passion that lies in your soul…

Each day I get by without you becomes my victory!

Each night I fight against the light, it is my destiny!

But you know that having might don't mean you're right,

I can't be both cruel and kind!

When nothing works out I look up to the clouds in the sky…

They don't answer, but I still ask why-!"

This time it was the creature's turn to scream and clutch at her head as she doubled over in agony, and to this the new girl just eyed her coolly and said, "Larva, do it quickly."

A second figure appeared, one draped entirely in a cloak that obscured its form from discovery, and whose face was sealed away behind a kabuki-like mask, removed itself from the shadows and extended long, slender tapering hands to perform a series of ritualized motions. The Idol singer screamed once again as she fell to her knees, arching her back as she clenched at her head with both hands…and suddenly a snake-like apparition appeared, flowing up out of her body and hovering in the air like a demon-serpent released from sulfurous pits and revealed in all its malevolent manifestation.

The masked figure made another gesture and suddenly there were partitions that sprang up out of nowhere to contain the creature. With a few quick gestures the masked form caused kanji symbols to appear on the sides of the box that now held the demon in place. These flared to full life as the box began to shrink in on itself until it was very small indeed, then it winked out altogether from existence.

Everyone turned to regard the newcomers, Ranma being the first to ask, "Who the heck are you, lady?"

The girl who had come to their aide merely smiled and gave a girlish laugh, then assumed a very kawaii pose as she stood on tip-toes and regarded them with an odd merriment that belied her grim purpose of a moment past.

"My name is Miyu," she replied, "And you are the great Saotome Ranma of whom I have heard such fearsome legends?"

"Miyu?" Akane blinked her eyes, "Hey, I know you! I've seen you around school. You're that transfer student from Kyoto…"

"Among other places," the young-seeming girl replied, "Actually, that was only a cover guise. I've been stalking out the Shinma you just fought for some weeks now, waiting for it to make its move, and now with your help I've been able to catch and contain it."

"Where did you sent it?" Nabiki-kun asked, eyeing the girl with perceptive eyes that detected more about her than was mete on the surface.

"To the dark realms of the Shinma," she replied, "Those spiritual beings who are both God and Demon. That is what I do, hunt Shinma, and Larva here is my boon companion. He is Shinma himself but loyal to me. The Shinma feed on the innocent and unsuspecting, and it was her purpose to lure you here that she might entrap and feast upon you, but instead you put up a good fight and balked it long enough to give Larva and myself the time we needed."

"Interesting," Cologne remarked, "You hunt Shinma, yet you yourself are not truly human."

"That is correct, Elder of the Nyanichiczu," Miyu smiled, "But as you are no stranger to such things I think that I may entrust you with my secret. That was a very clever strategy, by the way. Tell me…how did you know that the key to untangling the Shinma's enchantment was to use songs keyed on the same level that would untangle their melodic enfoldment?"

"Ah, it was just a hunch," Ranma-chan replied, "I figured this was some kind of singing match, so I thought singing a similar Idol song by the same group was a good way to prove that I was the better singer."

"More than that, Ranchan," Nabiki-kun said, "Each song had a special numeric code imbedded in the melody that I picked up on when I noticed that she was accenting certain notes, and from that I deduced that singing the next song the opposite way would have the effect of reversing their order."

"Huh?" Ranma-chan blinked, then added dubiously, "Ah…yeah, whatever."

"Not too bad, Oneechan," Akane smiled, then blinked and belatedly corrected herself, "I mean…Oniisan…"

"Wow," Ukyo remarked, "Nabiki's an even more savvy a tactician that Ranma. Who woulda figured?"

"Aiyaa," Shampoo agreed with a huge smile, "See now why other self find him so attractive! This Nabiki much, much more man than any man she ever meet before, except maybe Ranma."

"Hey!" Ranma-chan flared before she had a moment to think about her outburst.

"Oh, don't be so petty and jealous, Ranma," Akane snorted at him, "If they want to make fools of themselves by fawning over my sister, let them…" she paused a moment as if just realizing what she was saying and growled, "Hey!"

"Oh, go easy on him, Imoutochan," Nabiki-kun remarked, "Ranchan's entitled to a few idiosyncrasies with all the stress he's under having three beautiful fiancées competing for his attention. I go through the same thing myself all the time, even if my co-mates are all resolved to sharing one great big happy family unit."

"That ain't exactly helping," Ranma-chan murmured at the level of a stage whisper.

"Shouldn't we, uh, save this for when we're alone, guys?" Ukyo eyed the strange girl named Miyu and her somber companion, "Doesn't exactly say a lot for us to air our dirty laundry in front of total strangers."

Miyu interrupted this with another girlish chuckle then said, "You people are so silly. Of course I know all about the curse you and your friend suffer under, and I'm also aware that you're having problems because Tendo-san here isn't in her proper dimension."

"You know about that?" Nabiki-kun blinked.

"I…overheard you explain yourself earlier," Miyu replied, "I've been following you ever since I knew the Shinma was after you, and I thought maybe as compensation for helping me fulfill my mission I might help you to find your way back to your home. Larva here is very adept at Shinma magic, and the spell for reversing dimensional transfer is but a variation of the one we use to banish the Shinma. That is if you will accept aid from the likes of us…"

"Hey," Nabiki said, "Right about now I'd accept aid from an Oni if it meant getting back home to my wife, child and husband. I…"

She paused as the motionless body laying upon the floor began to glow faintly, and then a translucent form rose up from the body to take the shape of the young girl from before, only without the creepy presence that had made her seem to utterly inhuman.

"Thank you," she said in a voice that trembled like the ghost of an echo, "You've saved me from my own folly, and I'm in your debt for this. Thank you for separating me from that awful Shinma."

"Who are you?" Miyu asked calmly, as if this sort of thing happened all the time around her.

"I was a child who became a star before she was ready," the ghost replied, "I was picked to be an Idol singer and rose too quickly to popularity and prominence. I became bored with fame and lacked a purpose to my existence, and in a moment of weakness I became prey for the Shinma."

"Then you are fortunate to escape with your soul intact," Miyu replied, "Shinma feed upon their victims, and this one obviously was using you to tap into the emotional energies released by her victims during the act of singing."

"Yes," the ghost agreed in her otherworldly resonance, "The Shinma took my greatest joy and turned it into a means by which it sought to drain the energy out of others. But you reminded me of the real purpose behind my originally undertaking a singing career. I remember now the pure joy of music for its own sake, and in remembering this you have freed me from my own folly."

"Hey, no problem," Ranma-chan tried once again to sound nonchalant, "You gonna be all right now?"

"Yes," the ghost replied, radiating happiness as it added, "I am fulfilled because of you. I will owe you this debt forever. Thank you both for your near-sacrifice at my expense, and I am so sorry that you were nearly drawn into the trap that the Shinma forced me to construct."

The ghost leaned closer and kissed Ranma-chan on the cheek, then raised its face to kiss Nabiki-kun likewise, and then it flowed back into the floor and the glow disappeared, leaving only the body…which now began to breathe again in slow and gentle movements.

"Whoah," Ukyo said, "Did you guys catch all that?"

The Okonomiyaki chef need not have asked as she discovered when she saw the scowls on the faces of Akane and Shampoo as they regarded Ranma and Nabiki with matching expressions of possessive fury. She wasn't sure what issue most was setting them off, but when she started to think about that kiss on the cheek of her Ranma-honey she began to glow a little herself and eyed her transformed beloved with her own frown of suspicion.

Miyu arched a dark chocolate eyebrow as she took note of this, her golden eyes darting to Cologne, to whom she softly murmured, "Are they always like this, Elder?"

"You have no idea," Cologne replied, her expression inscrutable as she looked speculatively in the direction of the transformed Nabiki…

"How much farther is it?" Ranma asked.

"Keep your shirt on, kid," Talbain replied as he sniffed, the air, glancing around the open graveyard that he had led them to before he added, "Gotta be around here somewhere. Dimitri's one slick bastard, and it would suit his fancy to take refuge in a tomb or a mausoleum."

"Hmm," Perfume glanced down, studying the ground that was illuminated by the silver moonlight before she haunched down and said, "Footprints matching the ones where Kasumi was taken. Deep impressions around the sole, I'd guess one hundred fifty-five kilos, two meters solid with a slight indentation in the heal of one shoe. He's a levitator, no doubt about that, but he relaxed his guard a little as if he was carrying someone in his arms who weighed around fifty-six kilos even, which matches Kasumi's weight…"

"You can tell all that just by looking?" Nodoka asked, favorably impressed.

"That's not all, Mother-in-Law," Perfume added, "This slight mark here shows that the vampire wears a cape and probably dresses in period costume. He's confident of himself, very arrogant and self-assured, and he hasn't eaten in a while, which means that Kasumi is in considerable danger."

"Not too shabby," Talbain said in favorable tones, "You've almost perfectly described Dimitri."

"Kasumi!" Soun wailed, "Tell me where my little girl is at once! I have to find her…"

"We'll find her, Tendo-kun," Genma reassured him, "You have to have faith."

"He's right," Tofu said with grim emphasis, "We won't let anything bad happen to Kasumi."

"May not be that simple," Talbain warned, "Dimitri revels in his ability to destroy the lives of the innocent, it's what he lives for, to hear their screams and suffering the torments of the damned. Give him half a chance and he'll drink her as dry as a martini, then cast aside the shell, or use it to house a portion of his essence. You need to prepare yourself for the off-chance that when we find her she may not be the same Kasumi."

"Indeed," Cologne remarked, "But do not be so quick to dismiss our young Miss Tendo. She has her own resources yet to be drawn upon, and even an evil one such as Dimitri may not be prepared to cope with the charm she manifests."

"I may not know her like you," Talbain said, "But I know Dimitri and what he's capable of, so I'm just warning you to be realistic."

"And what about you?" Genma asked, "Aren't werewolves also supposed to be a type of monster?"

"Don't believe everything you hear, Gramps," Talbain replied, "I may howl at the moon sometimes, but I'm no mindless marauding animal, and I've got my standards. Besides, I'm the one who's helping you, remember?"

"Of course," Nodoka said smoothly, "My husband didn't mean to imply anything untoward, and so far you have been very helpful."

"Just so long as you help us find Kasumi," Tofu remarked, "No one will ask twice about you and what you represent."

"So," Ranma regarded Perfume nonchalantly, "Can you tell what color this guys eyes are?"

Perfume looked up and said, "Very pale and blood shot."

"Oh come on!" Ranma scoffed, "You don't mean to say you can tell that by looking at his footprints?"

"No," Perfume pointed, "I mean I can tell by looking."

"Huh?" Ranma whirled around, only to see the tall caped man standing some distance away, having appeared without warning.

"Dimitri," Talbain snarled as he haunched his shoulders.

"Talbain," the vampire revealed his fangs as he smiled, "Such a pleasure that you could lead these others to their eventual slaughter, but I was looking for the one who styles herself Tendo Nabiki. I do not see her among you."

"Monster!" Tofu cried, suddenly holding a mallet in one hand and a wooden stake in the other, "What have you done with Kasumi?"

"Why, I've done nothing to her…yet," Dimitri grinned as he stepped to one side, revealing Kasumi, who had been hidden by his cloak, "Save to offer her a chance at immortality. You see? She's here to tell you all about it."

Kasumi raised her head and smiled, "Father, Tofu-Sensei, such a pleasure to see you all are here. Ranma-kun, my little brother," she opened her lips to reveal sharp canines, "I've been especially looking forward to greeting you again…"

"Kasumi?" Soun cried in dismay as he saw his oldest daughter's eyes gleam crimson.

"It's me, Father," Kasumi reassured him, spreading her arms wide as she added, "I feel perfectly fine…in fact I feel better than fine. I just have this peculiar craving, I can't quite describe it, but it feels…very nice…"

The family all looked at one another then collectively shuddered…


Comments/Criticism/Kasumi Unleashed?