Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers) Fan Fiction ❯ Nabiki 1/2 (A Very Scary Thought) ❯ My Girlfriend, The Ferret... ( Chapter 39 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nabiki 1/2

(A Very Scary Thought)

Written by Jim Robert Bader

Proofread by Shiva Barnwell

Based Upon the Altered Destinies Storyline

Inspired by the works of such fans as

Wade Tritshler

Richard Lawson

James Jones

And Many Others

Standard Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and is not my original creation. All characters belong to her. This is only a fanfictional work, and is not intended to compromise the rights of the original owners, distributors and publishers of the Ranma series. I have no money to spare and would very much appreciate if no one tries to sue me.

"Excuse me, Tofu-Sensei?" Nabiki asked as he approached him in his adjoining office.

"Yes, Kaneda-san?" Tofu asked as he turned around, stirring his tea in a clockwise motion.

"I…" Nabiki hesitated before saying, "Have a confession to make. You've been my family's examining physician for a number of years, ne?"

"Hai," he replied, sensing the seriousness of the young man's statement, and at once reverting to doctor mode as he smiled and said, "If you have something you wish to tell me, you know it will be in the strictest confidence, Kaneda-san."

"That's good," Nabiki sighed, "Because my name isn't Kaneda, it's Nabiki."

"Hai?" he looked at the boy as if wondering if this were in his area of expertise. A good psychiatrist might need to be recommended.

Nabiki sighed as he stepped forward and took the kettle from the stove, pouring it into a cup and adding some cold water to bring it down to a more tolerable level, "It'll be a lot easier if I just show you. Watch and learn."

He tipped the cup of hot water over his head and braced himself for experiencing searing agony. It was almost relief when he merely shuddered at the contact and felt a familiar change, along with the overwhelming relief at returning to her natural shape. Nabiki smiled up at Tofu and said, "You see? Just add hot water, instant Nabiki."

Perhaps that psychiatrist was not such a bad idea, Tofu thought faintly to himself, only he had in mind a different patient…

"Ah," he gasped at last, "Maybe you had better start at the beginning…"

"Azusa," said Mikado, "I've brought some guests along this time, and they'd like very much to see you."

"Want to see Azusa, Mikey?" asked the pretty girl in the frilly green dress as she came bounding into the room all smiles and giggles. Her enthusiasm halted when she caught a good look at said guests, and she halted before staring right at Ranma and Akane.

"Hey!" she pointed at them, "Isn't he the boy who tried taking away Azusa's Jean Michael?"

"Jean Michael?" Keiko asked curiously.

"It's a sweater I used to own," Ranma said somewhat uneasily, "I was wearing it at the time when we had our competition."

"Which you lost, naturally," Mikado pointed out, earning an angry glare from Ranma's direction.

"And this girl," Azusa pointed at Akane, "She took my Jean Simmons!"

"Jean Simmons?" Perfume repeated with a puzzled expression, as though wondering if the competition was like the ones she knew so well back home.

"A little black pig I used to own," Akane explained, giving Ukyo and Perfume a sheepish look before adding, "I used to call him P-chan too, until he ran away a couple of years ago."

"P-chan?" Ryoga frowned, "Why would you want to own a pig for a pet?"

"It's kind of a long story," Ranma said, "I'm sure Akane'll tell you all about it on some cold night."

"Shut up, Ranma," Akane growled, looking oddly embarrassed.

"Azusa doesn't like you," Azusa glared at the two of them then gave her nose a snooty upturn as she folded her arms and looked away, "I don't want you here in case you try stealing other things Azusa prizes."

"Listen, you little twerp," Keiko suddenly growled, "It's you who stole something that belongs to us, so get a grip! We want her back now…"

"Easy Keiko-chan," Ukyo said, glaring at Azusa for what seemed like very different reasons, "We just want the Ferret that you found today. It doesn't belong to you, Shiratori-san and you had no business taking her from the Skating rink this afternoon."

"Azusa doesn't know what effeminate boy is talking about," Azusa said without turning around, "Charlotte belongs to me and no one else."

"Charlotte?" Akane and Keiko said together, while Ukyo growled, "What did you call me?"

"Please," Mikado said soothingly before turning back to his partner, "Give them back their pet ferret, Azusa. You know you shouldn't take things that don't belong to you. You've been warned repeatedly about that."

"No!" Azusa cried as she threw a tantrum, "Azusa won't give back what belongs to Azusa! She won't, she won't!"

"Wow," Ryoga said, "She talks about herself in the third person just like Shampoo and Perfume…"

"She no Amazon," Perfume growled, "Amazon no get caught dead wearing stupid frilly outfit!"

Mikado just heaved a sigh and said, "This way. I know where she keeps her prized possessions, if you'll just follow me this way…"

"No-no-no-no-no!" Azusa cried as she threw herself directly into her partner's path, "You'll not help them take Azusa's nice things, Mikey!"

"I made a promise to help them out," Mikado said gently but firmly as he picked the girl up by the arms and set her to one side, "Don't be so troublesome, Azusa. You know what the doctors have told you about your little obsessions…"

"Azusa doesn't care!" Azusa wailed, "Don't take what belongs to Azusa!"

"Wow," Ranma said, "She really does sound a lot like Shampoo and Perfume-chan."

Perfume only glowered, but she mentally withdrew the nice things that she had been thinking about Ranma just after having saved her.

Mikado led the way down a spacious corridor into a large chamber that was made out in the most garishly bright colors, like some art-deco gallery, only this had objects on display whose merits were as dubious as the sanity of their owner. The place was a cross between a museum and a shrine to Kawaiiness with a variety of objects ranging from a barbershop pole to a gumball machine. They saw a sweater laying upon a pillar (Ranma grimaced when he saw that), a coat hanger, a door knob, a broom, a scarf and button that lay upon its own satin pillow.

And, of course, a cage in which lay an unmoving black Ferret.

"Kodachi!" Akane and Keiko cried together.

"Kodachi-san," Ranma sighed, earning a sour look from Ukyo's direction.

"No-no-no-no!" Azusa threw herself at them again, "You'll not take Azusa's Charlotte!"

"Look, you stupid twerp," Keiko rounded on her, "Either get out of our way or prepare to get booted into orbit!"

"Please," Mikado pleaded, "No violence. Besides, you'll never reach the cage past the invisible traps and security devices that surround it. Fortunately, I know the combination."

He held up a remote control device, which he touched, making the bars around the front of the cage retract as he walked up and picked the Ferret up, then handed her to Akane, "I do hope this will make up for our little misunderstanding the last time we crossed blades, Tendo-san. By the way, my congratulations on the excellent good taste you displayed in ending your engagement to that Saotome boor you were so unhappily engaged to."

"Hey," Ranma growled, but Akane just chuckled as she cradled the Ferret in her arms, reassured to find Kodachi was still both warm and breathing.

"Charlotte, Charlotte!" Azusa cried, hopping up and down in anger, "You give back Azusa's Charlotte right now!"

"Is she all right?" Keiko asked Akane, "I'll never forgive myself if anything's happened to poor 'Dachi…"

"We've got her, now let's leave," Ukyo urged, "Before Twisto here decides to sick her family's private army on us."

"Charlotte, Charlotte!" Azusa wailed as she looked for something to hit Mikado with and instantly sized up Ulyo's primary weapon.

"I will be happy to give you safe conduct off the premises," Mikado replied, "Just so long as you lovely ladies remember to honor your pledge when this is over."

Keiko and Akane both winced but nodded soberly their willingness to comply. Meanwhile Ukyo felt Azusa move behind her and cried, "Hey!"

"Charlotte, CHARLOTTE!" she cried as she brought the Baker's Peal down over Mikado's head, knocking him off balance as he almost lost possession of his remote control device.

Perfume had taken more than enough, the confiscation of her Airen's weapon being the last straw in her Warrior's heart. Moving faster than the other girl could see she punched the girl squarely on the jaw and knocked Azusa out cold, then snatched the hugs spatula up and reset it across Ukyo's back before Azusa had time to hit the floor.

"We go now," Perfume said flatly, "Stupid girl dress badly no be further trouble."

Ukyo looked at her appreciative while Mikado regained his bearings, rubbing the lump he was starting to develop as he groaned, "This way…" and started to stumble forward. Akane and Keiko took small satisfaction in the thought that he might not want to collect their promised kisses right away due to the headache he was bound to be nursing, but they had not reckoned on Mikado being a very determined Casanova…

"Sham-chan?" Nabiki hesitantly said as she approached the Amazon girl, who was lying on the examination table with puffy eyes, as though she had been crying for several minutes.

Shampoo looked at her and bit her lower lip, looking distraught and anxious. Nabiki was herself again, clearly having benefited from Cologne's turn of favor. For some reason this did not greatly comfort Shampoo, as if she had been hoping against hope to see Kaneda.

"Hey, what's with the face?" Nabiki asked her as she came up alongside her Amazon bride, "Thought you'd be glad to know your Great Grandmother changed her mind about me."

"Shampoo happy for Airen," Shampoo replied, only she didn't sound happy, and Nabiki pointed this out.

"You should try smiling a little more often," Nabiki said, "My mother once said that frowns make wrinkles. You don't really want to wind up looking like a prune when you're Cologne's age, do you?"

Shampoo managed a little smile as she replied, "Shampoo no think she live that long, but is nice thought. Shampoo always told one day she be Elder."

"So who says you won't be?" Nabiki asked, "Point 'em out and they're history, I promise."

Shampoo smiled a little more sincerely, "Nabiki fight for Shampoo?"

"Against any and all comers," Nabiki assured her.

Shampoo lost her smile and looked sad again, "But Nabiki no want Shampoo as Airen. Only want as friend. You nice girl, always think of others."

"Hey!" Nabiki had never felt so angry at being called nice before, realizing that the resignation in Shampoo's voice meant that the girl was expecting a tacit rejection, "Just a minute there! I'm not always such a nice guy, you know. I can be as mean and selfish as anyone when it comes to looking out for my own interests."

Shampoo just gave her a little smile as she replied, "Shampoo know this."

Nabiki heaved a sigh, "Didn't Cologne tell you? I've withdrawn my objections to the marriage. I'm not going to hold you at a distance any more, kid. From this moment on I'm square with this arrangement."

"You just say that because Shampoo have child," Shampoo said sadly, "Is duty, no pleasure…"

"Hey!" now Nabiki really did have something to be angry about, "That's not it at all! What do you think I am? Some kind of martyr? I'm not a poster girl for charity and modesty here! That's my kid you're carrying, and there's no way I'm letting either one of you get away from me now. This isn't something I'm going to negotiate away, Shampoo. I'm staying with you, so stop being so hard on yourself already."

"Why say this?" Shampoo asked, "You no hate Shampoo because she no tell you she feeling bad? Shampoo no pay attention to signs she know mean girl is having baby. Shampoo should know this, but she no pay attention to Great Grandmother's teaching…"

"So you missed a couple periods and didn't take it serious," Nabiki snorted, "You think you're the only one with that problem? I've had maybe only one period since the time I got this curse laid on me, and your Great Grandmother thinks it may mean that my curse won't let me have babies of my own because it will keep interrupting my cycles."

"Oh?" Shampoo raised an eyebrow, "You no have baby?"

"Don't know yet," Nabiki sighed, "Tofu-sensei wants to run some tests with me to figure out how this sex change deal works. It might be that I can't ever carry a child to term myself, so it looks like maybe the one you've got is my best option."

Shampoo lifted a purple eyebrow, "You want Shampoo have child while you be husband?"

"Seems like a good enough deal," Nabiki finally gave into a temptation she had been resisting for nearly two weeks and ran one hand through Shampoo's silken hair as she smiled down at her, "I'm not blaming you for entrapment or anything like that, Sham-chan. I've been an idiot and I admit it, but I swear I'll make it up to you somehow. From now on we're full partners and I'm keeping you at my side for as long as you can stand to be near me."

"But…" Shampoo hesitated, "What of Ranma?"

Nabiki smiled lopsidedly, "That's on, too. I'm not giving him up, but I'll have to talk with him to see if he'll still want to be with me after all of this. I'm sure it's going to come as a real shock that I'm having a baby through another woman…"

"Him shocked?" Shampoo sniffed, then sobered as she added, "Shampoo know this could happen, but think it no happen for many years. Shampoo never be mother before, not know what to expect. Shampoo no fear to be mother, but…"

"I understand completely," Nabiki leaned over her and said, "Frankly I'm terrified, and not just because this is something I'm going to have to explain to my father that's bound to give him a heart attack, to say nothing of what I'll have to put up with when Aunt Nodoka and my big sister find out."

"Airen father cry big tears," Shampoo sniffed, but then looked somberly at Nabiki and said, "You argue with Ukyo father we wait, how he cope with this you think?"

"He doesn't have to know it was me who got you pregnant," Nabiki replied firmly, "As far as anyone outside our immediate circle of friends is concerned, this was done by your husband, Kaneda."

"Shampoo think you right," Shampoo smiled softly, "Not like having to pretend they're two of you, but if no want outsiders know truth…"

"It could get complicated," Nabiki agreed, "So, what do you think about having a traditional Japanese style wedding with your husband? Or we could do it Western fashion. We've already had the Amazon ceremony…"

"Shampoo no care," Shampoo said as she reached out and took Nabiki's free hand, squeezing it in her own, "Just so long as you Airen. Nabiki-chan all Shampoo want in life, and baby."

"It won't be a picnic with me, you know," Nabiki cautioned, "I've got a lot of work ahead of me once I re-open the dojo and help Ucchan get her business started."

"Think Amazon no up to challenge?" Shampoo said in quiet defiance, then her voice softened, "Ucchan have hands full just dealing with Cousin."

"I'm counting on it," Nabiki chuckled, "The more time she spends with her, the more time that leaves for me and Ranma…or you and Ranma for that matter."

Shampoo colored as if Nabiki had read the thought in her mind. She sobered again as she looked compellingly at Nabiki and said, "Shampoo want baby…but if Airen say no can have, then Shampoo…will do what Airen tell her…"

"Hey!" Nabiki snapped for the third time, "I don't want to hear any more about that, ever! We're sticking to the plan this time, and if that means taking time out from everything else to help you and the kid, then just you try and stop me."

Shampoo seemed to relax into a smile at that point and said, "Then Shampoo happy. Airen make Shampoo glad she no kill sneaky girl who trick her into marriage."

Nabiki looked down before forcing herself to meet Shampoo's reddish-brown eyes again, "I'm not proud of the way I handled myself back then. I keep thinking another person might have had more sense or restraint and then we wouldn't be in this mess at all. Still, I can't really be sorry that it happened…"

"That good," Shampoo's smile was now anything but innocent, "Because Shampoo insist that Airen respect other obligations to wife. Airen no proud of wedding night, but Shampoo think Airen have much cause be proud of way she handle Shampoo."

The open leer was an invitation to mischief, and Nabiki found she could not this time draw away, instead leaned over and kissed Shampoo on the mouth, this time woman-to-woman. The kiss lingered for several minutes, then they parted, both feeling a delight that made the air itself feel warm with light and passion.

"Better get dressed so we can clear out of here," Nabiki urged, "I don't think Tofu-sensei will want to convert his examination room into a brothel."

"Shampoo ready," she said as she got up off the table, letting the covering blanket fall away before she eyed Nabiki coyly, "Airen can watch. Is lawful for Airen to see bride before second wedding."

"I expect a good show out of this," Nabiki smiled back, then privately sighed to herself, thinking that she was letting herself in for a lot of future trouble…

Kodachi splashed in the tub, gasping for breath as much as in surprise at finding herself restored to her real shape in the upstairs Tendo bathtub.

"Easy, 'Dachi," Keiko urged, "You're all right, just take it easy! Breathe nice and easy the let yourself get used to the transition."

"W-what in the name of the Kami just happened?" Kodachi demanded, examining her arms and legs to be certain there was no fur covering her body.

"It's kind of a long story, 'Dachi-chan," Akane said sheepishly, "Before we tell you about it, though, tell us exactly what you can remember."

"Well," Kodachi began, "We were in the sports arena teaching you and Ryoga to skate when that strange boy attacked Kuonji Ukyo with a pail of water," she frowned, "Why would the boy do that, and why did he splash me instead of Kuonji?"

"Well," Akane looked sheepishly as she exchanged looks with Keiko, "Mousse is a very strange guy, an Amazon male who thinks that Ukyo stole Perfume away from him…it's kind of a complicated situation…"

"The boy's as nutty as a loon and as blind as a bat," Keiko interrupted, "He wears those coke bottle glasses of his to correct a severe case of astigma, so when he attacked you he thought he was attacking Ucchan. He mindlessly missed and got you by mistake…"

"I see," Kodachi said more calmly than they had expected, "And I take it there was something in that bucket besides plain, ordinary water?"

"Ah…you might say that," Akane winced.

"Kodachi-chan," Keiko looked at her soberly, "You've heard about the Amazons of Joketsuzoku. Are you familiar at all with a place near to their village called Jusenkyo?"

"The Cursed Springs of ancient legend?" Kodachi said with raised eyebrows, "They're real?"

"Oh yeah," Keiko replied, "Over one hundred springs, and each with a different story. You fall into one and take on the form of the creature that last drowned there. Here, let me show you."

She got up and went over to the sink, filled a glass with water and turned around. She nodded once to Kodachi then tipped the water over her head.

Instantly her body began to collapse in on itself as her legs shortened to become clawed and feathered, her arms spread out to become wings, and every part of her body was covered in black feathers except only her head, which was wrinkled and ruddy. She stepped out from her shorts and tank top to spread her wings to their full eight foot span then launched herself into the tub with a splash and moments later reverted to a naked Keiko.

"You see?" Keiko sputtered, "I fell into the Cursed Spring of the Drowned Vulture, a very tragic story. Whenever I get hit with cold water I turn into that ugly bird you just saw. Hot water turns me back. It's pretty inconvenient at times, but I've basically adjusted."

Kodachi's eyes were round and her expression was blank before the realization hit her, "You mean…I now change into a…?"

"Small black ferret?" Akane winced, "Yeah, that's pretty much it. If I were you, I'd stay far away from cold showers in the future…"

"Excuse me," Kodachi said in a mildly apologetic tone, then took a deep breath and screamed!

Keiko and Akane covered their ears as the scream went on and on, only to stop as the door flew open and Kasumi appeared saying, "Is everything all right--Oh my!"

"Oneechan?" Akane turned to see Kasumi's astonished expression and just smiled, "It's all right, nothing to get alarmed about. Kodachi was just rehearsing for a play. We're sorry if we worried you, but everything's all right just now."

"Oh," Kasumi blinked, "Oh my…well…I suppose…if you say so, Akane-chan," and she closed the door behind her, face still set in the same strange expression.

"Like hell it's all right!" Kodachi snarled, "I turn into a rodent! And worse than that, I turn into something a Furrier would love to turn into a sable black coat!"

"We know," Keiko looked down at the tub and murmured a heartfelt, "We're sorry."

"Sorry?" Kodachi snarled, then abruptly her tone softened, "Why should you be sorry? What did you have to do with this anyway?"

"I…" Keiko swallowed before resuming, "I saw Mousse coming towards you and…I tried to get you out of the way…but I was too clumsy…forgive me!"

"You?" Kodachi's tone softened even more as she said, "You could barely stand upright on your skates. How could you have possibly gotten me to safety? And what about you, Akane?"

"I didn't see the attack until you got splashed," Akane replied, "I was on you other side when Mousse struck you instead of Ucchan…"

"In other words, if it had not been me it would have been you," Kodachi said slowly, "So why should either of you feel guilty about what happened? He wasn't even your enemy."

"We know," Keiko said, "But if I could have taken it for you…"

"You would have what?" Kodachi asked, "What happens when someone already cursed gets hit with a different bucket of cursed water?"

"I…don't know," Keiko said lopsidedly, "Guess I'd probably look like something pretty funny…"

"Kodachi," Akane sad in distress, "We are sorry. This should never have happened…'

"But it did happen," Kodachi sighed, "So we might as well admit it. By the way, you wouldn't happen to turn into anything when you get hit with cold water?"

"No," Akane said, "I don't have a curse, why?"

"It might be handy to have someone close at hand who can help when I…I am like that," Kodachi shuddered, then raised a hand when they both looked at her sharply, "I'm all right…I'll get over this…somehow. I just never suspected anything like this about you, Keiko-chan. Just when were you planning to confide in me about these curses?"

"Didn't seem any point," Keiko said a bit sadly, "Unless you know of a cure, I didn't think it was something I should burden you with."

"Well, now it is both our burden," Kodachi said levelly, "And somehow I must adapt to this…odd situation. I take it we are not the only ones so cursed?"

"Not hardly," Akane said, "Uncle Genma turns into a Panda, and you know Perfume? She turns into a small fluffy cat whenever she gets wet…"

"Oh my," Kodachi's eyes went wide again, "You mean…?"

"The same one you tossed into a cage and used on me during our fight," Keiko replied, "She still hasn't forgiven you for that, by the way, and neither has Ucchan, but they both helped us get you back from that maniac, Azusa."

"Shiratori Azusa of Kolhotz High School?" Kodachi now looked very alarmed, "I have heard of her, of course. She is notorious for her little…oh dear. I just…remembered something…"

She shuddered at the image of a huge face looming over her, just before unconsciousness befell her, and then other memories of feeling drugged and unsteady with the bars of an enormous cage surrounding her. She closed her eyes and willed the image away, finding it easy to replace them with other, even less pleasant memories from her childhood.

"Are you going to be all right?" Keiko asked, moving closer to lay her hands on both of Kodachi's shoulders.

Something in her tone made Kodachi look at her in surprise and fascination. Keiko really did care if she was all right? So did Akane she knew without having to look in her direction. It was…strange, but somehow very nice. In all her life no one had ever truly cared about her, not since her Mother…died…and certainly not her father or brother.

Kodachi forced herself to breathe normally again, but her heart was hammering. This whole situation had her feeling very different from herself, but that was not an entirely bad thing. There were times when the shadows threatened to swallow her up into a pit of ultimate madness, but Akane had always been there to keep that darkness at bay, and now someone else was offering to be her protector. It made Kodachi feel very funny inside, even stranger than when she had opened her body to these two other women and made love for the first time with sweet, unending passion.

"I'm all right," she said, and found herself surprised to discover that it was the truth that she spoke. The shadows had withdrawn entirely this time, leaving her feeling almost light and giddy, "Like I said, I just need time to get used to all of this."

"Sure, 'Dachi," Akane leaned over the tub and looked at Kodachi with open affection, "We want to help you, if you'll let us, but we'll understand if you'd rather be alone…"

"Alone?" No, that was the last thing Kodachi wanted! Trying hard not to sound as desperate as she was, she forced herself to smile and say, "Don't be silly, Akane-chan…I'd be glad to have both of you stay with me while I try to make sense of this revelation. Besides…it's your house, I'm only a guest here."

"You're more than just a guest to me, 'Dachi," Akane reached out and took Kodachi by one hand and clasped it firmly, "You can treat this house like it's your home from now on. You never have to feel like a stranger, and Keiko and I…"

"You both are sweet," Kodachi said, "But I wouldn't want to be a burden to you…"

"That's silly," Keiko snorted, "How could you be any more of a burden to the Tendos than I've been?"

"Yes, but I seem to have caused trouble for with denizens of the house," Kodachi said, "You've just explained to me why the Amazon girls are so coldly indifferent whenever I'm around, and here I though it was just because I took an interest in Kaneda…"

"Ah…" Keiko and Akane exchanged nervous glances.

"Eh?" Kodachi frowned, looking from one to the other, "What is it about Kaneda? What is this dark secret you've been avoiding telling me all along? Speak up now, I demand it!"

"Well," Keiko said, ignoring Kodachi's suddenly imperious tone as she tried to think up a good way of explaining the situation.

Akane was also struggling to come up with a good explanation, but the best she could do was a very lame, "I'm sorry, Kodachi…I know I never should have deceived you, but Kaneda…"

"Don't tell me also has a Jusenkyo curse?" Kodachi gasped, "How horrible! What does he turn into, a mouse?"

"A mouse?" Keiko blinked, "What makes you think that?"

"His acute fear of Cats," Kodachi said, then frowned, "Now that I think of it, your cousin and middle sister also share the same fear…do they share similar curses?"

"Ah, you're getting warm," Keiko winced as she began, "Kaneda…"

Akane finished for her with a very quiet, "…Is also Nabiki."

There was another long pause, then Kodachi said, "I see…" and once again began screaming…


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