Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers) Fan Fiction ❯ Nabiki 1/2 (A Very Scary Thought) ❯ Cold Cocked Competition... ( Chapter 42 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nabiki 1/2

(A Very Scary Thought)

Written by Jim Robert Bader

Proofread by Shiva Barnwell

Based Upon the Altered Destinies Storyline

Inspired by the works of such fans as

Wade Tritshler

Richard Lawson

James Jones

And Many Others

Standard Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and is not my original creation. All characters belong to her. This is only a fanfictional work, and is not intended to compromise the rights of the original owners, distributors and publishers of the Ranma series. I have no money to spare and would very much appreciate if no one tries to sue me.

"Explain to me again how it is that Sensenin can mistake you for a boy after all of this time," Ranma asked Ukyo sometime later in her restaurant.

"I guess it just never occurred to him to look beyond the surface," Ukyo shrugged, "I played at being a boy for so long that I got good enough to fool most people."

"But…you…I mean…look at you," Ranma said as he looked Ukyo over, "You don't tape your breasts down anymore, and you don't dress quite as masculine, and you're really very cute…"

"Ranchan," she smiled, "You really know how to turn my head with that praise. Unfortunately, Mikado's a thickheaded, male chauvinist jerk who thinks all women just live to suffer his favors. I suppose if I was like those empty-headed twits who follow him around as his cheering section I'd probably be swooning over his charms, but I've been around guys like him long enough to know what he's really after. I don't mind saying that, compared with him, you're a paragon of virtues, Saotome."

"Thanks," he smiled, "Guys like him give guys in general a bad name."

"I guess," Ukyo lowered her gaze, "Maybe I was expecting someone like him when we met, a guy who'd never look past that image I wanted people to see. I'm really glad you're not like other guys, Ranchan, in fact…"

"In fact you two do make a lovely couple," said Cologne as she hobbled out on her staff, "But you're not having second thoughts about my great granddaughter, are you Daughter-in-law?"

Ukyo sighed, "No, I'm not going back on our agreement, old woman. Perfume deserves better than what you're forcing on us, but until we get this mess resolved she's my responsibility, and I'm not letting anything happen to her, or anyone for that matter."

"Are you sure, Ucchan?" Ranma asked, "You did seem pretty protective back there at the Sports Center, and if I didn't know any better…"

"Ranma…how can you even think that way about me?" Ukyo sounded hurt, "How many times do I have to tell you I'm interested in you. I'm not after girls that way…especially not like Keiko."

Cologne's soft chuckle caused Ukyo to glare at her with a softly murmured, "Watch it old woman…"

"You are a very strange one, Kuonji," Cologne remarked, "You say one thing and do another. You say that you like men and you dress like one, and when a man pays you a compliment you flatten them, all save for young Saotome here, the sole exception. You say you are not interested in women, but in Perfume's case you go out on a limb and risk yourself against challenge after challenge…"

"Look, Perfume's my friend, all right?" Ukyo growled, "I do like her, but not the way you keep trying to insist on…"

"And what way is that?" Cologne asked, "As a husband to a wife, or as a lover to a significant other. When will you open your eyes and see the truth you are denying?"

"I don't need you to define the truth for me," Ukyo insisted.

"Then whose truth do you accept?" Cologne looked at her sharply this time and said, "Tell me exactly what are your feelings for Saotome Ranma?"

"I…" Ukyo blinked and glanced over to Ranma, "I…I want…"

"You see?" Cologne pointed out, "You cannot even bring yourself to say the words, though you know in your heart that his very nearness makes you feel very special and appreciated. The same is true with Perfume, if you haven't noticed. She worships the ground you walk upon. I have tried to make her see things differently, but she is convinced you are the one around whom her life must revolve."

That was news to Ukyo who looked at Cologne and said, "What…?"

"You think I've been pushing her to like you in that way?" Cologne said darkly, "How little you understand us. It has never been my intent to force my child to suffer the way she must to win your affections. The law does not require love, only marriage, and so long as you remain faithful to her there is no shame in abiding under the same roof without consummation. Once Tendo Nabiki negotiated the arrangement that allows you the freedom to court this man as your iinazuke, Perfume was free of any other obligations. It has been her wish to have more from you than just your friendship. You torture her with your repeated denials, but the choice lays with her. I can only advise her to be patient."

Ukyo was just starting to sort through all of that when Ranma said, "Why does she want Ucchan so much? I mean…it's not that I have trouble understanding why anyone would like Ukyo, but…well, when Mikado held her…for a little while there, I…"

"Thought that she was swooning?" Cologne sniffed, "Just for a moment, perhaps, a perfectly human reaction. What, did you think she was that much like your friend Keiko that she does not respond to the charms of men? How strange you Japanese are that you think it has to be one way or the other."

"Well, in my case it does," Ukyo said, "I mean, a person just can't love two people the same way…"

"Why does it have to be the same?' Cologne asked, "Or do you mean that a person can only love one other person in all of their life? Whoever told you that was a fool!"

"Well, isn't it true?" Ranma asked.

"You mean like you love Nabiki and she loves Shampoo and you fear she does not love you in the same manner?" Cologne snorted contemptfully, "And here you are courting yet another woman. The heart does not go in just one direction or another, not even at the same time. Believe me, I know. I have been around for over three hundred years and have seen just about every imaginable situation for the human heart. Do you think this is my only trip to Japan, or that I am so culturally isolated that I do not know the similarities and differences between our two cultures?"

"She's right boy," another voice remarked, "I'd listen to her if I were you. This time she's making sense."

"Dad?" Ranma turned around, "What are you doing here?"

"Having a meal on my lunch break, of course," Genma replied from the table he was sitting at a short distance away, "You think I'd pass up the chance to try Ukyo's special discount rates? But I was talking about love. Tell me, son, do you love your mother?"

"Of course," Ranma replied, "But…"

"But not the same way as you feel about Nabiki or Ukyo here?" Genma continued, "Do you want to sleep with your mother, Boy?"

"What?" the question shocked Ranma, "Of course not--!"

"But you love her just the same," Genma noted, then spoke more authoritatively, "Foolish boy! You're confusing love with SEX, which is what a lot of youth your age are too prone to do in these sorry times! You love your mother, you don't want to have sex with her. You love Nabiki. You do--I assume--want to sleep with her and have her bear your children?"

"I…" Ranma blinked, suddenly tongue-tied.

"Then you know the difference between one kind of love and another," Genma returned to his Okonomiaki and said, "Perhaps you'd be willing to give love a chance if you can see why Nabiki can love both you and Shampoo and want to sleep with the both of you while remaining faithful in her heart to both of her loved ones."

Ukyo and Ranma were staring at him as Cologne resumed her part of the discussion, "Your father is a wiser man than I gave him credit, future son-in-law. The heart knows many kinds of love, but all loves are the same in basis. Love is love, it's the nature of the relationship you want that makes the difference."

"But…still…" Ukyo tried once again, "You can't mean the fact that I care about Perfume's welfare means I actually want to sleep with her…"

"And if you did, is it your fear that Saotome here might think you a lesbian who did not want to bear his children?" Cologne asked her.

"I…?" Ukyo faltered, feeling Ranma's hand on her shoulder.

"I'd never think that of her, even if she did sleep with Perfume," Ranma said, "I've already been through this once already with Nabiki."

"…" Ukyo said in blank surprise, then felt Cologne tap her on the breast with her staff.

"You have some serious thinking to do if you ever want to find true happiness, Kuonji," the old woman told her, "When the time comes and you confront the fact that is now a part of her life, I trust you will have the wisdom to know the right answer."

"There's no rush after all," Genma said as he finished off the last piece of his Okonomiaki, "Only three more days until the match. Well, I'd better get back to the Clinic before Tofu-Sensei starts to think I want more time off. Have a nice week, you two, and I'll see you at practice."

Ukyo and Ranma watched Genma exit the restaurant, then Ukyo remarked, "Your father is a very strange man, Ranchan, and not just because he turns into a panda."

"Yeah, I know," Ranma agreed, but he found himself smiling, feeling a touch of pride for some obscure reason…

Kodachi found Keiko working out on a treestump on the Kuno estate, practicing kicks against the thick hardwood with her bare leg striking it repeatedly on every side in steady, even rhythm. Keiko was too intent to notice her approach until Kodachi was near enough to put her arms around her and cover her eyes, saying, "Guess…"

She did not get to say the second part before Keiko had launched her in the air, but Keiko checked her own reactions in time to prevent herself from slamming the Black Rose hard against the ground. Instead she reversed her trajectory and swept Kodachi up in her arms, holding her there while Kodachi caught her breath in surprise at the other woman's reactions.

"Who?' she finished lamely.

"Sorry, 'Dachi," Keiko said in chagrin, "You kind of startled me there. I'm not used to pleasant surprises."

"Ah…" Kodachi noticed that she was still being held in Keiko's arms and said, "You could put me down again, you know."

"I know," Keiko smiled, "But why would I want to?"

Kodachi returned her smile, "Indeed, and who says I want you to?"

On impulse, she put her arms around Keiko and drew her into a kiss, then rolled out of the kickboxer's arms, laughing a more cheerful version of her laugh while assuming a pose she might use for any other type of dismount.

"Not too shabby," Keiko said as she recovered, "I'd give you a 7.9 for that. Maybe you'd like to try for a solid 10 this time?"

"Perhaps later," Kodachi said cheerfully, "But I wanted to speak with you about another subject."

"Okay," Keiko was forewarned by the serious tone in her friend and lover, "What's it about?"

"This Challenge Match with the Golden Pair," Kodachi said without smiling, "It should be me going up against them rather than that Okonomiaki Chef. After all, I'm supposedly the prize for the winner."

"You really think Ucchan's going to lose?" Keiko asked.

"Ucchan lacks the finesse and grace of a true skating artist," Kodachi replied, "And her partner is even worse. The Golden Pair, on the other hand, have over nine hundred and ninety-eight consecutive victories to their credit. I'm afraid even with special training it will turn into a slaughter."

"I see you point," Keiko nodded, "But I wouldn't sell Ukyo short just yet if I were you."

"Your faith in her is touching," Kodachi replied, "But if there is even a chance of that Shiratori brat laying a claim on my cursed form, then I want to represent myself and see that it never happens. Besides that, I still owe Mikado for the price he imposed for my rescue."

Keiko lost her smile as she said, "It's wasn't fun for me, I'll admit, but I'd kiss a rattler if it meant getting you back safe and sound, 'Dachi. Besides, with any luck Azusa will never lay a hand on you…"

"I am not so sure," Kodachi said, "The way she looked at me earlier…it is as if she knew me in spite of my being human. I don't know why, but that girl may stumble on the truth, and then all she needs is a chance to lay in ambush, and then reclaim me. I will not see that happen…I also will not let Mikado get away with kissing you and Akane."

"All right," Keiko sighed, "But you need a partner if you want to go up against them, and I can't skate worth my life. You'd be better off with Akane."

"I have already thought of that," Kodachi said grimly, "Only two problems, one being that Akane is much too honorable to wish to usurp her friend Ukyo's place at the Challenge Match. The second objection is that this is supposed to be mixed doubles, meaning a boy and a girl, not two girls working out together."

"So?" Keiko asked, "That's not stopping Ucchan."

"She looks like a boy when she dresses in drag," Keiko replied, "I think Mikado is too smitten with himself to pay real attention, or he might try to kiss her instead of the Amazon."

Keiko laughed, "I'd like to see him try! She'd serve up his head on that spatula of hers."

"I rather imagine so myself," Kodachi mused, "But the notion does have some merit, if I could only find a way to steal a page from Kuonji's book and make myself look masculine, then I could skate with Akane."

"You?" Keiko blinked, "Uh, don't take this the wrong way, 'Dachi-chan, but…you're about as far away from being a guy as anybody I know, which is a good thing in my book."

"That is why I will need your help," Kodachi said seriously, "Can you convince Akane to at least consider our becoming the alternates for Ukyo and Perfume should anything happen that might prevent their arriving in time at the arena?"

"You're not planning on seeing they can't compete are you?" Keiko asked crossly.

"Why whatever put that thought into your mind?" Kodachi asked innocently, then said, "Besides, I already know that this will be the first thing Akane will ask me. You can tell her that we will just be training as alternate in case Ukyo and Perfume lose. I will not take actions against either of those two on my honor as a scout."

"You were never a scout," Keiko laughed.

"Of course I was," Kodachi said in a sultry voice, "I earned a merit badge in knotting ropes."

"Oh?" Keiko lifted an eyebrow, "That's…interesting…or at least it explains something I've been wondering about."

"Will you talk with Akane for me?" Kodachi put her arms around Keiko's neck and smiled her most seductive and persuasive smile, "I would be ever so grateful.."

Keiko was about to say something when the automatic sprinklers came on, and suddenly a vulture was standing over a very frustrated looking ferret.

"How odd," remarked Sasuke, the family manservant a few moments later as he noticed a pair of soggy animals trudging over to the Jacuzzi, "The Mistress doesn't usually allow her pets to roam free on the estate like that…"

"My twisted sister does many odd things that defy rational explanation, Sasuke," replied Tatawaki as he continued his pose before the camera, "Be sure that you capture the essence of my manly profile this time. This is for my beloved ones in eight-by-ten glossies."

"Yes, Master Kuno," Sasuke replied before doing a double take as a naked Kodachi suddenly appeared with an equally naked redhead in the Jacuzzi. Without half a thought he swiveled the camera on its tripod in their direction and snapped a picture.

"What are you doing, you clod?" Tatawaki turned in annoyance to see what had distracted him, then his eyes went very wide as he gasped, "The pig-tailed goddess! How did she…did you…?"

"Hai, Kuno-Sama," Sasuke bowed low, "Forgive this unworthy servant, but I thought…perhaps…"

"You cad!" Kuno rounded on him, "How dare you invade the privacy of my sister and that…incredible beauty…"

"Yes, Master, I am unworthy of your devotion," Sasuke cringed for effect, though he needed no gift of prophecy to anticipate his master's next words.

"Be sure to print that one full-sized," Tatawaki ordered before turning back with a sigh as he watched the two women splash each other like a pair of nymphs out of some old Greek mosaic. He felt like composing poetry, but thought better of making his presence more obvious than it already was.

Kodachi noticed anyway and murmured, "My idiot brother is quite taken with you, you know."

"I know," Keiko replied, "I think he's really nice, but I guess he doesn't believe that I'm not really his type, ne?"

"He has always been his own first love, and what he doesn't know won't hurt us," Kodachi chuckled, "He can be quite the idiot sometimes."

"A rich, handsome idiot," Keiko grinned, "What if I married him just so I could spent more time with you. Would you be jealous?"

"Of the two of you?" Kodachi's eyes gleamed speculatively, "Perhaps, but let's not dismiss the possibility entirely. It could be worth a laugh…that is if you would be willing?"

"Hey, remember what kind of training I have," Keiko snorted, "I know lots of ways of pleasing a man. Just because I don't enjoy it doesn't mean I'd get sick if your brother touched me."

"Very interesting," Kodachi mused, "I see some possibilities there, but let's explore them another time, shall we?"

"Right," Keiko sighed, "After I go have a little talk with Akane…"

"Yes?" Kasumi asked as she answered the knock on her door, then found herself confronted by her sister, "Oh my…Neechan?"

"Hi Sis," Nabiki said as casually as she could manage, "All right if I come in and have a little talk?"

"Of course," Kasumi said, swallowing nonetheless as she stepped out of the way to permit Nabiki to enter.

It occurred to Nabiki as she glanced around the room that her older sister shared with Nodoka that she had very rarely had occasion to be here until now. She had been putting off having this discussion with Kasumi for far too long, yet now that the moment was upon them both she felt strangely reluctant, so she instead began with an evasive, "Very nice. You and Auntie have given the place a quaint, homey kind of atmosphere."

"Ah, yes," Kasumi said demurely, then after a momentary pause she and Nabiki said together, "Sis, about…"

They stopped and looked at each other, then Kasumi blushed modestly and said, "I'm sorry…you were saying?"

"No, after you," Nabiki smiled and added, "Age before beauty."

For some reason her little joke did not go over very well, for Kasumi just looked down and sighed, "I am very sorry about the way I have been acting, Nichan. I've been inexcusably rude, and I want to make it up to you, if you'll let me."

"Well, I'm not here to throw a tantrum, Kasumi-chan," Nabiki lopsidedly smiled, "But while I was trapped as a guy for a while there, well…you kept avoiding me a lot. I think we really have to come to some kind of an understanding about this Kaneda thing."

"Yes, of course," Kasumi replied but still would not meet her gaze.

"It's perfectly understandable," Nabiki began, "I think the curse must make me extra charming and attractive to women…maybe even to some kinds of men, but I haven't explored that question yet. The point is…you don't have to feel guilty about feeling a certain…attraction."

"I don't?" Kasumi finally looked up at her, then blushed more furiously than before.

"Hey," Nabiki chuckled, "I'm sure if you turned into a guy I'd be just as turned on, maybe even more so, and I'm not too particularly worried about the question of incest."

"You're not?" Kasumi looked surprised.

"Uh, well…maybe I am," Nabiki amended, "Look, if it bothers you so much when you see me in my other form, then maybe you should…oh, I don't know…try thinking of somebody else, someone you'd like to sleep with, and try keeping that guy's face in mind whenever you see me. You like Tofu-Sensei, right?"

"Ah, yes," Kasumi replied with a sheepish expression.

"Then think of him instead of me," Nabiki sighed, "Lusting after me is only going to get you hurt, and I couldn't live with myself if I knew you were suffering on my account. You deserve the best, Kasumi, and that doesn't mean me. I hope you understand what I'm saying."

"I…believe that I do," Kasumi noted, "There is just…one problem."

"Which is?" Nabiki asked.

"I…" Kasumi faltered, then looked down again, then on impulse she reached out to Nabiki and drew her into her arms, giving her a kiss that was long, deep and passionate. Then just as suddenly she released her.

"I-I'm sorry," Kasumi said in genuine anguish, "I didn't mean to do that…please for give me…oh, I'm so embarrassed…"

She turned and fled from her own room, and a few moments later Nabiki could hear the water running from the bathroom (and Nabiki would have laid seven-to-one odds that it was a cold water shower). She barely flinched, blinked or gave any token recognition of the fact because her face was set in a look of shock and amazement.

After five solid minutes of this she reached up to touch her own lips then slowly turned around and sighed, "Oneechan…"

The worst part of all was that it had been a pretty good kiss. If Shampoo ever found out about it, though…

Nabiki shuddered. Some things were not worth sharing, even in the closest kind of marriage…

The day had finally arrived for the competition. Akane, Keiko and Kodachi stood outside of the Kolhotz High School Gymnasium. All three had brought their skates and outfits along, though Keiko had no intention of wearing her own unless the unthinkable happened.

"Remember, 'Dachi," Akane warned over her shoulder, "I don't want you taking out Perfume or Ukyo just because you want a crack at the Golden Pair. I'm only doing this as an alternate in case they don't win and that Azusa tries to claim you."

"Of course," Kodachi replied, "You have my word, remember?"

Akane chose diplomatically not to answer. It was fun to think about skating with Kodachi under any kind of circumstances, but to do it in a Martial Arts fight against professionals was another matter. Instead what she said was, "I wish I knew where Ryoga-kun is now. Why does he always choose moments like this to disappear out of sight? You'd think he was the one with a curse or something."

"That boy is not reliable," Keiko sniffed, "I told him not to leave the house without one of us to serve as guide but he never listens."

"Are you sure you want to be involved with him, Akane-chan?" Kodachi asked, "I know he's very nice, but I don't think he's truly worthy of your affections, let alone the distress he causes."

"I think he's very nice," Akane smiled, "And it's not his fault he has a problem with directions. Well, let's go find the others. I just hope you know what you're letting yourself into, dressing up like a boy. I mean, really!"

"It only has to fool Mikado," Kodachi assured them, "Which means it does not have to be a flawless disguise, just moderately effective."

"If you say so," Keiko sniffed, "I still can't figure out how Ucchan pulled it off for so long. If I'd only known when we were a lot younger…" she sighed, "The fantasies I might have had…"

"I know what you mean," Akane admitted a bit shyly, "If she really were a guy, well…I could probably find her as…uh…cute as Ranma always says she is."

"Whatever am I going to do with the pair of you?" Kodachi smiled as the three of them entered the building, unaware that a pair of eyes was watching them with speculative interest…

Ukyo felt odd about using the boy's dressing room (it had really been hard keeping her disguise in place around puberty, when the sight of a naked boy could sometimes elicit more than casual interest). For one thing, there was the need to change into a masculine style costume she had picked out for the match, and for another thing she had resolved to give up her old tomboy ways and embrace her femininity. Worse still, there was Mikado already using the mirror (and if she judged right the boy had been trying out a good deal of make-up).

"Oh, it's you," she said gruffly, hoping that close range would not allow him to at long last see through her performance.

"Kuonji," he said unpleasantly, "To what do I owe this disturbance?"

"Keep your shirt on, I'm only here to get dressed," Ukyo growled.

"Don't let me stop you," Mikado said with his usual rakish charm, "Speeding you on to your untimely end will be my privilege during the match."

Ukyo grimaced before saying. "And how are your bruises healing? I trust the swelling eventually went down after you regained consciousness?"

Now it was his turn to look at her darkly, but he turned away and smiled at himself in the mirror before saying, "Oh, by the way, how is your charming partner doing? I'm so looking forward to giving her my special greeting."

Ukyo balled her fists and said, "You what? No way!"

"You will hear me out!" Mikado turned around and thrust a finger at her, "Sometime during the match I will give the lovely Perfume the kiss I promised her at our first meeting, making her the one-thousand and first girl that I have so honored!"

"Gah!" Ukyo winced, "Don't you ever think of anything besides kissing girls, you lecher?"

To her surprise Mikado just looked blankly back at her and asked, "Well, what else is there to think about?" and from the tone he used he sincerely meant it.

Ukyo just stared. The guy was starting to scare her. Did he really think all women were just swooning to sample his charms? If so, then he had a big surprise waiting for him. Ukyo forced herself to relax and said, "Just try and take your best shot, I double dare you."

"Oh, I will," Mikado smiled, "Even if I must do so over your dead body."

Ukyo just smiled at that, thinking of what Perfume would do if he tried and knew that if anyone would suffer premature demise it would be Sensenin Mikado…

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the building, Perfume sneezed unexpectedly. She covered her nose, wondering if she were coming down with something after all. She had never been sick before, but making deliveries for Ukyo's restaurant might have exposed her to some Japanese virus that her great grandmother had never heard of. Either that or…

She smiled, remembering Ukyo once telling her that a sneeze was supposed to mean that somebody was talking about you. She wasn't sure if that were true or not, but the idea that somebody could mention her name, even in passing…

"Ucchan," she sighed into the pretty outfit she had just been about to slip into, thinking of the Okonomiaki chef who was her one, true beloved, and savoring the thought of being at her side as they went into battle on the ice. It was nice to think that maybe Ukyo really did care for her, even if it was just a dream she could savor. She knew Ukyo would deny it, but there was still that hope that she might see Perfume differently when this was over.

She hoped it was so because the last thing she wanted was to be forever trapped in a loveless relationship. It was more than friendship she wanted here…much more. But for now any bit of kindness or affection would do to make her days seem brighter.

Humming a cheerful tune she recalled from her childhood she hastened to get herself ready for the match, regretting that she would not be allowed to bring along her axes. There were some very creative things she might do if she met Mikado or Azusa on ice with weapons in hand, but for now the only weapons she had were those accursed skates that she had worked so hard to master.

A challenge was a challenge, however, and Perfume was an Amazon. She would not permit herself to even think of the possibility of failure. Ukyo was depending on her, and Cologne would be watching. To do less than her utmost to win was more than unthinkable, and not just because she would cause Kodachi to suffer.

If anything, that would be the only bright point to the matter. Perfume would not fail, however, as she made herself as presentable as she could, then left the dressing room in search of her Airen…


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