Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers) Fan Fiction ❯ Nabiki 1/2 (A Very Scary Thought) ❯ Loose Threads... ( Chapter 52 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nabiki 1/2

(A Very Scary Thought)

Written by Jim Robert Bader

Proofread by Shiva Barnwell

Based Upon the Altered Destinies Storyline

Inspired by the works of such fans as

Wade Tritshler

Richard Lawson

James Jones

And Many Others

Standard Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and is not my original creation. All characters belong to her. This is only a fanfictional work, and is not intended to compromise the rights of the original owners, distributors and publishers of the Ranma series. I have no money to spare and would very much appreciate if no one tries to sue me.

"Well then," Soun remarked to the young people sitting across from himself at the table, "Has the matter been concluded to everyone's satisfaction?"

"More or less, father," Nabiki answered sincerely, "The police seem satisfied that the whole matter was gang-related and had terrorist overtones. Detective Asamiya's contacts managed to keep them off our tail long enough to finish off the gang and get our people out of there. Master Ryuken and his son took their leave of us a short time after that and we decided to split up and rejoin here to see if there was any fallout from the conclusion of this business."

"It seems that you have done well," Nodoka said approvingly, turning to smile at her son before adding, "A fine demonstration of family unity, proving that the Anything Goes School is in capable hands with you five all standing up for one another."

"Thank you, Auntie Nodoka," Ukyo bowed before turning a smile towards Ranma, who tried to act nonchalant but was all too aware of the different sets of female eyes turned towards him with admiration and affection.

"And you, Kodachi," Nodoka resumed, giving the rest of the group an approving nod, "You've shown remarkable devotion to your friends in this matter. I'm inclined to believe that you are finally growing up and becoming a responsible woman, not to mention putting your talents to a worthy cause this way."

"Thank you, Auntie," Kodachi smiled in genuine gratitude, "In truth it was a successful field test of some powdered pollen extracts that I have been working on for some time. I'm only glad that my apothecary skills could be of such use. Oh…and by the way, Nabiki-chan," Kodachi rose up on her knees and passed along a scroll that was taken by Shampoo and placed into Nabiki's hand, "My brother meant this for Kaneda-sama. I trust that you will see that it gets to him in good order."

"What is it?" Nabiki asked.

"A challenge letter, of course," Kodachi beamed sweetly, "Now that the affair with the Ronin is past, he wants to renew his ongoing duel with your dashing male cousin. Please tell Kaneda-sama that he has my permission to kick his pompous posterior all the way from here to Okinawa."

To emphasize her point Kodachi mimicked a kiss that was only slightly in Nabiki's direction.

"Uh, sure," Nabiki winced, "I'll tell him you said that."

"Good," Kodachi smiled before turning to Keiko and murmuring softly, "Did you remember to bring everything this time?"

"The mayonnaise and candle wax?" Keiko grinned, "You think I'd forget?"

"You were saying?" Genma murmured into his wife's ear.

"I withdraw my previous statement," Nodoka sighed, thinking quietly to herself that some things never changed about Kodachi.

"Well," Kodachi clapped her hands with a smile, "Now that we've settled all of that, I must return to my estate and reassure my brother that he need not yet compose bad Haiku in my memory. Would you like to come along, Keiko-chan, Akane-chan?"

"Um," Akane glanced to the side and said, "How about you, Ryoga-kun? Would you like to come with us?"

"Huh?" Ryoga had that look again like a deer caught in the headlights, but he managed to stammer out, "S-sure! I mean, if that's all right with Kodachi-san…I mean…"

Kodachi's infamous laugh punctuated the air before she replied, "Why should I mind having along a boy whom my Akane-chan considers with such favor? By all means come with us, but please do not wander lost on the premises this time. I should hate ever-so-much to have to rescue you again from my poor, sweet little man-eating plants."

"Oh uh, yeah," Ryoga winced, murmuring to himself, "Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to regret this?"

"Come along, Ryoga-kun," Akane urged as she took Ryoga by the arm and all but dragged him out of the dojo.

Cologne waited until Kodachi, Keiko, Akane and Ryoga had gone a sufficient distance before murmuring aloud, "Young Akane is a clever and resourceful woman, Daughter-in-law, and quite taken with the lost one, I've noticed."

"She's what?" Soun reacted in shock, but everyone ignored him.

"Yeah, well, Ryoga has more than his share of faults," Nabiki shrugged, "But if he makes my sister happy, then I say 'Go for it.'"

"Daughter!" Soun said in redoubled-shock.

"I think Ryoga and Akane make a very nice couple," Kasumi said cheerfully, "He's always nice to her and he makes her smile, almost as much as Keiko and Kodachi when the three of them are staying over together."

"Yeah, right," Nabiki said with careful neutrality, doing her level best not to give away just what she thought about those three and their "activities" together. She rather suspected that Kasumi knew more than she was letting on herself, but as with Nabiki they would not reveal a private secret that very likely would put their father into a coma.

"Well now," Happosai said pleasantly, "Now that the Ronin and his thugs are taken care of I rather imagine things will get back to normal around here."

"Hardly," Nabiki snorted, "We still have a few loose threads to tie up before we can really rest easy, but that's something I'll handle in my own way. What's important is that we're all still here with body-parts still attached, and tomorrow's a school day, so we'd better all sleep in and get well rested because we'll need our strength for what Cologne and I have planned for the afternoon."

"Which is?" Ranma asked, fearing that he already knew the answer.

"We're going to review the current level of your training, Son-in-law," Cologne replied, "You each have considerable room for improvement, and we're going to individually review the current level of your skills. That fight revealed some noteworthy flaws that I'm going to have to see get hammered out of each of you, especially you, Great Granddaughters. That fight was just a bit too close and personal for my liking, and Shampoo…you took the most risks of anyone out there. Have I not told you to take things conservatively for the time being? You are with child, my dear, and it is not just yourself that you must consider."

"I…very sorry, Great Grandmother," Shampoo said sheepishly, "No want to look like weak girl in fight. Airen family counting on Shampoo to pull own weight…"

"It's a fine thing to want to share in the risk with your loved ones," Cologne remarked, "Except when it clouds your judgement. You cannot afford to get sloppy out there, nor can you risk your health one day after being wounded by treachery. Your body is going through serious changes that will put great stress on your personal reserves, and you cannot afford to divide attention in such life-and-death matters."

Nabiki stared in disbelief as Shampoo took the criticism in good grace, thinking privately to herself that had she voiced similar sentiments it would have provoked a stubborn reaction from her Amazon wife that would take hours to negotiate. Shampoo hated to be considered weak on anything and always tried to look strong before others. Getting her to relax and take it easy was as difficult at times as getting a pig to sprout wings and fly. She would have to make a study of Cologne's technique in the interest of future negotiation.

Suddenly her attention swiveled back as she found Cologne's staff thrust almost under her nose as the Elder silently chided her for woolgathering before saying aloud, "And you certainly could profit from the same advice. You were magnificent going up against the Ronin, but when you defeated him you let yourself feel sympathy for a dying man who would have gladly done the same to you. Must I remind you that the best time to make peace with the dead is after they are quite firmly with their ancestors?"

Nabiki was spared having to reply to the accusation when Kasumi spoke up and said, "By the way, I've just been with your friend, Ryonami. She's doing very well and resting just fine, but she would like for you to pay her a visit sometime this morning, Neechan."

"All right," Nabiki nodded, "I owe her at least that much for getting her involved in all of this."

"You are not to blame, Nabiki-chan," Genma assured her before seeing the dangerous gleam she turned towards him.

"Aren't I, Ojisama? I was the one who vowed to clean up the crime problem at Furinkan. I thought allowing the students a little vice was better than letting them get sucked into real problem areas like drugs and violence. I should have let the police deal with those problems and stuck to my own loansharking operations. I stepped on too many toes, which is what provoked the real gangs into hiring out the Ronin in the first place."

"I think you've taken steps to insure that will not be repeated anytime soon," Cologne remarked, "And it is far from a shameful thing to take an interest in the welfare of your fellow students."

"Maybe so," Nabiki sighed, "But it's not just me I should be considering. Not everybody in Nerima is a Martial Artist, and some people need protection. I can't be everywhere, and even being the best is no guarantee against a lone assassin."

Without turning her head to see it, Nabiki felt Shampoo tense and look away. Everyone else did look towards the purple haired Amazon, who still bore the mark of her near-encounter.

Then Ranma spoke up and said, "You know we all made our own decisions when we got involved in this, Nab-chan, and I for one think we've done some real good here."

"Ranma is correct, Nabiki-chan," Soun affirmed, "You cannot assume responsibility for everything that goes on in the world…"

"Not the world, Daddy," Nabiki replied, "Just Nerima."

There was a moment of pause before Cologne hopped up onto the table and approached Nabiki, coming to stand in front of her with a critical lookover before saying, "Hmm…those shoulders hardly look broad enough. I think you're letting your ambition carry you away with delusions of grandeur, Daughter-in-law. You should be content with simply carrying your family on your back, and not all at once unless you wish to experience serious spinal problems."

"I think she's trying to tell you to go easy on yourself, Nab-chan," Ukyo remarked, "We're big enough to look out for ourselves, including Kasumi."

"Maybe so," Nabiki sighed as she slowly got back to her feet, "If it's all the same, I think I'll go check on Ryonami. See you guys later at practice."

As she turned to go Perfume exchanged looks with Shampoo then silently nodded. Shampoo touched Ranma on the shoulder and the two of them began to get to their feet when Cologne hopped by them and said, "Wait up a minute you two. Let me have a word with your Airen."

Ranma was about to make protest when he stopped himself and exchanged another look with Shampoo before asking, "Did she say OUR Airen…?"

"Tendo-san," Cologne called out as she caught up with Nabiki mid-way to the dojo.

"What is it, Elder?" Nabiki asked tiredly, "If you're going to give me another pep talk…"

"Actually I wanted to satisfy myself on a point," Cologne replied, "This was the first time that you have actually killed an enemy, isn't it?"

Nabiki did not meet the Amazon's stare, but after a moment she softly replied, "The first time I've killed anyone. I've always prided myself for being able to avoid killing, but it's not because of the Ronin that I feel so lousy."

"I am pleased to see your priorities are not totally awry," the Elder remarked before asking, "Who then?"

"I don't know his name," Nabiki replied, "He was just some guy I grabbed up at random, one of the Ronin's men. I used him like a shield and…well…he died a pretty horrible death. I sure wouldn't want to die that way, but I…used him, put him deliberately in the line of fire, knowing he would probably buy it. That's what I used to do with people before I came here…use them then throw them away…"

"You are a strange one, Child," Cologne remarked, "Do you think for one moment that the man you permitted to die in your place would have spared one thought at all for you and all you hold dear? Do you think he would have hesitated to do worse?"

"We'll never know the answer to that," Nabiki said, "And how am I any better than the Ronin…?"

"Excuse me?" Cologne said dryly, "Did I hear you right? Are you asking that I compare you to a man who, in clinical terms, could best be described as a raving psycho?"

"More like a sociopath," Nabiki corrected, "Well…I'm not actually saying that I'd go around planning on how I was going to kill, rape and pillage the way he did…"

"Good," Cologne nodded, "So now you know the answer to your own question. You have some self-restraint and you know your limits. The Ronin practiced neither and his ambitions were large. Make no mistake about it, he was the one who did the killing there. You merely practiced the tenant of your School to stay alive, for which there is hardly any reason feel remorse."

"But isn't there, like, a question of moral equivalency?" Nabiki asked, "If I start excusing myself and justifying all my actions that way won't I just be setting myself up to eventually be like the Ronin?"

"Ask yourself if you care about the welfare of other people," Cologne calmly answered, "So long as you can ask the question you have not yet arrived at the same place as the Ronin. He stopped caring about anyone a long time ago, or so his father informed me, once he began his dark path to oblivion and indulged in a cycle of hatred and self-loathing. We all are responsible for our own actions, Child, and when someone makes a wrongful decision he must be prepared to face the consequences. In attacking you, that man you sacrificed put himself in the line of danger. You were merely the medium for his own choice of self-destruction."

"I still feel like I should do something to make penance," Nabiki replied.

"Fair enough," Cologne said, "Continue to look out for the welfare of those who are in need of your strength and that will be compensation enough. The Universe at large requires no other answer."

Nabiki drew a deep breath and sighed, then looked sidelong at the Cologne and said, "I should know better than to argue with you, Old Woman. You've got far too much practice at this sort of thing."

"Of course," Cologne drew herself up to as tall a standing as she could manage, "That is why I am an Elder."

"Still," Nabiki looked away, "I can help wondering…if I'd given in to you when you wanted to take me back with Shampoo to your village…would she have been safer there? Would our baby have a better chance at being born? Maybe I should have tried listening to you much sooner…"

"Ah…" it was Cologne's turn to stammer and look nervously away, "Perhaps…not. Even I have been known to be rash on occasion, and as far as taking you back to our village…"

Nabiki at once felt suspicion and frowned, "What? Is there some clause to your rules that you haven't felt like sharing with me, Elder?"

<"Just the part that has to do with Amazons who bear the Jusenkyo curse of Nannichuan,"> said Perfume in Mandarin as she and Shampoo appeared, along with Ukyo and Ranma.

<"Tell her the full truth, Great Grandmother,"> Shampoo also said in her native language.

Cologne sighed then she also reverted to Chinese and said, <"It is considered disgraceful for an Amazon to surrender her womanhood to a curse, and you are Amazon by adoption. If I had taken you back to the village there…would have been a scandal.">

<"A scandal?"> Nabiki said in mild alarm, <"What kind of scandal?">

<"Nothing seriously life-threatening,"> Cologne replied, <"Most likely you would have been judged a technical male, in which case your status would revert back to Shampoo and she could resume her place as senior warrior of her generation.">

<"It's worse for full-fledged Amazons,"> Perfume added, <"They face the possibility of Exile.">

<"Technically male?"> Nabiki replied, <"And Shampoo would become the senior partner?">

<"Yes, but you would not be allowed to leave Joketsuzoku,"> Cologne politely coughed, <"As you would have the status of a male you would fall under the rules that apply to a Warrior's husband. Shampoo would be able to dictate the course of your life, within limits.">

<"Within limits,"> Nabiki repeated the words coldly, <"And you were going to tell me this…when?">

<"At the appropriate time,"> Cologne had the good graces to look embarrassed, <"Of course, this was before I got to know you better. At the time I was simply looking out for Shampoo's welfare…">

<"Of course,"> Nabiki replied, <"How silly of me, I thought maybe it was your own standing in the village you were worried about, and your family's, of course.">

<"Scoff if you want,"> Cologne said gravely, <"But it has always been my intention that Shampoo would one day succeed me as my heir and become the senior Elder of the Nyuchizu. I have raised her to be the finest warrior of her generation and it was not in anyone's interest that her destiny be derailed by a trick of circumstance that bonded her to the fate of another woman, or so I believed until I came here to Nerima. Now I think, perhaps, that you would serve the Amazons even better as my heir, with Shampoo's support and guidance. At the present time it might not be wise to expose the full truth to my peers, so I think it would be wisest to remain here in Nerima.">

<"Until I can find a cure for my curse?"> Nabiki asked.

<"A cure is unlikely,"> Cologne replied, <"But if you prove yourself adept enough in learning the Amazon techniques I would share, then you can go before the Council of Elders and make your case to be respected as a full equal. Shampoo would then retain her status and you would be permitted to come and go as you will.">

<"In spite of my being cursed, eh?"> Nabiki said more calmly than before, <"Thank you for sharing this with me now, Elder, but how exactly do these rules apply to my friend, Ukyo?">

<"She is a woman and would be accorded full status,"> Cologne replied, <"Perfume has no official standing outside of her role as Tribal Enforcer, so there is no question of dominance to be settled, and besides this, it is plain that Perfume would not mind playing second to Kuonji-san. I regret if I may have deceived you both in any way, but I believed that it was necessary…">

<"Then try remembering in the future that we like to have a say in deciding our own fates,"> Nabiki informed her, then shifted back to Japanese, "Very interesting indeed. I trust you will make proper restitution?"

"So long as you continue to manage your affairs competently, I will have no issues," Cologne replied serenely.

"Well, if that's all done," Ukyo looked at them sourly, "Mind translating that to those of us who don't speak Mandarin like a second language?"

"Perfume will explain it all to you, Daughter-in-law," Cologne remarked, "You may rely upon her diligence and judgement to tell you everything which you have need of knowing."

"I very happy to help Airen," Perfume assured her before murmuring in Chinese, <"May the spirits of Past Elders judge you as they see fit, Great Grandmother.">

From the tone she used it was obviously not meant to be complimentary, but Cologne ignored the insult.

"Well, if that's over with," Nabiki turned away and resumed her pace, "I still have business with my friend, Ryonami."

Ranma started forward when he felt the restraining hand on his sleeve and found Cologne looking up at him intently.

"Have you a moment, Son-in-law?"

"What for?" Ranma replied warily.

"I just thought we should have a little talk is all," Cologne looked meaningfully at the others, "If that is permissible?"

"Fine," Nabiki called out absently over her shoulder, "Whatever."

Ukyo looked at Ranma with less certainty, but Perfume touched her wrist and gave a reassuring nod, while Shampoo remained a docile three steps behind Nabiki. Ranma found himself alone with the ancient Amazon, who for once did not appear to be such a menacing figure.

"You love them both, do you not?" Cologne asked simply. Ranma hesitated to reply, but Cologne did not appear to require a response as she continued, "But you feel somehow unworthy of their love. You are troubled by the knowledge that Nabiki is so much better than you at the warrior arts."

"Not as much as she used to be," Ranma said indifferently, "I've gotten a lot better…"

"And so has she," Cologne resumed, "As you improve, so does she improve, and while you may narrow the margin of the gap it still remains a certainty that your iinazuke will always be in some ways your superior. Do you ever wish that it might not be so?"

Ranma hesitated again, this time unable to say aloud that he did at times wish Nabiki was not quite so good at the thing he most loved. It galled him to think that there was anyone better in the Art than himself, nor was he entirely happy at the prospect of always being her inferior as a Martial Artist. He remembered vividly the ambition of his youth to be the best there was at fighting, and how unlikely it seemed now when he had someone like Nabiki with which to compare. It was intensely frustrating.

"I don't mind the fact that she's good," Ranma said aloud insistently, "But I do wish I was better…"

"Then why don't you train to be better?" Cologne replied, "You have the potential and the motivation, what you lack is proper training."

"And I suppose you're making me an offer?" Ranma asked suspiciously.

"Why not?" Cologne replied, "I've trained the best, or so I have always believed until I met you and Tendo Nabiki. Neither one of you could stand up in a straight fight against Perfume if she fought all-out with no restraint, even in spite of her limitations. Imagine what I could do with you if you were willing to trust your fate into my hands."

"That's just it," Ranma said, "I don't trust you. I may not have understood what you and Nabiki just said, but I know from the sound of it that she wasn't very happy."

"We have our little differences," Cologne replied, "But I respect Tendo Nabiki, and I have given her my assurances that I will do nothing to undermine her position here in Nerima."

"Then why are you making the offer?" Ranma asked, still not ready to trust the old woman.

Cologne smiled knowingly, "It is because of my respect for the both of you that I am willing to train you. I sense the deep resentment you feel towards her abilities and can foresee the trouble it will cause in your relationship. You would rather be her equal than her subordinate in the Fighting Arts, and I can give you the knowledge that will insure that you both fight at a more competitive advantage. Besides this, there is the consideration of what dangers may lay in store for you all if you do not improve yourselves to at least the Ronin's level, which is by no means the furthest that you can achieve. The choice is yours to make, Son-in-law, I cannot make it for you, but would you at least consider my offer? I can teach you special techniques that have been a secret among the Amazons for over a hundred generations."

Ranma glanced at the dojo and thought seriously about it. On the one hand was his knowledge that Cologne was dangerous and had her own personal agenda, which defined what she thought was best for her people as a virtue. He knew the old woman could be trusted at her given word, only it was more Nabiki's area of specialty to negotiate with her to a competitive advantage.

On the other hand she knew combat styles and special techniques the likes of which he could hardly even imagine. He had seen both Perfume and Shampoo demonstrate their skills and knew by implication the advantages Amazon teaching had to offer. It was a tempting package given all of that, but still Ranma hesitated. He wanted to be much better, to at least be as good as Nabiki herself, but at what price would he be forced to pay further down the line? As Nabiki often pointed out, you rarely got anything in life without paying something of equal or greater value.

Cologne seemed to read his hesitation and smiled, "Dealing with me is not quite the same as dealing with the Devil, Son-in-law. I will not impose special demands in exchange for this training. I want you to excel, if for no other reason than that you are the male component in this family web that links Shampoo and Nabiki to Perfume and Kuonji. Take your time in making your mind up, I will be waiting. I am three hundred years old and can wait a little longer to teach a male heir to the ways of the Nyuchizan Amazons of Joketsuzoku."

"All right," Ranma said, "Then I'll do it."

Cologne looked at him alertly, "You have decided this soon?"

He nodded slowly, "I'm not as smart as you or Nabiki, but I can figure out that you've already covered all of the arguments I could make pro and con. If you want to get your way you probably will, one way or another. This way at least I have the chance to say no if I don't like what you're teaching."

Cologne smiled in evident approval, "My Daughter-in-law has chosen her mate well. What say we test your willingness against my good faith by beginning with a simple maneuver. You have seen Perfume demonstrate the Bakusai Tenketsu?" Ranma nodded, and then so did she, "I happen to know of another form even more powerful, and if you submit to training with me I think you can master it in a reasonable amount of time. If you are satisfied with this we can move on to another technique, and so on."

"I'll have to talk with Nab-chan about it," Ranma replied, "She'll probably tell me I'm an idiot to trust you, but…"

"That is as you would have it," Cologne replied with a serene expression, "Unless it chaffs you to have to go to her for permission."

Ranma frowned at that, "Who says I need permission? I can make my own decisions, even if you think I am just a guy…"

Cologne did her best to hide the real smile she was wearing inwardly. Yes the boy did have his considerable merits, but with his ego and pride he was easily manipulated, exactly as she had intended from the moment she had decided to make an offer she knew he never had any intention of refusing…

"Ryo-chan?" Nabiki asked hesitantly, "Are you awake?"

"I'm awake," Ryonami said from the tamati mat she lay upon in the dim light of the dojo.

Nabiki approached her friend cautiously, uncertain of what kind of reception she could expect. Ryonami had been silent since their leaving the park and only paid furtive glances at Nabiki until they had safely arrived back at the dojo. Since then she had been tended to by Kasumi and Shampoo while Nabiki briefed her father and the others on everything that had transpired.

She was concerned that Ryonami might be traumatized by her experiences and the many shocks that she had endured since the problem with the Ronin had begun. Nabiki counted on her friendship and thought Ryonami had many promising talents that were worth cultivating, but without her trust their business relationship would suffer, which would likely lead to other problems as Ryonami was her main contact point for dealing with the other students at Furinkan.

Which no doubt was why the Ronin had targeted her in the first place.

"Konnichi wa," she said with a bow of the head before sitting down beside Ryonami and looking her friend over, "Shampoo says you'll do fine in a few days, and your mother is coming over to see for herself."

"That's nice," Ryonami replied, studying Nabiki back as though just seeing her for the first time, "I'm sorry to be such a bother…"

"Nonsense," Nabiki replied, "It's my fault this happened…"

"I don't think so," Ryonami replied, "Sempai…would you mind if I do something?"

"Do?" Nabiki frowned, "What do you…?"

Ryonami reached over for a glass of water that had been set beside her bed next to a food tray, and with a quick motion she splashed Nabiki's face, which triggered her transformation.

"What…?" Nabiki sputtered.

"I wanted to see for myself," Ryonami studied his male features once more, "It's all true…what they told me about your curse. Kaneda isn't the real you…is he?"

"No," Nabiki replied cautiously, "He's not. My girl-form is the real me, this is just what happens when I get wet."

"Hard to believe," Ryonami said slowly, "But I don't see why I never made the connection. You two were never around at the same time, and everybody around here treats you the same way whether you're Kaneda or Nabiki."

"Everyone here knows the truth about my curse," Nabiki replied, "And now so do you."

"Curse?" Ryonami repeated the word as though she found it amusing, "You call this a curse? Sempai…you're gorgeous! Every girl in school wants to date you, and nobody dares because you've got a…wife who puts holes in brick walls for amusement."

"Well…" Nabiki winced, "Curse is relative and subjective where I'm concerned. Being popular with the ladies isn't exactly something I try to cultivate, not just because of Shampoo. It mainly has to do with my self-perception as a woman…"

"I guess that is a problem for you, then," Ryonami conceded, "But it's a pretty good scam, you've got to admit."

Nabiki had to smile at that. It was not for nothing that Ryonami was her understudy. The girl tended to think very much the same way Nabiki had before she came to Nerima.

"I guess it is," she admitted, "Never thought of it that way, mainly because I guess I've just been trying to cope with having a dual nature."

"I can't say that I understand," Ryonami said, "But I'm glad you finally let me know the truth. I hate feeling like such a rube…in fact I feel like I let you down back there. I…I gave away some of your secrets. I couldn't help myself…they used torture…and I'm very weak…"

"Easy, it's all right," Nabiki assured her before the words could become a tumble, "I can't blame you for giving in…in fact I'd rather you did than suffer worse than you had. The Ronin was evil, you can't be blamed for what he made you do…"

"That's just an excuse…like what my father always gave my mother," Ryonami hesitated, "In a way I'm glad I didn't know all your secrets, so I couldn't be tray them. Who knows what he would have done if he knew that you were really female?"

"It wasn't because of that that I kept the truth away from you," Nabiki assured her, "You're not weak, you just don't know how to fight back against scum like that. You're only human, and that's nothing to be ashamed of."

"But being human means it hurts more when they cross you," Ryonami said sadly.

"It kept you alive," Nabiki pointed out, "So long as the Ronin didn't see you as a real threat he thought he could use you for a pawn…"

"Use me against you," Ryonami said bitterly, "I wish I were as strong as you, Boss, but I'm weak, and I hate it."

"Then we'll have to work on that, won't we?" Nabiki asked, "I can't have people pushing my number one girl around like that. We're going to have to work on toughening you up. It's a central tenant of the Anything Goes School to do whatever it takes to stay alive and beat the odds, and if you're the sort of gambler I think you are, then I think you'd make a very fine student in our school."

"You mean that?" Ryonami asked after a moment of wonder, "You'll train me?"

"This is a school, right?" Nabiki said, "And you've always done well in school. I think you'll do just fine in this school…provided you do everything exactly the way I tell you."

"I will," Ryonami said with enthusiasm, "I promise, you won't be disappointed, and I'll never betray you again, Sempai…"

"What the heck," Nabiki shrugged, "Call me Nabiki, at least when we're between hours."

"All right, Nabiki," Ryonami paused before smiling as she added, "sama."

Nabiki rolled his eyes and sighed, "That will do for now, I guess. You're going to be all right if I leave now?"

"I'll be fine," Ryonami said with affection in her eyes, " You're the nicest person I've ever known, the only one who's ever treated me fairly. I just hope you'll understand what I mean when I say that I love you, Boss."

"Uh…" Nabiki faltered.

"Not quite that way," Ryonami chuckled, "So you can tell your wife over there that she doesn't have to skin me. By the way…how does that work with you having both her and Ranma?"

"Sometimes even I have trouble figuring it out," Nabiki smiled lopsidedly, "I'll let you know when I figure it out."

"You have all the luck in relationships," Ryonami sighed, "I just hope I meet somebody else like you someday."

"A sweetheart like you?" Nabiki smiled affectionately as he got up, "By the time I get through with you you'll be beating them off every morning like Akane."

"Now that's something to look forward to," Ryonami said in unmistakable irony.

Nabiki withdrew and sought the others, who had remained a discrete distance the whole time of these exchanges. Ukyo gave Nabiki a nod then murmured, "Is she going to be all right there?"

"Oh yeah," Nabiki replied as Shampoo handed him a fresh teakettle to change back with, "She's a tough one, a real survivor, and I wish to Hell I'd never gotten her mixed up in all of this in the first place…"

"She no agree," Shampoo replied, "Kasumi and Shampoo talk to her, find out how she feel, think maybe she like Airen too much for Shampoo…for my liking, but she no make trouble, so Shampoo no have to kill her."

"That's a relief," Nabiki sniffed, privately thankful that there would be no lingering resentment between both women, "Because I still need her and she is my friend. I'd like to think there was at least one person out there besides you guys who wasn't out to kill me…"

"Do I count?" asked a familiar voice as Saki came up top join them, "Sorry it took a while for me to get away. You know how cops are about territory, and then I had to brief my superiors to let them know what really happened. It's all I could do to keep them from banging on your doors with a truckload of questions that I'm sure you'd rather not answer. How's the kid?"

"Resting," Nabiki said, "I'd like to thank you again for your help, Asamiya. If you keep this up I'm going to have to change my opinion about the police…"

"I try and bend the curve in favor of humanity," Saki shrugged before giving Shampoo a cautious look, "How's the head?"

"Still in one piece," Shampoo replied, "I have you to thank for this."

"I just wish I'd reacted a little sooner," Saki replied, "I should have suspected he'd send a sniper. I let my guard down and you almost paid the price, and Kasumi…"

"She no blame you for that," Shampoo assured, "You being silly. Only human after all, even if you do have Amazon blood."

"Uh…that's not entirely certain," Saki cautiously replied.

"It is by me," Cologne said, drawing attention back her way as she approached beside Ranma, "Shampoo tells me your grandmother may have been one of our people, and I believe I may even know which one, which may prove interesting to you, Asamiya Saki."

"Well," Saki said reluctantly, "Truth is I've never been much on family…"

"You never have family much be proud of," Shampoo replied, touching her arm as she added, "Before now."

"That's right," Nabiki said, "You saved Shampoo's life, maybe even saved my sister's life as well. That puts me in your debt, Saki-chan, and all of the Tendo House as well. There is giri between us, and if you ever need a place to stay, or just a friend, or any kind of favor, you only have to ask it, it will be granted."

"The honor of the Amazons also mandates that you be regarded with favor," Cologne added, "I am certain that one day you will find that favor will be much to your advantage."

"Thank you," Saki looked as though she were about to cry, "I don't think you know what that means to me. It's…nice to have somebody care…"

"We all care," Ranma said as he approached her, "Kasumi's like my big sister, and Shampoo…well … she's important to me as well. What Nab-chan says is true for all of us…"

"You're just saying that because she isn't out to date you, Ranchan," Ukyo teased.

"Oh, I don't know," Saki inclined her head, "You're a pretty nice boy, maybe a bit young for my tastes…"

"Don't even try it," Nabiki chuckled.

"Yeah," Ranma winced, "No offense, but I've already got enough girlfriends."

"Too much man for your own good," Ukyo grinned before Perfume leaned close to her and whispered something in her ear that caused her to blush as she gasped, "Right now?"

"Is good time for it," Perfume assured her, "No need for other things, and I think it good time for celebrating."

"Ahem," Ukyo felt along her collar, "I'll catch up with you guys later. Per-chan and me…well…I kind of promised to take her somewhere today…"

"You have a good time," Nabiki nodded, "Just spare the rest of us hearing about the details."

"No problem there," Ukyo said as she and Perfume turned around, arm-in-arm and Perfume leaned forward and murmured something else in her ear that caused the Okonomiyaki chef to wince as she said, "Are you kidding? I don't think that's even possible…at least not with a spatula anyway…"

"Poor Ucchan," Ranma sniffed, though by his tone Nabiki doubted that he felt the least bit sorry for his other iinazuke.

Nabiki had to smile herself as she thought of the strange semi-rivalry she shared with Ukyo over Ranma. All of her relationships were strange and unique, but somehow very fulfilling. Life might have a way of throwing her curves, but each new experience seemed to make the ties they shared grow that much stronger…and she would not have it any different…

Epilogue and Prologue:

The Vice-Principal of Furinkan High looked at the headlines in the paper and shook his head in dismay. What was the world coming to for violence of this scale to descend upon a quiet suburban town like Nerima? The park was a shambles with automobiles and motorcycles scattered everywhere, along with over a hundred gang members arrested on a variety of charges that ranged from drug possession to violence and murder.

The youth of today was out of control with fights occurring between students on an almost daily basis. No one dared to stand in the way of the roving gangs that patrolled the corridor as evidenced by the recent school bust that had led to several indictments among the school administration. The scandals that had resulted from the discovery of the test cheating circle had led to further upsets that had rocked Furinkan High School to its bedrock foundations. The local School Board was crying for blood, and after the disaster that had occurred two days ago with the Terrorist-like attack by that selfsame biker gang was the final straw in their demands that something be done about these matters.

It was long since time that order was restored and the students be made to tow the official line. It was simply intolerable that any one student should impose her own form of order, however well motivated. It was the duty of the teachers and faculty staff to see that law was respected and school policy adhered to. Anything less would be an admission of failure.

Thank the Kami that the new principal was returning in a few days to bring with him his own brand of discipline and order. Principal Kuno was said to be a tough-minded individual with very unorthodox methods. He had been Principal of Furinkan before the Vice-Principal had even been hired on but had been mysteriously absent the last few years during one of his sabbaticals. Hawaii was it? His return to a position of authority was seen by many as a restoration of the old order that once had prevailed…

The Vice-Principal frowned as he re-read the name on the official notice sent down by the district.

Principle Kuno?

The name was easily recognizable to anyone who had seen it on as many discipline reports as he had, but surely it was just a coincidence and they could not possibly be related? The Kuno family had power and influence to spare, but surely the name was common enough in Japan that it was no more than coincidence here?

Oh well, at least when he came there would be some much-needed house cleaning in the air, such as when that new teacher he had been hearing about arrived…Hinako-san? Yes, a fine Professor of Academia with an excellent record for discipline and nearly perfect attendance. That sounded very much like the sort of individual Furinkan needed, a teacher who could hold her own with the student body.

If only he could reconcile the photograph that came with her record with the description of someone who would make a favorable impression with the staff. If he did not know better he would have sworn that somebody was having fun at his expense at the office of records, because the little girl he saw could just as well have been his own kawaii little daughter…

Some weeks later:

The Harrier Jump Jet had no official markings but was cleared by the brass as it came to a rest at the US Air Base at Okinawa. The burly man who climbed out of the cockpit appeared to be almost too big to be a pilot, but when he tossed his helmet to a member of the flight crew one could see that his haircut was within regulations, if unusually brush-like.

A man in an Air Force uniform without insignia or identifying markings of any kind was waiting to hand him a leather-bound folder, which the tall man glanced through with professional detachment. He nodded without a word as the two of them headed for a waiting limousine, and only once they were inside did he speak aloud to his companion.

"How long have our people know about this?" he asked.

"Several days," the uniformed officer replied, "We've confirmed the information through independent sources. You'll find everything in that brief is on the level."

"That's what I was afraid of," the big man said gruffly, "Has Interpol been notified?"

"Yes, but this does not appear to fall within their jurisdiction," the other man's tone was almost apologetic, "We can't pursue things officially, and without backing by higher ups I'm afraid even your group can have limited effectiveness…"

"That remains to be seen," the big man said, "If I can't go through channels I'll find another way, even if I have to go outside our regular circle."

"I can understand your feelings on this matter, Colonel," the other man replied, "After all you do have a personal stake in these developments..."

"That's not relevant, Major," the big man growled, "And I'd prefer it if you keep my personal life out of this. I'll find a team of volunteers that's willing to go in there if I have to personally recruit them. There is one thing I need to know first…"

"Ah yes," the other man nodded as he handed over a second brief, "I thought you'd bring that up, so I took the liberty of putting this together, also through unofficial channels. It's all there, sir, everything we've been able to dig up on her history for the past decade."

"Incredible," the big man said as he held up a photograph that had clearly been taken through a long-range camera lens, "She's grown so much…I'd hardly recognize her…even if she does look a little like her mother."

"She's only just resurfaced in Japan within the past two months, sir," the other man nodded, "But I think you'll find what we have there makes for some interesting reading."

"I'll be sure to study it once I get to my hotel," the big man said as he committed the face in the photograph to memory and absently murmured, "Daddy's coming home to find you, little blossom. I'd say better late than never, but I don't think you'd agree, and I wouldn't blame you."

He caressed the picture with one finger, tracing the outlines of a seventeen year old girl with long red hair done up in a Chinese-style pig-tail…


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