Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers) Fan Fiction ❯ Nabiki 1/2 (A Very Scary Thought) ❯ Nursery Rhymes... ( Chapter 63 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nabiki 1/2

(A Very Scary Thought)

Written by Jim Robert Bader

Proofread by Shiva Barnwell

Based Upon the Altered Destinies Storyline

Inspired by the works of such fans as

Wade Tritshler

Richard Lawson

James Jones

And Many Others

Standard Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and is not my original creation. All characters belong to her. This is only a fanfictional work, and is not intended to compromise the rights of the original owners, distributors and publishers of the Ranma series. I have no money to spare and would very much appreciate if no one tries to sue me.

"Careful where you go, boys," Nabiki cautioned, "We don't know what other kinds of tricks Lao has in store for us, but from what we've already seen already it's bound to be nasty."

"There's nothing stopping us now that we've come this far," Ranma called over his shoulder without taking his eyes away from where they were going, "Now that we're together, there ain't nothing she can try that'll separate us, Nab-chan."

"Don't be too overconfident, boy," Cologne cautioned, "I may have taught you to use confidence to fuel your Mako Takabisha, just as Ryoga uses depression to fuel his Shi Shi Hokoundan, but there is a difference between confidence and recklessness. Never forget that it was underestimating Lao that landed all of us in her power in the first place."

"Don't worry, Granny," Nabiki said warily, "That's one lesson I doubt that any of us will make again now that we know what we're up against."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that, Nab-chan," Keiko cautioned, "You haven't seen a tenth of what I know Lao could do when I parted company with her over a year ago, and this ship magnifies her natural abilities in ways even I don't understand. I lived here nearly three years and her affinity with the Piece of Junk still seems uncanny, like it was her alter ego or something."

"Stairs up ahead," Ryoga called out, "Everybody better watch their step."

"Just be certain that you follow your own advice, Ryoga-kun," Kodachi murmured, giving Akane a sly look, "You wouldn't want to make Akane-chan worry over you. She hardly needs more distraction."

"I can take care of myself, thank you very much, 'Dachi," Akane replied, but from the way she colored and averted her eyes showed that, at least to some partial extent, she was lying about her state of nonchalance.

"Anybody besides me think this is going way too easy?" Bison murmured as he glanced to one side.

"I hear you, buddy," Blanka growled, "Where's the opposition you guys were telling me about? We haven't even met anybody else for the past five minutes."

"Man, this place gives me the creeps," Ken averred as he could not stop glancing over his shoulder, "I've always heard that walls have ears, but if I didn't know any better I'd swear these walls have eyes, and they're looking at us like we're prime on the menu."

"Wish you hadn't said that, mate," Cammy glanced the other way, "After what went down back there I feel almost like a blue plate special served raw like sushi. You know where I'm coming from, Chun?"

"Unfortunately," Chun-Li replied, "I only wish I didn't."

"That's enough chatter everybody," Guile cautioned as they group descended a broad row of steps leading down into yet another vast chamber with many adjoining doorways, "No sense giving ourselves the creeps, we need to stay sharp and remain frosty. When the enemy hits us it will probably be with everything they've got and no quarter given or taken."

"Man," Ranma said as he glanced at hanging chains and implements of torture whose purpose he did not want to know about, "I just wish I knew where that Mousse guy ran off to. What he was saying earlier about Ucchan…"

"If he attempts anything upon her he will have me to deal with," Cologne said grimly, pausing to glance to one side, "I sense…something beyond that portal. There is a strong presence emanating from within there."

"Looks a lot like the door I was led through before," Nabiki remarked, "Where Lao kept her private Harem of living sex toys."

"Somehow this seems different," Cologne paused to place a hand over the door and frowned, "There are strong protective wards surrounding this chamber, but not the kind that would prevent easy entrance. I perceive no traps save for those who would force an entry."

"Any idea what's beyond that door, Kei-chan?" Nabiki asked.

"I'm not sure," Keiko frowned, "It's been a while, and it's not like I had free run of the place when I lived here. I pretty much went wherever Lao took me."

"And usually by the collar," Kodachi nodded, "Still, from the indications of what Elder Cologne has suggested I do not think it would be prudent to force our entry."

"Maybe not," Nabiki said as she took the point and carefully laid a hand on the door, "But knowing what we do about Lao we ought to be ready for anything. Whatever's in here is probably something wickedly perverse, so we'd better brace ourselves for whatever demented tortures may be awaiting our discovery…"

Her voice trailed off after she opened the door and looked in. She stood there for a moment staring in blank surprise, then she gasped, "Hinako-Sensei?"

Hinako looked up from where she was sitting on a cushioned chair reading a book to a full score of attentive children, and her expression was mildly vexed as she said, "Tendo Nabiki…what is the meaning of this intrusion, and why are you girls dressed in such undignified and disgraceful apparel? Do you think this is a Red Light Zone for wanton Hentai?"

"Ah…" Nabiki's mind faltered as she slowly looked around at a room comfortably decorated with bright pastels and decent lighting. There were oversized toys and play equipment of every kind scattered here and about with posters of animals and clowns along with the basic alphabet laid out in five different languages. Over a score-full of children all turned to regard them with open, inquisitive faces, none of which seemed shocked or surprised by their sudden appearance.

Guile stepped around from behind her and asked, "Are you all right, Hinako-san?"

"And why wouldn't I be?" Hinako asked as she closed her book and looked at him crossly, "I have been well treated by our hostess, who has shown me every courtesy and graciously asked that I fill in for the normal tutor to these children, who has fallen ill and needs rest for the duration. Where have the rest of you people been for the past three days?"

"Three days?" Guile blinked, "But…surely it's only been one day at the most…"

"Three days," Hinako said firmly, "And do not call me Shirley."

"It seems that you have managed to keep yourself busy during this time, Hinako-san," Cologne remarked as she hopped around from behind the astonished Guile, "Might I ask if any of these children may possibly belong to this ship's liege lady?"

"If you mean little Breeze here," Hinako nodded to one of the girls, "She has that honor…"

"I'm afraid that I am seeking a male child about the same general age," Cologne murmured softly, taking in the powder-blue girl child with a sweeping glance, "And I believe his name is Powder."

"You mean me?" said another older child of indeterminate gender who had pale pink hair trimmed neatly in the front but longer in the back.

"What are you thinking old woman?" Ranma glared suspiciously at Cologne, "You don't mean to…"

"I do not war with children," Cologne informed him crossly, "But it is worth noting that Lao has not abandoned her responsibilities as a mother. Far from it, she appears to have had a second child during her exile. This is very interesting on the whole and could explain at least some of Lao's behavior…or at least put it in a better context than was the case beforehand."

"I don't want to be the one who sounds mean and callous," Bison remarked, "But now that we've found the kids, you think Lao might be willing to negotiate?"

"Not likely," Keiko sniffed, "If there is anything more likely to anger my former lady, this is it. She's very protective of her children, you see, and she'll come down on us in no time if we even make one threatening move against these youngsters."

"No need for that," Guile said, "And I'm with the old woman here. I won't revert to terrorism to achieve our mission objectives, that's not my style, and besides which, I don't see how it could work to our advantage."

"Just the same," Cologne continued to regard Hinako-Sensei, "This discovery changes the complexion of matters ever-so-slightly. It would seem that Lao is using her trade in human flesh to finance more domestic concerns relating to that Harem setting that she greeted us in earlier today, Daughter-in-law."

"So?" Nabiki challenged, "That doesn't mean what she's doing is justified…"

"I was not speaking of justification," Cologne said patiently, "But of clarification. These children are not all her own, and unless she is running an orphanage on the high seas, it would seem fairly safe to assume that some of these children come from a few of the ladies we saw lounging about in pampered luxury like princesses."

"I get it," Akane said, "This place is actually like a floating community of some sort…but…who were the fathers?"

"A fair question," Cologne's eyes narrowed, "I've noticed that Lao does not have any male staff members, not even as servants. Except in that one detail I would be tempted to speculate that she is trying to recreate the extended family atmosphere that she left behind in Joketsuzoku."

"So she's trying to replace what she lost," Nabiki shrugged, "That fits her profile…"

"You misunderstand me, Child," Cologne said gravely, "This is not Joketsuzoku…it is the Musk dynasty itself that she is creating in reverse. Do you recall what I told you about how the Musk once procreated using animals bathed in the waters of Nyanniichuan? Well, it may interest you to know that we Amazons ourselves have something called Instant Nannichuan than can be used as a one-time Jusenkyo curse to transform women into men, must as you do on a regular basis."

"Instant Nannichuan?" Nabiki replied, "But…how…?"

"Dried mud salvaged from the bottom of the Nannichuan pool," Cologne said dismissively, "Use a pinch with ordinary water it temporarily gains the power to change a woman to a man and can even thwart a normal Jusenkyo curse. I keep a supply of the stuff with my apothecary equipment, but that is not germane to the matter at hand. You see…I believe that it is possible that some of these children do not technically have a father, or at least one permanently male parent…"

"Oh Jeez," Bison winced, "This ever gets out, us men are gonna suddenly become obsolete."

"You said it," Honda winced, "Just hope nobody ever gets any of that Woman-changing powder around me…"

"What are you all blathering about?" Cammy looked at them crossly, "What's this yammer about Curses and switching genders?"

"Jusenkyo," Chun-Li murmured, "I'd heard about the legends, but if there could actually be such a place…"

"Pray you never go there," Keiko cautioned, "It can really change your whole life."

"Look guys," Ken pointed out, "This really doesn't look like a good time to be standing around in one place. This room doesn't have too many exits, besides the one we came through, and if Lao decides to trap us in here…"

"She won't," Cologne assured them, "For the same reason we will not remain. The risk is too great of bringing harm to these children. Hinako-san, I trust that we can continue to rely upon you to guard and protect these young ones from potential harm?"

"Of course," Hinako sounded surprised, "But why? Madam Lao seems like a very nice lady, unlike some delinquents I could be pointing fingers at if I were not a proper lady."

"Believe me, Sensei," Nabiki snorted, "You wouldn't be saying that if she got a glimpse of you in your other form. Just take our word on it and remain here while we do what we have to."

"How rude," Hinako glared, "I have half a mind to tell your father about the sort of company you've been keeping on this field trip, Tendo-san, and that…outrageous display of immodesty you are sporting… why, think of the children!"

Nabiki was spared saying something very rude in reply to that when Akane intervened, "Please, Hinako-Sensei, just stay here and be careful, all right? We'll be sure to put in a good word about you with Principal Kuno and tell him what a great job you've done so far in looking out for everyone's interests."

Hinako seemed mollified by that, and Nabiki favored her sister with a look of surprised contemplation. Whoever would have thought Akane would be the one to play diplomat while Nabiki stood around fuming in impotent rage. Even Ryoga looked calmer than she was at the moment, and that mainly because he seemed unable to take his eyes off of Akane.

"Let's get out of here," Nabiki growled, "Go find Ucchan and Perfume, then we confront Lao and complain about the accommodations on this cruise."

"What about Mousse?" Ranma asked, "We can't exactly leave him behind, even if he is a real pain to have around."

"Yeah, well, maybe," Nabiki temporized, "If we've got time for him. Now, this way."

Without a word of complaint their group turned about and exited the chamber…

Lao was not entirely satisfied with their progress, but with the aid of the Kraken the ship was moving along at a good clip and soon had left their unwitting escort behind to comb a hundred square miles of now-vacant ocean. She could have moved things even quicker if she had called upon the power of the Dragon Orb itself, but to do that she would have had to leave the bridge in the hands of her two aids, and all other things being considered equal, she did not think that entirely prudent.

Not that she did not have some measure of confidence in Blossom and Lotus, her two oldest and dearest friends, the only ones who had stayed with her out of loyalty when they first began their exile. It was just that they each had their own…distinctive personality quirks. Blossom was firm in a crisis but a little too conventional in her thinking, while Lotus was the more imaginative of the pair but sometimes given to enthusiastic bursts of creativity that went, well, beyond the point of prudence. Together they complimented each other as an effective team, but outside of crisis situations they could be utterly hopeless, bickering one minute, making up the next and quite oblivious to their surroundings during both phases.

She would not actually call either woman stupid, but when it came to leadership quality, Lao preferred to make all of the major decisions. She allowed them their private indulgences and catered as best she could to their individual whims, but sometimes she literally had to put her foot down and remind them who was boss. She counted on their loyalty and would have felt bereft without their companionship, but she did not trust them beyond a reasonable point and so tended to watch their movements like a hungry cat, ready to pounce whenever either one got a bit above their station.

This was one such matter as she had to repeatedly assure them that steps were being taken to recapture the prisoners before they could do too much damage in their rampages.

<"Are you certain of this, my lady?"> Blossom asked for the third consecutive time, fretting with understandable concern as she voiced her complaint, <"If they should somehow find their way to the nursery…">

<"I won't let anything happen to the children,"> Lao said firmly, refraining from mentioning that the intruders had indeed found their way to the nursery section and left without incident, which had spared them the wrath Lao had been prepared to visit, <"Trust me on that, my dears. Whatever else happens I will not compromise the safety of our children.">

<"We know that you will do whatever must be done, my lady,"> Lotus replied with a bit of high-pitched emotion that made her sound half as young as her actual age, <"But these men who follow that Tendo women…">

<"Are professional soldiers who obey their leaders with discipline,"> Lao concluded for her, <"Which is no less than I expect of our own people.">

<"Why haven't the Undines been able to contain them so far?"> Blossom asked with a curious frown, <"Some have Jusenkyo curses…">

<"While the others have Chi-Force attacks,"> Lao explained, <"Which is more than I anticipated. I suppose I have dangerously underestimated Elder Cologne, her pupils and these men who follow the father of my beloved pet, while Tendo Nabiki is proving to have her own measure of resourceful surprises. I believe drastic measures may be called for in order to contain the these outsiders, and I am working on a plan even now, one that will, unfortunately, require my direct personal involvement to supervise the operation.">

Her two aids exchanged nervous looks, then Blossom said, <"How may we be of service to you in this, my lady? We, of course, will do everything you ask in defense of our home.">

<"For now I need you both to remain here,"> Lao replied, <"This is a logical strike point that they may try to take by force. Besides this, I need to have you monitor our progress and see to it we don't have any more near-encounters before we reach the port in Hong Kong.">

<"Then we will hold this point with our lives, if need be my lady,"> Lotus avowed, <"They will pay dearly if they try to commandeer the bridge…">

<"Just hold them off until I can return to finish them,"> Lao replied, <"I'll leave you in charge of two squadrons of our best warriors, plus a division of Undines, which ought to deter even their recklessness bravado.">

<"They had better not try anything up here,"> Blossom said as she balled her fist until it began to glow slightly, <"Or I'll make them regret ever escaping their cages.">

<"Just don't attack the Elder if it can be helped,"> Lao replied, <"Neither one of you would last the length of a candlewick in a hurricane. Spare your efforts for the men, and never mind the usual niceties of Amazon combat. I want them alive and unhurt, but beyond that…use your imagination.">

<"It will be as you ask, my lady,"> Lotus nodded, her eyes shifting slightly in color as she summoned her own internal power in anticipation of releasing it. It was not Mako Takabisha level but it would do in close quarters against an unprepared opponent.

<"Good,"> Lao smiled as she turned away, moving to a brass pole that was set at the rear center of the cabin, <"Then wait for my return, and for Kraken's sake try not to run us aground on any reefs while you're at it. I want this ship to maintain a steady course and attract as little notice as possible, not float us into town like the SS Poseidon.">

So saying she slid down the pole to drop several floors down to where her private chariot was waiting, catching the faint hint of embarrassment in Lotus's voice as she growled, <"You make one little mistake and they never let you forget about it…">

Lao ignored the inevitable follow up from Blossom and turned to her already waiting chariot, which had been fitted out with her four best mounts and was ready for travel.

Well, actually said mounts were four very pretty looking girls, all naked and in leather harnesses with bridles in their mouths, each chained in a row to a wooden pole that they would draw along like four stout horses when so commanded. The girls were all blondes with their hair done up in fancy pony-tails, specially selected and trained to move as a team through the narrow track that served as express route for moving from one end of the ship to the other.

These comely slaves were docile at the moment but sensed the mood of their lady as she leaped into the chariot behind them, so when Lao flicked the long-stemmed Cat-O-Nine-Tails against their collective rumps all four girls jumped as one and moved out as fast as their hobbles would permit them, bare feet slapping against the polished wood surface like four hooves clonking together.

In spite of her haste, Lao had to smile in reflection of her well-trained team of domestic race animals…or so she liked to think of them as it really did not serve a Slaver's mindset very well to credit her toys with too much humanity. That was a bit like giving too much sympathy to the people she had to train and discipline into unquestioning obedience, and she was gratified at how well trained these four were to whip and bridle. It was a pity she would have to sell them shortly, but she had already lined up a buyer and was grooming another team to eventually take their place. She considered these Pony women to be among her most prized of living possessions, just as she treasured every loving slave she had ever trained and doted her affections upon them when they performed to her expectations.

(If only her fifth mount, darling Sasha, had not caught a cold the other day as Lao preferred to travel with a Spare in case a member of her team fell lame or caught a splinter…)

The team made very good time, reaching two-thirds the length of the corridor in less than a full minute, then Lao pulled back on the reins and allowed her team to slow their pace down to a trot, and finally stopped at her chosen destination.

Lieutenant Shelby awaited her, the dour Irish girl and former IRA Terrorist who had been with her for almost five years and had shown great proficiency among Lao's human Pirate crew, who stood now with her single good eye glaring hard with determination as Lao dismounted from her chariot and passed the bridle along to a waiting groom so that they could be rested and watered in case they were needed for a return trip. Otherwise they would be put back into their stables until the next time their services were called for.

Lao wasted no time staring at the eye-patched officer as she said, "Report. What is the latest word concerning the Intruders?"

"My lady," Shelby replied, "The Outlanders have penetrated to sector H, level Four, deck ten and are in the process of linking up with their two remaining companions. Very soon they will all be contained in the same compartment as per your instructions."

"Good," Lao smiled as she glanced at the waiting Undines and human warriors under her command, "Then we will seal them off when that occurs and hold the line there. Has everything been made ready as I commanded?"

"To the letter," Shelby replied, permitting herself a dour smile as she added, "They haven't a chance once we spring this trap, my lady. We could flood them out if you wished them taken without losses on our side…"

"Not necessary," Lao assured, "At least I don't think it will come to that, although it would not hurt to prepare for that as a possible option. At least so far we haven't taken serious casualties on our side or I would make them dearly pay for it, I assure you. Let us spring the trap first, then we shall see what steps will be needed to make reparation for my troubles."

"Very good, my lady," Shelby replied, then passed the word along to her four sergeants and the pirate forces began to move out in flanking columns down separate corridors.

Lao smiled again as she grimly counted up the forces at her disposal. Unquestionably, she had the advantage of numbers, but against Chi-Attacks from competent Masters it was not numbers but quality that would tell the odds. Of the more than fifty human women now spearheading the attack she could count only a handful as decently well trained while the two hundred Undines supporting them had learned to be wary after the initial encounters with the Chi-Masters had taught them to use caution. The Elementals could not be killed or seriously injured in such a way, but Chi-Attacks were decidedly painful and often rendered them temporarily unable to reform themselves into a human shape. They would need time to replenish the numbers already forced into an unsolid mass or to heal back those injuries they had taken so far, so Lao had elected to spare them any further needless exposure, diverting as many as she could to protecting the Bridge until the crisis was over.

Privately, she knew that this could hardly have come at a worse time for dividing her attention. Sailing a magical ship through one of the most heavily patrolled sea lanes in all the world without drawing the notice of powerful armies was a bit of an art in these days of high-tech sensor arrays and satellite observers. Her vessel might be a Ghost Ship to some, but the POJ had carved a certain legend for itself in certain high places that would not mind seeing Lao inconvenienced, and as strong as her magical shields might be around the ship she was still technically vulnerable to the accurate ranged weapons fire of most modern navies. She had to wind this up fast so that she could return to the bridge and insure that they continued on their way without detection.

She smiled to herself as her mind filled with the images of Nabiki's group as they approached the area of ambush. Tendo-san and her friends would pay for disturbing her pleasant afternoon with this thoughtless rebellion. There were no end of means at Lao's disposal to make Nabiki regret the imprudence of her actions, and she did not intend to relent in the instruction of the Tendo girl about the limits of Lao's tolerance. She would not be satisfied until Nabiki groveled on all fours and swore to do Lao's every bidding.

To paraphrase Mel Brooks, it was good to be the Mistress, thought Lao to herself, and on board the POJ it was her will that was sovereign and absolute. The ship could have only one Mistress, and Lao had no doubt of the outcome of their impending conflict…

Master Happosai returned home from his daily raids with his treasures in hand, smiling contentedly at some of the prizes he had obtained, and for once without the interference of his upstart Apprentice…

Well, he had to admit that part was a bit of a mixed blessing. Happosai relished the challenge Tendo Nabiki afforded him, the rare sport of a girl so good at the art that she could give Happy a swift run for his yen. Nabiki added a certain spice to their frequent engagements, he only regretted that she did not show him more of the respect that was his due. She might acknowledge him her Master, but Nabiki did tend to think it was a part of her training to interrupt her Master's simple pleasures.

He had tried disciplining her once to teach her proper respect, but Cologne had to go and interfere as usual, curse her withered old bones, he silently amended. Cologne also had the notion that Nabiki was her prime student and the apprentice to 3000 years of Amazon lore, which was why she had taught that dangerous maneuver to an amateur of all things, nominally to teach Happosai some sort of a lesson.

Of course, Nabiki herself had managed to counter the effects of the Moxibustion point. It really was careless of Happosai to have left the chart containing all those Nerve Points in her trust, but he chalked that up to a moment of weakness when his pride had shown forth at the accomplishments of his student. There had been other games they played, and at each point Nabiki improved phenomenally to where it was becoming more difficult to out-fox her, and at some future point it was even conceivable that she would one day surpass both him and Cologne in knowledge.

Not that the day was in danger of happening anytime too soon, he smirked. As fast as Nabiki was able to master new techniques, Happosai still had more tricks up his sleeve than a hundred wizened pervert martial artists. He would always find some way of keeping her on her toes while stealing her bra right out from under that pointy little chin of hers…

Happosai was broken out of his reflections by a sound coming from the dojo. He slowed upon the roof and glanced towards the training hall, wondering who was making those delightfully feminine sounds as they did not match any of the girls he already knew worked out there on a regular basis. Some new students come to take up lessons?

True to his name, he stashed his bag of treasures and went in search of these new students then came upon the wonderful sight of a pair of stunningly beautiful young girls working out together with the skill and tenacity of wild cats. Happy stared from the partial concealment of the door by the porch and saw a short brown-haired girl sparring against a taller girl roughly the same age and a bit superior in height, this latter having long black hair that she kept done up in a pony tail. The older girl had very good moves but the smaller girl was lighter and faster. Happosai could almost weep for joy as he watched these two bounce here and about with their non-restrictive clothing barely concealing their charms. Even the fact that they were not wearing bras did not detract from his enjoyment. This was just the thing an old man like him needed to come home to!

But there was something about these two. Happy paused to wonder why he had a curious sense of having already known them from some where. He was pretty sure he had never feasted on such visions of loveliness since the day Tendo Nabiki had first become his student. It was more than just their looks, however, it was the way they moved, the perfect control they displayed of their rhythm and power…

"Oh," a pleasant voice said from just behind him, "Master Happosai, you're back, and just in time for dinner."

Happosai gave an uncharacteristically guilty start as he turned to see Kasumi smiling at him with a warmth to which he was not much accustomed. The eldest Tendo daughter had that guiless expression that always made the wizened Hentai Master shrink a little inside as though he had done something terribly naughty. Kasumi had that kind of an affect on him, which was very odd as he should normally have been all too willing to ogle her magnificent profile. Kasumi certainly had all the right assets to attract his notice, and a charm unlike the coarser forms adopted by many girls trying to be nice girls and failing.

For some reason, Happosai just could not be himself around Kasumi. It was a little like having dirty thoughts about your mother…

"Indeed I am," Happosai hastily covered his nervousness by adopting a typical swagger, thrusting his tiny chest out and puffing himself up as though it could somehow actually make him seem taller, "I was just noticing that we have a pair of comely guests that I've never set eyes upon until now…"

Something about that statement did not seem right, but Happosai ignored it as Kasumi obligingly supplied him with the information that he needed, "Oh, you mean our new guests, Natsume and Kurumi. They claim to be father's other daughters, which would make them my other younger sisters, I suppose, only I'm not sure I see how as I'm quite certain mother would have told us if she had two more daughters…"

Happosai mentally undid the loops of this explanation and correctly interpreted Kasumi's actual meaning, "So the old boy had a couple of kids with someone besides Kimiko, eh? Have to say, I never thought he had it in him, not that I should be surprised considering how popular he used to be with the ladies."

"Father had other girlfriends?" Kasumi sounded surprised at this revelation.

"Soun caught the eye of several sweet young things in his day, at least that I knew of," Happosai replied, "But I think he only had eyes for your mother…or maybe he did have something going for a while there with that Amazon cutie…I think her name was Silk, or something like that. Come to think of it, they could be Silk's daughters…she did break it off rather suddenly, and I know Soun was pretty heartbroken…"

Now it was Kasumi's turn to try mentally untangling his statement, but before she could finally unloop the last curl of Happosai's explanation they both heard a polite voice ask, "Oneechan, who is this honored gentleman? Is he a friend of father's?"

"Indeed I am," Happosai turned to smile at the two girls, who were now looking towards him with curious expressions, "I'm Soun's Master, Happosai, Founder of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts, and on behalf of the school, permit me to greet you in the way I welcome all my new pupils…"

Happosai was about to launch himself into his legendary lunge when a sharp voice called out, "MASTER! I forbid this!"

Happosai was shocked beyond words and slowly turned to see the hard look Soun was directing towards him, and the equally grim expression of Genma at his side. It simply did not seem possible for him to have heard the tone Soun used correctly. If his senses were not failing him, Soun had just spoken disrespectfully to his Master, and without a trace of his usual ready capitulation.

"You forbid?" Happosai repeated.

"Master," Genma said somberly, "These are our guests, Soun-kun's long lost daughters. It would not be proper to show them anything less than the complete and proper respect due to this House. At least give Natsume-san and Kurumi-chan time to fully adjust to what is expected in our tradition."

Happosai narrowed his eyes and stared hard at the two men, but for once they did not back down at the implied threat in his gaze. So, he thought silently to himself, those two are starting to develop some backbone. Well, well…

Aloud what he said was, "I believe I can decide what is proper and best for the honor of this House," Happosai turned back to regard the two girls with a pleasantly bland expression, "My, what pretty things you are. Soun must be very proud to call you both his daughters."

Out of the corner of his eye Happosai saw Soun flinch in a significant way. Not a guilty flinch, now, but more that of a man who wanted to deny something but lacked supporting evidence. Happosai decided to play along and continued, "How have the two of you been fitting in around this place? Either of you lovelies have boyfriends you'd like to tell Ol' Happy about?"

"N-No," Natsume looked away and blushed slightly. The younger girl--Kurumi was it?--fetched her sister a sour look before firmly stating, "No, we don't have boy friends. We've only just been staying here for a couple of days and haven't really met too many people."

"Hi ya!" Shampoo's pleasant voice called out, "Dinner ready if you done with--YOU! What you do with Shampoo's new sisters-in-law?"

"Ah, Shampoo-san," Happosai smiled wickedly at the purple-haired girl and earned a hard look back from her that promised destruction on the level of a small typhoon if he tried anything in her direction, "I hope you thought to make enough for all of us as I plan to dine in with the family tonight. I was just making the acquaintance of these two charming girls. What a pleasure to know the Tendo line has produced so many astonishing beauties. It almost defies comprehension."

"Defile something else, Hentai," Shampoo sniffed as she pivoted on one heal and stormed back into the main house, "Shampoo serve dinner, not have to take insults."

"Spirited girl," Happosai smiled back at the puzzled Natsume and Kurumi, "Amazons can be quite charming in an aggressive, no-nonsense kind of way. Well, it is a real pleasure to meet you two and I hope to see a lot more of your around dinner. Bye," he cried as he bounded up onto the roof and headed for his room in the attic.

"He's up to something," Genma murmured, to which Soun merely nodded, both shuddering at the thought of what their Master might be contemplating.

It would therefore have surprised them that Happosai ignored his latest haul and went straight to the pile of personal belonging he had stashed in the third story attic that he called his room, a pile which did not have anything to do with underwear. A faint memory and a hunch guided him, and after a few moments he fished out the thing that he was looking for. He held it up to the light and studied an old photograph for a very long, very quiet span of moments.

Finally he brought it down with a sigh. Ten years! First Hinako and now this. Surely the Gods were mocking him in some way, though for what crime he could have committed he honestly had no comprehension. What he knew was that this changed the complexion of the whole encounter with the two sisters. He thought he had recognized the style of their technique.

After all, he was the one who had taught it to them before his imprisonment. They were the two orphans he had rescued and befriended, the nearest thing he had in the world to living offspring, although he was certainly not their real father.

And neither were they Soun's, though he had a pretty good idea whose daughters those two were. The truth would hardly serve them in either event, but the point was that they had an absolute right to reside in the Tendo lodgings.

After all they really were Tendos, he just had to think of a way of disguising the truth so that everyone would accept them better. Happosai was hardly the most responsible martial arts master who ever lived, but it was the very least he could do for his very own granddaughters…


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