Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers) Fan Fiction ❯ Nabiki 1/2 (A Very Scary Thought) ❯ Nabiki and Sisters... ( Chapter 70 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nabiki 1/2

(A Very Scary Thought)

Written by Jim Robert Bader

Proofread by Shiva Barnwell

Based Upon the Altered Destinies Storyline

Inspired by the works of such fans as

Wade Tritshler

Richard Lawson

James Jones

And Many Others

Standard Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and is not my original creation. All characters belong to her. This is only a fanfictional work, and is not intended to compromise the rights of the original owners, distributors and publishers of the Ranma series. I have no money to spare and would very much appreciate if no one tries to sue me.

The return trip was largely uneventful, unless you account for the fact that Cologne felt the need to give her critique of everyone's performances from what she had observed of their battles with Lao, including Guile's group, who took the criticism with a certain amount of confusion. Nabiki and her friends, being more accustomed to the Elder's ways, just smiled when Cologne detailed the significant areas where they needed the most improvement, then collectively groaned as Cologne informed them that she planned to further intensify their training. For Guile and his people, however…

Well, when the trip back to Tokyo harbor was finally concluded, let's just say everyone was glad to see dry land offering some hope of escape or shelter. Guile supplied the transportation, and everyone piled into the American made Humvee he had waiting for them, already fueled and ready.

Of course, the weather did not remain fair for long, and by the time they were on their way back to Nerima there was a pretty heavy rain coming down, which caused some mild dismay as a now-male Nabiki took to avoiding Ukyo or--to be more precise--the thing that rested on the Okonomiyaki chef's shoulder.

"Man," Bison said as he looked Nabiki over for the umpteenth time since his transformation, "Doesn't that ever, like, weird you out doing that?"

"All the time," Nabiki replied fatalistically, "But I've learned to make adjustments."

"Don't know how long it'll take for me to get used to that when I have Keiko back," Guile said with a grim expression, giving Perfume-the-cat another side-look, then murmuring, "Guess I'd better build a really large bird cage…"

"Don't forget the ferret's roost, Colonel-san," Akane gently reminded.

Guile heaved a sigh, "Funny thing is I don't really mind that part too much. As long as Kei-chan's happy, I'll be content with whoever it is she chooses for a roommate. At least I won't have to worry about her needing a pack of condoms."

"Could be worse," Ken philosophized, "She could have been hanging out with a rock star or been a real groupie."

"Yeah, she might even have been hanging out with somebody like you," Honda helpfully added.

"Exactly," Ken said, then blinked, "Hey!"

"You guys sure know how to cheer me up," Guile muttered in tones of heavy sarcasm.

"You think that Lao character will really keep her word, Guile?" Blanka asked his friend.

"She will keep her word," Cologne assured them, "She knows what would happen should she renege on our agreement."

"Perhaps I should have remained behind to keep an eye on things," Hinako mused, "I could have extended my part of the trip and taken advantage of some unused vacation time…"

"And let Lao get ahold of you in your adult state," Nabiki pointed out, "Besides, it would have looked bad on me if you didn't show up at Furinkan with the rest of us."

"Like not finding any palm trees isn't already going to make Principal Kuno irate?" Ranma noted.

"Oh, they'll be there all right," Ken assured them, "I made the necessary arrangements, two dozen palm trees, specially grown to handle Japan's temperate climate…"

"Won't that be expensive?" Ryoga asked.

"I'll just write it off as a charitable donation," Ken smiled, "My father's accountants are the best, and it'll be good advertisement for our Biogenics division. Just tell my people where you want to plant them."

"Anywhere but the current location of our cherry trees," Ukyo said in mild insistence, "That was where Principal Kuno wanted to put them in the first place."

"Say," Ranma looked up, "Any idea what I should tell Kuno about where his sister is going to be for the next few of months? I don't want him to worry."

"I'll have to think up something he'll accept," Nabiki pondered, "Shouldn't be too complicated the way his mind works."

"Oh yeah," Akane snorted, "He'll probably blame you…or should I say Kaneda?"

Chun-Li and Cammy had been silent for the past hour, but now Cammy finally spoke up, "This changing into a guy thing…is it just for show or does the plumbing work?"

"It works," Nabiki assured her, "Let me put it to you this way…I have a wife and she's four-and-a-half months pregnant."

"You what?" Chun-Li was aghast.

"Like I told you guys," Nabiki shrugged again, "It's complicated."

"Mreow?" the cat on Ukyo's shoulder said in the tones of a question, causing Nabiki to shudder while Ukyo replied, "I don't know, Per-chan, and we probably won't for quite a while, but it if happens we'll deal with it one step at a time."

"You understand what she's saying?" Bison looked at the Okonomiyaki chef and her "pet" oddly.

"I get the gist…most of the time," Ukyo stroked Perfume's fur and elicited a soft rumbling purr of contentment, "It's mostly in her tone and inflection…"

"We're almost there," Nabiki announced as they came within sight of Nerima, "Thanks for the lift, Guile-san, and sorry things didn't turn out better."

"At least they didn't turn out worse," Guile said as he guided the Humvee well within the local speed limits, "You and your friends handled yourselves very well back there, almost like professionals. I'd say it was a pleasure working with you, except for everything else that happened."

"I'm sure we'll see Kei-chan again, Colonel-san," Akane reassured, "Your daughter is a born survivor. She's taught me a lot about what it means to find the bright side in any situation. We'll see her again, and Kodachi, I can feel it."

Nabiki eyed his sister with a droll expression, thinking privately to herself that she also hoped to see Keiko once again, if only to finally have that talk with her regarding her relationship with his sister.

"Now that we're almost home," Ranma murmured to Nabiki, "Have you any idea what we're going to tell Shampoo about our little adventures?"

"Surely you don't suggest we tell her everything?" Nabiki eyed him coyly.

"Are you kidding," he smiled back, "I happen to be fond of my front teeth, thank you very much."

Cammy had a very disquieting look as she shook her head then gestured expressively and said, "Let me see if I get this straight. You two are engaged to each other, but you're also engaged to the cook with the mean spatula here, and she's married to the cat, while your lady is married to another lady named Shampoo? Have I got that right?"

"More or less," Nabiki replied with a straight face.

"It's not as weird as it sounds…" Ranma began to say, then he thought a moment before resuming, "Well, maybe it is, but given the alternatives, I think I prefer it this way, and it was Nabiki's proposal to try and sort out the mess that was kind of caused by my father…"

"Your father arranged this?" Chun-Li said more dubiously.

"More or less," Nabiki replied, "Ojisan had a real knack for stumbling into things while dragging the rest of us with him. I spent ten years training in the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts and I think I've got Genma Saotome figured out as well as anyone who knows him. He's a lot better at causing problems than he is in fixing his own messes. I'm more of the problem solver…"

"So your solution to whatever mess he got you both into was a five-way marriage?" Cammy asked with a surprisingly bland expression.

"Made more sense at the time than the other choices," Ukyo shrugged, continuing to pet her cat, who rubbed her head against Ukyo's hair in happy contentment, "And in Genma's defense, part of the problem was actually caused by my father. Perfume's another story, but one I don't regret getting involved with the other stuff."

Bison shook his head, "Give it up, White. You'll go blind trying to figure this lot out."

"Ryu'll never believe me when I tell him about this trip," Ken shook his head, "I don't think I believe it either. And Eliza…well, I don't think I'll even try and convince her that any of this happened."

"Good," Guile grunted, "The fewer people who know about it the less often I'll have to deny it."

"What kind of report do you intend to file with headquarters, Guile?" Blanka asked him.

"I don't know, Charlie," Guile grunted, "I'll make something up."

"Glad to hear that," Chun-Li smiled ruefully, "If my superiors at Interpol learn that I let Lao walk on this one I can kiss my career goodbye for the next millennium."

"Ditto with me," Cammy agreed, "My old chums at MI-6 still won't let me forget about my Assassination for hire gig. An incident like this could sink what's left of my reputation."

"Hey," Honda said, "Why's everybody so down about us surviving this one? We were up against the odds like usual, and we didn't really lose…"

"Didn't win either," Bison sniffed, "But I'm with you there, and there's always the rematch."

The at last pulled up in front of the Tendo Dojo, and since it had long since stopped raining everyone filed out to stretch their legs and say their good-byes. Nabiki and Akane offered to let Guile's group come in for some refreshments, but Guile declined, saying they would be getting a hotel space further into Nerima. There was an easy atmosphere between these two groups, with only Hinako looking truly sad-eyed at being home once again. Cologne, on the other hand, wasted no time in entering through the gate, saying that she would inform the others of their arrival and make tidy explanations to their parents to relieve any lingering sense of worry at their being absent without communication.

Nabiki gave a last farewell look at Guile and his people before a figure came hurtling out the gate, bounding in his direction. Nabiki barely had time to turn completely around before he was all but smothered by a purple-haired dynamo that wrapped him in a tight bear hug as he was greeted with an enthusiastic, "Airen! You come back to Shampoo! Wo ai ni…"

"Whoa," Ken blinked, seeing that the girl embracing the girl-turned-guy was indeed noticeably pregnant, "That's her wife? I mean…his wife? Ah…"

"Forget it," Ryoga chuckled, for once in a good mood at seeing the place that was almost like home to him once again, "You get used to things being a little strange around here, believe me."

"I'll bet," Cammy said as she and Chun-Li were both staring wide-eyed at the lavender-haired girl's attempt at suffocating Nabiki.

"Ease up, Sham-chan," Ranma urged after a full minute of Nabiki trying to get her wind back, "We've got company, in case you didn't notice.'

"Company?" Shampoo eased up on her bear hug, noticing the others, "Why you bring so many guests to dinner without telling Shampoo in time to make larger dinner?"

"We're not staying, Lady," Guile assured her, "We just came by to drop your friends off. Perhaps another time we can make it a longer visit."

"Sure," Akane said brightly, "Just give us a call and stop on by. You're always welcome."

"And if you ever want a taste of the best Okonomiyaki in Japan just try my restaurant," Ukyo said as she stroked Perfume's chin, the cat still being perched upon her shoulders.

"Oh," Shampoo seemed to belatedly recall her cousin, "Bath is ready if you need use, Cousin, just make sure other sisters no make use before you."

"Other sisters?" Nabiki suddenly was jolted back by a memory she had not allowed herself to think about before this, "You mean…"

"Natsume and Karumi," Shampoo nodded, "You tell me keep eye on them, and I have. You want hear report now or later after bath?"

"Perhaps later," Nabiki smiled, "After we check in with our folks. Those two didn't give you any trouble?"

Shampoo shook her head and said, "No, they very nice girls, try help a lot in house, give father back rubs and treat like royalty. I very amazed they show father so much attention, think maybe they do even more if they have mother present."

"Oh really?" Nabiki did not smile as he chewed on this report, "Then I'll have to talk with them myself and establish some ground rules. Showering Daddy with attention may be good for a father's ego, but we haven't exactly established beyond doubt that they are, indeed, his daughters."

"That's for sure," Akane's expression darkened, "The very idea of somebody accusing our father of having cheated on our mother…"

"I think that's our cue to leave," Guile said, motioning to the others, "Miss Tendo, it has been an experience. I'll be back this way in another few months. Let me know if you hear anything from Keiko."

"Ah, do we have to leave?" Bison asked, "This is just starting to get interesting…"

"Get out of here, Golden Gloves," Ken sniffed, "I think we're intruding as it is, and this has already given me plenty of things to think about."

"Me too," said Cammy and Chun-Li, who looked equally startled at once more finding themselves in total agreement.

"Goodbye, Blanka-san," said Hinako, who seemed on the verge of tears at taking her leave of the green-hued Ogre.

"Take care of yourself, Sensei," Blanka ruffled the girl's head with a clawed hand, then winced slightly as Hinako threw her arms around him and hugged tightly.

"Y'know," Honda said as he and Bison climbed into the Humvee, "This is a pretty nice neighborhood, so peaceful and quiet…"

"Caught us on a slow day," Nabiki called out as he waved his good-byes, one arm still around his purple haired wife.

Cammy and Chun-Li hesitated a moment before getting into the Humvee, paused to give a last glance at the loving couple, then exchanged a furtive look between each other and silently resolved not to voice aloud what each of them was thinking.

Once the Humvee was on its way, however, Shampoo turned to her husband and said, "What he mean about hearing from Red, and where Stupid Rose Girl?"

"Long story," Nabiki replied, "I'll explain later."

"Oh," Shampoo said almost in afterthought, "Kuno stop by looking for you and sister, got into fight with other sisters."

"Oh?" Ranma arched an eyebrow, "Who won?"

"Who you think?" Shampoo sniffed, "Him sleep it off in koi pond, only Natsume-sister go talk with him after he revive. Him stop by to challenge her again next day, then day after that, it very confusing."

"Confusing?" Nabiki arched an eyebrow.

"Natsume beat him easily first two times," Shampoo replied, "But third fight he lose very badly. We call Tofu-Sensei to come examine him, now he in hospital under observation. Natsume go visit him, talk every day. Shampoo think…I think maybe she like him."

"Whoah!" Akane reacted, "You mean Kuno's actually met a girl who's giving him attention?"

Ranma looked more alarmed, "Tachi's in the hospital? What's wrong with him?"

"Evil Master Happosai think him hooked on drugs," Shampoo replied, "Tofu-Sensei also think this, so they say he need special treatment. Say he stay for observation, no release until they finish running tests to find out what he taking.

"Drugs?" Hinako repeated with a curious expression.

"On drugs?" Ryoga blinked, "I always knew he was odd, but I never thought Kuno was the type…"

"Nobody ever does," Nabiki replied, "It could be steroid use. They've been known to induce psychotic behavior."

"Not 'Tachi," Ranma insisted, "He hates drug users almost as much as me. Remember how he helped us out when we took on the Ronin?"

"Ah…" Akane looked uncomfortable, "I…think I know what's been going on. I think Kodachi's been feeding him drugs based on extracts from her Black Rose gardens. She once explained to me that she thought they had special healing properties, and she as much as admitted it the other day before she went with Keiko and that Lao person."

"Then Tatawaki may actually be the victim here," Nabiki said thoughtfully, "And with her gone he's going to be missing his supplier."

"Will wonders never cease?" Ukyo sniffed, "So all along the guy wasn't just stupid, he was unlucky. Some sister that Kodachi…no offense, Akane-chan?"

"None taken," Akane replied with a deep sigh, "I guess maybe I need to take back a lot of the nasty things I've said about him over the past year. I guess maybe he wasn't entirely to blame for his actions."

"Obviously," Ukyo smiled, "I guess we all kind of misjudged him. Well, no sense in fretting about it, the doctors will probably do everything they can, and the Kami knows he's rich enough to afford the best treatment. Now, if you guys will excuse us, you'll know where to find me and Perfume. She isn't the only one who really needs a good hot bath, after all."

"Mreow," the cat upon her shoulders murmured.

"Only if you're a really good girl," Ukyo promised with a soft chuckle as she disappeared into the house.

Ranma sighed, "I guess I'd better stop by the hospital later on and see how 'Tachi's doing."

"In a while, Ranma-kun," Nabiki agreed, "I'll go with you. Right now, however, I'm more interested in seeing those two who claim to be my sisters."

"They inside dojo right now," Shampoo revealed, "I leave them to finish class when I hear you pull up in front of house, Airen."

"Class?" Nabiki was surprised at this, then belatedly remembered, "I thought we'd cancelled the week's Martial Arts courses?"

"I run in you place, Airen," Shampoo puffed out her chest proudly, "I no so useless with baby on way, can handle a few students, like Ryonami-chan. Natsumi and Kurumi help out…"

"I'm sure you meant that well, Sham-chan," Nabiki said with great delicacy, "But I'd rather I had more time to get to know those two before I let them near my students, especially Ryonami."

"Still it might not be a bad idea to watch them in action," Ranma remarked, "You can learn a lot from people by seeing how they spar."

Akane smiled then took Ryoga by the arm as she said, "That's a good idea. Let's go have a look at these two so-called Tendo sisters, Ryoga-kun, then maybe we can have a word in private with my father."

"Oh?" Ryoga blinked, "What about?"

"Never mind," Akane replied with a mischievous lilt to her voice, "I'll let you know when we get in there."

"Why do I have a very bad feeling about this?" Ranma asked he watched Akane lead the lost boy like an innocent lamb to the slaughter murmuring to the pair beside him with a conspiratorial smile that as much as accused Akane of harboring ulterior motives.

"Looks like I'm going to have to start thinking of Ryoga-kun as a potential brother-in-law," Nabiki smirked, then gave Shampoo a side-glance before adding, "Shall we go introduce those girls to their cousin Kaneda?"

"They very curious to meet Shampoo husband," Shampoo smiled with a knowing expression, "Maybe we make them jealous of Shampoo for having manly Airen?"

"That's all I need," Nabiki sniffed, "Another pair of converts. Well, lead the way, but just in case, Ranchan, better get some hot water ready."

"No problem," Ranma said, by now quite accustomed to the phenomenon of Nabiki's attractiveness to other women.

Hinako followed along almost unnoticed in these affairs, a very thoughtful expression on her childlike face as she watched the way the now male Nabiki cuddled the pregnant Shampoo with obvious and even blatant affection. She turned a glance towards the main house with a different kind of speculative look, then turned her eyes resolutely forwards as they made their way for the dojo itself, where the sounds of practice were clearly audible from across the small stone garden…

Ryonami was pushing herself as hard as she knew how and still those two studying her moves did not look satisfied at her unimpressive performance. Ryonami squared her shoulders and tried again to get the kata just right, remembering all of Nabiki's careful coaching as though her calming presence were right beside her.

Kick, punch, spin, block, grapple, disable, the turn that preceded a throw and then a stride at three-quarters angle, accompanied by a double-arm block at her imaginary opponents. This time Ryonami felt certain that she had performed the maneuver correctly, but the dour eyed Natsumi just looked at her with that hard expression of hers and said, "Again," as if twelve times were not enough to leave a girl exhausted.

Fortunately--and to her intense relief--she heard a familiar male voice say, "That's enough. Ryo-chan, take ten and walk yourself down, then work on your stretching exercises."

To say that Ryonami felt a thrill at turning to see Nabiki's male aspect stride into the dojo would to have been to woefully understate the extent of her elation. She felt like jumping for joy and doing cartwheels in spite of her having barely been able to stand upright a moment before this. Her smile was pure delight as she drank in his manly sight, and even the warning look Shampoo cast her was not enough to dampen her spirits. Nabiki had returned from her adventures after what had to be the longest week in Ryonami's young life and nothing--not even common sense--could keep her from basking in the presence of her Sempei and idol.

Nabiki fixed her with a brief glance of undisguised concern before turning a much harder stare at the two sisters standing off to one side together. The other students of Ryonami's class all looked up with mixed expressions of concern and delight at the return of the mighty Tendo Kaneda, but Ryonami alone seemed to truly grasp in that next instant the tension that had begun to fill the room the moment Natsume returned Nabiki's hard stare with a matching look of challenge.

"The rest of you," Nabiki resumed speaking, "Class is suspended for the day. I'll expect to see you all by next week at regular class hours. Practice your techniques and we'll see how much you remember."

Natsume waited until just after the other students got up to leave before saying, "Are you criticizing our teaching methods?"

"Not at all," Nabiki said politely, and this time the other students caught on to what was in the wind and made even greater haste to vacate the dojo, "Since I don't know anything about the extent of your skills, I merely thought I'd take the time to familiarize myself. After all, I am given to understand that you claim to be a Tendo, and I am the designated heir to the Anything Goes School."

"Uh," Ranma leaned closer to Nabiki, "I think you mean cousin Nabiki."

"I see," Natsume's eyes all but sparkled with contemplation, "Then you are our cousin, Tendo Kaneda, the man we heard so much about from your charming wife, Shampoo-san?"

"I am Kaneda," Nabiki answered, "Cousin Nabiki will be along shortly, but I thought I'd take the opportunity to meet you both in person."

"Well met indeed," Natsume bowed to Nabiki, "If you are indeed the designated heir, then my sister and I have an interest in meeting you since father promised us the opportunity to claim that title should we prove to be the strongest heirs to the Tendo dojo."

"My father said that?" Nabiki blinked in surprise before suffering an elbow-jab in the arm from Ranma, "I mean…uncle Soun? He's like a father to me ever since I was taken into this house after the death of my parents…"

"How sad for you," Natsume said in what sounded like a sincere expression of condolences, "I am certain that Father is very proud of you and would regard you like a son, but we are his daughters and so are closer in line to claim the inheritance of this dojo."

"Oh really?" Nabiki narrowed his eyes as he studied the girl before him, "You don't mind if I talk to Uncle Soun and find out is opinions on that?"

"Not at all," Natsume replied, "I'm certain that Father will be more than pleased to tell you himself."

Akane rolled her eyes at that then stepped around her sister/brother and sought out the younger of the two girls, whose own expression conveyed less certainty than Natsume, "I'm Tendo Akane, Nabiki's younger sister, and we didn't really have enough time to make proper introductions last week."

"Ohiyo," Kurumi said with a friendly smile as she bowed in reply, "It is an honor to meet you, Akane-san. Would you mind if I call you sister?"

Akane blinked, "Uh, no…I don't mind, I just hope you don't expect me to call you that. I mean, at least until we get this thing settled…"

"What is there to settle?" Natsume asked, "You doubt our legitimacy?"

Akane narrowed her eyes and said, "I might. I don't exactly believe that my father has ever been capable of having an affair behind my mother's back, and I don't like anyone implying that either."

"We wouldn't think of saying anything like that about father," Kurumi hastily assured her.

"Oh?" Nabiki sniffed, "Then how do you propose that you two came to be if he is your father? Our mother sure didn't birth you."

Ranma winced, realizing that his iinazuke was allowing her temper to affect her judgement, which meant that she was really ticked off with Natsume for some entirely personal reason. He hastily said, "I think this whole matter could be better settled if we just talk things out for once. We've only just gotten home, Kaneda-san, and I'm pretty sure Shampoo wants to spend some time with you alone. I'll go find Nabiki and we can discuss this between us like reasonable people."

In spite of his irritation with Natsume over the other girl's strange attitude, Nabiki turned a surprised look towards Ranma. What he was proposing not only made sense but was the perfect way to save face in this rapidly deteriorating situation. He allowed himself to smile inwardly as he thought to himself: Not bad, Ranma-kun, you're learning.

Aloud what he said was, "Right. If you two will excuse me, I need to speak with my wife alone for a bit. I'll catch up with you shortly."

"Anytime, Kaneda-san," Natsume said with a slight smile of calculation, while at her side Kurumi eyed her dubiously, then exchanged worried looks with Akane.

Nabiki left with Shampoo while Ranma hastily followed, leaving Akane and Ryoga with the two sisters in an awkward silence that hung about in the wake of so much undiminished tension. Seeking to find some way of being useful, Ryoga spoke up and said, "Uh…so…you two have met Kuno?"

Akane glanced his way in mild reproof, while Natsume's expression changed to one of deep concern, while Kurumi now eyed her with a pained expression. With clear reluctance evident in her tone, Natsume replied, "Kuno-san is gravely ill. The doctors believe he is suffering the long term effects of an addiction to some narcotic he was taking. They do not believe he was willingly ingesting the toxin but was being steadily fed it in small doses by his sister. Master Happosai spoke with the Kuno manservant, Sasuke, and he has confessed to knowledge concerning the sister's behavior, and based on residual toxins he supplied from Kuno Kodachi's personal lab they have managed to synthesize an antidote, but it may take some time before the effects of withdrawal are entirely dealt with."

"Is Kodachi in any trouble?" Akane asked with obvious concern.

"The authorities wish to question her concerning her activities," Natsume replied, "But so far they have not officially charged her with anything. You wouldn't happen to know where they might be found by any chance?"

"Ah…not at the moment," Akane said evasively while Ryoga winced, sharing her concern for the missing Kodachi, who was most probably still at large somewhere on board a ship in the South China seas. He privately did not blame Akane for being less than honest about that…

Hinako, meanwhile, had been listening to everything from outside the dojo and frowned ever-so-slightly. Matters were not turning out quite as she would have expected, and this new revelation gave her much to think about. She slowly turned away and traced her steps back towards the house, giving Nabiki and her two beloveds another speculative look before entering via the patio, where she found Soun and the others being briefed by Cologne, who was embellishing matters only slightly.

Meanwhile, out of earshot of these affairs, Nabiki was growling aloud to his two companions, "You don't have to say it, I kind of lost it back there. I don't know what it is about that girl, but she is definitely getting on my bad side."

"Natsume very competitive," Shampoo explained simply, "She think she good enough be heir to Tendo dojo. Promise she speak about come on back of picture sisters carry, only I no think it really signed by you father."

"Oh?" Nabiki raised both eyebrows, "You believe my father's innocent?"

"No," Shampoo explained, "Him very devoted to memory of you mother, but that not reason I doubt story. I look at handwriting on back of photo…it close to you father's scrawl, but no enough to match. Somebody else sign photograph in you father's name, and I think I know who did this."

"You do?" Ranma gave his iinazuke's wife a surprised look, "Then who?"

"Who else?" Shampoo snorted, "Evil Master Happosai. Him bad enough use Soun's name. He show great interest in sisters, I think he know something about them."

"Really?" Nabiki turned and gave his wife a hard look, "You don't think he might actually be their real father, do you?"

Shampoo snorted derisively, "Him? I no think he capable of fathering children, or anything that normal. Him great pervert, but he treat sisters with great respect, never once try glomp them."

"What?" Nabiki halted in his tracks and turned completely around to confront her, "Are you serious? The greatest pervert in all Japan is leaving those two untouched?"

"That what seem like," Shampoo replied, "It strange, yes?"

"I'll say," Ranma agreed, turning to look at Nabiki.

"There's more to those two than meets the eye," Nabiki said with a speculative expression, stroking his chin before glancing back towards the dojo, "I'd better change back and have it out with those two. At the very least it should get Happosai's attention."

"Huh?" Ranma and Shampoo exchanged worried looks, "You mean you want to challenge them?"

"Why not?" Nabiki replied with a confident smirk, "They want to be the best heirs to my family's dojo? Let them put their yen where their mouths are. After all, like you said, sparring is a great way to get to know people. I'll go pay my respects to father then go show those two who's really fit to inherit my dojo."

Again, Ranma and Shampoo exchanged worried looks, but Nabiki had already started forward, preventing them from saying anything to discourage her. Not that either one held out much hope of being able to do this, of course, knowing how stubborn Nabiki could be when she had made a decision…


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