Psych Fan Fiction ❯ Complete Insanity ❯ Before/After ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This chapter: Star Trek: Enterprise
Shawn moaned in pleasure as he bit into the famed white chocolate mango pineapple scones. It had taken much begging, but he had finally convinced Gus to take him back to the restaurant. “This,” he proclaimed, waving the dense pastry about, “is the best thing I have ever tasted in my life.”
The stranger sitting across from him nodded his head in agreement.
Gus glared at his friend and brushed stray crumbs off his shoulder before turning to the stranger. “I'm Burton Guster and this is Shawn Spencer. You are?”
The man paused in his eating to reply in a British accent. “Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, of the starship Enterprise.”
“Starship?” Shawn leaned forward in interest. “Are you from the future or something?”
Reed tilted his head slightly. “The 22nd century, actually. My ship ran into a temporal anomaly and we ended up in this time.”
“That's cool,” Shawn replied, “But what do you think of pineapple?”
“I'm allergic. I have to get injections so that I can eat it. It is my favorite food, after all.”
Shawn grinned. “Good man.”
Can you guess what's on TV right now? XD I've only watched the occasional episodes, so I'm not to sure on my portrayal of Lt. Reed. My little brother wouldn't check it for me...