Psych Fan Fiction ❯ Graviora Manent ❯ I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Psych.
This is a response to the “A Different Character” challenge.
The title means, "greater dangers await." I felt Latin suited Gus well. :D
I'm not quite sure how this chapter turned out. I think it's decent, though.
It was stupid really. He hadn't even gotten hurt on a case. Instead, it was as he accompanied Shawn up to the fake psychic's apartment, arms laden with supplies for their all night horror movie fest. They were bickering about which film to watch first when they saw him.
With his face masked in shadow, the stranger stood at the top of the third floor stairwell with a pistol pointed right at them. The way the moonlight reflected off the gleaming barrel made it obvious even to Gus that the gun was illegal; the serial number was filed away and the surrounding roughness glittered in the dim lighting. The man aimed the gun at Shawn and, without so much as a word, fired a round into his leg.
Shawn cried out and his appendage collapsed under him. Kneeling awkwardly on the steps amidst fallen snacks, the psychic desperately peered up at his assailant in an attempt to find some sort of motive. He was greeted with an inside view of the weapon's altered barrel. The stranger's finger applied a slight pressure to the trigger.
Gus refused himself the luxury of thinking his actions through. Instead, he charged at the man in an attempt to save his friend. He managed to catch the perpetrator by surprise and knock the firearm out of his hand. In retaliation, the malefactor gave the salesman a mighty shove, sending him falling past his friend down the staircase.
He could hear the stranger curse gently and his footsteps running off into the distance. He could hear his friend call out his name in a strained voice before dialing 911. He could hear the alarmed questions of Shawn's neighbors as they came to investigate. None of this mattered to him right now. He focused on the one thing that he could see clearly through his blurring vision and watched a monochrome butterfly land silently in a crimson pool.
Feedback is greatly appreciated, so review!