Ragnarok Fan Fiction ❯ Ragnarok-Conquest ❯ Start of Quest ( Chapter 2 )

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Part2- Start of Quest

All of Prontera had heard the news, the golden thief bug was dead! The citizens of Prontera can now have clean plumbing again. Ginzu prepares to leave for the ruin city, Glast Heim.

“You are going where?!?!?!?” yelled Ryogi, “ You cant go there, that place is full of undead…you'd die before you even get there because there are dragons there too…Don't waste your life there.”

“Let him,” said Usher coldly.

“WHAT!?!?!?” Belthezor exclaimed.

“Because I'm going with him. Come Ginzu. We should leave soon.” Said Usher

“Thanks, well… guys… I'd hate to leave like this but…. bye.”

“You aren't getting away that easily!” Belthezor said carrying supplies. “If you insist on going, I'm coming with you. You two can't handle all the undead alone.”

Nazreen had walked up and just said “What are you waiting for, lets go.” Ryogi felt left out. She was usually the stubborn one. “Fine, fine, but I we should stop somewhere first. Al De Baran. If you guys are so incessant of going to Glast Heim, we might as well go to the clock tower. The Clock Tower Manager there is acting up, along with the monsters there… the Geffen Tower too has its own problems. Seems that a doppelganger has appeared again. The Sunken ship at Alberta too has been manifested by undead, there is a more powerful one there, it calls itself The Drake.”

“How do you know so much???” asked Usher.

“I'm a sage in training, I should know this stuff, and anyway I was sent to document the strange behaviors of the monsters all over Rune Midgard.”

“Hrm…. All this must have a connection…well, if you do want to come, I guess we will go to Geffen first. I heard the doppelganger is an extremely fast creature. Id like to see how it fights.” Said Usher.

“We all will, whether you like it or not Ginzu.” The others looked serious. They all wanted to follow.

Ginzu glanced at all of them, and smiled. “Lets go. Belthezor, please create the portal.” Belthezor stared to cast a spell. A small area was converged in blue light. Ginzu walked towards it. “In to the light…May the Twilight Dragon be with us,” he mumbled.

One by one, they walked into the light, each disappearing within the light. Belthezor was the last to go through. When Belthezor passed through the light, it disappeared altogether.

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“My liege, the Crusader and his party are headed to Geffen.” A quiet voice echoes to the darkness.

“Good, send word my our agents there. Tell the Doppelganger to ready himself. I will send help if he requests it. Now go, before I decide to kill you.”

The deep voice echoes through the darkness once again. “I will kill them”

****************************************************** ******************

The streets of Geffen are lined with stalls that sell magical items. Also many signs show the shops stuff. A shop had a sign that said “Train yourself here.” Branches were hanging allover the stall.

Suddenly, little goat like creatures that stand on their hind legs and wield scythes began running amok. “Oh no, kill the Mini Baphomets quick! If even one escapes, it would become a fully-grown Baphomet!” said Ryogi. Many people were being slain and the guards were helpless.

The others were uncertain but did do as Ryogi asked. Usher began to throw his spear at the Mini Baphomets, and like Ginzu's shied, it returned to him. One of the Mini Baphomets died but there were more. Ginzu Provoked multiple Mini Baphomets and started casting his `Grand Cross' skill. Like with the Thief Bugs, the Mini Baphomets were disintegrated because of their dark aura.

Belthezor and Ryogi mainly supported the party by casting helpful spells. Ryo had also casted her Soul Strike skill and killed at least 5 of them. Belthezor was killing them with his holiness. He casted sanctuary and repelled the Mini Baphomets, and damaging them in the same move. He also used his Holy Light attack.

The Mini Baphomets were defeated but there was still an aura of darkness around. A swordsman appeared from the Geffen Tower. He was coated with a blue aura. “What the…I didn't know swordsmen could cast energy coat…” said Usher. “They cant,” replied Ryogi, “THAT'S THE DOPPELGANGER!!!”

The guards charged but to no avail. The Doppleganger simply cut through each of them. He was going for the Party. Ginzu and the others couldn't get too close, if the did they would be dead. The Doppelganger was close ad Ryogi was scared. With a powerful blow, an arrow was lodged into the Doppelganger's chest. A hunter readied another arrow. “Get back down there! Don't disturb us!” said the Hunter. The Doppelganger seemed to be angry but not dead. It removed the arrow and with a flash charged for the Hunter. The Hunter though was too fast. He yelled “Arrow Charge!” and let lose an arrow. It hit the Doppelganger with such energy that the Doppelganger was thrown back into the tower.

It didn't return from the Tower, but it was surely still alive. The Hunter looked at the bodies. Belthezor resurrected the dead like in Prontera. The hunter took out a leaf. He started casting something. As Belthezor's “Resurrect” spell, the hunter too resurrected many.

Many were mumbling, how could a Hunter resurrect the dead. He walked into the Tower, presumably going to kill the Doppelganger. The party didn't follow, they were tired enough from the fight. Ryogi brought them to an inn, where they stayed the night.

“Who was that? He is a sharpshooter, usually people miss when they attack the Doppelganger,” said Ryogi, in amazement.

“Hey, where is Ginzu? Usher is missing too. I wonder where they are. Usher is probably feeding that overweight Peco Peco of his.” Belthezor wasn't sure. Usher had once tangled with he doppelganger but lost badly.

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Within a dark alley, a flamberge drops to the floor with a bloody hilt and blade.

To be continued…