Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Android Wild Horse ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer : I don't own Ranma ½ or Dragonball Z, they belong to their respective authors. I'm just doing this as a tribute to the 'ranma-universe' and 'dragonballz-universe'. Blah, blah, blah.

If you want to put this story on your site, go ahead. Just please tell me so at : kinotama@hotmail.com

Android Wild Horse

By: Kinotama

Dr. Gero looked at his creation, an android like no other and the last one he would ever build. His other creations were made to go against his enemies, this one would not for it would be his gift to the world. An android that could grow and live like any human, be any age it wanted, look any way it wanted, and be any gender it wanted. Its powers were stronger then he had ever dreamed Cell would ever be.

#Activate.# He said to the case holding the android.
There was the sound of pressured air being released as the case opened. A second later the android inside opened his blue sapphire eyes, they held none of the rage that his other androids would hold, but calmness, patience, and a hidden intelligence.

#Dr. Gero,# the android said with a child's voice as clear as crystal and innocent.
The android looked like a small, short, Japanese child. Long raven colored hair tied into a small braid, the eyes of a child unmarked by hatred.

#I'll call you wild horse, my greatest creation.# The child smiled at his name then giggled.

#Are we going to field test me now, Dr. Gero? The information you gave me made me curious of the outside world.#

#Yes, just remember to hide your true identity and powers from others they must never find out what you truly arewhile out there you will have a different name.#

The android nodded. #Yes sir, I will do that. Should I hide my true intelligence from them also?#

Gero gave a small chuckle. #Yes, your true intelligence would give yourself away so be careful, when my plan goes into action in the future, don't interfere for I don't want you to be destroyed accidentally.#

The android's eyes looked at the cases that held other androids that would be moved to the new base tomorrow. #Will the others know of me as I know of their purposes?#

Gero shook his head. #No, they will not know of you but I programmed them never to harm you. That program they will not know of since I will hide it from them.#

For a second the android actually looked sad. #So I will be alone, but I will just have to live with it.# Looking at the cases holding androids 17, and 18 who he guessed would be together.

#A Japanese man already arranged to adopt you. Genma doesn't know you're not human, and he said your name will be Ranma which coincidentally means Wild Horse in Japanese.

<Ranma, I like the name.> The android thought with a small smile as he was ready to begin his life.


Ranma sighed as Akane walked off in rage once more. If he had been human, being hit with that mallet would have killed him, but being an android had its advantages.

<But Gero is dead and the other androids don't know I'm even alive. Until I'm ready to introduce myself, I'm going to have to pretend to be this rude human & use my abilities to shapeshift to a black haired girl.> Ranma thought as he looked at the night sky letting his true intelligence show in his eyes for a split second.

#16, 17, and 18 are all still about, and I know about them yet no one will ever know me the forgotten one.# Ranma whispered knowing that no one was near to hear him, he sighed knowing it was time to return to the place of his activation that none had discovered.

#Time to return, I've waited long enough. I will just take care of the loose ends telling them mostly the truth.# Ranma arrived at the dojo, then paid Nabiki to invite his mother with her katana, Genma, all the Tendos, the amazons, and Ukyo to come tomorrow. When asked by Nabiki what he was going to do, Ranma told her that he had an important announcement.

The next day, Ranma went to the dojo, where Nabiki gathered everyone including Ryouga, with some pictures and papers. #I come here to tell you all something. I am not Ranma Saotome.#

Gasps were heard throughout the dojo. Nodoka took out her katana and held it on Genma's neck.

#Genma had long since killed his son through learning the Nekoken at 10 years old. Here are some pictures & the corpse identification, I received from the police. I was adopted at 10 by Genma and am now renouncing the Saotome name to void all contracts & such made by Genma. Here are also the adoption papers . Good-bye everyone, I am leaving.#

Ranma left the dojo in an uproar, taking it out on Genma. Ranma glad to leave this life, teleported once he was out of sight, out of Nermia.

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The place was covered with dust when he arrived. Looking around he groaned at all the work he would have to do to get the place clean enough to use. While living among humans he had learned that cleaning was not fun neither was fighting. While it had always seemed that he had enjoyed fighting, he actually did not for he was a more peaceful android than even 16. With a sigh he began the task of cleaning up the place.

Several hours later, he was done and the place looked like new. Walking over to the super computer & activating it, he quickly found information about what Gero had been doing since they had last seen each other and he rolled his eyes.

<Why must everyone always fight? The other androids except three of them were destroyed, because they had been their own destruction by not seeing the true soul of living creatures.>

#Gero, why did you program all your androids not to know of me, yet if they see me they can't hurt me physically?# He located a bed in the laboratory to sleep on, falling into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, Ranma woke up with the sun. <I am tired of being a male, males seem to attract most of the fights so for my new life I'll try being female. Sixteen years old is a good age to begin interacting with people, and a different hair color & style would also be helpful.>

Ranma shifted into a 5 ft., red-haired eigh teen year old woman with a generous frame. She then took her hair out of the braid and put it in a ponytail. Then Ranma flew to the outskirts of the nearby town. The town was a small one with a few shops and tourist stops, so while there she decided to buy new clothing and get a job to fit i n better. She went to a specialt y Chinese store to buy clothing. Ranma bought five decorative silk shirts, five black silk pants, a blue outfit similar to what Shampoo wore to train in, and several bras & such.

She was about to buy some ice cream when a commotion caught her attention. Curious, she went towards the area where a huge crowd had gathered. Ranma was then able to see an intense fight between a purple-haired boy and a short man with strange radish-like hair. The two fighting, who Ranma recognized as Vegeta and Trunks from Gero's reports, started throwing ki blasts and trading punched & kicks in the air.

Trunks dodged the ki blast his father threw at him, it blasted a bit of the cement away.
#Dad! I said I was sorry! You don't need a haircut okay!#

Vegeta glared at Trunks, and if glares could kill this one would have killed him several times over. #That is no excuse, I am a saiyan & no true saiyan has ever needed a haircut.#
Trunks sighed wishing Vegeta wouldn't react like this to such a small suggestion.

#You're fighting over a haircut? That's a silly thing to fight about.# A calm voice said.

Trunks winced for whoever had said that would upset Vegeta more and probably get the crap beat out of them.

#Mind your own business!# Vegeta glared at the crowd for the person who said that. The crowd melted away from the person fearful of getting hurt.

Ranma continued, #You are endangering people here. Take your petty fight somewhere else.#

Trunks blinked and rubbed his eyes to find out if he was really seeing a girl act even calmer than Goku & 16 around Vegeta.

#Leave before I decide to take it out on you.#

Ranma looked sadly at the saiyan. #If you don't leave, then I will fight you.#

Vegeta smirked. #Piece of cake.#
He threw a powerful ki blast at Ranma, sending dust everywhere as it exploded on contact. Trunks gasped as the dust settled for Ranma still stood there untouched or harmed.
#I guess this means I will have to fight back.#

#Umph# was the last sound Vegeta made as he hit a condemned building, had it collapse on him, and was knocked unconscious. Trunks looked at the girl in awe wondering who this person was that could do that to a saiyan.

Ranma walked away with a parting quote. #I'm surprised he didn't last longer. Oh well, a fight is a fight.# Trunks ran to Vegeta. #I hope she's not an enemy.# He frowned, then with a sigh began flying his father to where Goku lived. Ranma flew to her lab/home to put away the clothes.

It was a beautiful day, but android 17 didn't really care. The wind gently moved his hair as he walked to his favorite place to think. After he had been wished back after cell had been defeated he had found himself without a purpose, what was an android to do when he had no purpose? 18 was a mother, and 16 was learning about the earth with the new kami, Dende. But the world had no use for him, and many would love to see him totally destroyed. He soon arrived at his thinking place. It was a small cliff that looked over a small river valley where deer herds usually gathered. To his surprise someone was in his spot, instead of attacking the person right away he walked over to see who it was. #A beautiful place isn't it.# The person turned around to face 17.

He knew the blue sapphire eyes where familiar, but he didn't recognize the girl. #Yes, this is the place where I come to think. What are you doing here?#

The teen looked at him sadly. #Poor 17. Lost without a purpose now, yet you should find one to truly live.#

17 narrowed his eyes, who was this person who knew his name. #Who are you?#

#Someone long forgotten and more lost then you. I walk the world searching for answers that no one shall answer.#

Angrily 17 attacked, he swore when he suddenly couldn't move. His whole body had stopped when he was about to attack the stranger.

#You shouldn't attack the unknown 17, learn about them first. We will see each other again soon.# Then the girl faded away from view, and 17 found he could move again.

<What just happened her e , why couldn't I attack her. This could mean another enemy & then I could use my skills.> With that thought, he quickly started flying to where Goku lived.

Ranma sighed as she watched the other android fly away. <He has a purpose again. Soon I will meet with them and introduce myself.> She flew to the town with the school where Gohan was. <I'll get a job near the school & go to school to try to make friends with Gohan and Videl. Then he and Videl would take me to the others when I demonstrate my skills.>

At town, she spotted someone she hadn't seen in a while. The one person, Ranma told the truth to at Nermia for he too was an android. Racing up to him she tapped him on the shoulder.

#So this is the town Dr. Tofu fled off to escape.# The doctor spun aroun d.

# Ranma? #

# The one and only. #

#Decided that what Gero created you for did not in any way include Nermia?#

#You know it. New life now, but different look.#

Tofu gestured Ranma into his new clinic. He then poured them each a cup of tea. #Ranma, when I first met you I must say I was surprised that Gero actually created you.#

#Well, Dr. Android Ono. When he saw that a person created you then Gero just had to do that too even though his other androids were suppose to practically destroy earth.#

# He did enable you to change unlike me who will look the same forever.#

#I guess. Any way I'm looking for a job, so do you need a nurse or something?#

#Yes, I need a receptionist during the afternoons, so you can come here after school.#

Ranma set down her tea cup. #Thank you. My extended plan will be to meet the people that defeated Cell, and to meet with 16, 17, and 18. Would you like to, too?#

Tofu cleared the cups and put them in the kitchen. Then sat down in front of Ranma. #I would like to also, but how would you like to be my younger sister?#

#It would make it easier as to why I work here and talk to you frequently. I accept as long as I cook.#

Tofu nodded. #Agreed, my cooking does kind of leave something to be desired.#

#Great. I'll just show you where I live now, and tomorrow I'll start school.# Ranma and Tofu left the clinic, walked to the outskirts of town, and flew off to the lab/home where Ranma is living.

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Gohan sighed as he looked over the chapter the teacher had asked them to read. In the corner of his eye he could see Videl sitting at his left side giving him her usual glare. Their relationship changed drastically since he had taught her to fly and the Buu incident, slowly the relationship was becoming more romantically reclined. Every morning before classes he would teach the dark haired girl new moves, Gohan found he enjoyed those times with Videl.
<It's strange, now that everyone knows I'm Saiyanman I can get out of class easily enough to fight crime with Videl.>

Hearing the door open to the classroom, Gohan looked to see the principal talking to the teacher holding a brown folder. The teacher quickly looked over the papers in the folder and he nodded.

#Class, today we are receiving a new student.#

Gohan thought, <A new student. The last new student was me, wonder what they'll be like?> He hoped that the person would be nice, and that they would like to be friends.

#Class, I would like to introduce Ranma Ono.# A second later the classroom door opened to show a short, sixteen year old girl with red hair in a ponytail. She was wearing a blue silk shirt decorated with Chinese dragons, and black silk pants. The teacher directed her to a seat on Gohan's right side.

#Welcome to our school,# Gohan said as the teen sat down. Ranma gave him a small smile and Gohan was able to see blue sapphire eyes sparkle with happiness.
#I'm Gohan and this is my girlfriend, Videl.#
#Nice to meet you both.#
Then there was no time to talk as the teacher got the students working on new projects.

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#Hey Ranma,# a voice whispered.
#Do you have a boyfriend?#
Ranma sweatdropped and noticed the attention all the boys were giving her.
#No, I'm not interested in dating at the moment.#

She turned back to her work ignoring the disappointed looks the guys were giving her. <Why would I want to date? I just escaped all the engagements in Nerima.> Ranma shook her head slightly and truly hoped that in her next class something exciting would happen.


Ranma sighed in relief as she walked out of the school building, the day had been very boring. She started walking towards the clinic.

#Well, well. If it isn't the bitch that was too snotty to go out with us.# Ranma spun around quickly to see a group of boys had surrounded her. Some were from her class, the rest were from other grades and wore punk like clothing.

#I don't know what you mean.#

#Don't give us any back talk,# said the apparent leader of the group. He then backhanded her across the face. Ranma just blinked as she warned them.

#I would walk away if I were you, if you know what's good for you.#
The gang members laughed at her, while the leader sneered.
#Nice talk from a piece of trash like you. Looks like me and my boys will have to teach you a lesson.# Ranma ducked, #I tried to warn you.#


Gohan yawned as he walked out of the school beside him was Videl, who agreed to go on a date with him. #Hey, what's that crowd over there?#
Gohan turned to look and saw a nasty looking crowd surrounding someone.

#Looks like a fight, we better stop it before someone gets hurt.# Videl nodded and they ran towards the crowd. Gohan froze as the fight began, but not like he had thought it would go. Whoever they had surrounded was a whirlwind of leg kicks and fist. His eyes widened when he saw who was kicking the gang butts.
#Yeah, Gohan?#
#I don't think Ranma needs our help.#
Ranma finished and all the gang members were down.

#Hey Ranma.#
#Gohan, Videl. I was heading towards my brother's clinic, want to come?#
#Okay. But can you answer something?#
#Sure, Videl.#
#Where did you learn to fight?#
#The place where I used to live. I refuse to elaborate on that. Here's a ques tion: Where do the Saiyans live? #
Videl looked startled, Gohan was suspicious so he said, #I'm Saiyanman.#
Ranma shrugged her shoulders. #Fine, you don't need to tell.#

Looking up, she stopped and opened a door. #Here's my brother's clinic. Tofu? Where are you?#
#I'll be right out!#

Ranma walked to the front desk and sat down, Gohan & Videl sat in the chairs in the waiting room. Tofu came out from the back helping an old lady out of the clinic. Wiping his hands, Tofu adjusted his glasses.

#So Ranma, who's your friends?#
#This is Gohan, and his girlfriend, Videl.#
#Hello, Doctor.#
#Hello Gohan, Videl. Oh, Ranma?#
#Today I don't have any more clients, so you can go hang out with your new friends.#
#Thanks. Gohan, Videl, I'll be right back, can you wait here?#
Gohan nodded while Videl said yes.

Ranma stepped outside to the backyard and flew to her lab/home.

Tofu-#Hard to believe she was raised in an abusive lifestyle to be the best martial artist. Ranma, had just found out she was adopted & we were related yesterday.#

Videl-#That's awful.#

#Would you be so kind to show Ranma some of the countryside, please? Ranma loves the wilderness.#

Gohan-#I'll be glad to show her where I live for I live in the mountains.#

Tofu smiled. <Looks like Ranma will get to meet the androids and Saiyans soon like she wanted.> #Thank you.#

Ranma came back into the clinic, and Tofu went into the back rooms. The teens headed outside.
#So where will we go?#
#Gohan wants to show you where he lives.#
#Yeah, I live in a forested valley.#

Gohan jumped into the air, starting to fly. Videl held out her hand to Ranma.
#I will help you to get there.#
Ranma smiled, did a front flip and stayed in the air.
#I know how to fly Videl, but thank you for offering.#
Videl flew up into the air higher than Gohan and Ranma.
#Hurry Ranma. We'll beat Gohan to his house.#
Ranma went after Videl, Gohan laughed and raced to catch up to the two girls.


At Gohan's house, there was a meeting going on. 17, Vegeta and Trunks all talked about a red headed teenage girl with sapphire eyes. Trunks told the Z fighters how the girl won against Vegeta, while 17 talked of him being stopped in place when he tried to attack.

Krillen-#I don't like the sound of that.#
Goku-#Aw, lighten up Krillen. I sense that Gohan and Videl are here, so why don't we tell them what happened. Then we can figure it out.#

Gohan stepped inside to see the Z fighters. The Z fighters could hear two voices behind Gohan.
#Gohan, move.#
#Yeah, listen to your girlfriend.#

Gohan stepped aside to let in Videl and Ranma. When Ranma saw that all the Z fighters where there except # 16), she eeped & tripped backwards landing on her butt on the floor. Gohan saw the stares, misinterpreted them, so introduced Ranma. #This is Ranma Ono.# During the introduction, Ranma got up and stepped back against the wall.

As Videl & Gohan got the stories from 17 & Trunks, Ranma noticed how everyone acted like a big family.
<And me, I still got no one for Tofu doesn't understand either.>

Gotenks, who was the closest to Ranma, saw her getting more and more depressed. Being the naïve little boy he was, Gotenks went up to Ranma.

#Why are you sad?#

#Well, little one. Why shouldn't I be sad? My real father, who's dead now, put me up for adoption, the man who adopted me was abusive, and the woman he was married to was insane. Tofu Ono is not my real brother, but he adopted me as his sister. I hate fighting yet I was usually forced to. My real family doesn't know me as their family, because that's the way they were programmed.#

Bulma just had to interrupt. #Did you say programmed?#
Ranma slapped a hand over her mouth as soon as she realized she said too much.
Videl-#Ranma, who are you really?#

Ranma had stayed near the door, so she threw open the door, bowed, and ran out. The Z fighters just stood there blinking.

Vegeta and 17 were the first to regain their senses.
Vegeta sneered at the rest of them, while 17 yelled, #After her! If we want answers, we got to find her first!# The stubborn two left to see if they could catch her in the air.

Gohan sighed turning towards his father, #Dad, can you teleport me and Videl#

Chichi interrupted, #Videl and I!#

The Z fighters chuckled at Gohan's expression, #Fine. Can you teleport Videl and I to our school? She lives near there.# Goku nodded, then waited until Gohan and Videl grabbed his arms.

Bulma stated after they vanished, #I don't think this Ranma expected to see us all here, or to say that her family was programmed.# Chichi looked in askance at 18, who seemed lost in thought. When 18 shook her head to clear it of thoughts, Chichi asked what she was thinking.

#Doesn't she remind you of 16?# 18 asked them, #I remembered Gero talking to someone with blue eyes, but that is it.#

It was surprisingly Gotenks who asked, #Is she one of the androids?# to which no one had an answer to.

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<Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. You should have known better than to let your guard down. Hadn't Nermia taught you that? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.> Ranma berated herself as she hid out in Gero's lair, pacing.

<I wanted to meet the Z fighters, and I got my wish. I just didn't expect it so soon. I guess I'll just lay low for a few days here, but it's best if I still go to school so nothing seems wrong. I better tell Tofu what happened also.> Feeling better now that she had a plan, Ranma teleported to the clinic.

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Goku, Gohan, and Videl had landed on the school when they arrived. Gohan and Videl remembered the way to the clinic, so Goku tagged along in case he was needed to help out. As they entered the clinic, they felt no ki from any life forms in there. Videl opened the door and went in, beckoning the two saiyans to follow her.

As they walked into the clinic, they heard the murmur of people talking. Goku and Gohan looked to each other and nodded. Both had the same thought. <Only androids don't have ki.>

Gohan grabbed Videl, putting one hand over her mouth, and took her quietly out of the clinic, with Goku slowly shutting the door so as not to make a sound.

# What was that for? # Videl hissed when they were outside.

Goku explained how only androids don't put out any ki. The trio then devised a plan where Videl and Gohan would hold on to the androids so they can't get loose, while Goku teleports the five of them to Dende's lookout.

# On three, # whispered Goku, # One, two, three! # The three of them burst into the room, Videl grabbed the tall, dark-haired man, while Gohan grabbed the short, red-haired girl. Goku not wasting any time quickly teleported them to the lookout.

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Dende and android 16 were enjoying a peaceful, uneventful day when the two saiyans, two androids, and one human dropped out of the sky, only to land on top of them. Dende managed to crawl out from under the pile . He took a deep breath and in a booming voice yelled, # WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!! #

Everyone in the pile stopped moving and looked towards him. Somehow, the dark-haired android was sitting on top of 16's head, the other was held in 16's arms in a rescued damsel-type pose with a slight blush on her cheeks ; the human was pulling on both the saiyans' hair, while they were tickling her mercilessly. The three androids stayed in their positions perfectly fine as though it was normal, but the other three toppled over.

Dende sweatdropped.

Gohan, Goku, and Videl got up, and started explaining all that had happened that day, including why they were at the lookout. The four then turned to the androids and face-faulted. For none of the androids had moved, except for a blush spreading across 16's face.

Tofu hopped off 16's head and explained what happened in Nermia, and the events that he was a part of. He then turned to the other two, for Ranma's take on the events. What happened caused him and the others to face-fault, for android 16 had Ranma slung over his shoulder; Ranma waved good-bye as 16 jumped off the lookout.

Tofu, when he got up, stated, # I have no idea what just happened. #

Dende looked thoughtful and declared, # They must be soul mates! #

Videl- # But they're androids! #

Dende shrugged, # So what? Androids, especially those two, have souls. They are like humans, just created instead of birthed, and with a much longer life span. #

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I had massive writer's blocks, surgery, school, essays, exams,
Computer Shutdown.

As I wrote before, you are welcome to use my stories, or rewrite them, just please tell me first at:
