Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Flame Of Recca Fan Fiction ❯ Warp Realties ❯ Explianation ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

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"AhhhaDelicious" Said Ranma , who was leaning back in his chair and patting
at his stomach. "*BURP* Excuse me".

Where there had once been enough food to feed an entire battalion, was now a
graveyard of empty dishes licked clean. Ranko and Usagi stared at the
stranger in mute respect. Everybody else just wondered what the hell just

"So Ranma, are you done eating yet?" asked Recca.

"Mm-hmma" answered Ranma, who had a toothpick in his mouth, how he got that
was anybody guess.

"Alright then since your full, let finish our un-resolved fight." Said
Mikagami, who was just itching to get a rematch after what happened a while

"Nahha I'm kinda full right now, maybe later" said Ranma as he waved Mikagami

Mikagami seethed in anger. " We will fight and now." As he said that Mikagami
kicked at the base of Ranma chair to fall over. Too everyones' surprise, his
kick missed. Ranma somehow manage to lift his chair up while sitting on it
to dodge the low kick. Ranma landed back on the ground with his chair still
leaning back but now with an irritating smirk on his face.

"Care to try you luck again Mi-chan?" Ranma asked, still with that annoying
smirk on his face.

"So, your going to go back on our man to man fight?" asked a irritated

" Who say anything about backing out?" said Ranma with a shocked expression
"I was merely trying to let the meal I just ate, digest. You do know fighting
on a full stomach is bad right?"

" Fine, how much longer do you need?" asked Mikagami.

"Actually, I'm done, an I just wanted to ruffle your feather's a bit is all"
said Ranma with a short laugh. "Now let see about me getting out of here eh?"

"IF you get out of here" said Mikagami, his voice sounding very determined.

"Stop Mikagami-kun" said a soft voice "you can't beat him."

Everybody in the room looked around to see who just said that.

"I said it." The group paused to see Nodoka walking out with a strange
looking bundle. Ranma took one look at the bundle and felt himself grew cold
and started sweat profusely. " Does she knows?" he thought to himself. "That
ridiculous!" Urd's say that he was going to a reality where he never existed.
"Unless" he pondered, "She screwed up." "Oh well" he thought bitterly
"Wouldn't be the first time a wish gone wrong for me." Ranma then got to his
feet to prepare himself for a dash to the entrance.

"No-chan" said Kage. " What do you mean by Mikagami- kun can't beat him?"

"Yeah mom, don't you have faith in Mikagami-kun ability?" asked Ranko.

" This guy is quick, I give him that, but Mikagami can beat him Kasan." Said
Recca in surpport of his friend.

"Recca, Ranko , it is good that you are loyal to your friends and have
confidence in them but this is one battle he can't win, not even you can win
Recca." Said Nodoka with a soft smile.

Recca just sputtered. " I can win against anybody Kasan, I proved that in the
tournament didn't I?" ask Recca.

"All of you did good in the tournament and youmas attack, but this boy is
different." Said Nodoka in a soft voice.

" Hanabashi- san , what make you think I can't defeat him?" ask Mikagami in a
polite tone. " I am the successor to the Hymon Ken after all."

"Mikagami -Kun you might be the successor, but the boy over there..." she
then pointed to Ranma " a Is a Grandmaster of the anything goes school of
martial" she announced to the surprise of every one in the room. "
Specifically, Saotome school of Anything Goes martial arts." There was total
silence in the room.

Ranko was numb with shock. "H-H-How can it be kasan?" asked Ranko.

Recca voiced the question on everyone minds " Kasan I thought that you said
the Saotome school of Anything goes was lost after your late husband die."

Everyone nodded in agreement. According to Ranko , her biological father was
the master to the Saotome's school , who specialized in mid -air combat. He
was killed while trying to stop his old master from taking Ranko away to
train her. Soun Tendo was the only witness to the entire battle and according
to him Genma Saotome had to unlock some kind of forbidden technique to fight
their old master. The battle raged on for what felt like an eternity but in
fact only lasted ten minutes. In the end Genma died taking his old master
with him, Soun found both of their corpses and gave them a proper burial. He
returned to Nodoka with the news of Genma deaths. Now if what Nodoka said was
true, then that meant that Genma was still alive and that he deliberately hid
from both mother and daughter while harboring an offspring of his own.

"It was suppose to be lost Recca-chan, that is why I must find out from this
boy how he came to learn it and to see if there is some chance that Genma is
alive." Said Nodoka in a soft voice.

"But how did you identify the style, how can you be so sure?" asked Recca
stubbornly. " What if you mistaken it with some other style's like the
Tendo's for example."

Nodoka shook her head once, " No Recca- chan , it is definitely Saotome ryu.
The stance that he used in the yard was from the Saotome School. Normally I
might think that it was a coincidence, but they way he was eating was Genma
own personalize style, bite for bite, move for move. I fed Genma for 3 Years
and I recognize his eating habits anywhere."

Everyone turn to Ranma who was now sweating by the buckets. They all gave him
expectant looks, while Ranko and Mikagami glared at him. Nodoka then walked
over to Ranma and place her hand on his.

" P-Please tell me, where did you learn the style from?" She manages to say
in a pleading tone of voice.

Ranma turn his face away from his mother unable to stand her pleading eyes.
"Lady I don't know what you're talking about, this is my own style." He tried
to say in his most convincing voice.

"Please tell me Ranma-sama" she said, giving him the most highest title to
his name by using "sama." "I don't care if you are an offspring from another
woman, plese tell me aDid Genma teach you the style? Do you know where he
is?" she asked once again in a thick voice but now Ranma could see tear
starting to form in her eyes.

Try as he might, he couldn't shake the image of his mother face out of his
mind. "Listen lady, it is better if you do not know where I learned it from,
but I will say this I don't know where Genma is anymore than you do." He said
softly not daring to look into his mother's eyes for fear he might crumble,
they would never believe the truth, not from him anyway.

Everybody took in the scene before them and all they could feel was pity for

Ranko was on the verge of crying seeing her mother so sad. She got her Sun's
pen ready to transform and beat the information out of him if necessary.
Senshi's rules be DAMN.

Recca and Mikagami couldn't take it anymore so they started to walk toward
Ranma. They would get the information one way or another.

Ranma saw them and tense up as he prepare to do battle with the strongest
guys' of the group, Too bad Nodoka saw them out of the corner of her eyes.

"Stop!" she said in a stern voice. "You will not touch him." And gave them
all warning glances. Everyone back down out of respect for Nodoka. She turned
back to Ranma and got on her Knees and bow's her head low till her forehead
was touching the floor. "Please Ranma- sama" she said in her most pleading
voice "I need to know." She told him with tears in her eyes.

"ARRGGHHHH!!!" Ranma yelled as he vented his frustration "Get upa Please."
said Ranma in a gentle voice as his last defense crumbled before Nodoka
tears. He kneeled down to help her steady herself up, as they came face to
face he could see the gratitude in her tears fill eyes. For that one moment,
he would do anything and tell her everything to make her happy, new life or

"Thank you Ranma -sama" said Nodoka bowing.

"Don't ever call me sama, I don't deserve it" said Ranma as he, to everyone
surprise, kneeled in front of Nodoka and then bow to her three times. "Thank
you, Nodoka-san"

" Let us go to the table, so we can hear what you have to say" said Nodoka
while dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief. Then she look at Ranko "Ranko
-chan , can you go and make us some tea please?" as she saw Ranko and a
couple of others' girls got up to help. "Please sit Ranma-san" she told him
pointing at the tables.

"Please just Ranma would be fine, Saotome -san" said Ranma as he kneel down
to sit in front of the table

"No, No it is Hanabashi now Ranma, Saotome's was the family name of my late
husband." Said Nodoka with a laugh, all traces of tears and sadness seems to
be gone.

Ranma was in shock, "Late husband?" he thought "Then that means that the
Oyaji is d-d-de-dead" somehow it seemed to Ranma that the old man would be
alive in this dimension.

"Ranma ?" asked Nodoka as she tried to snap him out of his trance. " Ranma ,
are you alright? I thought you knew that he was dead."

"Sorry Sao- uh a I mean Hanbashi -san, I didn't know at all." He said
quietly, still trying to get over the fact that his Pop's was dead. "P-pop
ad-dead." Some how the notion itself seems unreal but then he remembered the
fight with Saffron's and knew that it was possible but this time no Goddess
around to help. "How did he die Saotome -san?" Ranma asked.

"It happened when Ranko was two months old."

Flash back to 16 years agoa.

"GENMA!!" said Happosai in an intimidating voice. This had been the fifth
time this week they tried to kill him but nothing seemed to work. They put a
pile of panties on a sharp spike rack and hoped when master sprang on it he'd
be impaled. That was how it was suppose to have worked at least. Who would
had thought the old man was fast enough to get all of them without being

"Mu-mu master!!" said a frightened Genma. "You didn't fall into the panties

"Of course not you idiots' I knew you ungrateful student planned this a long
time ago, so I went along with it for fun...heha heh.." Soun and Genma
cringed as their master chuckled.

"S-saotome, this was all your idea" said Soun as he grabbed the front of
Genma Gi "DO SOMETHING!" Soun yelled at him.

And thus Genma sprang into action, employing one of his must devastating
techniqueaa.. The Crouch of The Wild Tiger.

"M-m master please clam down a we'll get you a lot of panties this time
around right Soun?"

"R-right you are Saotomeahah hah" said Soun with a nervous laugh. "We'll get
on it right for you master."

"Not so fast!" said Happosai "This time you boys went to fara there will be a
heavy price for you disobedience."

"W-what is that m-m-master." Ask a frightened Genma.

" Why, I am going to kick you two out of the Anything Goes school of
course.." said Happosai.

"Th -uh - No master! We cannot live with out youa" said Soun as he started to
cry, tears of joy that is.

"Butttta" said Happosai with an evil smirk. " I will get two new young

"Two new young ones' mastera?" ask Soun. "How lucky they are to have you as
your master." Said Soun , rejoicing in the fact that he was home free.

" They are lucky Soun, Genma, since I am taking one daughter from each of
you." Said Happosai as Soun and Genma stare in silence. "They will grow up to
take really good care of me, if you know what I mean ...Bwahahahahaha!!!"

"Saotome , we can't let him have our daughters', we have to stop him."
Whispered Soun in a serious voice.

"Right you are TendoaNo daughter of mine gonna grow up under his guidance."

" How do we stop him from doing that?" asked Soun.

"We get him drunk tonight and we'll lock him in a cave with a bunch of
explosives, that'll take care of the master." Said Genma.

That nighta..

" Drink up master, here's a toast to your new students'" said Genma as he
poured another bottle of sake in Happosai mouth, while Soun entertained him
by fan dancing.

"Ahhhahahaha..you boys sure know how to throw a party." Said a drunk
Happosai. "But no matter how you beg you're still getting kicked out, no use
crawling back to beg me to become your master again."

"Wouldn't dream of it master, right Tendo?"

"Right Saotome, wouldn't dream of it at all, here have another master." Said
Soun as he pours another bottle down Happosai throat.

Finally Happosai passed outa.

"Quickly Tendo , before he awakes"

"I am going as fast as I can Saotome"

Finally they reached the cave, as they got the crate and explosive ready,
Happosai awoke.

"Hmmp, I figured you boys would try something like this, too bad this will be
your burial ground instead of mine. Happo -Daikarin" and threw the bomb at
them. It hitted Soun dead center and left him a bloody mess. Only Genma was

"I won't let you have them master" said Genma in a surprisingly firm voice.
"I'll unlock my forbidden technique if I have too."

"Well those techniques are formidable, I'll give you that. Who would have
thought that a person like you can make such deadly technique, but I know all
the secrets to defeat them." And with that his battle arua grew.

"S-saotome , be careful" said a badly beaten Soun, he could only watch as his
friend and his master did battle near the cave.

"Kijin Raishuu Dan" said Genma as he attacked with his vacum slash attack,
only to get attack by Happosai at the same time. He was hit with three
punches to the stomach and four hit to his right arm. The hit was so hard
that hard that it broke his right amr and a couple of ribs.

"Come now Genma , your not weakening on me are you?" said Happosai with a
scoff. " I know all about the Yama-sen-ken and the Umi-sen-ken Genma ,
although they can both attack and defend , the Yama-sen-ken is mainly offense
, while the Umi-sen-ken more on defense. So whenever you attack, I'll attack
and when you use the Umi-sen-ken, I'll get out of your reach, it is so simple

"We'll see.." said Genma " Take this ,MOKA KAIMON HA" he yelled to get
Happosai distracted , while at the same time moving his arm in a low sweeping
maneuver. It would have worked had Happosai hesitated, but he didn't so
while Genma yelled out his attack , he went in for the kill and broke his
left leg.

"Arghhh!" said Genma as he let out a scream of pain.

"Ha, ha your no match for me Genma, might as well be buried quietly and save
me the trouble of listening to your pain." Said Happosai

"Damn it! He know how to defend against it, he might take Ranko after all..."
said a weakened Genma. He knew that the Umi-sen- ken was useless if Happosai
won't attack. Then he notices how the mountain was shape. He grinned. It
just might work. "Sorry Nodoka, Sorry Ranko." He thought. " Souna" he said,
as he went over to where Soun was lying, "Do me a favor."

"What is it Saotome?" ask a still weaken Soun.

"Take care of Nodoka and Ranko for mea"

"Wha? What are you planning Saotome?" ask a shocked Soun, but he receive no
answer but instead was picked up and thrown far away from the battlefield.

"Master, you do not know all of the Yama-sen-ken and the Umi-sen-ken movesa"
said Genma .

"Ohh?? It not something like that crouch of the wild tiger is it?" scoffed

"Umi-sen-ken and Yama-sen-ken final attack." As he charge up his chi.

" You had been an adequate student Genma but now you die" said Happosai as he
charged up his aura attack.

"DIE GENMA!" with that he shot out his red aura to attack Genma.

"COMBINE TECHNIQUE, HELL CUTTER!!" shout Genma and launched his attack. The
attack functions like the Umi-sen-ken and absorb the battle aura but because
it is also a Yama-sen- ken attack it went through the battle aura and slice
Happosai in half. It didn't stop there though it slammed straight into the
mountain and shattered 35 percent of it. Genma who was too weak to move got
crush by several tons of boulders. Soun survived because he was a good
distance away. He buried them both after he found their bodies. He went back
to Juuban and told a heart broken Nodoka the news. He took care of them for a
time until three yeas later she met up with Recca's dad and they fell in love
and got married.

End flash backa

Ranma sat silence out of respect for his could be father of this world.
During the entire story he didn't notice the cup of tea that was place in
front of him in front of him or the fact that everyone just sat around to
listen to Nodoka story.

Nodoka had tears in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away, while Recca and
Ranko patted her on her shoulders in comfort. "Sorry, I didn't think his
death would still effect me this much."

"No, No it okay really." Said Ranma

"Okay now that I told you my story, tell me yours." Said Nodoka, who now
seemed fine, every trace of sadness seemed to be gone.

"I have to warn you guys, what I am about to tell you is unbelievable, you
will probably think I am bullshitting but it is all true." Said Ranma. "I
also want you guy's to promise me that no matter what happen in the story, do
not and I repeat DO NOT interrupt me. Understand?" every one nodded their

"Well people, to tell you the truth I am not form this reality you see what
happen wasa" and he proceeded to tell them his story.

Back in Ranma Home Realitya

Urd, who was still being punished for helping Ranma, was watching TV while
lying on the sofa comfortably when Belldandy interrupted her.

"Urd?" Belldandy said.

"Mmm?" repiled Urd.

"Remember that mortal you helped?" ask Bell "I think his name was Ranma?"

"Mmm-hmmm" said Urd " What about him?"

"Wella I just recently pulled his file from the Main computer." Said Bell,
with a hint of worry in her voice.

"What wrong Bell?" Urd asked, concerned about Ranma well being, " Is
something wrong with him?"

"Maybe" said Bell in a worried tone as she read a folder label RANMA SATOME,
"Did you know that you helping him had some side affects on him?" Bell asked

"What side affects?" ask a now worried Urd.

" Here have a look your self" and proceeded to hand the folder label RANMA

Urd took the folder and opened it, her eyes widened with what she read. "OH

Back to Ranma New Realitya

Ranma had just finish telling his tale, and he looked around only to see
skeptical faces looking back at him.


"You honestly expect us to believe that your from a different reality?" ask

"Wellayeah, I told you it was an unbelievable story" said Ranma.

"And that you are the late Saotome -san and Mrs Hanabashi-san only son?"
asked Usagi, wondering why the stranger would add Mrs. Hanabashi late husband
into his story.

"Well ait's true.." replied Ranma.

"And that you have a curse form that look like me when splash with cold
water?" asked an outraged Ranko, who could not believe that this boy was
disrespecting her dead father. He made her father sound like a bumbling idiot
instead of the good man her mother told her about.

Ranma only nodded. He had a feeling they wouldn't believe him.

Then he turned to look at Nodoka to get her thought about him also, only to
see her with tear filled eyes. "It explains so much " she whispered. "So
mucha from the way he acts to the ways he eats, the connection I felt when he
arrived and of course his eyes." She looked back into a pair of eyes not
unlike her own. She then embraced him in a fierce hug, squeezing all the air
out of him. "My son" she whispered softly " You will never be alone again."
Her eyes filling with tears.
Ranma too felt his eyes begin to water. "Mom" he said in a happy whisper.

Usagi couldn't help but cry at the beautiful scene before her and was about
to congratulate Ranma until Recca step in front of her and approached Ranma.

"Well Ranma, you said that you look like Ranko when you get splash with cold
water right?" asked Recca, before Ranma could respond, Recca grabbed him by
the shirt and threw him out into a conveniently located pond in the backyard.
"Prove it!"

"Recca-chan" both his mothers said in unison. Nodoka though, looked pissed.
He then heard water splashing sounds and turn to look at the back yard where
he threw Ranma out. Recca and everybody else jaws' dropped as they took a
good look at Ranma.

Ranma-chan just stared at them in confusion. She guessed that it is a shock
to see someone that look like your sister or friend. Then she narrows her
eyes at Recca and the big muscle guys to see their noses were bleeding, she
turned to look at Mikagami to see him staring at her while blushing
profusely. She turned to the girls to see them all giving her death glares
and looks of anger and jealously, except for two girls who was drooling
slightly. She turned to see her mother and Recca mother holding a hand to
their mouths saying "Oh my" over and over again. She then realizes that she
is standing hip deep in the water and that her shirt is clinging to her like
a second skin. She then decided to see what they found so interesting about
her. She looked down to open her mouth in shock. She was still a girl, and a
familiar girl at that, but not the one she was use to, she looked like the
woman who give her a wish when she was on the brink of death. There was a
little difference, although she looked like that Urd woman she looked more
like a younger version of her, only with the white her tied in a pigtail and
everything. Then all of a sudden a woman appeared in front of her. The woman
had dark-greenish hair with reddish looking eyes, she was wearing some kind
of school uniform with knee high boots, and she was also carrying a staff.
Then the woman pointed the staff at her and yelled out


To be continue


From: vahn77@aol.com (Vahn77)

Warp Reality

Usual Disclaimer

A big thanks goes to Lady Cosmos and Tannim for putting this up on their page.

Tannim page is located here:

Lady Cosmos pages is located here:

Thanks to all pre-readers for their suggestion.

Special thanks goes to Devon (and Lina) for helping me with this chapter no
matter how much it hurted them.