Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Flame Of Recca Fan Fiction ❯ Warp Realties ❯ Chapter 9

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Excuse me?" Ranma began. "Did you just say K-Kami-sama?" She said, almost
in a whisper.

Belldandy nodded.

Ranma's mouth suddenly felt very dry. She tried to bring some moisture back
into her mouth but couldn't. The fact that Kami-sama might have wanted to
talk to her overwhelmed her. "KAMI!" she thought. "Kami-sama wants to talk
to me," she finished her thought. She got herself shakily off the floor and
proceeded to go to the phone.

Belldandy seeing the Ranma nervousness just smiled a small comforting smile
to Ranma. She watched as Ranma got more nervous as she handed Ranma the
phone. "Don't worry Ranma -chan, it will be fine."

Ranma seemed to find a little comfort in that. She then placed the phone to
her ear and spoke up. "H-hello?" she said in a small and timid voice.

"Hello child." Kami-sama said in normal voice. He could have used his holy
than thou voice but decided against it. He didn't want Ranma to faint on

There was a silence on the line as Ranma decided what to say next. "Um...how
are you doing?" she asked lamely. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" she berated
herself. In her opinion asking how Kami-sama was doing was like asking if
the sky was blue.

"I am fine my child, do not think yourself stupid for asking about my
health. They rarely ask me that my child," Kami-sama continues in his kind

Ranma was silent as she realized that Kami-sama just read her mind. "He read
my mind? Shit then everything I think will be known by him...Uh oh, I guess
Kami-sama is reading this thought too," she concluded. She suddenly felt
more nervous than before.

"That is right my child, However I only read my children mind when I am in
direct contact with them. I never try to read their mind when they are on
their own, " Kami-sama assured Ranma.

"Um...o-ok," Ranma said uncertainly. "So what was it you wanted to talk to
me about father-I mean Kami-sama," Ranma tried to correct. She didn't know
why she called him father but it felt right at the time. "I am sorry for
using such a term of disrespect Kami-sama," she added.

"Quite all right my child, quite alright. As a matter of fact I would prefer
for you to call me father," Kami-sama said to Ranma. "Now as to what I
wanted to talk to you about, well I just wanted to hear my child's voice
again. Tell Belldandy to take you to go and meet me in five minutes."

"Y-yes father," Ranma said, she now felt more comfortable because she can
call Kami-sama father. It just felt right. "I'll let Belldandy know. Would
that be all father?"

"That will be all child. I will see you soon, goodbye," Kami-sama said as
the phone line went dead.

Ranma hanged up the phone and turned to Belldandy. "Belldandy-san?" she
asked with as much respect in her voice as possible.

"Yes Ranma-chan?"

"Um...Father say for you to take me to go and meet him in five minutes,"
Ranma said. She couldn't wait to see her father's place. It felt as if she
was going home at last or starting a new one.

"Ok, let got then," Belldandy said as she went over to a mirror. "Brace
yourself Ranma-chan. The ride is tough on beginners."

"Ok let go," Ranma said. She saw Belldandy put her hand on the mirror while
chanting something. Before Ranma could ask what it was the mirror glowed a
shimmering white and Belldandy hand started to phase through it.

"Let go Ranma-chan," She said as she floated in the mirror along with Ranma

The people gather in the living room just look at where the two were before
then went back to watching the news to see if there are any updates on the

Ranma was strangely unfazed as she went through the gate. It still made her
a bit dizzy but she seen it somewhere before. "I remember!" she thought. "It
felt like that time Urd sent me to this new reality," she remembered.

Their ride stopped suddenly and Ranma saw that they were standing in front
of a big gate, it looked kind of pearly.

"BELLDANDY, HOW NICE TO SEE YOU BACK," said a booming voice.

"I am glad to be back, if you would so kind as to open this gate, Father is
expecting us," Belldandy said nicely to the booming voice. The gate for all
it sizes opened with no creaking noise at all.

"Thank you," Belldandy said.

"NO PROBLEM," the booming voiced replied.

"Let go Ranma-chan," Belldandy said as she started to tug Ranma toward the
gate. However it was like pulling a statue. " Ranma chan?" she asked
questionly. She turned to face Ranma and gasped in shock. "Ranma-chan, I am
so sorry, I forgot how intimidating his voice is to new people," Belldandy
try to explain. However it was a wasted effort as a Ranma stood there with
her hair standing up straight and her eyes widen in shock. and fear.
Belldanady sigh as she proceeded to drag Ranma through the gate.

It was a couple of minutes later that they were standing outside Kami-sama
doors that Ranma snapped out of it.

"S-scary!" was the first word out of her mouth. "Who was that?" she asked a
bit shakily.

"Oh, well he the gatekeeper, we never really say is name," Belldanady
replied. She then turned to Ranma. "Well here is the entrance to Kami-sama
office, just go in."

"W-wait a sec, are you coming in with me?" she asked Belldandy.

Belldandy just shook her head. "Father said for you to meet him only, he
only told me to bring you here."

"I s-see," she then turned the gate labeled "KAMI-SAMA OFFICE". She then
turned back to Belldandy who only gave her a reassuring look. She then
turned back around and opened the door.

There was a bright light as she entered but that soon cleared up. When the
light cleared she got a look at Kami-sama office. It was as big white room
with only one desk that had someone sitting in it. The said person was a
female and had wings prodding on her back, she appeared to be reading
something but finally noticed Ranma presence. She glanced up from her book
and asked in a kind voice. "Yes, may I help you with something?"

"I-I- pointment-Kami-sama," Ranma stutter out. She then shakes her head hard
and tried it again. " I have an appointment with Kami-sama," she said as
calm as she could.

"Ranma and Urd right?" The angel asked.

Ranma was confused as to why she said Urd name without Urd being here. "I
guess," she said a bit uncertainly.

"Go on in, Kami-sama been expecting you," she said as a door appeared out of

Ranma stumbled slowly in, when she was inside she saw there was nothing at
first then suddenly she was standing on clouds. "W-wha?" she asked but soon
felt another presence in the room.

"Welcome my child, it has been a long time," a kindly voice said.

Ranma turned to see a kindly old man not standing too far away from her.
"Father?" she asked uncertainly.

"Yes, Oh and before you ask, this is not my true form. This form I am taking
is how you perceives or what you think in your mind how I look like,"
Kami-sama said.

Ranma just nodded.

"Now you are probably wondering why I ask you to come here ne?" He turned
and looked questionably at her.

Ranma nodded again.

"Well the truth of the matter is that you are here to correct a mistake that
happened a long time ago," Kami-sama started. "You see, a long time ago I
decided to make three sisters to keep time in balance and too stop time from
overflowing. Sure, I could have done it myself but my children needed things
to do or else they would get bored and I didn't want them messing in mortal
affairs, so I gave them all a purpose again. They were quite happy with it
and in every reality there are certain gods and goddesses that have
specifics task. Also in all of the realities is a goddess of past, present
and future. Their job is that by simply existing, the timeline cannot be
alter. I mean sure if they have their own free well but time is not control
for a specific purpose. The timeline will always be chaotic so that people
can make their own choices and have their own consequences. I want all of my
children to be free to make their own path in life. Sure they could save a
million lives by killing a dictator in advance but who know if they kill
that more might spring up ne?"

Ranma just nodded again.

"Well, everything was going fine until in this reality there existed a group
of semi-goddess that created something call a timegate. The timegate was
able to go to the future alter the present and change the past to however
the wielder wants it, and although to their credit they never used it for
evil, they did use it to accomplish what they wanted. With the creation of
the timegate they accidentally destroyed Urd body in the process. You see,
Urd was the goddess of the past, her job is to get things started, while
Belldandy let them live their lives of their own free will and Skuld is to
make sure they can choose any path they want. However with the time gate
linking, past, present and future there was no use for Urd so she was
destroyed in mid-creation. The only thing that remained of her was her
essences or soul, which existed in the timegate. However thanks to the Urd
of another reality, she sent you to another reality, this one to be exact.
Her magic combine with the ultimate force would have caused you to have her
body anyway. What I did was place you here so that Urd soul would be active.
You see with my bringing you here it had already causes their timegate to be
disrupted, Urd soul is awakening even as we speak. Why you might ask? Well
because she sensed a body that can hold her soul. She needs a body to truly
live, other then that all she does is live in a state of non- existences. So
you see Ranma, what I am asking you to do is join with her soul, in effect
to be the new goddess of the past."

Ranma just stood there wide-eyed. "ME?!" she asked incredulously.

Kami-sama nodded.

"Just remember you can choose not too. Like I said, I respect all of my
children choices, but I will explain to you what you will be getting into.
Your job, should you choose to accept it, is that you would be working in
the Goddess relief offices. Your primary job is to grant people wish not
just anybody but good people that we had select for a wish. However your
soul would also merge with Urd and combining it into one soul and one
personality. However with you not choosing to do it in a couple of hundred
years the people in charge of the timegate will sacrifice a lot of innocent
people to make sure their future comes to pass. Remember they are not evil,
they will not purposely ignore the people cries for help, it just that they
will put themselves in a stasis like condition that will put them out of
action for one thousand years, so they won't be around to help the
innocents. However with them doing that however, they would create an era of
peace that will last to the end of time."

Ranma chewed on what Kami-sama said. "So if I choose to be a goddess people
will have free will to do whatever they want?" she asked. See sees Kami
nodded his head. "Explain to me how the timegate holder will be taking away
free will again?" she asked to clarify what would exactly happen.

"Well it would be like this, the people will have free choice to a certain
extent. However, when the people or something changes the timegate holder
ideal world, they will literally eliminate it. Lets say the people will
create a peace that would last for three hundred years in their world,
however it will fall after the three hundreds years. Now that will be the
people choice, however something like that would alter the timegate holder
so they would change it so that the people would be at war for the 300 years
time period. Now if you were there, the timegate would no longer exist so
that they won't know what happen to prevent it. That's how it basically
works, they were already doing it recently with you. They were also the ones
that attacked you because you were responsible for altering their future."
Kami-sama said to Ranma.

Ranma wrestle with the choice for a while. "If I accept, I would change but
people would have free choice, however if I don't accept people won't have
free choice and most likely they would follow my ass till the ends of the
earth." She thought for a while.

"Oh and Ranma," Kami-sama said.

"Yes Father?" she replied.

"NO SWEARING IN MY PRESENCES!" he said in a booming voice.

"H-HAI! GOMEN!" Ranma exclaimed as she got on her knees and started praying
for forgiveness.

"Good, also as a goddess it is a serious penalty for you to swear, got
that?" he asked her.

"Yes father," Ranma said still groveling on the ground.

"Get up, and give me an answer whenever you are ready," Kami-sama said. "You
may go."

"Actually, um...father?" Ranma asked meekly.


"I accept the job," Ranma said. She saw Kami-sama smile. A smile that made
her felt loved. She had already decided that the people deserved free
choice, something she didn't get at all.

"Well my child prepare to accept your duty," Kami-sama said as he began to
glow in an orchestra of light. "Behold my true form."

Ranma couldn't help but knee the moment she saw Kami-sama transform. It was
as if she was unworthy to look upon him. Soon she felt a overwhelming
presence everywhere, in her body, in her mind, in her soul, all around her
and most importantly of all, in her heart.

Kami-sama asked in his booming voice. "DO YOU REALIZE THAT ONCE YOUR TWO

"I do father and I accept it all freely of my own free will," Ranma replied
whole heartily.


The moment she looked upon Kami-sama, she knew that she would never glance
on such perfection anywhere. Then just as it began it was over as she now
felt herself pumped with energy. Her clothing glowed and she was wearing a
outfit like Belldandy but more risque and it hugged her body tight like a


"Goodbye father," she said. Truth was that she didn't want to leave the
presence of Kami-sama. It made her feel so love and safe, as if none can
harm her.

At the Hino shrine...

At the Hino shrine, the rest have been bandaged and treated as they started
to celebrate a job well done.

Recca dragons, it turned out that they were exhausted and that was why their
Kanji disappeared for a while.

Mikagami was all bandaged up and getting baby by Ranko.

Fuko and Domon just talked to each other and glad for each other safety.

Mamoru looked over Usagi well being for a while before he left her alone

The Inner' senshis' and the Outers' were congratulating each other on a job
well done.

Nodoka was sad that Ranma died so she excused herself early and went home.

Kage and Rei grandfather escorted her home.

They watched the news and was quite happy that the police found tatter red
rags left. Ryoga and Akane were also there celebrating with them. Then
senshis' figured that because they kill the youma the two was now healthy
and fine.

They were enjoying themselves until Pluto dropped her glass. That grabbed
everyone attention. They turn and saw a worried look on Pluto face.

"Kami," she said out in a whispered. "I-it's gone."

"What are you talking about Pluto?" Hakaru asked.

"T-the timegate, it's g-gone." Pluto said out in a whispered.

The others just stared in shock.

"Impossible! We killed him!" Hakaru exclaimed.

"Didn't Hotaru said that there was a flash of light as she did her Death
reborn revolution?" Minako asked.

Pluto nodded.

"You don't think he took the timegate with him when he died, do you?" asked

"That might be it but our victory came with a higher price the we could
imagine," Mamoru said to everyone. He then went over to Pluto and tried to
comfort her much to Usagi distress.

The party as far as anyone was concern, was over.

In Heaven...

Belldandy paced back and forth as she waited for Ranma. Something
significant happened in Kami-sama office. She didn't know what it was but
she knew it affect her and Skuld. Just then the door to Kami-sama office
opened. She gasped in surprise as she saw a different Ranma-chan came out.

Ranma-chan just smiled and said one word that Belldandy knew was true in her

"Hello sister."

To be continued...

Author rants...
Thanks to those of you for giving me feedback on this story and for voting
for best couple choices. There are those that said Akane should be the
choice and there are those that say Skuld or Hotaru. Well all I can say is
the couple would be a secret. Heh Heh, ain't I a stinker? Hope you like
chapter 9 installment of warping realities and that I would try to work on
this and my others works as much as possible but like I mention in my other
fics, school is beating my ass harder then Akane could ever do (^_^). Well
thanks for you guys continuing support have a happy summer yall. A proud fan
of couple crossover. C+C always welcome.

Eamil at Vahn77@hotmail.com