Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ranma-Lunae of Dathomir ❯ The Fall ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hmmm, yet another thought, what if Ranma's Girl-form is something coveted by Herb, to the point that Herb would willingly get a curse just to have his own?
What could cause that? Why, only if the one who caused the cursed pool was in fact one of the Force-strong "Witches of Dathomir".
(How and why they got to Earth/Terra? I'm working on that, at least, I hope I am. WTF><? Though, I'm allready getting a basis made.)
The Silver Millenium. An era of peace that lasted nearly 4350 years. An era allready beginning to crumble.
(a scene of the Moon from just outside Earth's atmosphere)
Suddenly, that scene is marred, as a massive flare of Corunau (sp?) radiation sparks into being off to the left side of the screen, a single ship tumbles out of the Radiation, and on a course, (more or less) for the Sea of Serenity, on the Lunar surface.
"My Lady, we have tried contacting them reapeatedly, but, there's either no one aboard, or they have no power, as unlikely as the last may seem, we cannot detect any power readings from the craft."
-sigh- "Very well then. Cogliostro! I require the use of one of your Battle Cruisers. You will accompany me to the Vandurhelm at once!"
"Yes, my Queen."
Minutes later, the IKV Vandurhelm is pulling the new vessel, Star Dragon, into it's underside hangar.
A few hours later, it becomes apparent that the vessels, inhabitants, are insanely powerfull. They are, for the most part though, reacting quite calmly, though a few seem to be growing ever more nervous as time passes.
That was the first, about 20 years before The Fall.
It was allso the beginning of the War of Monster's Fall.
Six years before The Fall:
"Lady Beryl, are you certain this is wise?" The courtisan was beginning to panic, the mana flows in the area were beginning to warp strangely.
Suddenly, the very ground beneath them seemed to explode outwards, as yet another group of strangers appeared. These were slightly different from the first, as these seemed to radiate menace.
Then the storm began. The Force-Storm.
Eldritch tendrils of pure hatred snaked out, twisting the winds, and fouling the waters of the Witches point-of-entry. (Need I state that this is what later causes Jusenkyou?)
As the storm builds, Beryl manages to get off a successful sneak attack, knocking out one of the witches, and causing that witch to drown in the now tainted waters.
The Nyannichuan was born.
Within two years, the remaining Witches decimate most of earth's cities, and destroying countless works of art.
Eventually, the Sailor Senshi are called in, and the last witches are dealt with quickly.
Zero years remaining, The Fall begins:
Now, the coronation ceremony for the new generation of sailor Senshi is about to begin.
Of note, is the fact that absolutely no precautions are being taken to ensure the full Assimilation of Sailor Jupiter's powers. In fact, the only preperations seem to be for the bonding of her armor to her soul.
(note, standard practice for magical armor is to bond it to one's soul, partly so as to never lose it, but mostly as a means to use it as a magic focus)
This lack of preparation is partly because there is now a true Ruler of Jupiter, someone so well suited to the planet that it cannot harm them. One of the Witches of Dathomir settled there, her Palace is in the great Red spot, and the planet has agreed to protect it.
Authors notes: Now, what does this mean in the future? Sailor Jupiter can and is often used as bait, because she can attack without needing to transform.
Allso, as it was a Witch of Dathomir that created the Nyannichuan, anyone who falls in could really take over the planet