Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Mousse Muad Dib ❯ Rescue Attempt ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mousse Muad Dib



Co-author by rob

Disclaimer: Ranma ½ is the Ó property of Rumiko Takahashi. Tenchi Muyo-Universe is the Ó property Kajishima Masaki.

Dune is the Ó property of Frank Herbert. Star Wars is the Ó property of George Lucas.

Chapter 7 Rescue Attempt

"No my dear niece you are always welcome, we are just having a bit of a problem , we have had a bit of a kidnapping." Beikng-pan exclaimed.

Shocked Fei Hung dropped her bundle. " A bit of a problem." She exclaimed. "Tell me what happened."

"On the way dear. Will you help us." Beikng-Pan asked.

"You know it !" Laughed Fei Hung.

"Now wait just a second!" Ayeka stepped in. "I thought I specifically said that only you and Mr. Stilgard will come along but no one else." She reminded Mousse's mother.

"And I specifically said that I will bring whomever else I dictate?" Beikng-Pan countered giving Ayeka a stern look.

Ayeka was about to say something but then she heard a soft groan. Everybody turned and they saw Mousse stirring and rushed over to his side.

"What happen?" Mousse grunted as he tried his best to get up but his mother settled him back down.

"It's alright my son." Beikng-Pan coaxed him. "You must need to rest."

"Is the bout over?" He asked his mother. "Did I win?"

"That's not important right now." Beikng-Pan reassured him. "All that matters is you get better." She gently moved some strands of his hair from his face and placed his glasses on him.

"Thank you, Mother." Mousse showed his gratitude. Then he sees some familiar faces. "Ms. Ayeka? Fai Hung?" He was happy to see them. "What are you two doing here?" He asked with a smile.

"It's good to see you again, Mousse." Ayeka returned his greeting with a bow.

"Hello Cousin." Fai Hung greeted back. "How are you doing?"

"Well I'm okay, I guess, but could anyone please tell me what is going on?" Mousse questioned. "And where's Sai Yuk?"

Everybody's smiles simply faded with sorrow looks. "Did I say something wrong?" Mousse didn't know what had happened when he was unconscious.

"Perhaps I should be the one to tell you." Stilgard volunteered and told him the same thing he told Ayeka.

Mousse now had a guilty look on his face and hung his head low. "This is my fault." He blamed himself. "I should've done something to stopped them."

"And what pray tell would you have done?" Stilgard questioned.

"Something to help." Snapped Mousse irritably.

"Hmmm , so all these police officers , your mother and myself , you are better and faster are you?" Stilgard pressed on, " We can't do anything, because you, yes YOU are so SUPER HUMAN that you could have defeated a squad of armed men and a psi criminal."

Mousse hung his head lower in shame , Beikng-Pan looked up with anger boiling in her eyes. "That is quite enough Mr. Stilgard." She exclaimed coldly.

"No.. it isn't." Replied Stilgard sharply, "You see, if he sits there thinking that there WAS something he could have done, it would harm him more inside than you know. I am just making him see the truth , that HE ISN'T AT FAULT." Finishing with a yell he walked towards the Galaxy cop's hover car. " And if I need remind you , the longer we stand around the farther those two are going to get with the little Emperor."

Ayeka nodded. "He is right , this is not the time to argue over things, everyone that is going get into a vehicle."

Fei Hung dashed into the car that Beikng-Pan and Stilgard entered. Beikng-Pan sat stiffly next to Arwin, still upset at the way he had treated Mousse. "Your name is?" Fei Hung Questioned Stilgard.

"Ah my dear I am sorry to not be introduced to you already. My name is Arwin, Arwin Stilgard , I am the boys Protector." He exclaimed. Misunderstanding on which boy he referred Fei Hung thought he was referring to the Emperor's child.

"I see , it must be hard looking after one so young." Fei Hung smiled.

"He has never been a trial , but sometimes its harder to make them see reality , over what they would have themselves believe is reality." Stilgard waxed philosophically.

"Yes but you could have been politer about it." Said Beikng-Pan sternly.

"I am sorry Ms. Beikng-Pan but if I had the luxury of time I would have put it nicer, but I thought it would have been faster and easier to just be blunt." Stilgard sighed. "But to tell the truth , it nice to see him react that way, it will make it less difficult if he is compassionate about things."

Fei Hung scowled, were they talking about Mousse or the little Emperor. "I think that I'm confused, are you the Emperor's body guard or guardian?"

"No. I was born and raised as a protector to the house Atreides , captain general of the elite guard , As my father before him and his father before him." He exclaimed proudly.

Ayeka scowled in the front seat listening to this conversation over the wind whistling by the dark window. 'What is going on here on this planet.' Pulling out her blaster pistol and checking it for charge and condition , she looked at the unwelcome passengers that she had been forced to bring along. "His vehicle is getting closer , I think he may have already stopped."

Looking out the back window Stilgard wasn't watching the expression on Fei Hung's face after he had explained his role in everything.

"What the hell are you talking about . Atreides house? Captain of the guard, who .. who are you guarding ." her eyes widened a little as all the puzzle pieces fell into place. "You ..you mean Mousse don't you. My little cousin Mousse."

Beikng-Pan put a hand on her puzzled nieces arm. "There are a few things that I have not told you about Mousse and his father. It was supposed to remain secret because everything that happened. But I believe that since you are here and are going to be of a help to us you should know the truth to his birth and his past." Thus began the history of Mousse .

Fei Hung sat in the hover car incredulous to the tale that was being unfolded infront of her. Her dorky cousin was a prince, not only that , he wasn't an itty bitty prince of some small island somewhere in the tropics. No he was the heir to a house as she was made to believe that spanned whole universes, thousands of planets , untold riches greater than any , any king in human history had ever even conceived about. "WOW!" she exclaimed after the story was told. The hover car slowing and starting to descend to a dark building on a hill.

"I know it's hard to adjust to my dear." Beikng-Pan said.

"That little lucky bastard." Fei Hung laughed. "And I told him he would never amount to anything"

"Your cousin is destined for greater things far more than you or even he knows." Beikng-Pan indicated.

"I guess this that I'm going to be little more nicer to him for now on." Fai Hung concluded.

Ayeka stopped the hover car nearby the dark building and put it into parking mode and turned off the engine. "Now remember everyone, we need to be discreet as possible." She directed as everyone got out of the hover car. "Nothing too heroic, just a simple rescue mission. Now are there any questions?" No body has anything else to say. "Good now lets get going." The started heading towards that building.

As the Galaxy cops spread out around the building , Ayeka opened a small box and pushed several buttons on the centre console, a slight hum and the hover car raised and started to position itself over the building with no lights and almost no sound.. Fei Hung glanced at vehicle and looked at Ayeka in puzzlement. Beikng-Pan dashed to the corner of the building staying low and Stilgard followed her protectively. Several of the Galaxy cops spread out around the building and everyone seemed to be waiting for something. The hover cars hanging low over the building were shadows over shadows and Ayeka still looking at the console watched as a deep blue image of the interior appeared on her console. Several red images in the shape of bodies appeared showing where the people inside of the building were situated.

"They're in there alright." Ayeka assumed observing the body shaped red images.

"Are you sure it's them?" Fei Hung queried her judgement.

"Affirmative." Ayeka assured her by showing the images. "This device detects body heat that can be found in almost anywhere."

"Cool, where do you get something like that?" Fei Hung was impressed by the technology that the Galaxy Police have.

"A friend of mine made this and all the other devices that we have." Ayeka responded calmly. "But that's not important." She reminded her. "Right now the main objective is to rescue Sai Yuk." Then she turns to her force. "Alright everyone we need to do this in a calm and peaceful manner. But if they get aggressive then do what is necessary, just make sure that the young emperor will not get hurt." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Inside the building Ojino was dictating the ransom note while Shinju was writing everything his master says. "…and if you want to see your son alive again you better give us what we want or else we won't be responsible for what will happen to the young emperor." The ancient agent proposed as his apprentice wrote the last part.

"You won't get away with this!" Sai Yuk declared while still inside the force field in the corner of the building. "My father will never give in your demands."

"Ah the failures of youth. My young man, you have no idea what a father is capable of doing for his son, I have known men to kill, pillage, even destroy there own careers for the sake of there son's future and safety." Ojino laughed. Shinju finished with the manuscript was in the process of putting it in the envelope when Ojino stiffened. "WE HAVE COMPANY!" He said suddenly in a very dark, loud voice that vibrated the walls.

The galaxy cops finally positioned in their places started the slow crawl to the room with the hostage. Ayeka blaster in hand was creeping down the hall towards the main room, continuously looking at the monitor to see if the heat signatures changed positions. Waving one weapon clad arm in front of her; she motioned for the others that the way was clear ahead.

"Shinju, prepare the escape pod. It would seem you have some rescuers coming to save you my little Emperor." Ojino growled. Pacing back and forth, he occasionally glanced up at ceiling as if his eyes could pierce the beams and plaster to view the hover cars silently hovering over the building.

Stilgard scanning through each room as they passed it, marked each window and door in his minds eye, creating a map overlaid of the complex in his mind for future reference. Beikng-Pan close enough for him to just reach out and touch was quietly moving along with the crowd, a pair of sighs in her very capable hands.

"Master, I have the pod ready, but it will only fit the two of us. What shall we do?" Shinju called from a trap door in the basement floor board.

"Well since they came all this way, maybe we should leave them the corpse of our young Emperor here as a reminder to not mess with us." Cackled Ojino evilly.

Just then the door broke down by a mighty kick and Ayeka and her troops came running into the room. "Freeze!" She shouted. "Ojino! You and your assistant are under arrest for the kidnapping of Young Emperor Sai Yuk!" Ayeka begins to read him his rights. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you in court. You also have the right to an attorney, If you can not afford one then the Galaxy Government will provide one for you."

But Ojino refuses to go down without a fight. So he summons up his power to levitate the young emperor and bring him to his side. "Take one step closer and the Young Emperor breathes his last breath." He threatened knowing that these officers will not risk anything that will bring Sai Yuk to his end.

"Don't do anything foolish, Ojino." Ayeka debated. "Just give us Sai Yuk and surrender yourself peacefully"

Ayeka stood sweating watching the young emperor float above the old man. Keeping one eye on Shinju and the other on Ojino her blaster swinging between the two. Her hands gripping tightly on the trigger, she never realized what happened until after, but Fei hung unwatched by all had slipped around the room and came in through another door. Stepping up to the old man she swung her staff knocking the ancient Ojino down. Sai Yuk fell to the floor, no longer levitated by the power of the unconscious Ojino. Shinju growled and swung at the young girl. She counters his fist with her staff. Which on impact shattered and broke into two pieces. At the moment the young emperor started to fall the galaxy cops swung into action.

Shinju reached arms bulging for Fei Hung. "Still don't know your place huh!" He growled.

"I think YOU need a lesson in manners." Fei Hung quipped as she swung around his groping fingers and hit him several times with the pieces of wood up his arm and around his head. Her lightning strikes not even phasing the giant fighter. The galaxy cops entering the room swayed as if drunken, Ayeka seeing this realized that there must be some gas that was being released into the room.

"Grab Sai Yuk and get him out of here!" She yelled. Beikng-Pan closest to the emperor grabbed at him and started to pull him closer to the group. Everyone so busy on the fight that they never noticed the ancient Ojino rising slowly, his eyes almost glowing in anger.

"I SHALL SHOW YOU!" Ojino growled, lifting his arm and some waves of energy started to gather in his hand.

Stilgard seemed to recognize what the old man was about to do. "By the Gods! He's a mad man!" He thought to himself and turned to everyone else. "Everybody Move Out Of Here!" He shouted.

Nobody has any idea what Stilgard was talking about but they did as he commanded and quickly evacuated the room.

"Ah Val-san." Ojino indicated to Stilgard. "I see that you are familiar with this type of attack." He assumed. "By the way, where is that dear nephew of yours or shall I say the young Atreides heir?"

"Resting after the bout he had with Sai Yuk" Stilgard said, watching the now almost empty room .

Fei Hung still battling the giant Shinju dodges a lethal blow to the head and responded with several kicks that would have devastated a normal opponent. Turning she placed two blows consecutively on the under side of Shinju's left armpit causing him to wince from the pain of it. Lifting his arm and stretching it out he glared at the young female fighter.

"You are pretty good witch" Shinju growled at Fei Hung. "But i'm going to kill you now." And with that he lunched forward and grasped Fei Hung in a deadly embrace. Fei hung struggled against the wall of muscle , pushing as hard as she humanly could. But the muscles that she fought against were trained on a planet with much higher gravity than earth's and had almost unnatural strength.

The energy that Ojino was gathering in his palm he released at Stilgard quickly , Stilgard prepared for the blast had hit his person physical shield and although the force of the blast didn't strip away the shield that he wore , the physical force of the blow caused him to be lifted up and backwards . He passed through the wall and continued through several of the rooms to land unconscious on the ground outside. The blast pattern leaving a large gaping hole in the wall . He was protected from the shield but not the concussion of the blast , so lay unconscious against a long streak of dirt where his body had plowed through both the building and made a long furrow in the ground.

The galaxy cops stood in amazement , they had heard the great crash and saw the splintering shards of the wall as it had exploded outwards ,and most of them could not believe that Stilgard had remained relatively unscathed. Ayeka ran up and tried to take his pulse the but portable force field that protected his body also prevented her quick hands from touching his skin. She felt the tingle of the energy shield and also felt a slight give when she pressed gently, realizing that it must hold inertia and not just a blanket force field she pressed her arm slowly into the field. It sunk as if going through warm toffee until her slender fingers were able to touch the unconscious Stilgards neck. Feeling for , and getting a strong pulse she let her arm be guided back out by the push of the force field and turned to see Beikng-Pan turn to run back into the dark building.

"Stop her!" she yelled , "It's to dangerous."

"Her niece is still in there." One of the other galaxy cops replied holstering his weapon to make room for two hands to grasp the young Emperor's limp body.

"I don't care , She wont be able to fight those two , stop her."

It was too late to stop Beikng-Pan from entering because she had already made her way past the last of the galaxy cops and into the unlit building. Rushing forward Beikng-Pan was flush and a cold fear grasped her heart . Dodging over spilled furniture and around doors half open she entered the only lit room in the house. The centre chamber where all the fighting had originally started. The gaping whole in the building where Stilgards energy encased body had been flung through stood dark and forbidding to her left. The battle with Shinju was over and the two assailants were not to be seen. The only thing was the raised trap door in the floor and besides it the crumpled body of Fei Hung.

With a cry Beikng-Pan almost flew across the room and gathered up the slim body of her niece. Tears welled down her cheeks as she checked for a pulse. Not finding one she let out a wail that echoed throughout the night rending the hearts of all whom heard it.

Ayeka standing over the motionless Stilgard started to cry at the loss of one so young. For she too realized why the sound erupted from the building. Walking through the hole Stilgard's body had made, she picked her way through the rubble and slowly made her way to the grieving Beikng-Pan's side. Touching her shoulder she sobbed along with Beikng-Pan. "This is all my fault ." She whispered hoarsely , "I should never have allowed civilians to come."

Turning a tear soaked face and reddened eyes upwards Beikng-Pan said softly "No! its not YOUR fault at all." Her hands automatically straightening her mussed hair. "Its that bastards fault that old freak and that giant. They will pay for this, pay with their lives." Gently lowering her dead nieces body to the ground Beikng-Pan stood for a second and placed a comforting had on Ayeka's shoulder. "It is NOT your fault." She repeated firmly. Then with a nod as if to point out the other galaxy cops that were picking there way through the rubble. "Your men, they are good, have them protect Sai Yuk for awhile longer, I need to go after them and punish them."

Ayeka sniffled, glared at Beikng-Pan for a minute then her features softened as she realized the horrible trauma that was enveloping the woman. "You will never be able to take on those monsters alone, come lets do it together." Turning to her men she yelled . "Protect the young Emperor with your lives." And the two dashed into the dark and forbidding hole in the floor. Racing down the tunnel that would lead them to Ojino and Shinju and revenge.

Will Beikng-Pan and Ayeka be able to capture the two Evil Empire agents for the murder of Fei Hung? And what about Mousse, will he be able to help them. And what will happen if they all went back to Nerima to confront Cologne and Shampoo? Find out in our next chapter of "Mousse Muad Dib"