Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ No need for Little Ranma ❯ Prologue

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Disclaimer and author notes:

1) I don't owned any of those story neither did I made any money out of it! So please don't bother to sue me I am really just a very poor student.

2) This is alternative world expect anything..

3) My grammar sux so please point out my error!!

4) Character OCC all over the fic.

5) This story is greatly influence by the story No need to be wild by Farzad Mansouri

No need for Little Ranma


Little 01


Fires, ruins, death bodies and crying in pain was heard everywhere. A beautiful red hair goddess stood there looking at her people sadly. The pain was so great she had a strong urged to cry her heart out, however she held back. She cannot break down, not before, and definitely not now, for the sake of her people, the sake of the universe and most important of all she turned and looked at the angel of her life, a little beautiful girl with silvery blue hair beside her that was crying her heart out for all the mortal that lost their life here. " For your sake my little sister." She said in almost a whispering sound.

Steeling her heart the red hair goddess pulled the silvery blue hair little goddess a bear hug as she speak softly into her ears, "Tsunami, listen to me, I am going to seal you into a crystal seed with your conscious intact. I want you to be a good goddess that trained and studies hard K?" The little goddess nodded while sobbing hard. "Good! Now, just relax. I promised there would be painless." As that was the last word the silvery blue goddess hear before she was isolate from the rest of the world.


Washu the goddess of Knowledge shed a lone tears as she see her little angel slowly from a warm beautiful little girl turned into a cold and hard crystal seed that was no larger than her thumb. Although she knew that her little sister would be the last hope if she failed to stop their mad sister Tokimi, but it was still a heavy burden to the girl, goddess or not in such tender age. Suddenly her thought was disturbed by the voice of her advisers, a raven hair huge man and a blue hair man. Tsuki Masaki and his right hand man, Ryo Habuki.

"Lady Washu, you summoned us?" Said Tsuki in his loud but firm voice.

The goddess ignore his question and asked him instate a strange question, "General Tsuki how long since you last seen your family?"

Although he was confused by his goddess strange question, nevertheless he answered respectfully, "Exactly seven hundred years Lady Washu."

"How about you General Ryo?"

"Same as Lord Tsuki."

"Very well than, who am I to you two?" asked the red hair goddess in a monotone.

Giving their goddess a look as if she had grown another head however quickly the two Jurian gather themselves and replied respectfully, "Lady Washu you are our goddess of course! You had given us power and knowledge beyond our imagination. The goddess that gifted us Jurian long and healthy life."

"But you forget to mention also death and pain due to a stupid war between my eldest sister and me." Her eyes moist but she rubbed those tears away as she continue, "A war that may never end if we continue to fight like this!"

"That was not true Lady Washu! We can surely win the war if………" The blue hair general was cut short as Washu raised her hand indicating him to stop talking. She shook her head sadly as she looked at the silvery blue crystal seed on her palm sadly. "It will not end as long as long as we stay in the mortal realm, for the world is created in such way by all-father himself." she paused for a moment and placed the silvery blue crystal seed on the hand of Tsuki. "I wished I could avoid doing this but I need you to deliver this as far away from Jurai as possible along with your family and all the citizen of Jurai. Plant this seed down to the land where you settle and tell your children to search for a suitable avatar for my sister. Who is a mortal that could wield the power of Light Hawk Wing, a brave warrior that darkness can't corrupt, a hero that will finally stopped Tokimi madness."

"Lady Washu with all due respect! How could you possible expect us to leave you in this situation while the dark forces of Tokimi was marching here as time past. Our…"

"SILENTS TSUKI! You had no idea what are you talking about! If you all don't leave here when you had a chance all hope will be lost! We cannot afford Tokimi get hold of Tsunami power among life. By all means you must place her safety as your first priority! Do you understand that General?"

"………Yes Lady Washu."

"And furthermore I want every record and memory of me erased as long as you all know you all served only Tsunami the Goddess of Life."

"Why…why Lady Washu?" asked the shock Jurai General by the over whelming news.

"I had my reason but I want you to followed it strictly OK?"



"Yes…Mil Lady."

"Good! Now get out of my sight!"

End Flash Back

Washu stood at the tallest building in Jurai, she waited in her blood red battle Armor as she look at her people slowly grow more and more smaller as it slowly turned into a tiny dot. She sighed in relieve as she knew at least her legacy is safe for now.

"Lady Washu, I can't believe you dump us and fight Tokimi without any of us especially me!"

She turned around and met with the cocky smile of her blue hair General. "I recall I had strictly told you to leave. Why are you still here general Ryo?"

"Well, the one who received your order is Tsuki Masaki and Ryo `Habuki' but I didn't received that order so way not?"

"What do you meant Ryo?" asked the Goddess in confused.

"Simple I gave up my family name! So Ryo Habuki is death only I AM here."

Washu couldn't help but spare her mortal friend a smile as she shock her head in defeat, "Ryo, Ryo even after seven hundred years you never cease to amazed me with your wit, I guess I have no choice but let you to witness till the end."

"Of course you should have known that I always enjoy a nice fight especially MY goddess was involved".

"So be it my friend!" as she turned all her focus on the red light that indicate her sister arriving.
