Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ A look to the Future ❯ A look to the Future ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter 1 version 1.0

So you want to know what's ahead. What happens to... everyone. Well, some of them are happy. Some of them aren't. Some of them are just dead.

It's forty years since Ranma and Akane their marriage. One that has lasted through many rough times. The couple faced their biggest crises during their twentieth anniversary.

Akane had grown and looked much older then before while Ranma didn't look a day over sixteen. The answer came when they spoke to Cologne and discovered that thanks to the Jusenkyo curse, Ranma would never be able to age. He would be stuck being the same age he was when he got his curse

This didn't sit to well with dear Akane, who beat her husband in an attempt to force him to age. This fight ended sadly with their divorce. It was a sad day, but Soun and Genma didn't mind to much. Before the two divorced, they had a healthy boy named Genbo, that the two raised as a true martial artist. At the time of the divorce, the boy was already old enough to go out into the world and live on his own. Not that he had to. He ended up marrying that cute Shampoo girl after he defeated her in one on one.

Enough of the bad news, the good news is that they were all very happy. Akane went on to become a world famous chef after she discovered her true talent in the arts of cooking. She also remarried to an American by the name of J.C. Denton. The two then had many children with glowing eyes.

Ranma on the other hand continued to do what he loved best. Martial arts and insulting people. Between martial arts tournaments, he is an insult comic at a famous comedy house. He also goes on to star in several action movies where his curse ends up landing him his biggest jobs. Sadly, his acting career started rough when he was forced by Nabiki to do porno part time to pay for all the damages to the Nerima district during his youth. Talk about taking one for the team...

Two years after Ranma's divorce, he meet his new wife at the world martial arts tournament. A fiery red head by the name of A-KO Megami. Together they had one child, but stopped there since one was more then they were ready to commit to.

Soun Tendo passed away. It seems that he had to learn the dangers of tabacco the hard way. Everyone had a good cry at the funeral to honor Soun's memory. Later the temple was evacuated on account of a flash flood.

Genma to passed away... Well actually the police are still investigating it. There was an odd 'L' shaped cut along his belly, which looked like suicide, but his head was also cut clean off, making it appear to be murder. When they asked to see the poem he wrote to prove it was ritual suicide, the wife presented them with a paper that said simply, "She forcing me to kill myself cause I turn into a panda and mentally wrecked our son. Help me!"

Kasumi ended up marrying. Her husband? Ryoga. The two now run a bed and breakfast and brothel. It's very popular and thanks to Nabiki, it's completely legal. Of course, she gets a thirty percent cut of all the profits.

Speaking of Nabiki, she did indeed go on to become a high ranking mob leader and politician. For fun on the weekends, she works part time at Kasumi's brothel, having fun and making money (two are mostly the same for her). She also married. Her husband is a large ten feet tall man named Uchi. They make an interesting couple (but don't ask how they did it to have their child Uma. It's too painful to think about.)

Last and oddly enough, the oddest. Ranma's male and female reflections went off and had forty children, all of them martial artist. After fifty years, the mirror tribe ends up moving to a small island off the coast of Japan and starting their own nation. When each of the mirror children turn sixteen, they go out and kidnap a bride from the beach of Japan. This then assures that one day the Mirror Nation will grow to become the most powerful in the world.

(Also, I need some writers to help me with a big project I've started. If you've got some spare time, please email me at stbays@yahoo.com. It has to do with a new character that I think will shake up the fan fiction with a new angle.

Thanks again for reading. Feel free to read and review [ideas on how to improve this short story would also be great!])