Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Balance of Power ❯ Journey-Joint Concession ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Chapter 2

Joint Concession

Dr. Tofu walked to the Tendo household. He carried a thick folder; Ranma's name could be seen on it. He was greeted by Nodoka at the door, they exchanged greetings and she led him into the breakfast room where everyone else was situated. Tofu smiled for them and thanked them for inviting him over, he was thankful that Kasumi seemed to be out for the moment. He let his folder drop to the table with a loud thud. He sat down, opposite from Soun and Genma, he was flanked by Nabiki on his right and Nodoka on his right. He cleared his throat and began.

"Before we touch the subject on why you called me over, I have a much more serious problem to bring you," Tofu told them. "That is Ranma Saotome's health."

Tofu quickly checked to make sure he had everyone's attention before he went on.

"For the past few month's I have been going over every medical record I have on Ranma. I must tell you that I was quite surprised with what I found. Ranma has more medical entries than a seventy year old man," Tofu said gesturing to the folder. "I realize that this is because Ranma is a lot more active than anyone else his age, except maybe Ryoga. But I do feel that Ranma is under way more stress than any normal human being can endure. Having three fiancées and having people want him in his cursed form must be very stressful."

"When his mother first arrived after ten years, he had to hide from her in fear that she would reject him and find him unmanly. The thought of being rejected by your own mother is very unsettling I must say, coupled with the fact that Ranma's curse most obviously makes him a little insecure about his manliness."

Tofu looked over at Nodoka and saw that she was staring hard at the table, most likely fighting back the tears that threatened to escape. Genma was looking oblivious as usual.

"I regret to say this but based on my own medical opinion, Ranma is headed for a breakdown."

Everyone in the room gasped, even Genma. Tofu inwardly smiled, maybe he was finally beginning to see the seriousness here.

"I hope you all are taking me quite seriously now, because what I'm going to say next I'll need your full attention. Ranma is showing signs of someone who has been suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. He has had more emotional blows than any of us would really like to know. Some of us know exactly what this sort of disorder can do to a person, and I'm sure they would rather that not happen to Ranma," Tofu said, sparing a quick glance at Soun. "I would like to tell the rest of you that are unfamiliar with this just what can and most likely will happen."

"Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a psychiatric illness that can occur following a traumatic event where there is risk of injury to you or someone close to you. PTSD may occur soon after a major trauma, or can be delayed for up to six months. When it occurs right after the event, it will usually last about three months, but in some cases it has lasted for years."

"PTSD can occur at any age and can follow natural disasters such as fire, floods, or hurricanes. Events such as war, imprisonment, assault, domestic abuse, and rape can cause PTSD to occur as well. No one knows just what exactly causes PTSD, but psychological, genetic, physical, and social factors are involved. PTSD alters the body's response to stress by affecting stress hormones and neurotransmitters (chemicals that transmit information between our nerves). Previous exposure to trauma may increase the risk, which suggests that this kind of a reaction may be a learned response."

Tofu paused, and looked around the room to make sure that everyone was following him at this point. He saw he had everyone's full attention so he continued.

"Having good social support helps to protect against developing PTSD. People with PTSD re-experience the event over and over in at least one of several ways. They may have recurrent distressing dreams and recollections of the event, a sense of reliving the experience or flashbacks, and or become very distressed around the time of events that symbolize the event."

"Symptoms that occur with this illness are, reliving the event, which disturbs day to day activity, flashback episodes, where the event seems to be recurring, and bodily reactions to situations that remind them of the traumatic event. There's avoidance, Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma, lack of interest in normal activities, feelings of detachment, sense of having no future, emotional "numbing", or feeling as though they don't care about anything, and reduced expression of moods. Arousal, irritability or outbursts of anger, sleeping difficulties, difficulty concentrating, exaggerated response to things that startle them, hyper vigilance."

"The most prominent symptom with PTSD is guilt or "survivor guilt". This is generally a feeling that they survived and the other person didn't or it should have been me that was killed. There are no tests that can be done to make the diagnosis of PTSD. The diagnosis is made based on a certain set of symptoms that persist after a history of extreme trauma."

Tofu finished and took a few deep breaths, saying everything he had said really took it out of him. He looked at everyone else. The usually calm Nabiki looked quite shaken. Nodoka looked like she was about to break down into tears. Soun, being a sufferer from the disease already was very deep in thought. Genma himself looked like he was thinking very herd.

"I realize this has been a very large blow to you, but this had to be put out in the open. Ranma is a very special child, but if things continue the way they are, he's going to either become very depressed or very violent. I don't need to tell you what might happen if Ranma were to lose control of his mind and suddenly become violent. I think Tokyo would be destroyed within seconds."

"Another matter has been brought towards my attention, and I am only telling you this because I think it might help Ranma from experiencing a breakdown. I've told Nodoka already but I held off telling you two," Tofu said, indicating Soun and Genma, "At least until you heard what I needed to say. When Ranma and Ryoga were taken to the hospital, I had played the nosey doctor and was listening in on Ranma and Akane's conversation in Ranma's room. The conversation seemed heated and I was going to barge in just in case it turned violent, but just as I was about to, Ranma shouted out that he loved Akane. Needless to say I was quite shocked to hear him make such a proclamation and to proclaim it so loudly. I didn't hear Akane's response but I already think I know what it was because they exited the room hand-in-hand."

Tofu read everyone's faces again and saw a complete turn around. Soun and Genma were weeping in each others arms yelling how their schools would finally be joined. Nabiki had a small grin spread across her face and you could almost see the gears turning in her head at how much yen she could make by leaking this information.

"Wait just a minute," Tofu said. He waited until everyone brought their attention back to him. "This is exactly the reason why I did not tell you people sooner. Did you forget what I just said five minutes ago. This is Ranma's life on stake here and all you're thinking about is yourselves!"

"Soun!" Tofu shouted standing on his feet, "You of all people should know just what could happen to Ranma if he is suffering from PTSD, and I would like to think that you would not want him to suffer what you went through when your wife died!"

Next he pointed at Genma. "You are a very pitiful man Genma Saotome, you are the reason most of the crap that has happened to Ranma occurred. You've come closer to destroying a child than anyone I can ever think of. But somehow Ranma came out like a good kid that is fighting for his life and his sanity and all you can think about is how this will affect you."

Tofu turned to Nabiki. "I hope you realize young lady that if you do leak this information over the town you will single-handedly destroy Ranma's life. And if you can do something like that then I pity you."

Tofu took a few shaky breaths as he tried to let the anger cool off. He didn't want to face anyone in this room. But he turned to Tendo first.

"I'm sorry for bringing your wife into this Soun."

"It is alright doctor, you said what needed to be said. I do know what would happen to Ranma but instead I just started thinking about myself. I will help Ranma in every way possible so he does not end up like me," Soun said, a look of determination cross his face.

Tofu looked at Genma. He didn't have any apologies for this man. But to his surprise Genma spoke up.

"I am sorry as well Dr. Tofu, my behavior was childish and unbecoming of a martial artist."

Tofu nodded. "Your words are more than enough Genma, and I thank you."

Tofu took a deep breath, and started laughing. "It has been quite a morning has it not?"

"Yes," Nodoka agreed, "Quite a morning."

Tofu looked around. "So where is Ranma anyways, did he and Akane leave for school already?"

"No doctor, I don't think Ranma's going to be at school for awhile," Nabiki said.

"What does that mean?" Tofu asked her.

"I think you should sit down for this Dr. Tofu," Soun suggested.

"Why? What's going on?"

Nodoka reached into her pocket and produced a note that she handed to Tofu. Tofu quickly scanned it and nearly collapsed.

"Oh my god," he breathed. He took a few moments to collect himself. "Have they called yet?"

"No doctor, were still waiting," Genma told him.

Tofu took his seat and set his head down upon the table. He said prayer that he could help Ranma before it was too late.


"Are you here for business or pleasure Mr. Hibiki?"

"Pleasure," Ryoga replied. The ANA attendant smiled at him and handed back his passport and government Visa.

"Enjoy your visit Mr. Hibiki," she smiled once more for Ryoga before calling for the next person in line.

"So where are we going now?" Ryoga asked once joining the others.

"To Jianguo hotel, that's where will be staying for today, we'll move out around midnight and drive south to Taiyuan." Seiji told them. "I have Minoru waiting for our arrival in Xining, preparing things for our arrival. Ishii is to meet us here and take us to the hotel where you guys can relax and call your families."

"Will you be coming with us Seiji?" Akane asked.

"I will accompany you on your hike into the Bayankala range but as for the drive down there, you will have Ishii with you as I have a few more matters that require my assistance," Seiji told them.

"Sounds great," Akari said.

"Everything's been taken care of then," Ryoga said to Akari.

"Looks like it," Akari replied.

"Are you going to be okay with this Akari?"

"What do you mean?" Akari asked.

"Well, uh, I know how you love pigs and all," Ryoga said.

Akari shook her head. "Ryoga, do you like turning into a pig?" He shook his head. "Well whatever you don't like I don't like. If you want to get rid of your curse forever, than I'm going to support you for as long as I can."

Ryoga smiled at her and managed to look a little embarrassed.

Akari smiled back and took his hand in hers as they followed the others outside. They found Ishii waiting for them outside dressed up in a limo driver's outfit. They exchanged greetings.

"What's with the getup?" Ranma asked.

"I thought it would be better for us to actually look like we fit in instead of acting like tourists. The Chinese intelligence service has been far more interested in tourists than actual government type people. This way we ensure that our rooms will not be bugged and they will for the most part leave us be," Seiji explained.

They climbed into the car and Ishii pulled away from the airport. Ranma marveled at how crowded the city seemed to be. He had thought that Japan was crowded but China was much worse. Ranma recalled how the PRC (People's Republic of China) instituted a law to help control the population. One child per family. He didn't really understand why they did something like that. China's a big country, even with Taiwan declaring its independence. Why wouldn't they just start moving people inland.

Because if they did, Jusenkyo and things like the Phoenix people would be discovered and receive worldwide attention, Ranma realized. And that wouldn't do anyone any good.

Ranma could only imagine what would happen if some country had an army of men that had been dumped into the Niu Ho Man Maolen Niichuan spring (the spring Pantyhose Taro was dipped in).

As the car stopped at an intersection, Ranma watched as at least a hundred people crossed the street.

So many people, Ranma thought. He recalled the second part of the law, about what happens when a family has a second pregnancy, one not authorized by the state. Ranma couldn't imagine being the person that had to stick the syringe filled with formaldehyde into the babies head, and then crush the skull, as the baby is about to take it's first breath.

Akane, seeing Ranma's troubled expression, grasped his hand in her's and squeezed it. Ranma turned and looked at Akane and smiled. Another thought instantly popped into his head.

What would happen if someone tried to kill me and Akane's child? Ranma asked himself. Nothing good I bet.

Ranma blushed a little, realizing he had just thought about having children with Akane. He turned his head and returned his gaze to the passing scenery, not releasing Akane's hand.

What a crazy damn world, he thought.


Author's Notes: This chapter took a little longer to do than I thought. I contacted a friend of mine that's a psychologist and she explained to me the symptoms and other ill effects that will occur when someone is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She was a great help. Thanks Samantha.