Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Can I Keep You? ❯ An Easier Past ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Can I Keep You?

By sky princess

Prologue- An Easier Past

*Long Ago *

"Ranma, Ukyou, you two are now engaged!" Genma Saotome exclaimed to the two 6 year old kids who were best friends.

"But otousan, Ucchan is my friend! I can't marry her!" The boy, Ranma, yelled but not angrily.

The young girl name Ukyou just nodded eagerly.

"Now, son, you two are perfect for each other! Cheer up and pack your stuff." Genma insisted.

"Why, otousan?" (Ranma did talk a lot)

"We are going training, of course! A boy like you needs to grow up and defend himself but Ukyou has to say, son." He sighed and went back inside his home.

"I don't want to leave, I don't wanna!" Ranma pouted and stamped his little foot on the ground.

"I'm going to miss you, Ranchan." A small voice quivered but her tears didn't fall.

"Yeah, me too, Ucchan but don't worry! I will be back soon! We are incaged ain't we? He smiled and gave Ukyou a friendly hug.

"Ok, I have to go back to my otousan, Ranchan! Bye!"

"Bye, Ucchan!" He watched as she ran off leaving dust flying around.

Ranma jumped into the door and met Genma doing some funky things with a dress.

"Uh… otousan?"

Immediately, Genma threw the dress behind him and put on a calm, wise face.

"Hai, Ranma."

"I am going to see Ucchan again, ne?" He had on a hopeful expression.

"Of course! You two are engaged so we will come back early than I had planned."

"Arigato, otousan! Have fun playing with your pink dress!" With that said, Ranma ran off quickly to his room, laughing.

To be continued…

Author's note: Well, that was fun for a first chapter or prologue. Anywayz how do like it so far. Chapter 1 is already done and I'm gonna type it tomorrow, ok? So please review and watch for the next chapter! See ya!