Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Prayer ❯ You Call My Name ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dark Prayer
By: X-Zero

Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma ½, those characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

Dark Prayer Chapter 3- Call My Name

Ranma looked up to the body he had just sent off into unconsciousness, the feelings that had been swirling around in his mind constantly, he having been reflecting on his actions today, he'd been attacking his opponents with more than enough force, he'd been putting them down brutally, unlike him normally, now he wondered what was happening to him, life seemed to be going out of control, he wondered idly if it were his new fighting style. Realizing that he had struck Akane hard enough to send her into the wall without much more than a gentle push he felt was strange, he knew he was strong, but he'd only ever felt this strong when fighting opponents with a much greater overall power than himself.

Yuka, watched in amazement as she saw Akane flung bodily into the wall, strangely enough, she'd seen it all, Ranma was merely eating and had lifted his hand to her, and a shove that would normally look to put him out of mallet range had sent her flying. She limped over to the pigtailed martial artist, wondering what had changed in him to cause that sort of power.

"Ranma?" She whispered quietly, to herself more than anything else. She was trembling, afraid for the pigtailed teen; afraid of whatever it was that had happened to him to cause this drastic change. As he peered up at her from below his bangs, she saw the fear that quickly vanished from his eyes, while not a martial artist, Yuka knew how to read people, it came with being Akane's friend, one had to know what subjects to avoid, as not to earn her rage.

"I'm sorry you got hurt because of me, it shouldn'tve happened." He said bowing his head once more, feeling like a complete fool. He'd thought that things would've gotten better, that the cycle of trouble would end if he started taking things seriously, but they weren't changing. He pushed off the cot, the last bits of his lunch left behind in the bento, "I gotta take the tomboy to doc's place, I hope you'll be okay." He said lifting Akane over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, before launching out the open window. Yuka could only watch as he went, having seen the pain in his eyes and the anger, the sorrow and fear that hide in those grey-blue orbs, she shook her head softly and grabbed crutches, heading toward class.

Ranma was just a few meters short of Tofu's clinic when an unwelcome sight reached his weary eyes, the idiots.
Genma and Soun were on their way out to a bar (A/N: Hey, I doubt they're decent enough to wait for nightfall to get smashed) when they caught sight of Ranma, he was carrying Akane, and she looked to be stirring from sleep. They both stopped in their tracks, they'd wait, hiding to see things unfold. Genma dove behind a car, Soun somehow managed to conceal himself behind a streetlight.

Ranma felt his uncute fiancée waking on his shoulder, and so he set her down roughly, "C'mon you tomboy, wake up. I don't wanna have ta carry you anymore." He said agitatedly, his eyes showing his anger at her. She woke and looked up at her unwanted fiancée, burning rage clouding her eyes over as she recalled what had sent her tumbling off into the world of unconsciousness. She stood shakily, her head still spinning slightly, but not so much that she would be put off from punishing the fool, he'd had no right hitting her, punishments from her were divine mandate, didn't he know?! She'd show him, calling up her anger and rage into her mallet, she brought it down, lunging at him, intent on pounding him into a puddle, and than playing pound the puddle.

Ranma watched bored as the aura grew, and than shaped itself into a mallet, watching Akane as she dashed for him, mallet raised overhead. He waited arms by his sides as she reached him, waiting, and waiting, NOW! Ranma flashed forward, smashing the mallet with a back fist, dissipating the ki construct with his own more powerful glowing fist. "That's enough, if you wanna fight, than we'll fight, But I ain't gonna just dodge this time. He said hopping back and powering up his aura, the earphones glinting as they came to life, along with their companion. He noticed out of the corner of his eye, two figures rushing him from behind, body acting before his mind he leapt into the air, clearing his assailants easily, rebounding off the lamppost to land behind them, he, just scant meters away from his original goal saw his father, if one could give him such a title, and Soun. They were attacking him, screaming about his fiancée or something of the like, he didn't care.

"Boy, apologize to your fiancée at once." Genma went on, wailing about his ungrateful son, "How dare you strike at my little girl, apologize this instant." Soun ranted, having invoked his demon head. Ranma grinned, "Beat me and you'll get your wish, but be warned, I will not hold back against you." He stated calmly, shocking them. He'd just delivered them an invitation, who would they be to pass up such an opportunity, never mind the intensity he'd just shown or the strange glow in the young martial artist's eyes.

He said loudly, powering up his battle aura, the red aura sprang out of his form and then shrunk until it was an intense outline against his body. His normal cocky smirk was replaced by a feral grin.

"Worthless boy, you will apologize to your fiancée this instant." He said, angrily, and launched himself towards his progeny.
Ranma and his father clashed midair, the older man taking a brutal flying kick to the chest, just as his son did, the elder Saotome, however, was completely unprepared for what followed. Instead of trading blows as would usually occur the pigtailed martial artist fired a small ki blast directly into his opposition's chest, sending him sprawling to the cold ground. Ranma calmly landed from the initial clash, awaiting the incoming attack from the crybaby.

"Ahhhh!" Soun had been out of practice for quite some time, but he was far from over the hill. He dashed forward, right past his friend who he was forced to jump over to avoid. Almost immediately he was upon Ranma, striking out with fists and feet in what to any other would be a tremendously quick 15 attack combo. His moves were quick and powerful, buzzing by the Saotome heir by inches. Unfortunately for him, Ranma proved as he had time and again, that he was no ordinary fighter. He weaved in and out of the older man's attacks with irritating ease. Even as the last hit came close enough to strike, it was blocked solidly by a blue bracer. He looked up into his would be son-in-law's eyes, and was unnerved by the cold glare he received. He was further entranced by the angry red glow in the teen's eyes as he was suddenly finding himself thrown bodily into his just recovering friend, the both of the tumbling to the asphalt.

Ranma growled as his energy gathered in what was certainly going to put one of the aging martial artists out of this fight. He charged forward, leading foot digging a hole into the ground from the sheer power behind the simple step.
To the old men, who were quickly back on their feet, it looked like the angry young man had disappeared, a red glow which was growing all too steadily closer. Fear ruled their minds as they realized what it was and turned to run. For Soun, darkness was welcome, that rage filled blast had been a form of torture that had only been brought by the man he called master. For Genma, on the other hand, it was pain, pure and simple. He got to his feet on unsteady legs, shuffling into a stance again; it'd take more than that for him to be put down.

Akane had blinked back her shock right around the time that Ranma had downed her father the second time, the longer lasting of the two occurrences. "YOU BASTARD, HOW DARE YOU HIT MY DAD!!!!?" She yelled as a crimson bonfire sprung up around her, solidifying long enough to coalesce into a war hammer of immense size. With the glowing grip held firmly in her hands, she ran forward with every ounce of rage driven speed she could muster. It would not be enough.
Ranma had just finished with the two men, if such a title were applicable to the worms, when he felt a tingle, his danger sense. He turned around to see Akane coming at him with a new toy; this mallet was larger than any of her previous manifestations. She had the heavy construct hefted above her head and was about to bring it down on him when he dropped into a crouch, his fist seeming to catch fire as his aura drained from the rest of his body and condensed around it. He smiled a demonic grin that would not be soon forgotten, and was just about to strike her when her aura disappeared, along with her mallet. She fell from her towering position to the ground, boneless.

"Huh?" He wondered aloud, attempting to leap out of the way of his father's attack a moment to late, and was clipped in the calf by the ki enhanced strike. The punch sent him spinning midair, careening toward a building. Were it not for the fact that he was a midair specialist, Ranma would've landed poorly. As it was he was righted himself and landed crouched against the wall's vertical surface. He cried out his attack as his, oyaji came into point blank range. "Inferuno Renda!" Several orbs of ki shot from his once again flame covered hands. Genma's vitals took an unprecedented pounding. He too followed his emotionally unstable friend, and said friend's daughter into the land of dreaming. With the old man disposed of...


...he could now concentrate on whatever had taken down his unwanted fiancée. Pivoting on his undamaged leg he found himself a bit of a distance from a figure completely coated in a dark cloak. Though obviously female, she was not of the right height or overall shape as any woman he knew, perhaps she was a new fiancée, challenger, or perhaps a bit of both, he didn't particularly care so much as he wanted to know what she was doing here, and why she helped him.

"Sleep mode" He vocalized, causing the MP3 unit to return to its dormant state, it'd need rest tonight. He had to admit, the stream of music had helped in the creative process, and he'd concentrated much better, and didn't give up much. He had been able to revise his moves quickly and efficiently, the appropriate attacks for each situation coming to mind when he needed them. He quickly shook his thoughts clear; he needed answers from this female before anything else.

"Who are you?" He put forth not so subtly. He'd never really been that good with beating around the bush, and it showed in his speech patterns. The cloaked figure could almost be heard frowning. "You already know the answer to that question. The better question is: Who are you?" She responded, before bounding to a rooftop and dashing off, powerful strides carrying her quickly across the rooftops. Ranma made the leap to follow, but found nothing of the woman on the horizon. Searching with his ki senses brought nothing he didn't already know from looking, she was gone. He hung his head in defeat when he noticed something shining in the afternoon sun, it was a necklace. It was half of the yin/yang symbol, particularly the male of the two pieces. As he scanned over the small piece of jewelry he noticed that in place of the customary dot of the opposite color, there was a small character. Though he knew it was not Kanji, he felt that he knew what it meant. It was than that he noticed a note tagged to it.


Please take this necklace; though you don't know me anymore, you know that we have met before, and that I am your friend. I only hope that this might help you regain something of the memory you have lost. And you are right, it isn't written in Kanji. It can only be said that we will undoubtedly meet again, when you remember who I am, and who you are.
~Until you remember,
A Friend

Ranma looked at the necklace in his hand, and again at the note. He knew the small thing was his, and found a certain familiarity with it. He sighed and slipped the jewelry around his neck, tucking it under his shirt. He'd hide the small thing, as it was undoubtedly worth a great deal of yen, if his appraisal was correct, just as with the music device, he'd hide it from Genma. He looked around at the ground below him and shook his head, his pigtail swinging slightly even as it swayed in the breeze that belonged to none but him. "Fools, they thought they could dominate me, dominate a man undefeated by even the gods? I pity their ignorance." He said, as his eyes seemed to mature slightly for the moment, before he bounded off into the setting sun.

To Be Continued...

Techniques Translation:
Ryuusei Ame: Meteor Rain, an anger empowered extreme speed punch attack that utilizes ki-blasts that burst into the victim/recipient upon contact.