Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kasumi and the Demon, or who needs martial arts? ❯ Kasumi and the Demon, or who needs martial arts? ( Chapter 1 )

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Kasumi and the Demon, or who needs martial arts?

by: CarlT

Disclaimer: The characters used in this story aren't (as everybody knows)
mine. They, of course, belong to Takahashi-sama.
Author notes: see at the end.
Ranma, Akane and Nabiki were in the dojo...laughing.
Laughing so hard that none could stand on their feed.
Years of the most intensive martial arts training were rendered useless
as Ranma was rolling on the floor holding his ribs that were hurting
from all the laughing... for nearly half an hour.

It wasn't as some might expect from some obscure artefact or potion.
There wasn't some outside force making them laugh against their will.
After what Happousai did this day there shouldn't have been any reason
to laugh, especially not for Ranma.

Happousai had summoned a demon to show Ranma who the master was.
A nasty deep red demon.
With long and sharp fangs.
Muscles so big, that its wrists were nearly as large as Ranmas (male) waist.
Over seven feet tall.

It made Tarous monster-form look harmless.

Nothing that would trigger such an intense belly-laugh at any rate.

So what had made the three crack up like that (one who was known for seldom
showing a real smile instead of a nasty smirk)?

Well, Happousai was just beginning to gloat after he had confronted Ranma
in the Tendo-dojo garden with Akane and Nabiki as bystanders when Kasumi
had choosen that exact moment to come outside to say, "Oh, hello Happousai.
Don't you want to come in and have some tea?"

Of course that wasn't the reason that had the three rolling on the floor. That was
just the normal Kasumi-reaction. No what was truly humourus was the demons
reaction to he eldest Tendo-daughter presence.

It got sick. Violently so. Its not often that you see a demon turn that particularly
shade of green in the face before clamping both hands over its mouth to keep
its lunch down. And if that wasn't enough, the fact that it started to cower behind
Happousai and began to plead to be send back, sounding like a kicked puppy, was
enough to send the three over the edge.

It was all they could do to make it into the dojo before giving up.
They would have aching muscles for days but it was worth it.

The demon was never heard of again.

As for Happousai? He was sitting in the Tendo living room where, after unsummoning
the demon, he was grumbling and drinking tea next to a smiling Kasumi.

Author notes: That particular idea wouldn't leave me alone (at 5 in the morning, who
the h**l needs sleep?).
It started with the thought: Just why doesn't Happousai ever try to glomp
Kasumi and Nabiki. Nabiki is easy to explain. No one in their right mind
would dare to do something like that. They would regret it.
Kasumi on the other hand, while in my opinion knows exactly what is going
on, wouldn't do anything. She's simply too nice.
Of course people said this before but I have never seen it like that.
If even a thing of concentrated evil can't lay a finger on her, how should a
normal person be able to?

As for announcing the author notes at the top?
Well, some don't like them, some do. Who am I to say what is right.
As such I'll stop wasting your time and humbly ask for C&C at: