Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Master of Mosquiton ½ ❯ The Awakening of a Noble ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Ranma ½ is owned by Takahashi Rumiko, Viz and some other people. Master of Mosquiton is owned by Akahori Satoru, and a few other guys. I do not claim ownership of anything and I'm not making any money out of this. This is simply for my own amusement.


"..." Japanese speech.
"*...*" Thoughts.
~...~ Sounds.

Master of Mosquiton ½
Dark Master Schmidt

Chapter One: The Awakening of a Noble.

The eastern morning sun rose vigorously upon Nerima, thus, bestowing another beautiful sunny morning to the people of Nerima. People, young and old, have already started their usual day activities. Some left home for work, some stayed at home to finish their housework. But most importantly, the younger generation going to school with energy and enthusiasm.

The young students of Furinkan High walked on the road leading to the school stumbling and yawning loudly.

Well, maybe not. But that's not the point!

Tendo Nabiki let out a small yawn as she went through the great gates of Furinkan High. Ah, another day at school, another day with business. She gave a small smile. God, was she a genius! Not a day passed without her making at least fifty thousand yen. Fifty thousand yen! Can you believe that? For someone her age, and her ways of making money, it was simply amazing. But still, she was not satisfied with that. She wanted to make more, much more than that. She continuously dreamed that she, and her family, would live like kings. And Nabiki was not one to give up easily! That was one of the reasons why she has this new hobby of sorcery. She widened her smile.

"*Tonight,*" she thought. "*Tonight it shall happen, here, in this school.*" Upon finishing that small thought, she gave a few giggles as she continued on in side the school.

This, however, was not expected to the usual male bystander. For a moment there, they had the thought of thinking she was cute. This would normally make them feel somewhat happy. But this is not a normal situation. One must never, ever, think of Tendo Nabiki, the Ice Queen herself, of being cute. The consequences will surely be... unpleasant. Immediately, they dismissed the thought.

The female students, on the other hand, felt differently. There she was, right in front of there very own eyes, the woman they thought highly of. Oh, how they'd kill to be in her shoes. Smart, successful, rich and so and so on... Ahhh... What, they can dream, can they not? Trying to dismiss such thoughts, they continue on with one thought on their minds; what would it be like being Tendo Nabiki?


The day went on as usual for Nabiki. She watched her younger sister, Akane, through the window beat the horde of boys one after another, then, Akane got rid of that idi- err, her prized customer Kuno. Then, Nabiki spent the time with a few classes, started her business at lunch time, creamed the students out of their money, had a bite to eat, another few classes and before she knew it, school was over.

"Ah, what a day." A busy day, indeed. But she was still far from finished with it. Why, she still had to...

"Hey, Nabiki!"

She raised her head from the note book she was writing on to face what interrupted her thoughts. "Oh, Akane... What is it?"

"Let's go home together!" She said cheerfully.

Idly, Nabiki wondered how she could be cheerful with all that commotion every morning. Well, uh, maybe she got used to it?

"Sorry, Akane, I'm busy today. Maybe next time." She politely declined.

"Oh, I see." She gave a glum look. "See ya at home, then!" She quickly left the homeroom.

At first, she did feel a bit guilty but it quickly vanished. "That Akane..." She shook her head. Waiting at her desk for a few more minutes, the school became empty. It was time to begin.

Gathering her things, she got up, and exited the room and into the semi-lit halls of the school. Kind of creepy, wouldn't you say? She didn't really like walking around dark places; it gives her the chills. Today, however, was an important day. Finishing with it, she won't have to do this ever again!

Walking around for about five minutes or so, she arrived at her destination; the school's library. Once in the dark room, she turned the lights on.

She walked to the far edge of the library and studied the books on the shelf. Where was it again?

"Hmm, here it is." She pulled a large book and threw it away on the ground. She then reached out inside of where the book once was with her right arm. Just a little more. AH!

After a few seconds, the sound of a click is heard. Taking a few steps back quickly, she saw the shelf slip away revealing a hidden door.

She gave a quick smile and entered the door.


The still smiling Nabiki faced the room. At first, she thought this was a creepy room when she accidentally discovered it a few months ago, but now, she felt highly comfortable in this secluded room. Who would've thought that such a room existed within the school's library? It's the perfect place to get away from the entire world for a while.

When she first found it, she was quite surprised with the contents of the room. From magical artifacts such as, wands, books, potions and so on, to modern weaponry like guns, canons... etc. She had wondered who was responsible for such a place and what his or her actions was, but for now, she'd use this place for her own benefit. This place even had a high quality PC! Oh, joy!

She walked towards the PC on the desk in the far corner of the room and sat down.

"Let's see now..." She pulled the drawer and got an old book from inside with the title 'The Summoning'. Rifling through the pages, she found what she wanted and started reading the same line for the twentieth time this week.

"The noble vampire, Mosquiton, shall arise from his deep slumber on midnight with the Star of Summoning and the correct spell. Follow the instructions in this book carefully shall you want to succeed." It was a simple sentence, yes, but the actions are not. This Mosquiton will surely be of benefit to her profits. Yes, a noble vampire working under her command will be profitable. Day after day for months she studied and memorized the spell carefully and the time to actually start has finally come.

Doing some reading for a while on the countless books in the room, she took a look at her watch.

"10:30 PM?! Damn, I got to hurry up." And with that, she got up and picked up a bag lying near the door and exited in a hurry to the nearest most suitable place; the back of the school.


Huffing tiredly, she took a glance at the Star of Summoning she just finished drawing on the ground with a proud look on her face. Every single detail was drawn the same as the picture in the book.

"So, art class was useful after all." She muttered. She took another look at her watch. 11:55. It's time to start.

Standing in front of the Star of Summoning with all her height, she raised her hands to mid level and began the first words of her spell.

Word after word she spoke until she began to feel being drained. Was it the power of the spell? She did not know nor did she care at the moment, she had to finish the spell at all costs.

Three minutes had passed and the spell is not finished yet. Memorizing ancient words of such a long spell was such a great task that- no, she most not let her thoughts drift. Concentrate.

Dark clouds gathered at the skies above her. The sounds of bolts clashing as if beasts roared in the skies. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally finished the spell. A bolt of lightning stroke the middle of the star before her with great might causing small debris and dust spread all over the place.

She held her hands to her face protectively as she waited for the dust to clear. When it did, she took a glance at the star and to her surprise a large dark coffin lay there, where the lightening struck.

Did she... do it?

Filled with excitement, she started to approach the coffin slowly. When she was merely five feet away, the cover of the coffin flung open causing her to jump back.

Inside the coffin a figure shakily stood up and shook his head as if to clear his mind. Looking at him, he appeared to be around 20 of age, a little tall, he wore a dark suite and a cape, he also had long dark bangs that would have covered his face weren't for that dark bandanna. And he was kind of cute, too!

Looking coldly towards her, she took notice of the fangs that marked him as a vampire. He stepped out of the coffin and took a few steps towards her the stopped.

She gave him a sheepish smile. "Uh, hello?"

Suddenly, two figures one made of fire and another made of ice appeared out of nowhere at his sides. After a few moments of watching in awe, the fire and ice cleared revealing a man with flame-red hair and a beautiful woman with white-ish hair. They ignore her and kneel before the vampire.

"Mosquiton-sama!" The man started. "The time of your awakening has finally come."

"Let us leave this place, Mosquiton-sama."

The vampire seemed to ignore them as he stared into Nabiki's eyes.

Nabiki gulped and took a few steps backward. She didn't like what she heard. "Hey, hey!" She yelled getting their attention. "I've summoned you here and woke you up, you're supposed to follow me!"

Hearing this, the man stood and yelled angrily. "Foolish mortal! Who are you to command Mosquiton-sama?!"

"That's right!" The woman agreed. "We should end your pitiful existence right here and now."

Okay, this is not a good sign. The best and safest thing to do now is probably to run.

The vampire lowered his head causing his over-grown bangs to hide his eyes and gave a grin

The man and woman threw at her a ball a fire and ice that she somehow was able to avoid.

Yup, she needed to run. And she did. She took off as fast as she could and picked up her bag with her. The three of them commenced running after her.

Running near a familiar branch of bushes, she quickly searched inside and pulled out a bazooka. She was prepared for such an occasion. She quickly pulled the trigger. She watched with amazement and shock as they simply shrugged the blow off. This is not good. She dropped the weapon, and started messing with her bag.

"Stop!" She yelled as she pulled out a large wooden and sharp cross.

They stopped and watched her pointing at them with the cross.

"Is this some kind of joke?" The man snapped. "Don't insult us, girl!"

"*Huh? This isn't working? It can't be...*" She thought with despair.

The vampire looked at her with cold eyes. This human girl... There was something familiar about her. He looked at his servants both summoned a ball of their element and prepared to shoot. He then looked at the soon-to-be dead girl and his imagination drifted. He looked at a smiling face of the girl and with longer hair, she was... He immediately snapped out of it and his eyes widened. The balls were thrown.


Nabiki looked in slow motion at both balls that will surely kill her slowly approach her. She held her arms protectively and closed her eyes. How could it end this way? She did not want to die just yet! This can't be happening, she wanted to awake from this nightmare!

She waited for the impact and suddenly felt warmth surround her, but... there was no pain. Has she already died? She felt her body shift a little. What was happening? Slowly, she opened her eyes. And stared directly into the widen dark brown eyes of the vampire. He had saved her? But why? She shook her head and took a clearer look at him and noticed the pained look on his face.

He let go of her, stumbling a few steps backwards. Soon, it became clear to her, the sharp cross she was holding lay deep through his heart.

"Ugh... AAAAGGHHH!!" He gave loud scream as he shrunk to mere dust before her.

"Mosquiton-sama!" The pair yelled in unison.

Nabiki sank to her knees as she breathed heavily. He... He had... saved her. Looking up at the pair, she shielded her eyes as they began to shine with a bright light. Now what? Looking at them again, there stood little children before her.

"Dammit!" The boy yelled. "We were so close to getting rid of her!"

"Yeah! Yeah!" The girl agreed. "He was starting to look cool, too!"

What the...? These children can't be...

"Hey, lady!" The boy yelled at her. "You won, okay? Now bring our master back!"

"Yeah, yeah! Bring him back!"

She looked at them both. Bring him back? The book mentioned of a way in this situation, and it said "something" interesting about it, too. She grinned evilly.

"Sure." She said. She walked towards the dust that was once a vampire and stood. She took her index finger to her mouth and took a bite causing blood to flow freely. Wincing a little, she lifted her finger above the dust and a drop of her blood fell on it. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she was surrounded with...



The next day...

The sound of a loud clock alarm filled the room. "*Uh, morning already?*" He reached out with his hand and attempted to stop the alarm. Just five more minutes, yeah, that's it, five more minutes. That's all what he needed.

Failing in quieting that damned clock, he flung open the cover and crushed it with his hands. "Fine I'll get up!" Looking at his hands, he sighed. Whoops, that's the second clock he broke, he needs to be more careful.

He lazily got out his coffin as he scratched the back of his head. He'll be late if he didn't hurry.

After changing into his dark pants and a white shirt, he got out of his bedroom and into the kitchen.


Not wasting any time, he went to the fridge and opened it. Inside, a girl slept there peacefully.

"Ahem, Yuki-chan! Wake up!" He gently woke her.

Yawning, she rubbed her eyes gently and faced him. "Ah, Mosquiton-sama..." She said, still sleepy.

"Yuki-chan," He said, grinning. "Could you go get Hono and make me some breakfast?"

She rubbed the rest of sleep out of her eyes. "Yes, yes, I'll get him right away."

Ten minutes later...

Mosquiton stared at the plate of scrambled eggs on the table. He's been having it rough lately; some peace and quiet was pretty much welcomed. "Itadakimasu!" He quickly gulped the food down.

"Master," the redheaded boy started. "Really! Vampires aren't supposed to eat human food!" He looked a bit annoyed.

"Yes, he's right!" The girl agreed. "And why are we supposed to listen to that wench, anyway?"

He gulped down the last of the food and faced them. "Hono, Yuki," he looked serious.

Finally! Some answers! The children smiled.

"I'm done! Please clean up the dishes!" He smiled.

They sweatdroped. "Ha~~~i!"

"Excellent! Now, be good while I'm gone!" He hastily waved them good bye and got out the apartment.


Tendo Nabiki was having another nice day. Yes, even the commotion yesterday didn't ruin her day. Since she woke up this morning nothing seemed different; just another usual day at school. Well, her family did ask her why she returned home late, but, being the genius that she was, made up a convincing excuse and went to bed. What, you weren't expecting her to be unprepared now, were you?

This may seem like another usual day, but that isn't completely so. You see, rumors of a new teacher have already started in her class. Even the mighty Blue Thunder, Kuno, was interested who this new peasant that will teach his noble blood.

The class immediately quieted down when the door slid open. A tall man dressed in simple clothes walked in and stood in front of the class. He gave a loud yawn.

Upon seeing him, the female students got highly interested with the new teacher. Why, they were expecting another old, ugly and mean teacher. Kami-sama has answered their prayers!

The male students, however, noticed the girls’ reactions and got greatly annoyed. First Kuno, now this guy? Can't they have some fun around here?

"Ahem," they quieted down as he began to speak. "Ohayou gozaimasu!" He said with a wide grin.

"My name is Ryouga Von Mosquiton and I'll be your new physics teacher! Dozo yoroshiku!"


Japanese words I used in this story:

Sama: Lord, master... etc.
Chan: Little.
Ohayou gozaimasu: Good morning.
Dozo yoroshiku: Pleased to meet you.
Hai: Yes, okay... etc.
Itadakimasu: An expression of gratitude for the food.

Author's Notes:

This has been on my mind for while now, so I'd thought to write it up! =) Plus, there aren't that many Ranma/Mosquiton fics, huh? Anyway, what do you guys think? Nabiki in the place of Inaho and Ryoga as Mosquiton! As for Ryoga's character, I thought of mixing it Mosquiton's. Any comments, suggestions, ideas or flames will be welcomed, I guess. ^-^