Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Neeko-Ranma's Day Out: A Spoofing Songfic ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The nearby patrons of the stores in Nermia heard a loud “Meow” and a bunch of crashes. The owner of the store ran out and the patrons were wondering what's going on.
“It's that damn kid! He's gone catty again!” The fish store owner angrily said.
“This is the third time this week!” The butcher patron said. “This kid'll drive us out of business!”
(Heathcliff, Heathcliff no one should
Terrify their neighborhood.
But Heathcliff just won't be un
 Playing pranks on everyone.)
“I've had enough of this!” The produce patron said. “Let's get him!”
Meanwhile, Ryoga and Kuno see Ranma running on all fours in front of them.
`At last!' Ryoga thought. `I have Ranma where I want him!'
`The Gods must be on my side!' Kuno thought. `For I shall smite the foul sorcerer today!'
`And Akane will be mine!' They both thought at the same time.

(There's a race to be on top
 The competition doesn't stop.)
`Ranma's Neeko! At last, Shampoo will be mine!' Mousse thought as he went to strike at Ranma while thinking about how to seduce Shampoo.

(Mixing it with the ladies man 
Being charming debonair.
The gang will rein supreme
And no one can deny.)
It was to no avail as Neeko-Ranma just sliced Kuno's sword in two, broke Mousse's glasses before knocking him out, and tossed Ryoga into a pond right before Akane showed up.
“P-Chan!” Akane said. “I finally found you!”
`At least she won't think I started a fight with Ranma.' Ryoga thought.

(They'll make some history and always have an alibi.
So join in the jubilee the cats are great, they'll all agree.
Neeko-Ranma then climbed up into Akane's room and placed the fish on her bed, thinking that she would like the gift.

(You'll find in each calamity the cat's superiority.)
`All this because those idiots thought I was a mindless half of Ranma?' Neeko-Ranma thought. `HA! If they only knew I do this just to have fun at those morons' expenses. Maybe tomorrow I can do something to bring Ranma and Akane together, but right now, I need sleep.' Neeko-Ranma then went into Ranma's room and fell asleep.

(Huh, ah oh, oh ah oh, ah uh.
Huh oh ah, ah oh, oh ah oh uh uh.)
When Ranma woke up, he saw the shop patrons, Akane, Kuno, and Mousse mad.
“Uh… what's going on?” Ranma asked wondering if his Neeko half had something to do with it.
“Our shops…” One patron said.
“My sword…” Kuno said.
“My Shampoo…” Mousse said.
“And my P-Chan!” Akane finished for everyone.
“GET HIM!” They all shouted as they rushed for Ranma.
`Looks like I got Ranma into more trouble this time.' Neeko-Ranma thought from within his human half. And Ranma could have sworn he heard a mischievous voice as he ran like hell.

(Heathcliff, Heathcliff no one should
Terrify the neighborhood.
But Heathcliff just won't be undone
You should realize he can win it with you!)