Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ No Cure For the Untruthful ❯ The Plan ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Hi-minna! Back once again with chapter 7! I would like to thank you all for reviewing my story! (Especially my regulars and you know who you are). I love to read all your reviews… they inspire me so much. Well, read and enjoy! ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma ½ :(

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Akane slowly backed away from the spot where Ranma and Ryoga were sitting, after she heard Ranma mention that they should find Akane and try to explain themselves.

Akane tried to quickly but quietly dart back to the area in which she had previously been.

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"I wonder where Akane went." Ranma thought aloud as Ryoga and himself were making their way around the area. They suddenly came to a halt at the sound of Akane's voice. She was talking to herself about something. Then she seemed to ponder heavily over something.

"Akane!" Ranma yelled interrupting her thoughts as he made his way toward Akane. Ranma ran up to Akane, ready to apologize and give an explanation. "Akane, we just wanted to-" Akane cut Ranma off with a shake of her head.

"It's okay, Ranma. I thought about it some and it really was my fault that I never noticed to clues you always threw at me about P-chan." Akane said laughing cheerfully.

Ranma and Ryoga reared back; suddenly afraid of Akane and the way she was acting.

"So your not mad anymore?" Ryoga asked cautiously.

Akane laughed merrily, (which sounded slightly satanic to Ranma's ears) "Of course not. I just told you I'm not mad at you guys." Akane said smiling.

The confused duo looked at each other then back at Akane. Something just wasn't right. The Akane they knew wouldn't be acting this nice to them after what they had just done.

Deciding not to explore this oddity too much, lest Akane turned back into herself and decide to kill them, he told her that they should return home. He then turned to Ryoga. "Ryoga, are you coming with us?" Ranma inquired.

"No. Even though Akane-san says she forgives me, I am still too ashamed to be here. Farewell, you will not see me again." Ryoga said as he dashed off to God knows where before Ranma could stop him. 'Oh well. He'll probably get lost and end up back in Nerima anyway.' Ranma turned to Akane shrugging his shoulders. "Are you ready to go?" He asked again.

"Yeah, we should. I want to see my family and…Hiroshi." She finished almost dreamily, turning as she said his name so that she could be sure that Ranma had heard her.

This comment quickly erased the smile that Ranma wore. His eyes narrowed dangerously. "What do you mean by that?" Ranma hissed.

"Me? Oh nothing." Akane replied nonchalantly, seeming to come out of her dreamy state. Then turning to Ranma "We should start off now." She replied, as she went to go gather her belongings.

"I just can't wait to get back home." Akane said looking back at Ranma as she started back on the trial to get home.

'Yeah I bet' Ranma silently fumed as he trailed Akane.

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'So far so good.' Akane thought to herself as she looked back at the fuming pigtailed boy. 'At least I know that he at least cares about me.' Akane looked back once more at him. She saw the anger and the underlying hurt in his eyes. It almost made her not want to go through with the rest of her plan. Almost.

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The two had finally made it home, and Soun and Genma were sitting on the porch playing Shogi. Genma saw Ranma and Akane first.

"Ranma, Akane! Where have you to been?" Genma asked slowly getting up.

At his friends comment Soun finally looked up. "Akane, Ranma where were you?" Soun asked, taking one of Genma's Shogi pieces off the board before getting up also.

Akane walked up the porch to greet her father and Genma, Ranma slowly trailing behind her. Akane smiled sheepishly at Genma and her father. "I guess you can say we were taking a "vacation."

"Oh, a vacation." Genma and Soun replied at the same time looked at each other and start discussing something among themselves. Something about hasty marriages and such.

Both Akane and Ranma suddenly realized what their parents were thinking. "It wasn't like that!!" They both yelled, turning red with embarrassment.

"Akane-san. Your back!" Hiroshi yelled, suddenly coming out of the training hall.

'Here goes nothing.' "Hiroshi!" Akane yelled back, running past a stunned Ranma and into Hiroshi's arms. "I missed you." She sighed adoringly.

Ranma was not the only one surprised at Akane's reaction. Hiroshi just stood there looking at the girl in his arms. Then a slow grin crept across his face. 'So Akane has finally come to her senses.' He thought, as he returned her embrace. "I missed you too, Akane." Intentionally taking the honorific off of her name.

This did not go unnoticed by Ranma. 'Who the hell did he think he was, putting his dirty hands on MY Akane?' Ranma fumed. "If you ever want to be able to use your hands again, I suggest that you take them off my girl." Ranma growled.

Hiroshi abruptly let go of Akane, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Is that a challenge?" Hiroshi demanded, dropping into a fighting stance.

"Yeah." Ranma said, also getting ready to fight.

Akane who had been slightly stunned at Ranma's reaction sought to break up their would be fight. She wanted Ranma jealous, but she didn't want one of them seriously hurt. And by the way they were eyeing each other, one of them would be.

"Ranma, by the way you are acting, you would think that you care about me!" Akane said trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

Ranma scoffed wanting to say something that would fix his wounded pride. "Are you kidding? Why would I not care about someone like you?" Ranma looked slightly surprised. 'I almost forgot about the truth potion.'

Akane hid her surprise as best she could. Had she heard him right? She was about to ask him what he had just said but was interrupted by her sister.

Kasumi appeared on the porch. "Father, Genma-kun lunch is re-" She stopped when she saw Akane. "Akane, Ranma! Your back!" She smiled. "Lunch is ready. You can come in and tell me all about it." Kasumi said, going back into the dojo.

Hiroshi went into the dojo after Kasumi. When Akane was about to enter the dojo, she felt something tug on her arm. She turned around to see Ranma. The vulnerable expression he wore tugged at her heartstrings, making her feel really low. "What do you want Ranma?" Akane asked with a sigh.

"How could you like him even after he lied to you?" Ranma winced after he realized his error.

Akane turned around fully to look at him. "Like you did?" She asked, watching Ranma cringe. "I don't want to play your games anymore." She said, as she made her way into the dojo.

Ranma stood rooted to the spot; completely baffled by the way Akane was acting. He was currently unaware of the going on's around him. Or the dark clouds starting to appear, as it started to sprinkle.

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Lunch had long been over and it had started to rain. Akane was starting to get worried because Ranma was still outside. Kasumi informed them that it was now almost time for dinner. Akane was about to use this opportunity to go outside and check on Ranma.

"Akane-san, where are you going?" Asked Hiroshi

"I'm just going to go tell Ranma that dinner is ready." Akane said nonchalantly.

"It's raining outside. I'll do it." Hiroshi said getting up and going out of the dojo. "Ranma-kun-" Hiroshi stopped when he saw the red haired girl, who was giving him an icy glare. Hiroshi's eyes roamed over her appreciatively.

"What the hell are you staring at you bastard!" Girl-type Ranma demanded. Then coming closer. "And if you think that you can take my woman away from me, you have another thing coming!" She finished storming off.

Hiroshi stood there stunned, not entirely sure of what had just happened.

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Ranma slowly opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings. 'I must have fallen asleep in the training hall after I was here training.' He thought, groggily rubbing his eyes. He left the training hall and went looking for Akane. Nabiki appeared on the porch.

"If you're looking for Akane, she went to the movies with Hiroshi." Nabiki said.

Ranma immediately turned angry "Which one did they go to?" He asked angrily.

"Money talks you know." She said holding out her hand.

Not willing to haggle over a price, Ranma slapped some money into her hand. "Where did they go?" Ranma asked again.

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As Ranma came up to the theater, he saw Akane and Hiroshi buying tickets. He was following behind them in a trench coat, so that hopefully, he wouldn't be noticed. He was about to enter the theater with them, when the ticket person told him he had to buy a ticket. He had given all his money to Nabiki. He had only one option.

He went to go find some cold water. Moments latter, a cute red head appeared. She walked up to a boy about to buy tickets.

Girl-type Ranma threw on her best smile and fluttered her eyelashes. "Will you buy me some tickets, please?" She asked the boy.

Seeing this, the boy couldn't resist. As soon as she had the ticket, she raced off after Akane and Hiroshi, leaving the dumbfounded boy.

Ranma spotted them and sat 3 rows behind them. Hiroshi was trying to put his arm around Akane. Ranma grabbed the nearest thing to him, which happened to be some Jr. mints that belonged to the person right next to him. Despite the protest of the owner of the Jr. mints, he threw a little brown ball at Hiroshi's head.

Hiroshi immediately looked back to see what had hit him in the head. Akane wanting to see what was wrong looked back and immediately spotted Ranma. A relieved smile graced her face. "Hiroshi, I have to go use the bathroom." Akane said getting up to leave, Ranma following close behind her.

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Akane waited outside the theater waiting for Ranma. She was relieved that Ranma had followed them. 'What's taking him so long?' Akane thought as several minutes had already past. Then she saw Ranma come out of the theater. Only this time he was a boy again.

He looked very angry. "How could you Akane? We never even went to the movies together, but you go with that lying loser?" He asked loudly, people starting to listen to them.

"Ranma, do you even like me?" Akane asked trying not to sound to hopeful.

Ranma looked her in the eyes. "No." H e replied sincerely.

This reply hurt Akane severely, her eyes starting to tear up.

"I love you." Ranma whispered, taking Akane's hands.

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*Dodges objects* I know I'm sorry about the cliffhangers!!!!!!! I promise you this is the last one though. I only have one more chapter to go. *Sob* I'm sad already. Also, I hope I didn't disappoint anyone because of Akane's "Big Plan". It's like this; I usually plan out everything I do. But for this fic, I didn't plan out anything that I put into this fic. As a matter of fact, I dreamt the whole plot. I just got on the computer and starting writing. So when I put that chapter up last week, I was like 'yeah her plan will be good.' Then I thought about it, and realized that I didn't even know what her plan was. So this was kind of like a last resort. Anyways, please review and tell me how you liked it. And for all you WAFF people, I promise next chapter will be a total WAFF.

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