Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Of Men and Kittens ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Of Men and Kittens
Chapter 6
By: Iron Dragoon

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Sliding the door open, Kasumi stares at the bundle of blankets lying across from the window, currently pinned to the ground by a beam of sunlight. With a sigh, she navigates through the mine field of clothes and personal items tossed across the floor to the mass of fluff.

"Ranko, it's time to get up."

Staring at the slightly moving bundle, she rolls her eyes and nudges it before speaking again. "Ranko, I know it's hard, but it's time for you to at least go to school again, and you know it."

"...I know.. I just.. How am I supposed to introduce myself?" Suddenly popping out of the mass of blankets into view, Ranko clasps her hands together and stares at the older girl with wide, sparkling eyes. "Hi! I'm Ranko! I'm sixteen, and I'm with my first litter! I like Martial Arts and Catnip!"

Twitching slightly, Kasumi responds, "Ranko.. Please.. Never do that again..."

Slumping once more, the shorter girl responds, "Yeah, I know.. Sorry.. It's just hard to get excited about going to school again when I know people are going to be staring at me all day.."

"Ranko, you're going to have to give people a chance some time. You can't keep hiding forever. You might be surprised at how some people react to you. Even if you do look unusual, there are still people in the world with good hearts. You just have to take the time and effort to find them. Now get up." with that, and a parting whap with a pillow, Kasumi got up and left.

Staring after her cousin, Ranko sits in contemplation. Complete with pillow half sitting on her head.

*Hmm.. Might as well give it a shot.. Damn cheery people and always being right..* her stare slowly becoming a glare, aimed towards the door her cousin had just left through...
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Still grumbling and shooting dark looks towards the kitchen, Ranko makes her way to the living room table and sits down.

Chuckling, Nabiki watches her from across the table. "Kasumi woke you up with one of her 'Give the world a chance' speeches, didn't she?"

Sighing and looking over to Nabiki, she answers with a snort, "Yeah, she did.. Sweet and innocent my.." The rest degrading into more grumbles.

Laughing outright, she responds with a much-too-cheery grin, "My thoughts exactly. So I assume you're going to be going to school today?"

"Yeah, might as well. No point in putting it off any longer."

"Good. I was wondering how long those uniforms and supplies were going to collect dust. Go ahead and get ready, we better be off early. I need to get you fully registered and see what we can do about certain idiots at school."

Blinking at her cousin, Ranko tries to figure out what she's hinting at as Akane comes down the stairs with a cheerful, "Good morning! About time you got out of bed for once, lazy."

Staring at Akane for a few more seconds, Ranko suddenly slaps her face to her face with a groan. "Oh, *Gods.* You mean THAT idiot, don't you?"

"Yes, *that* idiot. If you want your first morning to go smoothly in anyway, we need to get you to school before Kuno sets up for the morning."

With a snarl, her third cousin sits down next to her. "That idiot.. I swear, one of these days.." her dark thoughts trailing off into silence just as Kasumi brings out breakfast.
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With a final glance into the mirror and a slight tug where the hole for her tail was cut, Ranko strides out to the living room and picks up her book bag. "Ready, Nabiki?"

"Sure. We're off Kasumi!"

"Alright, have a good day!"

Following her cousin out, Ranko comments, "You know... She is *way* too cheery for this early in the morning.."

"Tell me about it. I don't understand how anyone can wake up with the bounce she does.. Makes me sick sometimes."

Chuckling, Ranko basked in the morning sun for a moment. "Ya know Nabiki, I think I'm starting to like it here.."

"Well, it's about time you stopped moping about. Though, you did have a good reason.. Just look at it this way, you've got Hurricane Akane and the Ice Queen looking out for you, what can get past the two of us?"

"Oh, I dunno.. Kasumi seems to be able to get past the two of you pretty easily." She sniped back with a smirk.

"Kasumi can get past anyone.. Heck, she makes people open their doors and invite her in."

"Heh. True.. She is something else... Can I ask you a favor, Nabiki?"

"Well, usually it'd cost you 500 yen just to ask, but I'll give you a new customer rate. What do you need?"

".. I was wondering if you could call my mom and talk her into visiting once in a while.."

Glancing over at the shorter redhead and seeing her laid back ears, Nabiki lets out her breath through her nose. "I can.. try. I can't promise anything... Uncle got pretty upset when daddy called him and chewed him out.. I haven't seen dad show that much spine in years.. But then, he was pretty angry.. I'd be too if my brother did something like that."


Smirking, Nabiki bumps shoulders with Ranko. "Ah, don't start that again. You've got smile and be pretty for class today."

"Ugh. I wonder how that's going to go, too. Bleh.. Some days, it just isn't worth it to get out of bed, is it?"
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Finishing with the paper work in the office, Nabiki leads Ranko to her homeroom.. "Hmm.. Looks like you share class with Akane. At least you'll have a familiar face to look for and help with rumors and perverts."

"Oh? That's good. What's with the office people? All the did was look at me for a second and then chuckle."

"Uhh, don't worry about them.. They deal with Kuno on a regular basis, as does the rest of the school. You really shouldn't worry too much over this. You'll get a few odd looks and some comments, but most people will get over it in a day or two. Here's your room."
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