Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The Shinobi of Legends ❯ A New Team ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Shinobi of Legends
By CrossoverFanatic
Chapter 7 - A New Team
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters who are originally from Ranma 1/2 or Naruto… even if I could own them, I'd much rather prefer to just create my own characters that can rival them in every shape and form.
In any case, original characters in this chapter consist of Hyuuga Natsumi and Uchiha Haruko, and they do belong to me. Maybe I should copyright these characters, just without the Byukugan and Sharingan in their current form, too bad I have no idea how to copyright something (I'm just that dumb and clueless).
Summary: The new team is out on their first day, and dang are they off to a rough start. Action, drama, comedy, watch as all these unfold in this semi-exciting chapter of Captain Planet!!! Uhhh… I mean Shinobi of Legends!!!
……… sounded better as Captain Planet, didn't it?
“characters talking”
`characters thinking'
Walking down a path on the outskirts of Konoha were three young shinobi, the latest team to leave the quiet depths of Konoha. However, this new team was anything but one, especially with only two members talking with each other while the third was in rear walking very slowly looking as if she was Death itself.
Upon noticing this Ranma looked over at Natsumi who just nodded in response, with that he went over to Haruko to strike up a conversation.
“Pretty nice day, isn't it” Ranma asked with a smile as he began to walk by the young girl's side.
“……” Was the response he got, which slightly strained his happy smile.
He tried again, “So ummm… you look nice today.”
This time the only response he got was a turn of the head and a bone-chilling glare which instantly froze him in place causing him to fall down, she then stomped past him in a huff.
“What'd I do?” Ranma asked with a frown. He looked up at Natsumi who was walking towards him the moment Haruko snubbed away his attempt at being friendly, then she bent down so that their eyes met.
“Maybe she's just having trouble adjusting to the new environment and people,” Natsumi said with a reassuring smile, “Or maybe she's just shy.”
“Well whatever's going on, I hope she snaps out of it soon otherwise this is gonna be a long, long trip.” Ranma then got up and dusted off his pants and began to walk, or at least attempted to walk only to fall right on his face, “Ummm… can you help me up Natsumi, I think she scared my lower body from moving.”
She giggled a little and gave him a hand which he gladly took. After she helped him back onto his feet,
Natsumi looked over at Haruko, who was way ahead of them now, with an expression of sadness and pity. Ranma noticed this and wondered what she was thinking.
When Natsumi noticed the look of confusion, she frowned inwardly and silently thought to herself, `Are you really that clueless Ranma-dono? She's not shy or anything like that, she's just lonely…'

A short while later the entire group was taking a break by a small waterfall. Haruko was sitting on the ground with her legs tucked in her hands, all the while glaring at Ranma. Natsumi was lying on the grass and dipping her legs in the cool water, and just looking around her enjoying the beautiful scenery. Ranma on the other hand was picking some berries and fruit with a nervous look on his face, it seemed that the Uchiha girl's glare was really getting to him.
“Natsumi…” Ranma whined.
Natsumi just turned her body on to her side and leaned on her elbow, only to raise an eyebrow upon seeing his nervous expression. Quietly and quickly, she put her hand in and out of her pocket (you'll find out why later), “Hmmm… what's the matter with you?” she asked.
“Ummm… I was just wondering if you could talk to Haruko-chan to see what's wrong.” Ranma was now shifting his body left and right, it seemed like the brave, strong ninja was getting scared of a small 12-year old girl.
`He can fight tens of enemy ninja with no problem, or spy in a city full of threatening people who would just love to rip him apart, but he can't find the courage to stand up against a little girl,' Natsumi just quietly giggled at the irony.
Ranma who heard the giggle, despite her attempts at hiding it, just pouted. It wasn't his fault that the light-haired girl was really scary, just looking at her direction gave him shivers up and down his spine. “Oh come on Natsumi, it's not that funny!!!”
Her giggles then became full blown-out laughter, she was even rolling around on the ground unable to control herself. “Please it's hilarious!!! I can't believe you of all people is afraid of a little girl!!! Imagine what all our friends would say if they saw you now” She managed to yell out before laughing again.
Seeing how his face was slowly becoming red in anger and embarrassment, she quickly forced her laughter to cease. “Alright, alright, I'll go talk to her,” Natsumi conceded with a few more giggles escaping her lips. “Try not to wet your pants in the meantime, oh great, fearless Kemo-Sabe”
“I'm not scared of her, dammit!!!” came the indignant yell.
“Whatever mister shaky-legs, but you owe me big-time or else I really am going to tell everyone back home that the 1st-class super ninja himself was actually shaking in his shoes because of a young girl.” Ranma just quickly nodded as Natsumi began to get up, besides what did he care what she told other people. He could just deny it in the end, after all who in Konoha would really believe that he got scared `cause of a little girl.
However, Natsumi predicted this kind of thinking right from the beginning and simply took out a tape recorder, that she was hiding in her pocket and turned on earlier, and presented it to him. “Oh, and don't think that people won't believe me either especially since I got proof,” Natsumi then pressed the stop button and smirked evilly at his shocked expression and gaping mouth.
`Bwahahahaha, that's right my little dolly suffer, suffer!!! And don't think that it's over because your torture is just beginning,' her smirk got even larger and more evil at the thoughts of what she could do to him on this journey.
She then turned around and walked towards their other companion, leaving the shell-shocked Ranma all by himself.
`I know she's lonely, but why in the world does she hate Ranma-dono for? Shouldn't she be glad that she has people like him to keep her company' She kept thinking about it, but couldn't come up with anything reasonable that still made sense.
“Hi Haruko-chan,” It seemed that the young girl was so absorbed in trying to turn Ranma's head into melted goo that she didn't even notice the Hyuuga prodigy coming towards her, Natsumi figured this out by the wide-eyes that the girl currently had.
“…… hi……” came the small, barely noticeable whisper.
Hearing this and the way she was trying to scrunch herself up reminded her of her younger cousin Hinata-chan. It was so adorable, that it took all her will-power not to just hug the young girl and squeeze her till she turned red. Which she would then squeeze her again until she turned blue for becoming a cute red. Which she then squeeze her again until she turned green for becoming a cute blue. Which she would then… well by now you get it, Natsumi really loved cuteness.
Haruko, at this point, was getting slightly weary and scared of the lady in front of her especially since she had stars in her eyes and was clasping her hands together while whispering something about hugging her and dressing her up. By now, she was getting ready to run like hell but instead was just slowly scooting away inch by inch, why…… well who knows how small, young, anime ninja-girls really think.
Shaking herself out of her little fantasy, Natsumi turned her attention back to the important matters on hand. “Ano, Haruko-chan I was just wondering… why the heck you're all the way over there,” Natsumi curiously asked after seeing that Haruko was almost 30 feet away from her now. “Come back over here so I can talk to you,” seeing that the little girl was reluctant to do so, she walked over to her instead. She straighten her yukata and sat down on the grass, patting the area next to her indicating that Haruko should also sit down.
After making sure that that the little girl beside her wasn't going to run away, Natsumi began her interrogation.
“Now Haruko-chan, do you mind telling me why you hate Ranma-dono?” Upon hearing that name, Haruko's cute little face warped into a look of pure hatred, and then glared over at the cause of this change causing him to once again freeze up and fall right on his face.
Seeing that her companion's attention was now elsewhere, Natsumi tried to get it back by waving her hand in Haruko's face. “Haruko-chan, Haruko-chan, are you still with me?” Seeing that the young Uchiha was not going to stop anytime soon in her quest of turning Ranma into melted goo, Natsumi just sighed inwardly, then got up and walked over to the frozen statue that was once Uzumaki Ranma.
Dusting her kimono off, to make sure that no grass or dirt was on it, she bent down in front of Ranma and begin poking him in the head with a stick she picked up on the way.
“Hey… hey… hey… hey…”
Natsumi certainly was having fun in torturing the unconscious ninja, saying hey with every poke in an attempt to increase the annoying factor.
“Hey… hey… hey… hey…”
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey…”
Super-Duper Mega Poke!!!!!!
Of course like most other things, this activity was quickly getting boring to the teenager especially since Ranma wasn't even awake to get annoyed or to yell at her. Plus it didn't look like he was going to wake up anytime soon with just the poking tactic anyway. So she just sighed and pulled him out of the ground and began to drag him over towards a tree. Mildly aware of the young girl who was following their every movement with a glare, Natsumi just sighed once again and started to wonder if that girl was ever going to let up.
She then positioned Ranma's body so that he was leaning on the tree, then grasped his shirt and started slapping the hell out of him.
“…Wake up already, you no-good dumbass!!!”
Finally after several seconds he began to stir, but she slapped him a few more times anyway just for the fun of it and just let him drop to the floor. “Uhhh… ow, what the hell happened to me and why does my head and face hurt so much.”
The young Hyuuga, upon hearing this, just innocently began to whistle and tried to look inconspicuous. “Maybe you just fell down the wrong way,” Natsumi suggested.
“Yeah maybe but that doesn't explain my head,” He looked at her suspiciously, and she just rolled her eyes and pretending to look offended. “Well whatever in any case, now that you're finally awake let me just tell you this, whatever you did to her, it must have been really bad…” Natsumi told the young man who was still rubbing his head and face. “…because I don't think she's gonna let up anytime in the near future, just look at her, that is a face of deep pure hatred.”
Once he heard that, Ranma slowly turned around and took a small peek at the brooding girl who did indeed look very pissed off… super pissed off… mega pissed off… oh let's just face it, the girl was one big hate-producing machine!!! Even normal people could have seen her dark aura, and felt that killing intent of hers!!!!!!
He just quickly looked away while shivering greatly… only to come face-to-face with a video camera? What the hell…
“Say hi to the folks back home, oh brave shinobi of fire,” Natsumi cheerfully chirped.
Seeing that Ranma's left eyebrow was beginning to twitch rapidly, Natsumi quickly got up and began to run towards the forest. Making sure that she was safely hidden within the trees, she turned the camera back towards Ranma to capture the rest of his reaction, who was surprisingly still standing there twitching, she guessed it was due to shock or something.
Anyway after a few more seconds, Ranma exploded “I'M NOT AFRIAD OF HER, DAMN YOU!!!!!”
Then he furiously ran straight towards her direction, despite her best efforts in concealing herself. `Crap, I guess it's pretty much useless trying to hide from that man.' She bitterly thought. Then she made sure to put her camera somewhere safe so that it wouldn't get broken in the upcoming fight, and jumped back down onto the ground.
Just as she expected, not even a second later Ranma jumped straight through the trees and landed near her in the small grove she was in.
“I am not afraid of a little 12-year girl, so you take that back you kuso-baka,” Ranma angrily said, with his cheeks still red from embarrassment and anger.
“Hmmm… let me think about that.” She then got into a few cute `thinking' poses, and made `hmm' sounds with every pose pretending to actually think about it (she was pretty convincing too, and anyone who didn't know her would actually believe that she was really thinking about it ).
Finally she came to her `conclusion,' “Nah, because I know behind all that macho facade you're really just like the rest of those dumb jocks who are secretly afraid of most women because you know we can kick your butt,” came the cheeky retort from the bemused Hyuuga. She expected him to yell at her some more, only to quickly jump out of the way from several shurikens which embedded themselves in front of the spot she was just in.
The moment she landed, she looked up to see a smirking Ranma. “We'll see who's afraid of whom when this is all over,” Ranma confidently said to the girl in front of him who was also smirking and exuding the same kind of confidence he was.
Like so many times before, the two ninjas charged at each other, Natsumi was the first one to strike but Ranma quickly dodged the straight palm-strike by bending over backwards. In this position he tried to uppercut her in the stomach only to have blocked with a knee, but in that moment he grabbed her raised leg with his other hand and spun her around to make her dizzy and throw off her equilibrium, then threw her towards the trees.
Realizing that she now had the advantage, due to camouflage of the forest, he silently cursed himself for his over-anxiousness. `Dammit, how could I be so stupid, she must have really gotten to me with her damn teasing,' he angrily thought just before he was forced to dodge several thrown kunai.
Of course, unlike what he did before, she didn't give him the chance to get his thoughts straighten out. She bursted out from her hiding place the moment he jumped away, and quickly landed behind him to strike him with a well-placed kick to the lower back. Then Natsumi swiftly ran straight past Ranma and placed herself right in front of him, who was still flying through the air from her kick, and successfully hit him in the jaw with a regular palm strike.
He then landed several feet away, tumbling on the floor a little, before coming to a stop right on his back, groaning and moaning in real pain. After a few short moments, she was getting curious and slightly worried as to why he was still on the ground, `What's going on those attacks should have been nothing to him, he should already be up by now.'
While she was pondering, she saw him raise his right arm, and sighed in relief then smugly said, “What's wrong Ranma-dono, don't tell me you're actually hurt. You must be getting soft in your old age!” After a few moments she was getting more confused, seeing that he was still just laying there with his right hand (index finger) pointed straight in the air. Then she realized it, he wasn't signaling that he was fine and ready to get up…… he was signaling to her that there was something in the air!!!
“Shit!!!” she managed to yell out just before she got tackled by several hundred Kage-Bunshin clones.
After hearing his clones successfully get the jump on Natsumi, the real Ranma who was still on the ground just lifted his upper body, stretched his arms and back a little, and then leaned on his knees before he arrogantly smirked, “Hehehehehe, you got faster Natsumi. Not to mention your aim and predictions have gotten a lot better, since most of your kunai would hit me if I hadn't dodge just a bit further than I did. But as per usual you never could tell when I was going to strike with Kage-Bunshin.”
Before he could celebrate his small victory, in just a second all of his clones were destroyed in a spherical tornado/whirlwind of chakra and he quickly got up and jumped away to land on a tree branch. `Dammit!!!' he angrily thought, as he heard the trademark name of the powerful Hyuuga-clan attack.
Afterwards he jumped down onto the ground and began waving his hand in front of his face trying to clear the dust around him, then he saw her slowly walk out of the dust and calming stand her ground in front of him with a cool, calculated smirk on her lovely face.
“And as per usual Ranma-dono, you could never tell when I was going use Kaiten”
After hearing that, he began to chuckle and then sighed, “I guess with that said, playtime's over huh?”
The only response he got was Natsumi, who closed her eyes and was frowning, using very familiar hand-seals and the equally familiar sight of veins bulging out near her eyes. Upon completion, she slowly opened her eyes, and he saw small blood-veins in her pupils and a lot of thick veins on the side of her head, he then heard her whisper “Byukugan!”.
Gulping audibly and stretching his collar a little, he began fanning himself with his shirt. While to normal eyes it would seem that he was just pretending to look worried, anyone who really knew him would know that he truly was worried. After all, who in the world wouldn't be, knowing that they were going to fight against a Hyuuga who was serious. Only the stupid, over-confident or suicidal would do something as retarded as challenging a ticked-off Hyuuga.
It doesn't matter how powerful you are or how smart you are, if you fight against a Hyuuga… you're not coming back out of it 100-percent, hell there's a big chance that you won't be coming out of it at all.
They're just that strong.
“Ah crap” he muttered, as he stretch a little, and got into a loose fighting stance. “If I had known we were going to go all out, I would have brought my sword,” he sighed out.
Then came the classic stare-down, who would make the first move? This time around it was Ranma who quickly shot off a basic Katon jutsu to catch her off guard, however she managed to completely dissipate the fire by simply using Jyuuken and thrusting her palm into it.
Ranma knew she was going to do this and quickly ran in front of her as the fire cleared, and grabbed her extended arm to judo slam her into the ground. What he didn't expect was for her to land right on her feet instead of her back, because of that he was forced to sloppily dodge an oncoming palm strike to the stomach……
“Ugh,” Ranma moaned out in pain and grimaced.
…… which he couldn't completely avoid.
Natsumi took that opportunity to attack, but had to side-step an oncoming shuriken and soon she was dodging left and right as a shower of weapon came flying towards her.
“Kaiten!” With just one move, she managed to deflect hundreds of weapons away as if they were nothing but light feathers. However, there was one weakness to Kaiten and that's when the person was slowing down to stop, it left them temporarily vulnerable. Taking advantage of that weakness, Ranma attempted a jump-kick at her shoulder.
This weakness however, only applies to those people who can use this technique and don't have the fabled Byukugan… which is basically no one. In any case, Ranma forgot to take into account the properties of her bloodline, and was thus surprised when his kick was easily knocked away by Natsumi's chakra-surrounded palm.
Quickly recovering, Ranma tried to punch, kick, head-butt, shoulder-slam and in any way hit Natsumi, but alas nearly all of his strikes were deflected away time after time, with her gently using Jyuuken to alter the course of his attacks. He found this to be amazing, usually it would be impossible to use Jyuuken without hurting your opponent in any way, but she was able to control and use her chakra in a non-lethal manner. No wonder she was considered a prodigy, even amongst the Hyuuga Clan.
Before Ranma could use any of his ninjutsu-techniques, Natsumi quickly parried a judo-chop to the side, and flipped backwards to kick him across the jaw. The moment he was thrown off his feet, she struck at his face with Jyuuken creating much more damage then last time, the impact of the blow forced him to fly all the way into one of the highest trees, where he landed on one of the branches.
But while he was still flying through the air, Natsumi easily predicted where he would land and rushed straight towards it. Showing off amazing time and precision, at the exact moment Ranma landed, she reach the tree and hit the base of it with Jyuuken. She was able to control the power of her attack, so that it just caused the tree to quickly splinter and break apart in half from the bottom-up, leaving the poor sap stuck in the branches to fall helplessly down to the hard ground.
Just before the tree hit the ground though, he managed to jump out of it to land far behind Natsumi, who was still facing the forest. But the moment Ranma hit the ground, he fell down onto one knee, spitted blood out of his mouth, and started to breathe heavily signifying how strong her attack really was.
`Oh man, that girl sure can hit hard' Ranma wearily thought to himself, `Why am I seeing 5 of everything? It's like she completely tore apart my brain. Thankfully she held back otherwise she might have done just that. Even though she's serious, she's still consciously aware of the fact that this is just a spar. That's the only reason why I'm not dead right now.'
Seeing that Natsumi still had her back turned to him, Ranma took the opportunity to recover with a healing-jutsu. The moment he started the technique, he saw that Natsumi had immediately disappeared, he took a moment to ponder this before going back to healing his injuries.
Just before he could touch his head, Natsumi reappeared right behind him and grab his wrist, then took his hand to touch her own shoulder, healing a bruise where Ranma managed to get in with a punch from before. “Thanks for the assist Ranma-dono,” Natsumi cheerfully said, just before she struck his back with Jyuuken using her free hand.
This would have hit if Ranma hadn't move to the side at the last second, then quickly countered by taking her hand, which was still holding his wrist, and maneuvered his body so that he was behind her, forcing her into an arm hold.
“Yeah, let's see you get out of this one,” Ranma confidently said, putting more pressure on her arm. “Well if you insist,” Natsumi said through clenched teeth, before tripping him up (and herself in the process) by putting her foot behind his and pulling it upwards. As they were falling down, she took the opportunity to free her arm and quickly turned around to face him, then struck at his exposed stomach with another Jyuuken palm-strike.
Before she could hit him, Ranma grabbed her wrist, and got right into her face, “Alright that's it, playtime's definitely over,” he growled out. He then flung her over a hundred feet away from him, and jumped back to his feet.
Natsumi was surprised by the display of raw strength, so she wasn't aware of the giant fireball coming towards her until the last moment. `What the?!?!?!' Quickly gathering her thoughts, she did the same thing as before and simply dissipated the fireball by using Jyuuken on it but that left a thick smoke to build up in front of her. Thanks to the powers of the Byukugan, she still managed to see Ranma running towards her.
Natsumi turned around to jump away from the hot zone, only to see Ranma quickly appear before her and punched her right in the stomach which caused her Byukugan to disappear due to the immense pain. Then while still keeping his fist lodged in her stomach, Ranma picked her up and slammed her body down into the ground behind him, causing it to slightly crack and break up.
He then raised his other hand and pulled it back, which caused her to flinch and close her eyes. When she didn't feel the impact of a fist, she slowly open her eyes and saw that Ranma was holding his hand out for her to take hold of, and he had a look of pride on his face obviously impressed by her show of skill.
“You did really well today Natsumi, I'm still feeling dizzy from that last attack,” Ranma said with a sincere smile, which slowly turned into a smirk. “But as usual, I proved to be superior, and nothing's ever going to change that!!!” He began to laugh arrogantly, which he usually did after winning a fight.
Taking his hand Natsumi pulled him down towards her, so that his face was inches away from hers. “Well you may be the slightly better fighter Ranma-dono, but I'm always, and I mean always, going to be the dominant one in this relationship,” Natsumi playfully growled out with narrow eyes and tight lips.
Before he could question her on what relationship they had, he heard a quiet but angry voice interject. “If you're so strong then why didn't you save my family?” They turned their heads to see Haruko walking out from behind a tree, with an angry expression on her face and a glare directed towards Ranma.
“What do you mean Haruko-chan?” Ranma questioned.
Catching a rock that was thrown at his face by the small child, Ranma looked at her with a raised eyebrow, obviously puzzled as to why she did that. “Haruko-chan!!!” Natsumi admonished, she herself not believing that the young girl just did that.
“If you're so damn strong then why didn't you save my family from being killed, you bastard?!?!?!” Haruko screamed, angrily pointing at him. “I just don't understand it, I refuse to believe that out of everyone in my clan, I'm the only one you managed to find alive, that I'm the only one you could have saved!!!”
“I bet you purposely let my family die!!!” At this point the young girl was getting hysterical, “You probably hated us, just like everyone else did. I could see it in all their eyes, wondering what made us better than them…” She then collapsed on her knees and covered her face with her hands and started crying “Why didn't anyone to save us, didn't they hear us all screaming?”
As the young girl began to shed her tears, Natsumi moved to try and console the distraught girl but was held back by Ranma's hand. Looking at him curiously, she saw him walk towards her and gave her a hug himself and whisper ressuredly to her.
“Haruko-chan, please believe me when I say this.” Ranma began to say “Nobody in Konoha truly hated the Uchiha Clan enough to see them end like the way they did, the reason why nobody heard your screams was because of the fact that Itachi had created a Genjutsu around the area.” Hearing that Haruko looked up at him and saw him give her a small smile.
“Believe me, if I had any way of knowing that something was going to happen, I would have rushed right over and protect everyone with my dying breath.” Ranma then sighed and looked at her with a sad expression, “It was fortunate that I even found you still breathing, if I did in fact hate you like you say then I would have never bothered to heal you and take you to the hospital.”
Haruko ceased her crying after hearing that, but still couldn't help but wonder, “Was there really nobody else still alive?” Ranma then gave her a genuine smile and said something that brighten her eyes and gave her hope for the future, “Well I know for a fact that Uchiha Sasuke is still alive, in fact I even saw him walking around in the hospital last week. You see Haruko-chan, you're not alone. Especially not with me and Natsumi here, so I promise that you will never be alone.” After that he hug her to his chest, and kept whispering `I'm so sorry' and `please forgive me,' while silently crying.
Haruko looked up at him with a shocked expression, never imagining that someone like him would cry over her family. She then gave him a small smile, and hugged him back, “I forgive you”
After hearing this, Ranma got up and quickly wiped his tears away with his sleeve, then held her hand as they walked back towards Natsumi. “Ano, Haruko-chan could you do me a big favor and not tell anyone that I cried.” He sheepishly smiled at her, “I don't want anyone to think that I was a crybaby.”
Haruko smiled understanding, knowing that she didn't like anyone calling her a crybaby either, “Sure, as long as you don't tell anyone else that I cried too.” Ranma then held out his pinky and gave his solemn oath, she did the same and they both pinky swore never to tell another soul about this moment.
They did not take into account however, the pretty lady who was currently looking at them with large tearful eyes, holding a camera. “That was so beautiful!!!” Natsumi cried out, wiping off her tears with her sleeve. “But could you do that again but this time in the sunlight, since I'm sure I can capture both your tears better that way,” she said, while pointing the camera back in their direction.
Hearing that and seeing the camera, both Ranma and Haruko quickly chased after Natsumi who was way ahead of them since she started to run the moment she saw their eyes widen and jaws hit the floor. “GIVE US THAT CAMERA!!!” came the angered screams of the crybaby duo, but the only response they got was a beautiful giggle, and her repeatedly saying “You can't catch me, you can't catch me…”
Well, things were rocky at the beginning but in the end, it seemed that this Konoha team was going to get along just fine with each other……
“…You can't catch me, you can't catch me!” She giggled, “I'm sure everyone would just love to see this touching moment, they'll probably even turn it into a movie one day!!!” This only encouraged Ranma and Haruko to run even faster.
…… if they don't kill each other first that is.
Author's Comments (R&R)
I'll let you guys in on a little secret, this was the very first chapter I started of this, I wanted to get started on my new characters so badly that I jumped the gun a little. So if you see mistakes here and there, at least know that this was my 1st attempt at fanfiction.
I thought this was more of a filler, but my friend said it didn't feel that way since it developed on the original characters a bit. Don't know what else to say, but I will comment on the Uchiha massacre, I just found it odd that one kid managed to kill off, presumably, hundreds of people in just one night without anyone noticing or hearing anything. It's like saying people didn't notice that a giant 9-tailed fox was rampaging throughout the village, after all you're bound to notice something, explosions from jutsus, screams from people dying. So my brilliant explanation was a genjutsu to block the noise, if you have any better suggestions, please I'd love to hear it, it's rather difficult to fill these plot-holes up.
By the way, I'm going to start on a “Ranma/One Piece” fanfiction pretty soon, its gonna be pretty much the same thing as this. Ranma plus original characters, with cameo appearances from the canon characters and some timeline changes to better fit the story. Keep a look out for it, but beware both these stories are going to be completely original. If you want something lame like Ranma replacing one of the existing characters (Naruto), or him joining the cast on their journey (One Piece), go read another story because you're not gonna like my fanfiction.
Obviously, in some crossover with shorter anime/manga, I'm gonna replace someone with Ranma. For example, “Onegai Teacher,” I'll simply replace Kei with Ranma…… in fact, I'm planning to do this crossover too!!! However, for extremely long anime/manga, I think it's better to go with a bang, and make it new and exciting.
To end my rant…… ONE PIECE RULEZ!!!!!!!!!