Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The Terrible Master Kuno ❯ Chapter 3 part 1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I guess I never inteded in turning this fic into a mega-crossover, but it is inevitable. Oh well...
Disclaimers: Ranma 1/2, AMG, SM, MGPS, TM, and any other I may mention are not owned by me but their respective companies.
Warning: There is possible OOCness but that is expected in a story that isn't supposed to be taken seriously.
Note: I really wished that FF.net would give better criticism. -_-

Evil laugher ran through the halls of the newly risen Standard Building in downtown Tokyo, as the moon rose in the night. Of course, very few people actually heard the laughter, except for two people, one of which was standing in the shadows behind the man known as Biff Standard.
Looking over his computer, he watched as the pretty blinking lights indicated the areas that had been Standardized. On the map, most of America had been taken over, the rest being controlled by the majestic Gates and his Microsoft Corperation, but losing ground monthly.

"Within the year, we expect America to be Standardized, completely wiping out Microsoft from the face of the technological world." One of the extras droned out the report that had been written by the numerous speech preparers, all of which have one task, writing perfect speeches which are direct, and informative, yet completely pointless. All adding to the standarized world.

"And what of Japan? What have we taken over so far?" Standard stood and walked over to the window, conveniently overlooking the city and Tokyo Tower. His ambition, of course was the world, yet Japan had resisted all this time, he would make his stand here.

"Well, Kyoto and most of Okinawa* have been standardized." That same extra reported with as much fevor as before.

"Why most of Okinawa?" After all, he couldn't settle for one half-assed.

"There seems to be some resistance to standardization from a small valley home on the outskirts of Okinawa. Apparently, they refuse to use the Standard system. Every attempt to reach the premises was thwarted by some wierd cat like creature and a girl with greenish hair. At the moment we have made little progress in convincing them of converting." The extra finished then took a step back, as if finishing with all the information that he had gotten prepared.

"I may be able to help with that." Came a jovial and, yet, cocky, voice came from the shadows. How that was possible in a fairly well lit room was strange in itself, but it's anime, so anything is possible.

"And you maybe?" The head of Standard Inc. turned to the new arrival.

"I am the Lord of Terror, rising demon of the underworld. You may call me master Kuno." Kuno struck a pose which he was quickly struck by lightning.

Biff sweatdropped as the self proclaimed Lord of Terror picked himself off the ground, his hair standing on end from the sudden shock.

Clearing his throat to start again, Kuno walked up to Biffs desk, being mindful not to go too near any of the windows in the room.

"As I was saying. I think I maybe able to help you." Kuno finished.

"And what you be able to do?" Biff obviously didn't trust this man. After all, what kind of person can be struck by lighting indoors?

"What else. Get rid of your compeditors and help you conquer Japan." Kuno walked walked over the the screen and made a waving motion, activating the it. Biff had to blush at what came up on the screen.

"As you can see. This is only one of many things I can do." Kuno continued without looking at what was on the screen.

"I have no room in my company for perverts." The company head spoke as he turned away from what was on the screen.

"Pervert?" Kuno turned to the screen to see exactly what he put on the screen and sweatdropped. Laughing nervously, he made another waving motion to show what he meant to show. "This was what I meant to show."

Biff stood up and smiled at what he saw on the screen. It was a threat that would turn anyone away from the ucursed Microsoft Corperation.

"Very well, but what is in it for you?" Biff activated the monitor on his desk, ready to set what up what would be needed.

"Nothing really. Just help me take care of a certain mortal." Kuno smiled before walking back towards the shadows.

"Could you take that thing off the screen?" Biff asked a moment later, pointing at the thing showing on the screen.

"Of course." Making another waving motion, Kuno turned walked away as the screen started to fade, hiding the purple figure which previously shown on the screen...

The Terrible Master Kuno
Chapter 3 part 1
A New Senshi
By Wolfhunter

"Stupid tomboy." Ranma muttered angrily as he rubbed his soar cheek. Why did she have to get so angy. It wasn't his fault that Shampoo always glomped him, that Ukyo always brings something to eat, or that Kodachi decided to try another one of her schemes. Nope, wasn't his fault, yet she always slapped him, which usually hurt more then her notorious hammer. Today's fight had involved all three, which turned into a three way brawl as Akane dragged him away from while they distracted each other. This, of course led to another arguement which ended in him insulting Akane and she slapping him. Which led him to the roof, brooding over the events over the day.

'I really wish I didn't have to deal with this.' he thought as he stared off into the horizon while the evening sky slowly darkened above him.

Staring out into space, he never noticed a strange bird make his perch at the top of the roof...


Somewhere else, not too long ago...

"Now for the test. Tsunami, you must choose your avatar and prove your worth to me as empress of Juraihelm." the old man procreed, completely ignoring his other daughter in the process.

Things have not gone well for Rumia as she had lost to her goody, two-shoes sister Tsunami for the kingdom which she believed was rightfully hers. Having left the room, since she was very annouyed with the celebration, she walked to her quarters.

"Grrr. I can't believe he chose her over me!" she nearly screamed, making her companion jump.

"Well, if you weren't such a..."

"If I weren't such a what?" the should-be queen inquired with a dangerous tone.

"Umm... Nothing." the boy said befor quieting down.

"I will not let that brat of a sister get the thrown easily. She has to pass a test. Well then, I'll just have to make the test as hard as I can. Hahahahahahahahahahahahha." Rumia continued to laugh as she turned the corner...

"Whats so funny sister?" to meet Tsunami.

"Ahh, umm. Just a joke little brother just told me." Rumia lied.

"What jo-ack" Ramia coughed as he was elbowed in the stomach.

Tilting her head in confusion, she decided to ask about it later before turning to her sister.

"Well, you're just in time. I'm just about to choose my avatar, and since you're already here, I think you should come and watch." Tsunami smiled.

Flinching at the bright smile, she smiled back and followed her sister.

Entering the room, she noticed the viewing globe was already active.

"So is this your avatar?" Rumia inquired. 'If that is, this'll be easier then I thought.'

"Why yes." Tsunami smiled even brighter, "I was actually planning on getting her today."

Rumia nodded before turning to the globe.


"Where the hell am I now!" cried the lost boy before turning a corner... right into the Uuchan's.

"Ran... oh, it's only you." Ukyo/Uuchan stated flatly as she put away her special batch of Okanamiyaki, "Lost again Ryoga?"

"What are you doing in Okinawa?" Ryoga inquired as he adjusted his pack. He fully intended to started his trek towards the Tendo Dojo after he figured out where he was.

"WE're in Nerima." Ukyo sighed, since it would be hopeless to get him on track.

"But I. Nevermind." the boy then turned and left out the door.


"Uuchan's," Ukyo said as she picked up her phone, "Uhuh... One Okanamiyaki to be delivered to... uhuh... ok. Be there in fifteen minutes. Thank you."

"Konatsu, could you look after the store while I take this delivery?"

Recieving the nod from him, she took off out the door with the order.


Wandering the streets, the lost boy was, well, lost once again. Taking a corner, he stumbled upon a gated mansion.

Shrugging he took a left, only to find himself inside the mansion.

"Hello." A gentle voice called out.

"Ano, could you tell me where the Tendo Dojo is." Ryoga inquired before he set his eyes on a majestic beauty before him, which instantly turned him to mush.

Tsunami raised an eyebrow at the reaction. She knew she was beautiful, but to get this kind of reaction.

"Are you okay?" she spoke as she slowly made her way down to where Ryoga stood stock still.

"I-I-I'm just fine." he stuttered, to which she found cute.

"I guess I can get to the point. I need your help." she started.


"In turn I can help solve a little problem of your curse. It won't cure it, but you will no longer turn into that cute little black pigleeeeet." She was caught by surprised as Ryoga seemed to snap out of his trance and glomp her for all that it's worth.

"Yes. I'll do anything that'll keep me from turning into that thing."

At this, Tsunami smiled before distangling herself from Ryoga.

"Ok. All you need is this..." Tsunami quieted down as she explained what needed to be done.


Rumia growled as she watched the specticle in front of her. She knew that she had to do something, but what. It would be to difficult to find an avatar so soon. Unless...

She turned and scannned Nerima for a suitble canidate...


Nabiki stared as if all reality seemed to have crashed around her as she watched the news report on the television.

["A disturbance rocked the district of Nerima as a man dressed in a robe attacked with these...these... It's just too horible to discribe."] the reporter on the scene spoke out, fear evident in her voice as the camera panned to watch the distruction.

What was shown was... disturbing. There stood, Kuno waving his sword around as he commanded an army of Chibi-Kunos. Every where men and women ran from the maniacle laugh as the army systematically destroy every system that did not run on the Standard System.

["Who will save Nerima from this menace. Wait, a new group has just arrived."] the reporter spoke as she turned to watch the specticle.

["...in the name of the Moon, I will punish you!"] cried out a girl among four others in a sailor fuku.

["The fabled Sailor Senshi have arrived."] the reporter continued.

The fight then started, with the Senshi already in jump and scatter mode, having too many targets infront of them.

["Shabon Spray!"] a thick mist clouded the view as various phrases were shouted out.

Shaking her head, Nabiki turned toward the book she was reading, leaving the TV on.


Down Town Nerima.

The fight had not gone well for the Senshi. They managed to get nearly a 12 of the hundreds of Kunos in the half an hour, but they were slowly being overwhelmed.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha..." Kuno laughed at the specticle. He was powered by the energy from hell.

"He's too powerful." Moon stated as she picked herself off the ground after being dog piled by a group of Kunos.

Kamen had already fallen, as well as Venus and Mars. Mercury managed to fair somewhat well, since they had determined as a lesser threat. Venus and Jupiter were too busy fighting off the others, but they were tiring too.

Getting a determined look, Moon stood up, and took out the Silver Imperial Crystal...


'I can't believe I'm doing this.'

"Pretty Mutation..."


Slowly, Moon started to pour her energy into the crystal for a final attack which would most likely kill her, but at least they would win.




Mercury, realizing this, ran after their leader, attempting to stop her form making a mistake which would cost them a lot.




["All hope seems lost... Wait. Someone else has just arrived."]

Kuno turned to the new comer.

"Who the hell are you?" Kuno yelled as he stared incrediously at the amount of pink the new comer was wearing.

'I really don't want to do this.'

"For disturbing the peace, and making me have to come out in this. Prepare to DIE!" the girl ran up to Kuno with the oversized want in her hand before beating down on Kuno. One by one, the Chibi-Kunos dissapeared as he slowly lost power from the beatings.

The beating continued relentlessly before Kuno managed to knock the girl off. Making a hasty retreat, he left one message.
"I will be back. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha."

After a short period of time, the new girl turned to the now recovered Senshi.

"Are you ok?" the girl inquired.

"Yeah, but who are you?" Moon asked.

"I guess you can call me Ry-yipe!!" The girl jumped as something bit her leg. When she looked down, she noticed a familiar black piglet on the ground glaring up at her.

"Uhh. Magical Girl Pretty Yomiko." 'Yomiko' said.

On the roof of a nearby buidling, another girl stood, the shadow hiding her features as her hair swayed in the wind.