Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The Ultimate Challenge ❯ Chapter 12

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

TITLE: Interlude II

BY: Jessi

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the R 1/2 characters.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I just finished reading comments from a reviewer (thanks to all who reviewed, I appreciate your constructive criticism!) and I have this to say. I am only 13 years old, and The Ultimate Challenge is the first fanfic that I've ever written. I know that my grammar and punctuation is not perfect, but what can I say? I'm not a perfect writer, and chances are I never will be. I also know that the characters in TUC can be very OOC sometimes. But I compare fan fiction writing to buying a dress. You buy the dress, but sometimes you have to alter it for it to fit your body. The same thing goes for writing fanfics, you have the characters, but sometimes you must mold and change them to fit your story. I think that OOC characters can be just as interesting as those that are in character. Oh yes, one more thing, to the reviewer who commented that Akane seemed "remarkably stupid" when Ranma started screaming in his sleep about Amazons, are we talking about the same Akane? Because the Akane in MY fanfic is the girl who STILL has no idea that Ryoga is P-chan, despite many incidents that would reveal Ryoga as the pig.

Akane rubbed her weary eyes as she took a break from poring over the mountains of books in Dr. Kounjo's library. So far, they had found nothing concerning the Shun Cong De spell, but Ryoga had read about an age-old relic that was much like the Nanban mirror. It transported the holder back in time 15 minutes when broken. Mousse wasn't doing much research; his eyesight wouldn't permit it. He occasionally scanned a book or two, but usually he just assisted Akane and Ryoga when they came across Chinese lettering, or he fetched more books when they asked.

During the next few days, nothing was found, and when they had searched Dr. Kounjo's entire library, they packed up and left for the next name on the list.

They traveled for two straight days before they arrived at their next stop. Once again, they found nothing, and moved down to the next name.
This continued for several weeks, they found nothing till they were halfway down the list.

Cecile McDowell was a pretty middle aged woman from America. She was an expert on Chinese tribes, and she was especially interested in the different kind of healing powers and spells that they had established. Miss McDowell was currently studying up on reversal spells in China.

Miss McDowell had seemed to be expecting them, because she was waiting on her front porch when they arrived. She invited them in and they told her a bit about themselves, and then they started to search her library.

Cecile was happy to assist them in any way she could. She even sat down with Akane, helping her look for anything regarding the spell.

After a while, Cecile scooted her chair back from the table, and stretched her arms.

"It's late. You young people shouldn't be up at this ungodly hour for any reason. How about you go to sleep and I'll continue searching for a while. If I find anything, I'll let you know in the morning. Now, get to bed!" Cecile said in a motherly fashion.

Akane was about to protest, but the look Cecile gave her reminded her so much of Kasumi that the protest died on her lips.

"Thank you, Miss McDowell. Goodnight," Akane said as she stood.

"My pleasure," Cecile said. "Goodnight Akane."

Ryoga and Mousse were still poring over books, and Cecile walked up behind them undetected; they were so absorbed in the books they didn't notice her presence.

Cecile laid a hand on Mousse's shoulder, and he looked up.

"Mousse, Ryoga, it's time for you to go to bed. Akane's already went to her room," Cecile said. "Don't worry, I'll keep on looking and if I find anything, I'll tell you in the morning," she added.

They bowed to her, and then they too left the library.


Akane was up at the crack of dawn, eager to resume her duties in the library. She dressed and headed to the library to find Cecile slumped over a book on Amazon spells. Akane rushed to her side and found that she had fallen asleep while looking through the book.

*Poor woman... I wonder how long she's been asleep? * Akane wondered.

Perhaps she sensed someone nearby, but for whatever reason, Miss McDowell woke up abruptly.

"Ahh! Good morning Akane, it's nice to see you're ready to start working again! What a work ethic!" she commented.

Akane could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks as she flushed. She didn't have a work ethic at all; she just really wanted to find a cure for Ranma. She smiled at the older woman and nodded.

"Well Akane, I'm glad you're eager to begin working again, but there really is no need. I think I may have found what you've been looking for. But I believe Mousse and Ryoga should be here as well. I'll go wake them," Cecile said. She stood and walked past Akane to the door.

Akane was speechless, as soon as her hostess was out the door; she sank to her knees. *She found it? The cure? In one night, she found the cure, and soon we can go home...* Tears streamed down Akane's face unbidden and she wiped them away with her sleeve.

Sensing that Cecile, Ryoga, and Mousse were nearing the library, Akane got to her feet. She took several deep breaths to collect herself and tried to make her eyes look less puffy, but to no avail.

Cecile walked through the door first, holding it open for her guests. When they were all seated around one of the numerous oak tables, Cecile held up the book that she had supposedly found the cure in.

"I think I may have found your cure in this. It shows the procedure to make the cure. I'd be happy to help in any way I can!" the older woman exclaimed.


After many hours of labor, the cure was finally ready. Akane held the tiny vile of lavender liquid in her palm; she felt as though all her wishes had come true.

*I know that we're supposed to go home once we find the cure... but I just don't want to. I want to find Ranma and do this NOW. I can't wait!*



Mousse paused mid-dial and put down the phone as the Lost Boy walked toward him; drying his hair with a towel.

"Ahh, nothing like a warm bath to give the mind a break! Who are you calling?" Ryoga asked.

"I thought I would call the Tendos to let them know that we have the cure and we'll be home soon."

"Do we have to?" A new voice entered the conversation. "Do we have to go home? Can't we just go straight to Ranma? What's the point of going home first? We can handle the Amazons, and we'll see Ranma sooner this way!" Akane protested.

Mousse opened his mouth to argue, but Ryoga crumbled. "We can do whatever you want, Akane!"

Mousse sighed mentally. *What a lovesick fool Ryoga is,* he thought.


The next morning found the trio to be leaving Cecile McDowell's home in weather that gave a hint of a fast approaching storm. By mid-morning, a violent storm was in full swing, but Akane urged her companions to keep going. They grudgingly obliged, but Ryoga was scared as hell that he would turn into the little black piglet he so despised. Mousse, however, just allowed himself to be carried in Akane's arms as a duck.

"Mousse? Are we headed in the right direction?" Akane looked sternly at the duck when she realized he wasn't even awake. She dropped him in the mud, and screeched, "Get up, Mousse!!!!!"

To be continued...

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is so damn short it's amazing. But it's been a while since I last put up a chapter, and I decided that, short or not, it was time I posted another one. So, here you have it, Interlude II.
I'll be finishing up TUC soon and I'm excited. I'll finally be able to start something else without feeling guilty because this still isn't finished. So for now, please bear with me.