Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Ya gotta HATE somethin about em ❯ Ya gotta HATE somethin about em ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ya Gotta hate SOMETHIN' about em.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma 1/2, no matter how much I want to! *sobs*

Dear Readers,

Here are the results of last week's poll, "What do you hate about the one you love?"

He has no sense of direction whatsoever. I sent him to get me a hammer and he came back three weeks later.


She never takes a break; she's always sweeping, cleaning or cooking, so we barely have time to enjoy ourselves.


He blind. I ask him to deliver ramen to table three, he run into bathroom door.


She's lost all the beauty she ever had, the old woman. Not to mention she doesn't wear sexy lingerie.


He sprouts poetry every two seconds, and he think the world revolves around him, the moron.


She can't cook, she's violent, and she's reeeeeeaaally jealous. No matter how many times I tell her it isn't my fault and that she's got no reason to be jealous, she always sends me flying with that damn mallet of hers anyway.


She takes her business too seriously. She's capable of getting up at five thirty on Christmas day to clean up if she thinks someone will want to come by for lunch.


He's a pervert.


She's a bit vain. If she's trying to impress someone she is capable of spending hours in front of the mirror.


OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! He associates with those peasants, when he could have me all to himself.


She's lazy. I highly doubt that she has ever lifted a finger to help her sister around the house.


She is obsessed with pigs. Pig patterned blankets, pig shaped cookies, pig candles, pig plates, she even has a pig shaped chamber pot!


He's a cross-dresser. Even if he was brought up as a girl it's about time he realized he wasn't!


He treats me as if I were some sort of porcelain doll, he doesn't know how to put off the girls that swarm around him in hordes, he thinks he's the hottest guy in the universe, he has a huge ego.


He's too shy.

-Ladylike Homemaker

Thank you to all who submitted their entries.

AN: Just a little spamfic. This was so much fun to write! Next time, "What do ya love about em?"