Realism Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ T N T ❯ Chapter 12

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I soon found out that you should never, ever
judge someone by their
until you get to know them personally.
Seth's friends were the exact opposite of what I assumed them to be.
They defied the 'Jock Stereotype', and were always available to talk.
We were comfortable with eachother, and we soon became a close knit group.
Seth wasn't fond of sharing, but he put up with it
because at the time, it was what I wanted.
What I needed.
A distraction.
From what? the old me asked. I pushed the voice aside, forced a sugar-coated
smile onto my lips for Seth. He sat beside me, his fingers tightly interlocked with mine.
Near painful, and their vicelike grip grew tighter sitll with each smile
I recieved from
his friends.

He stared at me as I talked to them, laughed with them,
maybe even flirted with them. It was harmless fun, and they knew that,
I knew that. Seth was all I needed, the only person who filled my dreams at night.
So why didn't he trust me?
Why did I have to figure that out the hard way,