Rebirth Fan Fiction ❯ Contemplation ❯ Contemplation ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: Rebirth is property of Diawon C.I. Inc., Tokyopop, and its creator, Kang-Woo Lee. No copyright infringement intended.
Warning: Desh/Lilith fans will not like this. As most of you know, my fanbase is the Desh/Mill pairing, so read at your own risk. Content wise, nothing is explict; not even close. To be honest, this was actually more of a writing exercise and character study of Deshwitat I did as soon as I got my new idea notebook. I tried to portray Desh as acurately as I could manage for my first time doing any kind of story involving Rebirth, but even so, show me no mercy! Shred this thing to bits! Also, depending on how this blows over with you guys, I might consider actually making a fully-fledged story out of this.

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, and I hope you all enjoy.

Looking down at his ring, Deshwitat L. Rudbich gave off a heavy sigh. Lilith; the one he loved. God knows how much he missed her; then again, since when had he ever believed in a god? Nevertheless, he always felt something was missing; he was incomplete without her and he needed to replace that lost piece, but...

There was always that but. That one little nagging feeling that irked him every single time he saw her; Millenear.

From the first time he had met her, there was always that tiny spark that drew his interest to her. That's why he had never felt completely lost when he entered into the...what was it? The 90's? Yes, it was definitely the 90's if he remembered correctly. Whatever it was, Millenear was his light and hope for the moment until he found Lilith.

"But wouldn't that mean that you're being unfaithful to her?" his sub-concious nagged him.

Deshwitat gave a snort and ignored the little voice in the back of his mind. It wasn't like he had slept with Millenear, or something of that nature. No, he'd never do something like that (or at least he hoped not). She was just there, that's all; or was it? Again, the nagging feeling came back into his mind. He knew that Millenear was not "just there", but rather something else that he couldn't quite put his finger on just yet.

Deshwitat had to admit, there was always more to Millenear than just what met the eye of the beholder. She was a puzzle to him; complex, even more so than Lilith had been. Just like Lilith though, Millenear always had a warm and caring smile on most of the time and was always so innocent. Maybe it was those Lilith-like qualities that had always drawn him to her. But then again, Millenear always seemed to catch him by surprise by twisting those qualities into something else; something darker, and now it had become even more apparent since she had become a vampire. Because of this, where Deshwitat was always gentle with Lilith, he could be rather violent with Millenear. After all, he had done more than his fair share of it already. Where Lilith was rather submissive most of the time, Millenear would always put up a rather strong resistance that gave even him a run for his money.

It was always like some kind of forceful game with her; when he'd push, she'd push back, and so on and so forth. He wasn't sure which quality he liked better in her; whether he liked the calm and gentle side, or the side that demanded his immediate attention; the side that always kept trying to prove itself in his eyes.

As much as Deshwitat loved Lilith, Millenear had become his compainion; as much as he hated to admit it.

Again, he gave off another sigh. He once thought feelings were useless, but he always seemed to get caught up in them, and now he was always stuck in between two complicated ones of love and hate; conflicting all the time.