Resident Evil Series Fan Fiction ❯ Uncontrolled Exposure ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Albert Wesker sighed as Bastian slowed, pulling in beside the gleaming Chevelle parked near the decrepit concrete wall that passed as Arklay damn. The car was pulled as tight against the guardrail as possible, neatly tucked between the twin white lines as the dark paint glittered in the moonlight. But, as the two of them crawled from the Land Rover and moved closer, it was easy to see while the car was most definitely there the driver was absent. And had been for a while if the cooling hood was any indication.
He turned, looking to Bastian as he tugged his phone from his pocket; pushing the thick orange buttons on the brick Nokia quickly as he glanced around. Muttering to himself as he brought the silver and black brick cell to his ear.
“Damn it Chaos. Of all the times for you decide to walk to clear your mind . . . It had to be tonight.”
Wesker leaned against the Chevelle, watching his friend pace as he left his sibling another voicemail. It was odd for him to see someone so honestly concerned for another person. But then again William and Redfield were probably the only other examples of familial normality he'd ever been around. It wasn't like his upbringing had been particularly geared towards the lovey-dovey ideals the others seemed so focused on. Hell he didn't even think that his . . . brother cared if he breathed or died. Given his inability to tolerate the little fuck he surely didn't think he would be this upset if he just took off. They went months-years-without contact, plotting to destroy one other personally and professionally with an occasional halfhearted assassination attempt thrown in for good measure.
Bastian turned to him, his worry growing more obvious the longer the girl refused to answer. He sighed, pushing away from the car to stand before him; pointing down towards the rock rimmed lake beneath them. As much as he hated to admit it this was a perfect opportunity. He could make sure that there was nothing amiss. And that none of William's most recent failures had gotten free.
“Check higher up the trail, Shaw. I'll see if she's down the path. We'll meet back here. Should you locate her before me call.”
Bastian nodded, pushing off and towards the hiking trail; nearly running as he made his way further up the embankment. Giving Albert Wesker the first five seconds of peace and quiet he'd had all damn weekend. He sighed, running a hand down his face before looking to the sky thankfully. Now he just had to take his time looking and pray that Bastian found the girl instead of him.
He smirked, moving slowly down the path with his hands in the pockets of his jacket. He should've let Shaw see him with the girl the first damn night! Then he could've been spared all of this-this hassle!
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Chaosia drew in a deep pull from the clove cigar she was smoking, her eyes closed as she tried not to scream. She'd gotten about five minutes from the house when she'd realized that she was leaving her own house and letting her brother-and that insane asshat of a man- run her out of it. She snorted, opening her eyes to look at the lake. She wasn't doing that . . . and she wasn't going to let them-him do that.
She might've agreed to let the man see what she was working on for her thesis-and she was big enough to admit that his input had helped her revise enough that she would only be tweaking both for the next month- but she hadn't signed away her damn soul. He would be gone the day after tomorrow and then she wouldn't have to deal with him again. Meaning that she wouldn't have to worry over making anymore deals.
Or him trying to blackmail her into anything else.
She exhaled, watching the smoke twist and curl up and into the black night; the twinkle from the stars refracting through the vapor to make certain spots seem luminescent. But even watching the smoke fade into the night she felt her heart twinge again. She might have decided to go back to her home but that sure as hell didn't mean she would be nice.
Her brother had called her a whore for sitting on the sofa and drinking with a man he'd invited up here. Someone he'd droned on and on about how excited he was for her to meet. Surely he'd had to at least consider that the two of them could actually like one another right? But even as the thought passed her mind she knew it was pointless. Bastian and Khail were both in firm denial about her not being ten anymore . . . and she knew for fact that if either of them ever even guessed to the fact that she'd had more than the one lover she'd-very begrudgingly mind you-admitted to they would probably go on a killing spree.
She sighed, flicking ash into the damp leaves at the base of the rock she'd perched herself upon; trying not to dwell on how badly all of this was fucking with her. She'd just wanted to come up here and see her brothers, to meet this oh-so-wonderful-Wesker and to get her stuff done. Instead she'd ended up playing hostess to Bastian and his friends, meeting Khail's girlfriend and her brother before the whole lot of them had decided to drink themselves stupid. Which had led her to playing maid, recluse and impromptu science teacher before being blackmailed by the first man she'd actually noticed in months.
She growled in frustration, flicking the half-smoked cigar into the lake.
And then from there on to arguing with Khail; to being stranded with Wesker, to actually warming up to the man to somehow pissing Bastian off. To getting called a whore and then freaking out.
She pushed to her feet, stepping off the rock and back towards the path. Only to nearly cry out when she noticed one of the roots of her troubles standing just a few feet from her. She composed herself, rolling her eyes as she pushed past him; jerking away from him when he went to catch her. He sighed, reaching for her again; catching her arm just above her elbow and spinning her to face him.
He hadn't put his sunglasses back on, his blue eyes boring into hers as he raised a brow. And she found herself fighting not to lean into him . . . until he spoke; smirking down at her condescendingly again. God she wanted to wipe that fucking smirk off his face!
“Now, now Dear heart. Is there really a need for all of these dramatics?”
She went to jerk away, wincing as he tightened his grip.
“Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that leaving because I was insulted was considered dramatic. Considering that me lighting out saved my brother from broken mandible, maxilla, zygomatic and temporal bones then I think that's me being responsible.”
He grinned down at her darkly, his blue eyes flashing in the dim light reflected from the water as tugged her closer. His grip loosened, his thumb smoothing over her skin as he dipped. When their noses nearly touched Chaosia knew she was blushing but she found that she really didn't care. Something about the way he was looking her over, like a kid who'd just found some extra prize with his candy had her wondering what she'd said was so amusing.
Surely if he was here then he'd seen Bastian's face. And she knew-with three doctorates- that he knew enough about the human body to have deduced she'd damn near broken half of her brother's skull. Wesker moved, reaching up and pushing her falling hair out of her face; his smirk falling as he dipped. But right as his lips grazed hers he phone blared to life, the cumbersome cellphone vibrating in her hands.
She jumped, looking down to the phone; relieved and aggravated to see Bastian's number as she hit answer. Apparently she'd finally found a cop when she needed one. Too bad she needed him right beside her or as soon as she was off the phone she was liable to forget she didn't need to be alone with this man.
“Chaosia! Where are you?”
“Down at the lake. I needed to breathe, Bastian. Or something was going to die. Where are you?”
“Up at the cars. Did you find Wesker? He's supposed to be down that way-“
“Yeah, he's here. Look we'll meet you up there. Just-“
“I'm sorry, Chaos. I shouldn't have said anything. I just-I love you. I don't want you to get hurt. Just come back okay? I promise not to be an ass. I won't say anything else. Deal?”
She nodded, cutting her eyes back to Wesker. He was looking at something just off in the trees, his locked on whatever with intensity as he stilled. She raised a brow, her voice lowering as she heard a twig snap just in the shadows. Wesker tensed, his eyes narrowing as his hand slid to his belt. But when she saw his lip twitch down she knew that he'd just realized he wasn't armed.
“Deal, big brother. Look let us get on back up there okay? I love you.”
“Love you too, spazoid. Hurry. This place is getting creepy.”
She ended the call, slowly stepping to Wesker; her hand sliding down his arm to rest on his hand. His muscles were clenched, taught as he continued to glare into the woods. But as she moved to speak she saw the shadows shift; her heart freezing in her chest. Shit. There was something out there. And from the rustling it was getting closer.
She pressed herself against his back, stretching to whisper to him; her lips brushing the shell of his ear. He inclined his head just enough to listen, his eyes still locked on the shadow in the woods. Correction: the rustling, snapping growling shadow in the woods.
“Please tell me you're armed, Captain.”
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Wesker shook his head minutely, his hand moving back to rest against her hip; keeping her close as they both took a step back. He had been fortunate enough to not see or hear anything that would hint to the Arklay security needing to be updated-again-while he'd searched. But now that he'd stumbled upon the damned girl he just had to find something hostile.
And of course he wasn't even properly armed to deal with a tick, let alone something that could potentially be infected with William's `baby'.
The shadow started to take shape as it edged closer, a feral gurgled growl erupting from the dark backdrop of the trees as Chaosia jumped behind him. She gripped his arm, pressing herself against his back as she gasped. He almost snorted, waiting for the aggravation and contempt at her start to set in before he frowned. She wasn't breaking down into hysterics and she wasn't clinging to him, trying to climb him like a damned tree. She was staying perfectly still and keeping a barrier-him-between herself and perceived threat.
He blinked, impressed and insulted all at once.
He hated to be the hero but it was strangely offsetting that he wasn't going to be able to play it now. He'd already played mentor and mediator, had played manipulator . . . why did she not need this too?
“Unfortunately not, Dear Heart. You are not by chance?”
She shook her head, moving with him as they backed just a bit closer to the beaten path. Her hand squeezed his as the thing stepped just a bit into the moonlight, revealing a foaming snapping maul and razor sharp teeth. It appeared to be some sort of canine-almost like a Doberman. But what he noticed were the open rotting sores all over what he could see of its skin, like its hide was literally slothing off with every move it made.
He cursed to himself, making a mental note to yell at William as soon as he was away from the Shaws. Seriously Umbrella was going to have to update their security or they were going to give themselves away. He shook his head, glancing back at Chaosia as she spoke again. And he knew he would have to remember to chastise her for her badly timed humor.
“I guess I don't have to outrun the wolf . . . just you right?”
He wanted to turn and glare at her as she gave a nervous little chuckle, her free hand coming up to fist in the back of his shirt. The Cerberus moved forward, its dead eyes locked on them as Chaosia grip became tighter.
“How fast can you run, Albert?”
He looked at the Cerberus then to the lake, an idea forming in his head as he started weighing his options. He needed to dispatch the creature before it infected anything else. Or worse yet made it to a civilized area. But he couldn't do so with Chaosia here. Too many unanswerable questions and far too much stimuli for her already very active brain. It would only take a few small details for her to link this mutation to the strain she was already researching.
“Fast enough, Dear Heart.”
The dog moved, leaping as he pushed her towards the path; hissing through clenched teeth as he leapt towards the water. The Cerberus gave chase, moving for him as Chaosia moved towards the car.
He moved, the dog literally snapping at his heels as he turned; grabbing one of the largest rocks he could. It was nowhere near the caliber of his Beretta or the Samurai Edge but desperate times called for improvising. Hopefully he would actually be able to handle this without being bitten.
Because the antivirus burned like hellfire.
_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Chaosia stood over Wesker, dabbing the cut in the bridge of his nose with a peroxide soaked cotton swab; biting her lip as she tried not giggle at his disgruntled appearance. But Bastian couldn't blame her; his boss looked nowhere near his normal composed self. And his little sister was sadistic enough that she was relishing the thought that she might get to rub it in.
He watched as she dabbed the oozing cut on Wesker's face, her eyes flashing sympathetically as Albert hissed. Before she reached out and caught his face; keeping him still as she proceeded to clean the wound. And pressed down a little harder than she needed to if the blond captain's grumbling and bitching was anything to judge by.
“Damnation woman. Is it necessary to take away the remaining superficial layer of epidermis? Or do you delight in torturing others?”
Bastian rolled his eyes, going to answer when Chaosia cut him off; using a pair of tweezers to pluck a shard of rock from the side of Wesker's nose before she continued dabbing and prodding the area with swabs.
“I only enjoy torturing you, Doctor Wesker. Something you should already know. But then again I'm beginning to question your intelligence.”
Wesker raised a brow, looking up at her incredulously as she nodded; dipping to push his now very mussed hair out of his dirt covered face. Wesker however didn't seem to think she was joking, his demeanor becoming insulted and abrasive almost immediately as Chaos grinned.
“And why in the hell is that?!
“You decided to take on a wolf all by yourself with nothing more than a rock. That's not something a sane person even momentarily contemplates. Much less attempts.”
His captain blinked, brows furrowed as Chaosia turned to wash her hands before he turned to him. And Bastian had to leave the room before he got himself in even more trouble. Chaos had-as soon as he'd helped get Wesker inside-told him that she would forget his idiot moment. Now all he had to do was convince Wesker to agree to the terms he wanted and then maybe they could spend the next day in the mountains in peace. Without drunken escapades, fights, arguments, wrecks, bloodshed or rabid wolves.
Or him having to worry about his boss fucking his sister.
That wasn't too much to ask . . . right?
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Chaosia waited until Bastian was out of the room before she turned back to Wesker, wiping her hands on the clean dishtowel as she stepped back to him. He was-for all intents and purposes- pouting, his arms crossed and his eyes closed. His clothes were covered in debris and dirt, tiny twigs and leaves stuck to his shirt and in his hair while his cheek was bruising and the bridge of his nose looked painfully swollen.
She sighed, dipping to wipe the dirt from his cheek with the towel; giving him a sympathetic grin as he cracked an eye at her. She nodded as he snorted, rolling both eyes before he glared at her.
“I suppose you're enjoying this aren't you Dear Heart. For whatever imaginary grievance I've committed against you-“
She didn't give him the chance to finish, softly pressing her lips to his. She held the contact for a few brief moments before easing back, tracing his cheek tenderly. He blinked, looking to her in seeming awe as she gave him a bashful grin. Unable to believe that the easiest way to shut him up was actually one of the most . . . pleasant.
“Thank you, Captain.”
He blinked again, brows furrowed as he looked her over.
“For what?”
She blushed, her cheeks feeling almost on fire as she ducked her eyes. And when she looked back up at him through her lashes she suddenly felt stupid. But she continued anyway, her voice soft.
“For saving me . . .”
Comprehension dawned as he nodded, a wry self-satisfied grin spreading over his lips. But she found she didn't entirely mind this one. He'd taken on a wolf with a rock and while oh so very Roman she knew it hadn't been easy. She guessed he deserved his moment of gloating. But when she went to pull away he surged forward, catching her face in his hand as his lips slashed against hers. And the savage brutal kiss he gave her left her breathless.
She gasped, leaning into the kiss before she could really stop herself. God what in the hell was wrong with her? He pulled away, still keeping her close as she tried to ease back. And she made the conscious decision to keep with her resolution from the damn. She needed to get in touch with someone . . . or she was going to end up in a world of trouble.
_________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
Wesker pulled away, resting his forehead against Chaosia's as he kept her close; ignoring the way she tried to pull back. He had no idea why but knowing that she wasn't automatically going to act on the physical attraction she had for him was almost like a rush in itself. She was something new for him to conquer, to break and remold for his uses and build to his image. But when they heard Bastian move back towards the room he let her pull back; knowing that all of his plans would have to wait.
He had plenty of time after all.
Chaosia stepped away, looking to him like he was crazy before she turned on her heel and stalked towards the living room. Muttering under her breath at him even as she passed her brother. He grinned to himself, watching Bastian shake his head before he turned. But when he saw Bastian's face he knew that the man was here to talk to him seriously.
He sighed, straightening as Bastian sank onto the counter; shaking his head as he crossed his arms. After a few long moments Bastian reached up, running a hand through his hair before he spoke. And Wesker had to admit, the man had balls.
“You need to stay the hell away from my sister.”
He raised a brow, crossing his arms as he leaned back; mirroring Shaw's posture as he gave him a deadpan look.
“And here I thought you wanted me to meet her . . . what changed that sentiment?
Bastian glared, his eyes becoming chips of hard blue ice as his voice became deathly still.
“I wanted you to meet someone outside of STARS, to maybe make a friend. Not try and get my baby sister in bed.”
Wesker raised a brow, trying not to be insulted at the sentiment behind his words. So he was good enough to come and meet the girl but not to bed her? To play any sort of role in her life other than an occasional acquaintance? He doubted Bastian or Mikhail even knew the propensity their sister held, the sheer untapped ability to garner power and information.
She was a tool, raw and unrefined yes, put a tool nonetheless. And Bastian wasn't going to keep him from using her. Not when she would be oh so beneficial to his plans. Just like Bastian and the rest of STARS if he could ever figure out how to use them.
“And what pray tell if she wants to grace my bed? Of her own free will. What then? Am I to deny her and myself of the possibility just to sate your own . . . insecurities?
Bastian glared at him before he seemed to mellow, his shoulders relaxing as he shrugged. And Albert Wesker became concerned. Bastian was heartless when he wanted to be. And he seemed far too at ease to have suddenly made peace with this.
“You know what, Wesker you're right. If my sister wants anything to do with you-and trust me that's going to be a really big if after everything before- then you have my blessings.”
Wesker raised a brow before going to nod, only to nearly choke on his tongue as Bastian continued. He couldn't be serious?! Intentional monogamy? Him?!
“But only if she's the only person you're seeing. I know you Albert. I've seen you with one woman one day and another next, all the while knowing that you're seeing both. And I get it. You're handsome, smart and powerful. And you don't want that kind of relationship. But I'm telling you now-you pursue Chaos and it had better be for something serious. Because if I find out differently-that she isn't happy even for a second then I'll shoot you myself.”
Wesker raised a brow before nodding, spotting the loophole almost instantly. So long as Chaosia was content he would be fine, able to keep up the ruse for his friend. Not that he intended to push any relationship he formed with her to that level . . . but if it came to that then he knew what he needed to do.
“If it ever comes to that I swear to treat her as expected. And to ensure her happiness.”
Bastian nodded, grinning.
“That's all I ask, man. Now c'mon. We're going to have a nice, big drink. I think you earned it.”
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