Romance Fan Fiction ❯ My Girlfriend is a Sorceress ❯ TWO NEW DIFFERENT PEOPLE ( Chapter 33 )

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“I'm sorry, I've been long in the phone----- where's James?” Diana asked.
“He already left.” Ann stated weakly, her head bowed as she walked pass her mom.
“Good night, mother. I'll be sleeping early today. I have a lot of school works needed to be done tomorrow.” she added and headed to the stairs, still bowing her head. Diana, her mother, felt pain of how things came to be. She knew everything, everything about James and Ann. She knew about the awful pain her daughter is feeling; she knew about the nights when Ann can't sleep because of crying.
The little drama she did earlier was just to make both of them to have a casual talk, but it turned out to be a sad ending. She was disappointed of herself. She wants to help her daughter, she wants to help her forget about James, but she can't ignore the fact that she knew that James is still in love with Ann; the fact that they're still in love with each other but the only thing standing in between both of them is reality.
Hesitantly, she walked to her room as she opened the door silently. She sat next to her daughter whose eyes were already shut. She brushed her hair softly.
“Ann, oh my dear Ann, I don't want you to experience all of this pain, but that's just the nature of falling in love.” She whispered to her, though she knows she's already unconscious. She kissed Ann's forehead and greeted her good night. But before leaving her room, Diana, through her healing powers, healed the bruises that her daughter got.
“Good luck my Ann for the long journey you'll take in the journey of love.” She remarked as she displayed a smile.
Huh! Sorry Ann, I'm a guy who breaks rules. I may have accepted the deal but no, I won't. I won't let myself erase the fact that you've actually existed. I'd rather lose my life than not having you in it. Argh!!! Why the hell did I accept the deal?!?
While feeling so down, I caught a familiar toy just across me. I grabbed it and said nonsense stuffs.
“Hey you Sponge bob, I bought you for her! If I didn't buy you, you would probably still be stuck there in that small store in China. I didn't waste my money on you. I bought you for her so you're legally owned by her now. Now, can you tell your owner to stop acting stupid and take back the deal she offered me earlier?” I exclaimed.
(sigh) And now I am talking to a stuff toy? Great!
I was startled when Devon suddenly appeared in the room, screaming at the top of her lungs.
“What have gone to you? Would you shut up? You're destroying my eardrums!” I exclaimed.
“OMGGGG!!!!!!!! Joe is freakin' hot!!! I need to get him ask me for a date. OMG!! OMG!” she exclaimed.
“Ugh! I don't care, okay?”
“Joe, you're stuck in my head. WAAAAA!!!!” she added. After a few screams and yells, she finally stopped and turned her attention to me.
“Okay James, that was just an intro.” She said.
“(sigh) You know I hate intros, can you go directly to the point?” I asked.
“Okay so I'm absolutely crazy about Joe.” She giggled.
“Yeah, I know, that's obvious.” I stated.
“I am just here to tell you that you can date anyone you like until the day of our wedding but promise me you'll not tell my mom or your mom about me dating other guys, okay?” Devon uttered.
“Is that all? What a waste of time. I've dated a lot of girls even if we're already engaged.”
Okay, that was just basically a lie.
“Yeah, whatever. That's all I wanted to say. I love you James Reid. See ya.” She said as she left my room.
“Ugh! Disgusting.” I uttered.
I attended school a little happier, now that Devon will not anymore be glued to me every minute of the day. The thought about I can date anyone until our marriage didn't really gave much gladness to me since I know I can't win Ann back that easily. But I won't give up, I would never. I know we'll be back together someday, it's just that, now isn't the right time.
Just then, as I was about to enter in the school's parking lot, I saw Pierro. He's sending Ann in school. He kissed Ann's cheek as he waved goodbye to her.
That hurts :( I should be the one doing that to her. Pierro's still nineteen. There's a possibility that Ann will like him and that they would together. Terrible. I won't allow that to happen.
As usual, during my spare time, I would visit the library just to check on her, pretending to read books just to stare at her. She's the only that matters to me since the day she snatched my heart. But it's sad how I could only get to see her by stalking. I miss her badly. I want to brush her hair softly, hold her hand tight, sing to her whenever she'll have a nightmare, cradle her when she sleeps, hug her when she's down, and kiss her when our eyes would met.
“Uhh, hi Ann.” he greeted.
“Hi. Um, do you want anything?” She asked.
“Actually, I just want to give this to you.” He said as he handed Ann a fresh red rose.
“Uh, thanks. What's this for?”
“Just wanted to show and tell you my admiration for you.” he replied.
“Really? Uhm, ,thank you. I appreciate it.” She smiled.
“By the way, I'm Luis, Luis Hontiveros. I hope we could be friends.” He added.
Ann just gave her a smile. He then left the library. Ann, on the other hand, continued to do her school work, as if nothing happened.
I didn't expect Ann to react like that. I expected her to be really shocked or like she won't accept the flower or something. She's totally changed now. Not the Ann I knew before :(
I was absent minded while walking through the cafeteria, still thinking about the incident that happened in the library. That's why I bumped to someone and got my soda spilled on her uniform.
“I am sorry. I didn't mean to----”
“OMG! James Reid.” she uttered.
“I really am sorry; I'll just lend my shirt. Come.” I apologized as I offered my hand to her. I accompanied her to my locker room to let her lend my shirt. It was weird how she was so cool about it and smiles every time I would look at her.
“Here.” I said as I gave her the shirt.
“Thanks. I'll give it back to you as soon as I have laundered this.” She gave a sweet smile.
“Uh, I'm really sorry for the scene I've caused earlier.”
“It was absolutely fine.”
“In case you want to approach me, my room is just located in the third floor new building and I'm a junior. I'm Ericka Villongco, just call me Ericka.” She smiled again and left.