Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Elemental girls ❯ car accident ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

KB- Hello peeps, it's been a while hasn't it? To tell you the truth I've been out for a week with the flu and let me tell you it sucked. I couldn't even stand up for ten minutes without collapsing.

Soffia- ~Snicker~ ~Whisper~ Yeah that was good. ~louder~ Well look at the good side KB it gave you plenty of time to work on a new story.

Saceria- -_-U As if she didn't have enough unfinished stories to worry about.

KB- ~shrug~ Oh well!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ronin Warriors. And this will serve for all chapters, since it sticks to play broken record. Arigato!! (And just to let you know this is three years after the defeat of Tampa and Anubis didn't die……….I seem to have a habit of messing with time don't I??)

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Downtown New York City


A shiny purple soccer ball bounced off the wall of an abandoned meat shop and into the waiting arms of Becca the city sports champ. She wheeled around to face her opponents, Celia and Ro with a smile, "Looks like we won again what do you say?" Celia just glared at her raven headed leader as she high-five her teammate Lex; "I didn't think you could touch the ball with your hands." Becca turned to run down the street only answering a half-a-block away, "You're not! Unless there's a buzzer, and the school bell counts as a buzzer!!!" Within moments the three seventeen year old girls were no longer in the New York City alleyway.

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The ex-dark warlords, plus Kayura, had taken up temporary residence with Mia Koji at least until they could afford their own apartments. The sound of breaking glass had become something that was often heard around mealtime. Come to think of it something was breaking all the time.

Mia sighed over her coffee cup, `maybe having all nine of them under the same roof was a bad idea.' Kento, Ryo, and Sekhmet were currently exchanging insults and `Your Mama' jokes at the top of their lungs. She heard a few more lamps break, followed be more yelling. Her eyes left the morning news paper long enough to scan for all armor bearers that were still sane.

Dais was sitting on the couch either asleep of listening to the ruckus upside, she couldn't tell. Kayura was right next to him but seemed more fascinated in watching Cye cook. Sage had gotten enough common sense to leave the property before the three could wake up, and finally Rowen, Kale, and Anubis had yet to master the advanced technology known as an alarm clock.

After listening to a few more minutes of the battle Mia silently said a prayer to any god that was listening that Sage and Kale keep different hours.

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New York


Becca walked into the high school classroom and took her seat between Sara and Kat just before the bell rang. She immediately began what would become a very, very, very long conversation with Kat and her other friend Kassie. The teacher was late again not that anyone minded, Becca personally thought Danni put him in the hospital again. But the friendly chatter stopped instantly when the principal walked into the classroom with a grim look upon his face. "Class, your normal teacher died in a car accident on his way to school this morning. We were very lucky to find a replacement for the class! I'd like you to meet Ms. Akuni!" Behind her Becca faintly heard other students whispering notes of "What happened?" or "What kind of a name is that?" But she was paying too much attention to the distant look on Sara's face, suddenly replaced by fear and concern.
The blond haired teen turned to face her leader, "Becca, that was no accident. For some reason someone wanted our teacher dead. And I think I know who." Sara's face went much grimmer, "and why." Rebecca Sanders didn't have time to ask what her physic friend meant by those words before their new teacher was addressing the class. She was a tall thin woman with hair like Lava and cool green eyes, which held the slightest tint of eye, the eyes of a snake. Kat fidgeted uneasily suggesting that she had gotten the same vision as her sister. The Davis twins had always had an extraordinary sixth sense. Ms. Akuni smiled and for a second Becca was curtain she had seen fangs, "Good morning class. I'm so glad to be here, even under such ………. sad conditions I just know we're going to have…" She glanced at Becca and her friends, and, in an airy sinister whisper, finished her sentence, "fun."

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KB- short but what do you think? I have most of the next chapter written and will post it when I get a review or two. Pretty plz. ~puppy dog pout….~

Saceria- Just to let you know, those of you who haven't read one of Kuroi Bara's fanfics before, Soffia is my sister we are KB's voices. Please R+R and check back for the next chapter!!

Soffia- BYEBYE!!