Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Ronins For Dummies ❯ Ryo of the Wildfire for Dummies ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ryo of the Wildfire for Dummies

Step one: obtain a red sweater
We recommend a department store for this. But this can also be obtained for a midnight raid through your older brother's closet. Note: gas mask and anything used for sterilization will be needed. Fire seems to work best, along with holy water.

Step two: obtain an armor
Read "Armoring Up for Dummies" for tips on this.

Step three: obtain some followers
As Ryo, you need a group to follow you, so you can bee leader. It has been observed that getting into a fight where the odds are against you will often get others to pity you, and in the end, follow you. It needs to be noted that this doesn't always work. This would be where your armor comes in. Use it. For more tips read "Saving The World for Dummies".

Step four: get upset when things don't go your way
Of course good always beats evil, but evil often come close to winning. This is the time to become emotional and become a burden to your friends. Break things. That always helps a situation. Cry. You may be almost an adult but you're never too old to cry and whine like a five year old. This gets your team members respect you more. If they actually did in the first place.

Step five: get saved by your friends
Just because you are the leader doesn't mean you never need your butt saved. A lot. This can be done two ways by themselves or together. One way is for them to just come and save your butt. The other is for them to give you their power so you can form an even more powerful armor.

Copyright laws I chose you! I don't own Ronin Warriors. If anyone takes offense to this sorry. I was exaggerating some of Ryo's characteristics, and some I didn't have to. Don't worry. No one escapes my wrath! Bwaaahaahaaa!! REVIEW!!!