Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Ronins For Dummies ❯ Discalmer (better late than never!) ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Alright I'm writing this in response to the reviews I got(on I probably should try to save myself from all the Ronin fans out there. I'm sure that most of us have read a fic where you can tell that the author doesn't like the character. Ryo gets whinny and useless. Sage is some useless pretty boy. Rowen just reads. Sai complains too much, and lives in the kitchen. Kento just a hungry idiot. Obviously this cannot be true. Or we would not have watched the show in the first place. It'd be too boring-nothing would happen. I don't believe the stuff I wrote I was making a point and trying to be funny about it. That and my sister ran into my room screaming "scorpion, kill it!", in the middle of the night. So I was not in a right state of mind when I wrote this. And sorry Dawning_light_2000, but Kento is one of the most least like characters. There are practically no fics out there that give him any intelligence. And he doesn't have many web pages. He has less than the warlords. I only speak the truth. Don't kill the messenger. Besides, Kento is my ultimate favorite anime character. Now that that's over on with the Warlords! I don't own Ronin Warriors.